He’s eating leftovers pigs in blankets from a paying customers plate 😳 Never would I EVER think about doing that. Yes, they look untouched, but how do you know they haven’t dropped on the floor, been licked by human or dog in that pub, touched my unwashed hands etc 🤢🤢🤢🤢
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I just can’t understand how comfortable people are with putting their home all over the internet. From TikTok’s alone I can tell you the lay out of their house, that the side door in the kitchen is probably always unlocked as the boys come in and out that door, a rough time table of their day, that the kids get the train to school, I know the dogs names and what they like as treats so I could easily get them on side if I wanted to break in, I know what nights Mrs May does Karate and Mr May does tennis… there’s just so much information out in the world that they are allowing complete strangers to have access too. It would stress me out completely
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I’d love an explanation in a TikTok please Roly poly about why you feel it’s appropriate to have a 13 year old boy hitting puberty sharing a room with his younger sister, while your two eldest boys have their rooms and their girlfriends over constantly/they’re out of the house. Shall I tell you why I think you do this?

You see Charlie and to a lesser extent Cooper, as the cool kids in your family and your validation comes from them and their friends as well as kids online. You being able to be in on that cool gang (as shown with the pork crackling video and the lads in the garden) is your *ultimate* validation.
You’ve found a niche. A father who uses TikTok, not for other parents, but to come across like a cool Dad so teenagers say how cool you are and how much fun your household looks. Remind you of anyone? I’ve read the comments on your videos, kids comment, the adults give actual opinions which you don’t like so delete and block. You want to come across as this amazing family man who’s down with the kids, but to me as an adult you seem to be blowing your kids career and social media presence up in smoke. When Charlie’s first employer searches his name, theyre going to find a video of him simulating sex in a kitchen with his father filming. When Duclie’s friends at gymnastics and clubs find your account and see her behaviour, why would they want to be friends with a kid who screams and shouts when she doesn’t get her own way? I wish you could see the damage you’re doing to your children and their lives going forward, but you’re so caught up in validation via TikTok, Charlie and Cooper I don’t think you’ll ever let it go. Nobody would care about your cooking videos and the odd pop-up from them, but whether they see it or not, you are massively overstepping boundaries and invading their privacy at such a pivotal point in their development either into independence in Dulcie and Clark’s case, or adulthood for the other two. It’s a shame, because you could’ve had a brilliant account if you concentrated on cooking and food rather than filming every movement of your family.
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Well-known member
Family booked us for a meal at his pub next weekend. Used to follow him but he became irritating. Hadn’t even realised it was his pub, then found this thread now I’m scared to eat there!

Will let you know how it goes!
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Sines been reading here
That should say “when you sit unhappily at home having a glass of red because I’m unemployed, a social media addict who exploits their children, has a house that resembles a junk yard, wears the same clothes daily, shortens words to sound like I fit in with my 15 year old and his friends, my wife repulses me as I’m lazy and can’t even put a basic wash on whilst shes looking after sick elderly parents, sponge off Zizi, eat 25 takeaways a day but have a seperate cook account, allow my spoilt bratty children speak to me like dirt and look 15 years older than what i am"

Think thats everything

Ps; Hi Roly you sad sack, sort your knife and fork draw out 😜
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Morning Roly, I see from your latest money making speech you're passing the blame onto us 🤦😬

What you seem to forget is anyone anywhere in the world can open a Tiktok account. There's absolutely nothing special about you or your family, your a needle in an over saturated haystack so to speak.

The money and ego boost is obviously the draw for you. It's clear from watching your videos Katie doesn't stroke your ego (or anything else 😆) so the comments blowing smoke up your arse are making you feel a big man.

You choose to read here, none of us are commenting on your videos and everything I've read here is coming from a place of concern regarding safe guarding towards your kids. You know, those under 18's you plaster all over Tiktok? Particularly D with the camera up her school skirt - not once but continuously. I have three girls, the thought of this happening turns my stomach 🤮 no money, no ego, no nothing could convince me this is ok. Why do you think there are so many saves on certain videos? 😭

You're awful parents, your kids are feral, bad mannered + full of their own self importance. Hope it's all worth it
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Anyone up for mass reporting Cooper to the police online? Another strike on his record and a message to that fat lump that exploiting his children is damaging them
Nah I like to keep it on tattle personally. If the police do their job right they’ll pull him over one day and confiscate the scooter.
At the end of the day he’s a kid, we all did stupid shit as kids. Don’t take out dislike for DMC on a child.
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Yes Clarke goes to grammar school which he won a scholarship for- certainly can’t be thick. Cooper looks like the definition of thick. He reminds me of Dopey the dwarf.
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Just seen Mrs May looking absolutely devastated about the comments on her hair. I would have thought she’d be a bit more resilient to those kinds of comments considering she’s happy for her kids to be shared all over the internet. Some of the comments about those kids are FAR worse than “your new hairdo is crap”.
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That chef has got such an attitude problem. Him and daddy pig are well suited, the pair of them can go down in flames together 🤢
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Saying it suits the narrative of someone from Tattle, he definitely means because we always say we like Clarke, and that comment said Clarke is saved.
But that’s definitely not a tattler comment. I’d say the majority of us do actually keep it on here. And we don’t actually wish harm on people at all. Most of us are grown adults with concern for his children, and with children of our own.
Thats a child’s comment following the stupid trend that’s happening surrounding Cooper. Personally I think if Cooper is making the money he says he is, good on him- I really hope it helps set him up for life as it’s a huge amount of money. It’s just a shame he’s had to sell his soul to TikTok to get it! And a huge shame his parents can’t(won’t) protect him.
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Family booked us for a meal at his pub next weekend. Used to follow him but he became irritating. Hadn’t even realised it was his pub, then found this thread now I’m scared to eat there!

Will let you know how it goes!
This is so funny because all weekend he’s going to be paranoid that a “hater” is in his pub but he won’t know who or when 😭😭💀
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Roly May the fat flump. Must be like having 5 kids not 4 with him. His excuse is probably I cook, even though half of it is breaded chicken in the air fryer or takeaways.
Roly May the fat flump. Must be like having 5 kids not 4 with him. His excuse is probably I cook, even though half of it is breaded chicken in the air fryer or takeaways.

Wow that’s terrible that, she’s been away helping her sick parents. He should be ashamed of himself. Everyone is tagging him in the comments.
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Mrs May gets so much shit in the comments for being moody but this is why! Living with daddy pig may must be a constant battle. He’s Paul Breach level obsessed with himself and social media, and this poor woman has to do everything with a camera shoved in her face. He’s a joke, you are a joke Roly, we all know you read here. Turn your phone off, clean that health and safety hazard you call a kitchen and go and behave like a husband and father instead of begging for attention from kids online.
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Chatty Member
By god that Cooper is such a drip…a teenager from a privileged background acting and talking like that, I guess that is what happens when you have two entitled pricks as parents.
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'I'm not gonna post the rest of today, and probably tomorrow'

Here's an idea Roland Rat, don't come back. We won't miss you.
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