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  1. Lessons in Chemistry

    Is anyone else watching? I found the first few episodes absolutely blew me away!
  2. The Changeling (Apple TV)

    I'm on episode 3. Anyone else watching?
  3. G

    Hijack (Apple TV)

    Anyone else watching? I’m really enjoying it so far but am an impatient so and so, and this whole waiting a week for a new episode thing is doing my head in. I want to watch it all!
  4. Shrinking - Apple TV

    Anybody else watching? Don’t want to give any spoilers but OMG Jimmy, that last episode, not a good move! And you worry about Alice fucking up… To anyone not watching, while it’s no Ted Lasso, it’s worth it just to think there’s hope for us all if Harrison Ford can look that good at 80.
  5. H

    Slow Horses - Apple TV

    Is anyone else watching this? Husband put it on as a random pick. Expected to hate it but binged watched the available episodes and would’ve watched it all in one sitting if it was all available. Love Gary Oldman’s character and think Kirsten Scott Thomas is a great casting for her role.
  6. The Morning Show - Apple TV

    Anyone watched it yet? Think I'm going to wait until its all aired to start watching, apple released the first 3 episodes and the last should be live on the 20th Dec.