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I have read this thread for a while and I can tell you, from someone who has had direct associations with Leila since she was pregnant with Ever, every observation made here is correct. Every lie identified by the Tattlers IS CORRECT.

There is no doubt that Leila has undiagnosed Personality Disorders (yes multiple) Her life will come crashing down where she will be completely exposed and she wont be able to "woo woo" her way out of it. Even today, if you look at her stories, she has accidentally left the timestamps on the screenshots of her self written words of praise.

Leila I KNOW you read the threads on here. I KNOW you LIE in every moment of every day.

YOU TREAT EVERYONE like they are worthless UNLESS they are able to provide you with a "cover" for your lies... and even then its all temporary.

NO ONE HAS EVER berated you in the street or supermarket for not wearing a mask. I know people who have called venues you have claimed incidents have happened and there is NO record of anything you claimed happened to you.

EVER DOES NOT say profound things to you... what she does say to you is very little and when she does speak you most certainly are not engaging with her as the earth angel mother you proclaim to be.

YOU ARE OUT OF CONTROL... you have NO CONTROL and you know it and now you embark on a "profession" that has NO accountability, a "profession" that allows you to say whatever you WANT TO SAY and take on the role as someones psychologist/doctor/financial planner/business advisor/ lawyer.... YOU ARE A FRAUD and YOU are doing damage to people who ARE healers and mediums.

Head to a psychiatrist Leila, spend the time with them it takes to get a diagnosis and then the support YOU NEED as well as deserve... its an investment, a good one, the kind that you preach YOU ARE for women.

You can't outrun your past.
You can't be the tyrant you ARE to anyone who confronts you about your straight up BULLSHIT... INCLUDING THOSE YOU SAY YOU LOVE and expect the world to love and adore you.
YOU ARE POISON, to yourself and others.

You will read this and you will tell yourself that this doesn't hurt, that people are jealous and you will "re brand" the tone of these threads to a book of compliments. Leila, the reason you have THESE THREADS is because you are a danger. People like you leave a trail of destruction everywhere you go because you have NO thought for ANYONE ELSE.

Karma watches everything Leila and the only way out of the mess you have created is by The Tower coming to town... that's a reference I'm sure you will be familiar with as you're now a psychic. And STOP pretending like "this energy" and the "ghosts you can see" found you... NOPE, you thought being a healer and psychic was cool and YOU are deeply jealous of those who genuinely work within those roles.

Read these threads, read them over and over and KNOW that this IS YOU. Everything within these threads HAPPENED... and so much more.
You crave to be seen, YOU ARE SEEN, just not in the way you desperately try to curate yourself to be.
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So many of you have asked

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I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks she is the absolute worst!

The hardest thing to recap about her are all of the lies she has told. Jesus wept, this woman is a pathological LIAR.

Apologies in advance for the essay, I’m on night shifts this week so what better way to let off some sleep deprived lunacy then to rant here :ROFLMAO:

The recap with Evers Dad is this; Scott and Liela were only together a few months when she “accidentally’ fell pregnant, Scott asked Liela to have an abortion after she had already told everyone she was pregnant at approx 7 weeks? His family also didn’t think it was a good idea (they obviously saw the huge red flags) so Liela got angry and threatened to stab Scott, he then left her and refused to have anything to do with her or the pregnancy, she apparently had an episode with an extension cord that resulted in her being placed on a mental health ward for a 48 hour hold, she has talked about the nurses being mean to her but I think they were actually pissed with her for taking up a bed that could of been used by someone who actually required help and not a manipulative narcissist who was making a play for attention. Scott continued to ghost Liela and her family until Ever was a couple of days old. Liela continued to run him down on her blog and her mood towards him would wildly swing between hating him or being obsessed about them getting back together again, this carried on throughout her pregnancy and Evers early years.

Fast forward to when Ever was around 18 months, Liela continued to write shit about him on her single mum diaries as he obviously wanted nothing to do with her and only with Ever. Then he got a girlfriend and she went on a couple of lives tearing this girl down, calling her classless and slut shamed her because she posted some risqué pictures on her gram (Lol the irony) she then wouldn’t let Scott see Ever and insisted it was because she heard that Scott and his girlfriend were both drug addicts and it was for Evers safety.

Liela then refused to let Ever spend time with her Dad or his family for almost a year. Just prior to this period she also had a big fight with her Mum who she lived with throughout her pregnancy and when Ever was born, she got some money from her blog taking off and moved into her first aesthetically pleasing abode with her Dad. After Evers 1at birthday she epically fell out with her circle of girlfriends, then fell out with her live in photographer/baby sitter Amanda… but Elle who was always waiting in the wings largely ignored by big sis, finally got her time to shine online as Liela had no other friends left.

During this busy period Liela started to unravel online and her popularity started to take a nose dive. I think people started to see through the lies (well I did) Scott got an AVO against her, Liela tried to emasculate him by laughing and saying that he needed it to “feel safe” so that’s why the judge granted it and that he will have to live with what he has done to ‘the mother of his child’ forever!. After this happened she certainly ceased talking about him in the manner that she once used to and they are now co-parents when it suits Liela, he has Ever regularly and his parents obviously love her but Liela can’t get over that he doesn’t pay her the child support she feels owed. I’m sure he actually does but Liela and the truth rarely ever cross paths.

I’ve been following her on and off since she was pregnant, I’ve probably forgotten a bunch of stuff because she’s a wreck of a woman, it’s crazy how progressively entitled, nasty and dishonest she became as her popularity grew. Her popularity has been stagnant for 4 years now and her attempts to reignite her online presence are just getting increasingly desperate by the year.

One thing that has stayed consistent is how toxic her relationship with her Mum is, she has talked so much shit about her, called her Mum crazy and stupid when Ever was a baby and she was trying to help out. Liela previously mentioned that one of her step-dads was a pedophile whilst Elle lived with him and her Mum helped send him to jail. It sounds like her Mum wasn’t always able to provide a stable environment for Liela or Elle and Liela holds onto resentment. I also remember the story about her Mum studying so hard to become a nurse, if she had post-it notes around the house to pass a basic cert 3 in aged care I’m thinking there might be a learning or intellectual disability that’s gone untold. Her Mum may very well have been showing signs for years with memory issues and the cancer really took a toll on her physically and mentally . It is certainly a quick turn around from being released from 24 hour care facility in early Oct to be going back to work within a fortnight and needing a vaccine. None of this story adds up.

The question now is, how far is old gal gonna go? she keeps upping the ante on her delusional and dangerous need to fulfil her need for fame, this can only get worse right?

I’ve been riding this crazy train so long now I wonder if it ever will end or if finally someone will come and #SaveEver
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“When I received gifts from companies, they were messaged by people and told I wasn’t worthy, and in them gifting their products to me I had ruined their reputation.”

Jeez, I’ve never had anyone go out of their way to warn people about associating with me…

“When I worked as an ambassador for Audi, they were contacted numerous times and told ‘I won’t buy another Audi because she is degrading the brand.”

… yikes. Never had anyone accuse me of degrading anything …

“When I started Ever the After I was told I was stealing from the poor to give to the wealthy.”

… oh wow, that’s a new one. I haven’t been accused of that either …

“When I started my photography, I was told I had no talent, and I would never succeed.”

… ouch. I haven’t ever heard that about myself but that might be because I’ve spent literal decades getting educated and perfecting my craft…

“When I became a medium people laughed and called me delusional, and I was ‘praying’ (🤭) on the weak minded.”

… I can proudly say that not once in my life have I ever been accused of preying on anyone …

“When I begin working with Monat I was told it was an MLM scheme and once again I was delusional.”

… mmm, uh uhh. I’ve never been called delusional. Then again, I’ve never been suckered into a MLM scam so …

“It doesn’t matter what you do in this world, there will always be people that want to burn it down, they want to take the audacity you have to believe in yourself and smash it to pieces.”

… ooooh, yeah nah. 😬 That’s just not ever happened to me. I’ve never come across a single soul who wants to burn down my accomplishments or smash my belief in myself to pieces …

“ Even friends who are no longer friends have laughed in my face when I have shared my plans.”

… ooff. This is rough. I’ve never had a friend laugh in my face for sharing my plans …

Leila … Girl … I don’t know.

Thats a lot of pushback!
Maybe the problem really IS you??

Maybe you suffer from a victim mentality? ‘Poor me, woe is me, why are people always picking on me?
Or maaayybe you're just a truly shitty human who refuses to acknowledge it?
Dunno! Just some food for thought 🤷🏼‍♀️
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She has been having stomach issues... and she told her she's pregnant and that this baby is going to be the biggest blessing to her. It's going to heal all wounds...


She literally called her out, and the call ended!!
She's been trying to email about a refund, and she's blocked her email.
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Holy fuck her live just now was fucking hilarious.
1. She has got her hair completely out of view. The only part you can see of it looks oily as fuck. So yeah the Monat is working wonders.
2. She points to her skin and says that she no longer uses filters and yes this is what she looks like in real life and yes she has blemishes and points to a dot on her face saying she’s unsure what this is and it keeps reoccurring and she needs to have it checked (queue the I have skin cancer post. I won’t put it past her to be her next GFM scam)
3. She then says that she has been so busy in the office today doing readings and it’s all been a theme today of young guys that have passed quickly coming through. Apparently every day has a theme of people coming through and that was todays LOL. She also said how short the school day is from 9-3 and that she hardly had time to get anything done. Weren’t you at work in the “office” the whole day making your daily hundreds??? Pretty accomplished if you ask me.
4. She then proceeds to discuss the Monat and how she’s so excited for this new era and that it just feels so good. She thought she would feel embarrassed about it but she’s been so surprised because she’s felt so supported instead lol. (Obviously by all the other MLM huns, of course they're going to support you love 😂)
5. The funniest part of the whole live was her then saying she has such a huge backlog of DM’s to get through and to be patient while she sorts through them. She then realises what has said and back tracks and fucks up by saying oh but I have Hannah on to it. 😭😭🤣🤣🤣 she then realises she has said the wrong fucking “VA” name and then says Hannah and now Renee is helping me out.
I’m dead… tell me you’re a fucking fraud without telling me you’re a fraud.
She then says that Renee is the one helping by weeding out and policing all the DM’s coming through from all the trolls and pretty much all the dumb questions her followers ask. You’re also not to email her about anything to do with readings because ALL of the info is your email when you book a reading.

Oh Leila you Fucking idiot.
You’re the gift that keeps on giving. Now go wash your fucking hair you lazy, lazy mole.
I wasn’t quick enough to screen record because SHE GOT HER TITS OUT!!!! No nipples. Apparently “somebody” didn’t believe she’s had surgery and asked to see the scars. She was laying down and droning all the while stroking her right tit like it was a cat.
Omg I must have jumped off too quickly! She was about to sign off! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Thread suggestion:

Leila Stead #11 Poor Dan Dangle the Canadian cop, Catfished by Leila with her chronic Photoshop.
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Hi Leila

1. I saw your live reading, and it was FAR from a reading. It was you spitting out any random and generalised thought you had, waiting for something to stick. The parts when you spoke about the sister who took her own life was despicable; mocking and mimicking a hanging with gagging noises and clutching your throat, which caused death, was beyond distasteful and insensitive. You said, and I can almost directly quote "did she have drug issues" the reply was "no" you then say "I have a fuzziness in my head and that usually means drug or mental health".... if someone has taken their life is USALLY comes down to one of the two categories. It was appalling and disgusting. You may have read for an acquaintance of yours so most likely didn't cop the backlash of the reaction everyone listening had but you are APPALLING.

2. Asking a spirit"would you mind releasing that" and talking in a way you have absolutely inherited from the hours upon hours of mediumship shows you have watched to train yourself to be believable to the people you prey on is again, appalling.

3. Making the statement of "you were in a bad place when you met *insert husbands name*" and then being told no but I was in a strip club when we met so maybe that's the bad place, and you nodding along like "yeah that's what I meant" was laughable.

4. Price increases for something you have no skill in and within a domain where the most vulnerable are searching for any kind of assurance because their esteem and energy is so low and their sadness and desperation is at all time high is the epitome of a predator.

5. Flashing your imaginary cash buying up furniture and rubbish after claiming you just paid off a debt your were "chipping away at" with money acquired from people who (if real) would be following you in their hardest moments is again revolting but very much on brand for you.

6. THERE IS NO WAY IN THE REAL WORLD OR YOURS THAT SOOOOOO MANY CLIENTS ARE SENDING YOU TESTIMONIALS FOR READINGS. What a load of bullshit Leila. AT BEST you may receive a thank you text but 90% of the time clients finish any service (beauty, GP, paying for petrol etc) and carry on with their day.

7. You are damn lucky that the service you are offering isn't legislated because you would be royally effed wouldn't you!

8. I will again state how much you need to source and commit yourself to a psychiatrist, someone you are invested in and they with you and get the support you so desperately need.

9. Find a job, in a workplace that is stable and supportive, where you get the praise you desperately seek in an environment where you have to be accountable and responsible; you will feel achievement and you will STOP preying on people so you can feed off their pain to cover up your own.

10. Your reputation is abysmal. Anyone who has ever had an encounter with you all speaks of you in the same way, and it ain't good. YOU DID THAT. THAT IS YOU LEILA. YOU ARE THE COMMON FACTOR AND EVERYONE SHARES THE SAME EXPERIENCE OF YOU.

11. I KNOW that when SMD started you were purchasing 100-500 followers a day. I would be VERY surprised if you have 500 non-purchased followers in your account now. A day will arrive when the weight of your scamming catches up to you and you will KNOW THAT IT WAS ALL YOUR DOING and you wont be able to get yourself out of the consequences.
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Hey tarah. Guess what happened to me this morning. I just got my nursing degree. Yep. Crazy I know. Single mum left pregnant and still managed to do something to benefit my child. Crazy thought hey
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I don't know anything about Kate's Story but just saw Pablo's posts.
I looked into that place yesterday. Now for clarity, I'm a cancer scientist. Ive worked in lung cancer research since 2013, I was one of the first people in Australia to have nivolumab administered into a patient and by 2017 have them in remission.
My lawd, when I saw that place in Mexico I knew from 10000 miles away it was a scam. Your body cannot heal cancer. Belle gibson couldn't do it, Kate cant do it. Wishing your cancer away doesnt work. Absolutely, complimentary medicines are helpful and can assist in many ways while using chemical and radiotherapy. But sounds vibrations and meditation and whatever else those snake oil salesmen sell does not shrink tumours.
Kate is going to have a very sad shock to her system when she does have scans done in Australia to see the mets and lesions are not shrunk/gone. Sadly she will probably be riddled with them, bones, lungs, lymphnodes, other organs. Its depressing and I hate that she is losing time with her kid.
But also, people should look at the google reviews and filter by 1 star. Very telling!
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Hi Elle!

I honestly think that the constant “trolling” of your sister would stop if there was some transparency.

No one has brought your mum into it out of the blue. It’s not about your mum. It’s about the constant inconsistent stories about your mum that your sister thrust into the spotlight that have people upset.

She would be left out of everything if everyone understood what the truth was and didn’t feel like they were being manipulated.

Likewise it’s clear that Leila and Kellie are friends. Good on them! What isn’t clear is how Leila magically got this psychic ability overnight and then next minute had built an entire business around it that was an exact carbon copy of Kellie’s. Again I think we’d just love to know how that came about. Was it a convo they had over Margs at the Pav where Kellie said I’m making a motza doing this. You’re a poor struggling photographer you should buy the same website template as me and start leveraging your insta following to book yourself as apsychic or how did it go? Again in the absence of knowing the truth and just observing a lot of things that don’t make sense people are going to jump to conclusions.

about where GFM money goes. I do think receipts need to be shown. I think they do for all GFMs. But particularly in this case where there is clearly a lot of mistrust about where funds are going, wouldn’t it be prudent to provide receipts and updates so people’sfears about where the money is going are allayed? Given this is fundraising effort 4??? (I think) and there has been concerns about the integrity of all of them because of the conflicting stories your sister has shared (or crying poor hence needing the GFM but next minute miraculously having money for xxx) wouldn’t you realise that the best way to stop conversation about it is to just be transparent and truthful?

and while we’re on the topic of GFMs (plural). You mention about your family’s fundraisers. I personally don’t knowof any other family that has had multiple GFMs unless it’s been aunique situation like cancer returning and opening a second one. I feel like GFMs are intended for one off emergencies, not just for when you want something you can’t afford. If you want something you save for it, you work extra hours, you make cut backs, you sacrifice for the things you want in life. You don’t work part time and then spend your money on things like a designer dog, fillers, hair straightening and holidays and then ask for money from others for elective surgery. It’s called adulting. Life is hard, you have to plan for things, you have to compromise on things for the long term. You can make short sighted decisions and then make it the problem of others.

Anyway, I’m going on and on, but I genuinely hope you see the point.

I (and I’m assuming most others here) are not in the business of trolling or bullying. We’re truth seekers. When we see something that is unjust we want to shine a light on it to protect others.

If the truth is shared and others aren’t in harm we’d have no reason to say anything.

I have very little social presence and I’m a what you see is what you get kind of person so I highly doubt that there would ever be a Tattle page about me, but if there was I would be embarrassed and mortified that people didn’t see me for who I am. I would jump straight in here and offer ti answer any questions and concerns truthfully. I would provide receipts for anything I was asked to ensure that my integrity was no longer questioned. If there’s nothing to question then there’s nothing to talk about.

I hope that helps! I don’t know you at all Elle and hope that you get it. I do know Leila (not well) and I’ve seen first hand things that just don’t add up (I’ve also seen her accused of things that didn’t happen and have jumped in here to set the record straight).
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Again if we haven't made it clear to you Steads this is the issue.
No one has an issue with her illness or her getting her boobs out. What we have issue with is the fact Tarah waxes lyrical about being so abundant and booked out each day, she tells everyone how much she makes in a day is what most people make in a week. Tarah charges more for a reading than what a specially surgeon charges. She is the one saying she is bringing in thousands and thousands of dollars each month from her multiple successful businesses and she cries from the financial situation she has accomplished single handedly when her accountant because she is so #blessed. Tarah constantly says she is booked out for months on end and works 4-5 days per week with back to back sessions, making close to $600 per hour. She also said she has saved alot of money such as for her explant surgery (which was already booked) and us actively saving money for a home deposit. Tarah has said before she has multiple investments and multiple streams of income so she doesn't have to work fulltime and can design her own work life balance. Tarah has sold herself as financially abundant and successful and has sold programs on such things. Tarah has said she has not relied on Government help for years and years and is the sole only person to provide for Ever. She has painted herself as financially free and so proud of her accomplishments.
So how is it bullying or harassment when people then wonder why she needs a GFM for an explant that she apparently had already had booked and been putting away money for? Why the need to sell her car for such emergency surgery? Why Elle is your sister not registered for G.S.T if she earns well over the amount needed to register? Why doesn't she have private health insurance Elle if she earns over 200k per year and is booked into have a private surgery? Why is she showing her ambulance bills as if the cost is actually going to be paid by her when she stated she does have a hcc which waives that balance? And why would she even have a hcc if she doesn't rely on Government assistance especially if she is earning such a large amount of money?
Why Elle is your sister showing referrals as her 'receipts' as an actual medical diagnosis from her treating Doctors and or specialists for her need for urgent treatment? Are you aware your sister claims she has no super because she cared solely for your mother for two years at home and that she paid not only her own rent and bills but also your rent and bills plus your mums? You were on the live Elle, surely you heard her say that. I'm also curious as to why those two years she spent caring for your mum stopped her from working and contributing to her super, how were those specific two years the reason she has none to access. Also, why a GFM? Why not use a credit card, personal loan or Medipay? Surely if she has even a small deposit and she is so abundant and cashed up the banks would be lining up to give her money. Why all of a sudden is she so cash strapped? She has been booked out for months and months on end so even if she had last month off due to illness surely she has emergency backup especially if you make in a day what most people make in a week. Life is expensive but if I earnt 6k a week for almost the last year let alone had such success in businesses that made 10k plus a month then I'd assume my accountant would be able to provide a good snap shot on where my cash is going especially as I would be earning well over the registered G.S.T amount within the first 15 weeks of establishment.
What do you think the next lie will be guys? That Tarah is so broke because she is paying for her mother's nursing home? That the accountant she relies on stole her money and did a runner? That her identity was stolen and they screwed up her credit?
Can you withdraw GFM $$ at any stage though? She pulled the funds from her Mums one pretty quickly I seem to recall?

Do they have to hit the full amount before it can be withdrawn? If I was Elle I would be trying to pull the funds now, I can’t see her getting much more.

Hardly anyone other than her sisters have shared it and I wouldn’t imagine anyone would read that article and think, oh I want to help this influencer get her tits out 🤣 unless she finds another sugar daddy like the one in the casino that was mentioned a few threads back.
Won't she need to put a deposit down?
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God she’s a fuckwit. I wonder if she gives any thought to those who actually “hold space” in a professional capacity like police, child protection workers, social workers etc….
This is what pisses me off the most. I probably need to stop watching because she’s infuriating, but I just can’t look away at the same time. I have spent 5 years at uni, I have worked in child protection, I currently work in school counselling and “hold space” for children whose parents have suicided or died suddenly, or who have been abused, or are being abused and tell me directly but I have to let them go home to that situation, children who are having frequent suicidal thoughts etc. I hear so many horrific stories. It’s so emotionally draining (maybe I’m doing it wrong, I’m not transmuting correctly 🤔 wtf does that actually mean). In my work you never know what you’re going to get. About to leave for the day, get a phone call and someone tells you that their baby just died and can you support their other children. I get paid about 10% of what she thinks she is worth per hour. And I go home to my son with a chronic illness and “hold space” for him too. All without complaining or bragging about myself and my “gifts”. I really feel so sad that there is a child in all of this as she’s clearly not well. I’m just so glad she never had a second to ruin their life as well.
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Ok…so I reckon one of her sisters will make an “announcement” about how this “relentless trolling” has finally broken Liela. She was already fragile as she was recovering from “major surgery” and this has just destroyed her. She will not be returning to SM for some time. Please send hopes and prayers and money to the GFM. Liela will not be able to work now due to this savage attack on her character.
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Lol…there was actually nothing wrong with her implants. They cut 2 little slits and took them out and stitched her up. There were no adhesions, there was no leakage, just perfect intact sacks that slid out easily with no tissue trauma and therefore no pain. Jokes on the GFM donators. Implants were causing NO issues and you just paid for a totally elective, vanity surgery for old Liela.
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Leila when a medical professional tells her to get vaccinated: 😡😡😡
Leila when a hallucination tells her to eat asparagus: 🥰🥰🥰
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