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Chatty Member
Yep, this ^

It's good to have a plan but often that has just made the universe laugh as she throws curveballs at me, so I would say... always, ALWAYS have a Plan B, and maybe even a plan C.
Also, as a single late thirties woman, I’m so glad I haven’t sat around waiting for a partner or friends to do things with, or I would have done eff all. 🤣
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Active member
Have another child hopefully, buy a house instead of renting and go back to college to do an access course🤞🏻
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Chatty Member
I had our first child in my 20s so while not wasted, I do think I wasted most of the decade in regards to money so I totally get that feeling. Now early 30s and still repaying debts and wanting to save. Wish I had been sensible much earlier!

My 5 year plan is to be debt free, which is a year away, then save for a house deposit which will take a further 2-3 years.
I think when I say wasted I mean, I could have saved more, travel more, I should have had more professional confidence.

In my 20ies, I got my bachelor's degree, my master's, my postgraduate diploma and had two great jobs. I'm still in my 2nd job... But I think I've wasted a lot of time too.
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Chatty Member
I like to have a rough idea but after the recession in 2018 and now this, it’s taught me that you can only plan so much 😂 - sometimes the universe has other plans for you.
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Active member
Mine is to move in to a council house where i feel i will have a bit more security instead of private renting, set up my own business.. Take my 2 kids abroad
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VIP Member
I did a plan when I was 25 of things I wanted to achieve by 30 and out of about 15 things I managed about 4 :LOL: .

Now I’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself, I set a couple of goals each year that I know are achievable. The next 5 years will hopefully involve buying our first home, maybe some sort of career progression, I’d like to travel to a few new countries, maybe have a kid If I want/can have one.
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VIP Member
Me and husband did have a five year plan a few years ago. Then something happened and our 5 years became then (if that makes sense) we now have no long term plans 🤣 we have a child, ,mortgage and are both in jobs we are happy with.
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VIP Member
My 5 year plan is hopefully get married this year , start saving up after the wedding for the next 3 years and then move out and live in New Zealand

I’m a nurse so we will be able to get into the country hopefully that way
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Well-known member
I used to have an idea of where I wanted to be, but life has thrown me curveballs the last few years that I just try and live in the moment and see where I end up. I mean ideally I would love to be married and have children but who knows what life has planned for you.
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Well-known member
I think the closest thing I have to a 5 year plan is a list of goals I'd like to achieve before turning 30, both small and large. I do also have a list of plans but it's very short term (1-6 months only) and is more practical, everyday stuff than large things I want to accomplish, if that makes sense?

I think the most useful part of it is not completing the goals themselves, but taking the time to sit down and reflect on what I actually want. I'm not going to cry on my 30th birthday because I didn't tick off some goals but I do feel that now I have a sense of clarity over what's important to me.

I try to keep it flexible as well. I used to be borderline obsessive with life plans and if that's taught me anything, it's that life has this annoying habit of getting in the way of those plans :ROFLMAO: but at the same time, events that I thought were ruining my life ended up with incredible, and unexpected, outcomes. A while ago, my 5 year plan would have been along the lines of "move to Milan - work and live there for 2.5 years exactly. Use free time to learn how to make the perfect lasagne, speak Italian fluently, visit Florence after exactly 64 days of living in Italy", that kind of level. While I'd still like to live abroad, now I haven't bothered to specify whether that's Bali or Canada, five years or two months. It's still a goal, but it's more adapted to life
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VIP Member
I hit my 30’s this year and I honestly feel nonplussed by it. My friends are freaking out and I feel weird for being ok with it? I don’t see age as an issue as much as i used to

I spent my teens and twenties working on my self employed career, to promptly sack it in as fast as I started it. I got to the point where I didn’t enjoy it, accomplished everything I wanted to and didn’t want to end up hating it.
I got married, had a baby and we bought a flat, then sold and got a doer upper which is mostly done (bar a side ext I wanted to start before C-19!)

so I feel like I’m going into my 30’s just wanting to live happily but doesn’t that sound a little bit lame? 😂 Im a director for a family business so we don’t get much time to go away so I want to travel more, and I would like another baby at some point but not for a year or two.

my ultimate dream is to build a house but I don’t think it’ll ever happen as land where we live isn’t rife and I also don’t want a mortgage to the sky
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Chatty Member
I did a working holiday visa in Australia and New Zealand with some travelling and had the best time. You won’t regret it. Do it while you can.

Wow, that’s amazing and I wouldn’t say a waste at all.
I’m one of the ones who spent it travelling 🤣
I took an unplanned break between undergrad and postgrad and now I think I could have gone travelling at least for 6 months...
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Active member
I like to have a rough idea but after the recession in 2018 and now this, it’s taught me that you can only plan so much 😂 - sometimes the universe has other plans for you.
Yep, this ^

It's good to have a plan but often that has just made the universe laugh as she throws curveballs at me, so I would say... always, ALWAYS have a Plan B, and maybe even a plan C.
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I feel I’m at a place in my career knowledge wise where I’m content but want to find a workplace that is long-term for me. The last few years I’ve been saving aggressively to buy a bigger house. Both of which got derailed thanks to COVID! But I’m really appreciative of my savings I do have, opportunities and my health! It’s really made me assess what’s important to me and buying a new skirt off Depop isn’t one of those things.


Chatty Member
I've had goals set up since I was about 14 and I've reached one of my biggest goals this year.
I have a rough plan for a year or two ahead, and an idea for 5 years ahead but nothing specific. Eg I want a promotion in 3 years, with Covid happening I might need to add additional 6 months to it but it gives me guidance on what to do if it makes sense.


Chatty Member
Sounds like you had a busy decade! I think you’ve set yourself up well for the future with what you have achieved so far.

Definitely can relate to not saving or travelling enough. I hope I can travel more once the children are older.
I know so many people who travelled around the world, been to Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc i love the idea of backpacking. We don't have kids and we were planning to see more this and next year, but covid is making it impossible. I think I would like to travel with my kid(a) if we have them, but it won't be backpacking until they are older. Ech.


Chatty Member
Do you have a 5 year plan?

I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently so I’ve written up a 5 year plan/bucket list including personal goals, places I’d like to travel, things I’d like to do etc..

of course I don’t plan on living by it step for step, I was just curious if anyone else has one? What’s on it? do you try to live by it, or is it just a guide?


VIP Member
To be honest, the only thing I REALLY would like is to buy a house. I’m happy with our family & have no desire for more children & I’m fairly happy with my job too. If we have the money to get married within that time then that’s a bonus because I’d love to!