Ali Abdaal

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Even if you ignored Ali as a person and just focused on the toxic productivity element of his channel he's problematic af.
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I actually liked this video.

Why does he change his glasses only for the thumbnail? XD
I think he mentioned his privilege a few times.
Just that he made passing remarks instead of sounding cringey like ruby or jade.
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I can't believe Ali set up an email looking for a wife -- is he THAT desperate or is he just looking for attention/views
Ali graduated from Cambridge and is a millionaire so hows he having problems finding a wife
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I can't believe Ali set up an email looking for a wife -- is he THAT desperate or is he just looking for attention/views
Ali graduated from Cambridge and is a millionaire so hows he having problems finding a wife
Its to feed his ego
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I can't believe Ali set up an email looking for a wife -- is he THAT desperate or is he just looking for attention/views
IDK about being desperate. According to Elizabeth, he never checked it once. In fact, he did not even know that there was a page set up by her for that.

Ali graduated from Cambridge and is a millionaire so hows he having problems finding a wife
He mentions that he wanna spend 10% of his time together with his partner. He even has this on his dating profiles. What sane adult would swipe right after reading that?
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So did someone else set up Ali's wife begging email/page?!
Also, has Ali even been in a romantic relationship or even had hookups?
Is our man still a virgin?!!!!
He mentions that he wanna spend 10% of his time together with his partner. He even has this on his dating profiles. What sane adult would swipe right after reading that?

He doesn't just have it on his profile, he's actively proud of it given the amount of time he proudly brings it up with a smug smile on his face. Probably because it's one of the few original ideas he has had in his life so he loves telling it to other people. The awkward silences or moving on of the conversation other people have when he brings it up really shows what most people think of a ridiculous concept.

So did someone else set up Ali's wife begging email/page?!
Also, has Ali even been in a romantic relationship or even had hookups?
Is our man still a virgin?!!!!
I reckon he has had hook ups because it's mad to think that a relatively successful person in the UK at his age hasn't...but I wouldn't also be surprised if all of the "dates" he goes on with girls are very friendly affairs that fizzle out with any physical contact.
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Around the 18 minute mark they start going on about red pills blue pills MRA type stuff

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So did someone else set up Ali's wife begging email/page?!
His former PA, Elizabeth, did.

Around the 18 minute mark they start going on about red pills blue pills MRA type stuff

At from 47:24, they talk about the deleted tweet.

His tendency to read a book before forming an opinion about the most basic things makes me wonder if he has any critical thinking skills. If you wanna read a book about capitalism and how it's affecting the East while the West keeps exploiting the third world countries, then that's great. But you should have enough common sense to put 2 and 2 together and then see, if at the base level, it's good or bad.

Like, seriously, both the brothers are so clueless about these stuff!
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as a medical student i feel it's worth saying that most people that go into medicine are somewhat neurotic. not in a psychopath way, but in an obsessive personality way. it's not surprising because any prestigious career attracts these kinds of super ambitious "I'll do whatever it takes" personalities. i myself have OCD and wouldn't be surprised if 90% of my classmates have some sort of personality disorder. ali seems to be the same, although he takes it to a whole other level because he genuinely doesn't seem to understand empathy (thankfully the average medical student does). i feel if he had ASD then a large chunk of his behavior would make sense. obviously some of it is inexcusable, but i'd be able to understand why he is the way he is.
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if he had ASD then a large chunk of his behavior would make sense. obviously some of it is inexcusable, but i'd be able to understand why he is the way he is.

I am sick of hearing that it's ok to behave like him just because he may be or is in ASD.

As a society we should stop pretending that ASD people are cool and it's ok to have no empathy. Really. If he has ASD he should, on the first place, seek for therapy to learn how to overcome his limitation. The same way person with PTSD should seek for help. Instead he is pretending to be the "guru" who "knows how to be entrepreneur, youtuber, doctor", who can justify the bs of quitting medicine by giving money to charity and "saving more people" AND who sees LTR as a relationship where he can give only 10% of his time to his wife. Let's stop pretending that it's ok to be ASD, that it is cute and that it is not harmful for the other people. It is danger, harmful, needs to be treated and is not cute at all.

If you want to come for me and say I am not tolerant imagine yourself in a relationship where your boyfriend/girlfriend would tell you "we can be together but you have only 10% of my time" - wouldn't it fk your mind and harm your mental health?

ASD people are sick, they need treatment and help, not "career". Same story goes for Elon Musk who is also in the spectrum and has no empathy at all.

Ali has a career because he applies to certain demographics and is seen by Indian and Pakistani people as a success story. They also want to have success and money and go from their 3-world countries. So much that they don't see Ali is not relating to them - he can justify outsourcing and paying less for his Asian mates just because it WORKS FOR HIM. Period.
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At some level doesn't some of the fault lie with his timid/conceited/polite-to-a-fault/enabling friends and family who don't advise or contradict him strongly enough when he spouts random cr*p like this. His main channel's content and his thoughts usually seem to be a distillate of "thoughts" he's had that he's run by extemporaneously in his little circle- from my reading of following his personal channels (appendix, not overthinking etc), this is usually the case. Maybe he masks it socially with his cool bro "vibes"; maybe the BS lands better with food and in a social setting, than in a YT channel! Makes me wonder.

Couple the above with his limited empathy and severely constricted critical-thinking skills, and we have a trainwreck. A successful chap, but a trainwreck! Imagine, him self-effacing himself in a self-help book for the big idea!

In his latest laughable video on goals, he really pinned putting together a first draft in 2021 (just 12 months ago) down to typing speed - I did not spot any irony in his face saying this. He scripts this? His team sits there okaying this? Do you think they love the paycheck and secretly roll-their-eyes over drinks?

The video is littered with serial howlers: him having a laugh at his recent-YT self riffing through this-and-that. And then settling different but equally ridiculous "goals" only so his privilege can afford him to half-ass through them for a few weeks. No harm in this, if he would just frame his half-assing in a more fun way than sitting indoors and talking to the screen as if there is a nugget of wisdom hidden here. But it's packaged in a manner that to his demographic, it's gold-dust!

As an upside, the dude's found a girl who's willing to go on a second date (and beyond). Maybe this will be a start of a new way of life for him.
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I actually agree with everything you said, don't get me wrong. I was just saying that an ASD diagnosis would explain his behavior, definitely not excuse it. I think untreated autism in young men is extremely dangerous. A lot of the redpilled alt-right school shooter types are on the spectrum and it results in them just radicalizing others who are mentally unstable like them. Maybe it's a gender thing too. There are few ASD females I've encountered but they're extremely different to their male counterparts. Rather than turning to radicalization they just end up hyperfixating on certain things.
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I agree. If he comes from upper-middle-class background and is surrounded by educated people, why someone would not confront him with his behavior and how toxic he is?

As an upside, the dude's found a girl who's willing to go on a second date (and beyond). Maybe this will be a start of a new way of life for him.
He could've found also a girl with spectrum who would give him 5% of hers time. Perfect match.

That's what I am saying. He is dangerous. And if we as a society start to embrace ASD as a blessing without saying "hey you need to get a therapy" then it is sick x2.
The internet and Gen Z (not hating, I am part of it myself) is largely at fault for this new trend of uncritically looking at mental illness. Literally anyone who says something is called an ignorant neurotypical or ableist or whatever. Instead of getting help we've normalized it through self deprecating memes and humor. It's a shame. Twitter especially is just an echo chamber of people talking about how depressed they are with not one rational person thinking "hey maybe we shouldn't just allow people to wallow in their despair"?
I'm not that mentally stable myself (like I said I have OCD) but everytime I say something about how we shouldn't try to normalize our mental illness, others seem to frown upon it.
Hi, long-time lurker.
I had to create a profile because I want to say a thing or two about the whole ASD conversation.
I am autistic. I do not struggle with empathy and I like to believe I am a good person. Same goes for all my friend on the spectrum.
The fact that Ali is an ass is NOT related to him having ASD or not. He's just a shitty person.
I struggle with social skills, I don't understand most of what people do and I do not understand sarcasm. However, I have put so much work and effort both to communicate with others to the best of my abilities, and to be a good person. Lack of understanding does not justify lack of morals. Autistic people are some of the most moral people you will find. Ali is just a privileged, self-obsessed prick.
Also OT but ASD is also not a mental illness, and it cannot be cured. It is a disability, because our brains are fundamentally different than neurotypicals' brains, but it is not, like, a personality disorder.
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Agree with this post.

Autistic people can be among some of the kindest and sweetest people you will ever meet. Some of them also may be difficult to deal with. All depends on the upbringing. However a dickhead is a dickhead whether they are on the ASD or not and unfortunately society has a minimum level for social interactions and I don't see that changing with is why autistic people may have a difficult time by not understanding social cues etc.

Ali is high-functioning and has clearly been brought up in an environment (a seemingly priveleged childhood, grammar school, followed by Cambridge and his YouTube career) which has never challenged his negative personality traits and allowed them to thrive. As he has grown he has become surrounded by enablers unwilling to challenge his views and the prestige he has accrued has pushed him into a deep spiral of arrogance.

What you are left with is a void of personality who ironically only exists to garner prestige and impress others. His goals videos - he doesn't want to learn to cook because it's a useful skill or allows him to eat more cheaply or healthily - he does it because he wants to impress his friends at a dinner party.
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Ok, but it actually makes you self-aware and high functioning - that is the key part here. You are self-aware about your limitation and you WORKED on them.

He clearly has some kind of spectrum, and yes it is not an illness but we should not use this as a card to get out of jail in Monopoly for him.

I have a friend with Asperger syndrome. He is great engineer. With a great flat, car, career, high-income, but when I mentioned on my Facebook how I badly wanted to get vaccinated and how I am scared of covid, he has laughed. He couldn't sympathize with the fact that I've just lost my best friend due to covid and I had a pretty scary conversation with my friend, on my phone, few hours he passed away. No social skills. No empathy.

I wasn't talking about morals. I was talking about the fact that your/his disability may have huge impact on the others. Let's face it.

If I was blind I wouldn't be able to drive a car - that is clear, right? So if you are autistic/asperger/in the spectrum you need to face your limitations, and society needs to stop "embracing" you in your spectrum. Your behaviour may have negative impact on the other people. Especially if you are going to create LTR.

I am not saying that people in the spectrum are immediately bad people - i am saying we should not move this treat into the zone where we are going to justify his persona "oh but he is in the spectrum so it is ok...". No it isn't.

As said above, nowadays it is ok to "embrace" mental / social problems instead of actually facing them and fighting with them. I have had a PTSD, as a teenager I was bullied and it was so hard I actually was considering suicide. I have moved on past that experience but I went to specialist seeking for help. I worked on myself and after clearing my mind I started to look for LTR. I wasn't saying "oh gosh my childhood was so harsh I am having nightmers please accept my limitations, if you are not going so you are so in the 90s, narrow-minded bla bla bla".

I was aware about my problems and I was helped.

He needs to understand that his "spectrum" "personality" may harm other people, is not "cool" and lack of empathy cannot be justified.

Jesus Christ, what a load of absolute crap.

This is the most outrageously offensive load of rubbish I have seen written on Tattle and that's really saying something. Leaving the criticisms of Ali aside because I think he does say and do some very offensive and awful things himself, you are demonstrating a complete lack of empathy or understanding of what ASD is. I think the fact you are just assuming he has ASD is harmful in itself and based on stereotypes, as we don;t know that he does or doesn't, and therefore launching criticism at him based on this, and by extension at all people with ASD, you are being ridiculous.

ASD is not something that can be 'fixed' with therapy and it's harmful to suggest that. People with ASD, as previously mentioned, may struggle with social skills or empathy, and I'm sorry that you had an experience with a friend where you felt they showed this towards you. ASD is the explanation for these behaviours often, but not an excuse - therefore people with ASD, like everyone else, have to recognise that saying certain things might offend and have to deal with the consequences to their relationships of doing that. No one is suggesting that people on the spectrum should just be allowed to do / say what they want, but we have to recognise their brains work differently and we have to try and mesh with them, as well as them meshing with us.

I am glad therapy worked for you and your issues but the way you seem to think those it doesn't work for, who then ask for acceptance and support, should be treated is showing that YOU have a complete lack of empathy. Therapy won't change how people with ASD see the world, though it might help them understand themselves better, and to think that we need to eradicate ASD and the world would be better without those with it in it is just garbage.
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