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VIP Member
What plans are you making for 2023. Thought we could share inspiration, ideas and support

I want to take my two kids abroad but I’m nervous about where to go, cost and coping on my own
Lovely idea bettyboo. I want to lose the weight I’ve gained since starting anti depressants and hopefully meet mr Right 🤞🏻
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Some People!

Chatty Member
I don't know if this irrelevant, apols if so, but I thought I'd share....

I do this almost every year:

It's a really nice format to look forward to the new year, and hopefully drill down to a few key issues & goals to work on.
Friends do it too and we do sometimes talk about it through the year which can be really helpful and supportive.

I'm annoyed I didn't print it off at work before finishing for the year 😂
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Chatty Member
What plans are you making for 2023. Thought we could share inspiration, ideas and support

I want to take my two kids abroad but I’m nervous about where to go, cost and coping on my own
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For 2023 I want to stop making excuses for myself and just do things, even those that put my out of my comfort zone. Also, to stop spending money on crap I don't need.
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I know it sounds cliché but I just want to be happy.. it’s been a hard year.

I’m also house hunting so I hope to move around spring - summer.

I’m planning to budget and save harder too.
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VIP Member
Lose weight/be healthier all round

Save and stop buying things I don’t need

Be more open to new experiences
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VIP Member
I'm 41 and really have got myself into a rut so making big plans for 2023 to change my outlook and the way I behave / approach things. I've basically dedicated the last 13 ish years of my life to raising my children and now I feel like I should actually spend some time on myself and what makes me happy. I've almost forgotten who I am and what I enjoy and have become very angry, jaded, and bitter. I'm also quite overweight and have a lot of debts that I'd like to pay off.

Thank you for this thread and I will be reading along for inspiration while formulating my plans.
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VIP Member
I love this idea!

My 3 top goals are:
Purchase a small property 🏡
Travel with my boyfriend ✈
Visit parents as often as possible (they live abroad) 👨‍👩‍👧
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Chatty Member
I would like to lose 5 stone and be much more healthier and confident.

I would also like to meet someone too.

I’m planning a no spend January to stop me spending money on random stuff I don’t need. I’m also going to save more.

It’s my 40th birthday next year so I would love to visit Amsterdam. This is definitely going to a big thing as I’ve never travelled abroad alone before.
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Chatty Member
One thing I will say, and this is from previous experience of my own. Be kind to yourself, a lot of these plans are about changing what we are, there isn't anything wrong with anyone. Its an ongoing thing though isnt it.
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Chatty Member
Some lovely ideas on here. 2022 was a tough year for a lot of us. Hopefully we can keep on supporting eachother to achieve everything we want.

Happy New Year everyone xx
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VIP Member
maybe we can help each other achieve these goals. support and encourage each other! this could be our goal check-in point.

imagine where we could be at the end of the year! 🥹🥹
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Well-known member
Love this thread! My main goal is to lose 3 stone and get fitter. I'm going to Glastonbury in June and after going this year I realised how hard it was at my current weight. So I need to get down the gym and start a diet pronto! I also want to get my mojo back. I was in a messy relationship for the first half of the year and I lost myself completely so it's time to sort myself out again as a single independent woman!
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Chatty Member
This year I am going to:

- Leave my full time job and work for an agency. This will be a huge drop in wages but I'll have more time for my children.

- Lose weight, I've lost some but have a remaining stone that I cant shift.

- Put more effort into my friendships.

- Be nicer to my husband, I think I sometimes take him for granted.
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Take dating seriously again after a series of very traumatic men 😂 just downloaded hinge again (wish me luck I’ll need it) no settling for man slags girls!!

look after myself, sounds a bit vain but invest in my appearance, hair care, skin care, makeup ect. I want to feel confident in 2023!!

book Amsterdam for the spring, might even book a solo holiday in the summer if I feel brave enough. Has anyone done this before?

save 10k again this year to go towards a house deposit in the future

a new car as mine is on its last fiat 500 legs 🥲 feel like it’s about to blow up everytime I do a bloody hill start.

Carry on taking the gym seriously, big bum 2023 🤣🤣

Carry on progressing in my new job and meeting new people within work, wanting to expand my friend group and meet a bunch of new people this year as sometimes I feel quite lonely. Everyone I know is in relationships so would be great for me to venture out.

overall just feel happy and surround myself with good people. Putting myself first as I would do anything for people who don’t give me a second thought. This year has been so hard and I’ve gone through so much shit alone, really hoping 2023 improves for all of us ❤
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Chatty Member
I want to build on what I achieved this year. I lost almost 2 and a half stone - even though I've gained weight back as December just seemed to be one big eating fiasco unfortunately. My jeans are tight and my face is puffed! I want to get as fit as I can and get back to feeling well in my body. My aim for this is the end of March...3 months of effort as April marks a year from when I started my weight loss journey.

I would also love to meet a lovely man. I've been on well over 30 dates this year but nothing has stuck. Surely my luck will turn! 🤞🏻

Lastly, I'd love to make some inroads on my career hopes but as I've gotten older I realise health and happiness are far more important so this is very much number three of my three goals.

If I get my figure looking as well as I can and fall in love I will be over the moon.
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VIP Member
2022 was a big year for us. We bought our hopefully permanent home & we got married.

I’d like 2023 to be a more go with the flow less planning kind of year. Just a nice chilled year with lots of trips away and just generally enjoying ourselves and making the most. Life is too short.

We’ve got my husband’s 30th in July & he’s got a surprise glamping trip, plus a cruise to the Fjords that he knows about.

I’d like to squeeze a couple more trips, Amsterdam maybe & somewhere in the UK. Our new house needs some cosmetic work, but I think breaks away will take priority in 2023.✨
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I want to gather the courage to meet someone from an online friendship board for a real-life coffee. In 2021 I made the decision that I really should act on my feeling of having zero friends and it took a lot for me to join that board. I've been chatting there on and off with a lady and I hope that we'll meet up.

Plan a vacation of some sort. Need to see how that goes, since my partner is now self-employed and we don't yet know how this will work out. but I'm often not really enjoying myself on vacations and it feels like such a miss-out. I'd like to understand why.

Be more chill about work when I'm not working, but this is already well in the making since I left my job in August. My new job isn't as intense and I don't find myself thinking and talking about work 24/7 anymore.
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VIP Member
- Stop mucking about waiting for the perfect man and just settle with one who'll have me 😂
no no no no no no no !!!! NO settling in 2023!

Aww thank you, I know you're right, just so bloody fed up of waiting and falling for the wrong ones 😒😞
all the wrong ones mean you're getting closer to the right one (all the while learning and growing if you know how to take it all on board)
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VIP Member
What plans are you making for 2023. Thought we could share inspiration, ideas and support

I want to take my two kids abroad but I’m nervous about where to go, cost and coping on my own
this is a lovely idea! just parking myself here to read all of the upcoming plans
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