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@House of Tea A lot of what is posted here is done in jest, including the "dancing for likes" from @unobtrusive lurker and @kingseven crushing on Alun. I haven't seen any indication Bianca is using her SM to compete with or bait Alice. Some of us have joked about it but the reality is it's just not happening. Obviously Ioan is enjoying Bianca's open declarations of love and being with her - after 20 years in an abusive marriage where he was emasculated and his self-esteem was daily eroded, anyone would lap up that confidence boosting love, appreciation and attention. They are obviously happy together and have slowly started posting more of their life and love together on Instagram, after years of staying silent to protect the children and not rile up Alice. They are allowed to be happy and enjoy life, they are allowed to go to fancy places and post that on their Instagram. They can't single-handedly end poverty, stop wars, etc and nor should they be ashamed of enjoying the life they live, the life Ioan works for and Bianca can afford. Saying he is enjoying Bianca and Alice fighting over him is frankly repugnant in light of all the abuse she has put them through, and is still putting them through. You seem to have taken a lot of what us turds joke about here and decided it is truth. Your post came off very angry, bitter, envious, misogynistic and misandrist.
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Hey all, the court document index has been updated. The link is below.
(Please note that I still need to fix any PDFs that have been garbled--this is a known issue with Google Drive and I just need to re-upload the files. I'll repost the index when that has been done.)

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Having a different opinion to some or even the majority of thread posters should absolutely be encouraged but then there will always be a few Tattlers who are just spoiling for a fight and who will try to hide behind that.

You can spot them a mile away because they don’t post just a different opinion, they post belittling and demeaning statements about other posters to intentionally goad them and when the same is done to them they react very, very badly.

Tattle is about gossip and angry people shouldn’t be using it as their outlet to make other posters their verbal punch bag. It’s not other Tattlers’ fault that you’re angry/unhappy in your life, we’re not here for you to take out your frustrations on us, go get a therapist instead!

Do you know who else resorts to name calling and tries to make other people feel unhappy because of their own life messes? Alice!
It’s such an Alice thing to do.
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Of course things at the office today are nuts so I'm just going to comment in parts as I get to them. First, spousal support.

- Alice is now contesting the prenup—5 lawyers and three years later. Her reasoning is that the prenup is “vague and ambiguous” and that it did not provide a full disclosure of Ioan’s assets. Of course, no actual evidence is given to support this allegation other than something that invalidates her point (see below).

- The cited case (Last v. Superior Court) is easily defeated if Ioan makes a Request for Order determining the validity of the prenup. He has also overpaid support which makes citing this case dodgy indeed. Alice should be careful what she wishes for, since Last v. Superior Court specifically approves reimbursement of any temporary spousal support paid.

- Ioan needs to right away file a Request for Order that the prenuptial agreement is valid in order to completely take this argument from Alice.

- Alice is asking for “guideline” spousal support, which is the temporary spousal support calculation provided under California law. That temporary spousal support calculation, in Los Angeles County, is 40% of Ioan’s net income after any deduction for child support, less 50% of Alice’s net income.

- This filing does not address Alice’s ability to work a regular job at all. It only states that she cannot be considered for acting roles that require her to travel. This is a massive error that I’m sure Ioan’s lawyers will pounce on. Alice hasn’t stated anywhere that she is unable to work a regular job to earn income.

- The filing grossly misstates the guidelines of the prenup. Alice says in her declaration that the prenup punishes her for having children. It doesn’t. The prenup treats both parties exactly the same, and if they have children then child support will be paid, massively increasing the amount received by the respective spouse. If they don’t have children then support is increased because that’s all the support that will be given.

- Her allegation that the financial disclosures by Ioan on the prenup were not full and fair is ridiculous. Her only argument to support this is that the home was worth less than stated. If the fair market value of the home was indeed less than what was reported on the prenuptial agreement, then that is a point in Ioan’s favor, not Alice’s, since he did not undervalue anything. It’s absurd to argue that you need more money because the guy you were marrying was poorer than you thought!

- Alice declares under penalty of perjury that she is applying for welfare. Sure, Jan.

- Paragraph 21 of Janina’s declaration keeps referring to Ioan as “Gruffuddd” and it’s sending me.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Good morning.

As my father used to say:

Complaints will be taken on the 8th Tuesday of every month. 😏

Loving the Italy photos. They take me back to my own time there. So many beautiful memories. We're like sponges how we soak up the essence of these magical places we visit.

My first time in Italy I got banned from a entering a famous church for wearing a tank top during blazing heat with bare shoulders. As a strong and independent woman I was offended. Then I took a breath and made sure I had a pashmina in my bag after that.

We adapt.

Good day to you. ♥
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In response to the recent discussion on fair-mindedness on this thread.

For fear of repeating myself I have some questions over Ioan. He’s probably a nice guy but sometimes comes across as socially awkward and may be vain.

I can only speculate as he has never put anything out on SM or anywhere that makes me think anything bad about him.

I have mixed feelings over Bianca - and I do sometimes think the fan-girling on here is OTT. She looks great in a nice coat leggings and trainers; her other fashion choices are hit and miss (see today’s black top jeans combo and remember her flesh-coloured leggings.)

I think some of her SM usage is ill-judged, possibly a bit too ‘look-at-me’ and over sharing. It may mean she’s a fame-chaser or it might be she’s a normal woman who is madly in love but has been thrust into a media spotlight without the benefit of media training or years of experience.

Occasionally the adoration on here seems a bit strange to me. I think she’s attractive with a good figure. I don’t get the classy, sophisticated and elegant comments. It said somewhere she worked in accounts and suddenly some Turds were saying she was an accountant.

Others are amazed she’s writing and producing a movie but we have no idea if she can write or produce. Her belief she is going to be a success may be as misguided as Lupine’s belief he is a political activist and campaigner.

I admit to being biased as I find all the law of attraction stuff dangerous rubbish.

I have my opinions but, even if Bianca has faults, I’ve seen nothing to suggest she is a vindictive, manipulative, bitch.

However, the reason we don’t hold Ioan & Bianca to the same scrutiny as Alice is clear. They may or may not be perfect or nice or kind but we just don’t know.

We do know about Alice.

Alice has proved herself to be dishonest, unkind, cruel, abusive and spiteful. There’s enough evidence to show she is deliberately vindictive and a liar.

I also worry about the imperfect victim narrative as used by the Alice fan club.

Alice isn’t the way she is because Ioan and Bianca aren’t perfect. Alice is the way she is because she is a very unpleasant, immature, unhappy woman.
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I don't understand why Ioan and Bianca have to be perfect, even nice 🤷‍♀️ Why should we hold Bianca to the same standards as Alice.

This is a gossip and bitch thread about a horrible abusive woman, and that's what I am here for, with a side of hoping that Ioan gets some happiness and justice. Who cares if Bianca is a bit performative gushy and makes some bad choices.

We are not here because of Alice's bad fashion and fake social media, we are here because she is AN ABUSER.
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Danica Catrick

Chatty Member
Whenever I hear someone (Alice) talk about their kids being their best friends I always think of this quote from the Christina Ricci film The Opposite of Sex: My mother was the kind of mother who always said she was her daughter's best friend. Whenever she did, I thought, "Great! Not only do I have a shitty mother, but my best friend's a loser bitch!"
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
JFC, I'm heartbroken for him. She's still trying to abuse him. This is outright litigation and financial abuse, IMO.

Fighting the prenup now?

What a horrible human. It's outrageous.

Yes, that's absolutely my opinion after reading that. And minimizing her years long campaign of abuse no less.

Shame on her.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
$1000 a month on eating out and she's begging for money? Having people pay her storage?

$2000 a month for groceries?

This is some rich white privileged lady living. I can't even get my head around how bananas this is. And how offensive to anyone financially helping her.

Living beyond your means is an understatement.

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View attachment 3026298
Ioan clearing that question from the last thread right up!
Definitely PR but fuck me what miserable git would turn this down?! You know Alice is absolutely fuming - not just her Italy, but this gorgeous, luxury spa hotel!

I'm happy to see YoBee really enjoying their lives, being happy and in love, same as I am when I read turds stories of their abusive pasts but now they have moved on and have happy lives. I absolutely adored the lead up to Mimsy's marriage, including our jokes and her good natured enjoyment of them. Her and her husband finding each other again and their happiness is beautiful. It's inspiring and gives me hope that you can survive, rise above and life can be good. I don't envy people enjoying their lives, whether they've "paid for it" with a terrible past or not. We all deserve to be happy and to deny it to others is to deny happiness for ourselves. Envying or hating other people for what they have will just make you miserable.
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I took a look at Alice’s Income and Expense Declaration that she filed today, and have some thoughts:

  • She last filed taxes in 2022, meaning that her taxes for 2023 are still pending. She has likely filed an extension (the extension time is 6 months). In the U.S., however, while you can get an extension to FILE, you cannot get an extension to PAY. So she had to have paid her taxes by April 15. (Ioan’s last name is misspelled in the tax section…attention to detail, anyone?)

  • On the subject of taxes, she lists her tax filing status as “married, filing jointly” which is flat out WRONG because the marriage was terminated as to legal status effective August 10, 2023. Ioan files his taxes separately, per his declaration. So this is a lie.

  • Alice is claiming both kids as dependents even though she doesn’t pay a cent for them. She’s claiming 4 exemptions on her taxes, meaning she’s acting like she’s still married and paying for the kids in order to lessen her tax burden/get a higher tax refund.

  • Alice claims that she receives under $200 per month in royalties, yet remains unemployed. She does not list her payments from any other sources, including conventions and media payments. This is willful concealment from the court and I hope she gets in trouble for it.

  • Alice claims, and I quote, “I have drained my savings and funds from the sale of the family home to pay for all expenses.” So many lies here. First of all, per the prenuptial agreement, Alice did not HAVE any savings. (Anything saved during marriage would have been community property and not “hers”.) Further, any monies from the house sale went to pay attorneys, not her.

  • Note that Ioan backed up all of his figures with the report of an independent third-party financial firm. Alice has backed up exactly none of this with evidence, except for her paltry royalty checks.

  • Alice claims she has $5,000 in the bank and owns $10,000 in personal property (jewelry, clothing, furniture, etc.).

  • Again, Alice does not list her ACTUAL monthly expenses, she lists her estimated expenses. To compare with her estimated monthly expenses from her last declaration filed on January 24, 2024:

  • Health care costs not paid by insurance – increased from $1,200 to $2,000
  • Child care has decreased from $800 to $0
  • Groceries and household supplies decreased from $2,500 to $2,000
  • Eating out went up drastically, from $250 to $1,000
  • Utilities went from $3,000 to $850 (still an absurd number)
  • Telephone expenses remained constant at $150
  • Laundry and cleaning went from $50 to $1,000
  • Clothes went from $200 to $800
  • Education expenses went from $0 to $800
  • Entertainment/gifts/vacation went from $300 to $1,500
  • Auto expenses went from $350 to $1,200 (for a Prius which doesn’t use gasoline!)
Total monthly estimated expenses went from $15,310 to $17,800!

Notably, Alice does not list any expenses paid by others on this form (she declared her $10,000/month child support on the last form, but not this one.)

  • Alice finally has listed some debts that have never before made an appearance on any of her financial declarations! She has listed:
    • Utilities in arrears ($3,000) – listed as past due. This is most certainly a lie. If they were that backed up, the utilities would have been turned off. Alice doesn’t say when the last payment was, which is a red flag.
    • Her storage unit (PODS). This is a company that brings a huge metal box to your home, you fill it, and they store it. Her storage is apparently $1,100 in arrears and the last payment was made in March 2024. She has not declared any payment from the “friend” on Instagram, another willful concealment to the court.
    • Alice has a credit card debt of $1,100, last payment was in May 2024.

  • Alice claims that she owes her attorney $30,000. This is interesting because her attorney was given $30,000 from the unearned fees of Bernal Ojeda (see the transcript from the February 29, 2024 hearing). Her attorney was hired in March 2024 and hasn’t done that much since then, so where has the initial $30,000 gone? (Spoiler alert: this is Alice trying to keep attorneys’ fees again.)

  • Sadly it appears that Alice has completely alienated the children from Ioan. On page 4 of the declaration, Alice states that the children spend 100 percent of the time with her and 0 percent of the time with Ioan.

  • Alice states that “due to my age and lack of recent work as an actress, it is hard to find roles. My income for 2024 consists on cameos and royalties.” How about the conventions, Alice?
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I'm just writing up my thoughts but wanted to point out that per this document, Alice is claiming both kids as dependents on her taxes to lessen her tax burden/get a higher refund even though she doesn't pay a cent for them. 💀
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In Janina's defense (won't someone think of the lawyers 😝 ), one can't get blood out of a stone. I'm sure Janina has been begging Alice to produce her actual financial outlays but Alice never did (and we all know Alice won't ever voluntarily provide them). So this is what she gave to Janina, who had to file what she was given. It's no doubt very embarrassing for her, since she will have to defend this piece of excrement in front of the judge, and no doubt the actual expenses and bank statements will be subpoenaed. I wouldn't want to be her at the financial trial. 💀
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