Ashley James Wiki

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  • Ashley James is a British reality television personality known for starring as a cast member in the reality series Made in Chelsea during the fourth and fifth series. Since then, she began concentrating on her music career as a DJ. She entered the Celebrity Big Brother house in 2018 on Day 1 and was the ninth housemate to be evicted, on Day 29. This appearance enabled her to buy a flat in London aged 28 along with a Help to Buy mortgage. She rented the flat out when they moved to Essex - there is some query about whether this is technically allowed with the type of mortgage she has.

    She was born in Northumberland on 2nd April 1987.

    Ashley appears to be under the impression that being single is a personality trait and will regularly post long essays about how she was single for 6 years and how she thought her life would be over at 30 years old.

    These essays are usually paired with videos of her pouting and blinking into the camera in her underwear, however please do not think these videos are for the male gaze.

    She is against all gender stereotypes. Why are men praised for doing housework and childcare when women are not? Why are clothes and toys targeted at specific genders? Flowers are nature and therefore shouldn’t be assigned to just female clothing. To prove her point she bought matching daisy jumpers for her children and then totally undermined her point by getting blue for her son Alfie but pink for her daughter Ada.

    Another of Ashley’s personality traits are her MASSIVE boobs, which have seen her be sexualised since she was 13 years old, leading her to be completely obsessed with bringing down the patriarchy. However, this photo, of her at 29 shows that actually they aren’t that large at all?


    * Tommy Andrews aka TNB (Tommy no balls) - Ashley’s partner and father to Alfie and Ada. They met on a dating app in December 2019 and moved in together for lockdown in March 2020. Ashley was pregnant approx 18 weeks after they first met, prior to meeting Tommy she didn’t want to be a mum. They aren’t married because according to Ashley in response to a fan question;
    'This is always a common question. I have zero plans to. I've never wanted to get married and don't really see the point. I'm not religious, don't like most of the traditions, and don't think I need a contract from the government to prove my love.
    'The only benefits I see are if one of us dies, and we've put life insurance in place and need to sort wills.’
    * Jasmine Barcelona & Coco - friend from university and her daughter who lived with Ash in Brentwood. Jasmine’s sister is the Content Managing Editor at Hello Magazine, which may explain their exclusives with Ash
    * Not my mother in law aka Nana, aka NNB (Nana no balls) & Papa - Tommy’s mum & dad
    * Nana, Clare - Ash’s mum, lives up north
    * Childminder aka Lovely day due to frequency of use of the phrase on her daily updates. Ash has shared her full name on her stories previously so easily found on google.
    * Snoop the dog who was rehomed with Ashley’s parents once Alfie was on the move


    End of May 2024 - house move to “a popular residential street close to the wide-open spaces of Wandsworth Common.” Alfie & Ada go to stay with NNB for six days apparently with Tommy as well (he has shingles)
    May 2024 - Ashley posts a photo of Ada completely naked and running away from Ash in the garden. Ash says she is quick on her feet during a nappy change. She barely covers her bottom with an emoji. Two days later she uploads a naked photo of Alfie face down in his hall pit. Again she uses an emoji to barely cover his bottom. Previously she has said she knows there is software which can remove emojis from images
    May 2024 - Ashley uploads a ramble (in her own words) about the Met Gala and how people shouldn’t comment on women’s bodies, which she then does for four stories about Kim Kardashian. She blames the media for commenting which makes ‘us’ talk about it. A couple of hours later she is on the beg for an outfit to wear to the BAFTAs as she has decided to go last minute
    April 2024 - Ashley and Tommy decide it is easier to parent one child at a time each so they go on separate days out. Except Ashley’s friend Jasmine goes with Ash, Ada (and presumably Coco) for their day out in London so it is two adults and two children anyway. When they get home it’s another trip to soft play for Ada.

    April 2024 - despite being on holiday in France Ash flies back for 48 hours to appear on This Morning, leaving Alf and Ada there, apparently missing Ada’s first steps. A couple of weeks later (on This Morning again) she claims Ada’s first steps were that weekend. Her actual first steps were in Hamleys a few weeks prior but not caught on camera.
    She doesn’t pump or leave milk for Ada despite still breastfeeding. She says she has been away from Alf just three times before but that doesn’t tie in with previous posts
    March 2024 - Ada moved into her own bedroom in the attic sleeping in a travel cot
    3 March 2024 - Ada’s first birthday party (Alfie didn’t have one as he wasn’t in childcare at the time and they moved to a new area during lockdown)
    21 February 2024 - first haircut for both Alfie and Ada in London. No hairdressers where they live apparently. Tagged the place but said it wasn’t an ad
    18 February 2024 - posts “WE ALSO FOUND A HOUSE ♥🏡” during a weekly round up
    18 January 2024 - Ada is back to co-sleeping with Ashley so Tommy moves into the spare bedroom
    15 January 2024 - Alfie’s 3rd birthday party, his first party which was at Nickelodeon Adventure where they have annual passes
    28 November 2023 - Ashley debuts on This Morning, talking about the headlines of the day
    4 September 2023 - Ada’s first day at childcare (9am-5pm). She is three days into weaning and “not really taking a bottle”.
    31 July 2023 - they put their Brentwood home up for sale at £1.5 million, £400,000 more than they paid for it. Link to article here:
    June 2023 - Ash & Ada go to the Netherlands where her sister has just moved to, leaving Tommy and Alfie at home for 48 hours
    May 2023 - gets a late call to be on Steph’s Packed Lunch. Tommy has to fly to Leeds from Mallorca (where he was at a wedding) to look after Ada while Ash is on air. Her in laws change their plans to have Alf in Essex
    26 March 2023 - Ada’s birth announced in Hello magazine
    4 March 2023 - Ada is born (full name Adeline)
    November 2022 - impromptu night at hotel in London with Tommy while in laws have Alfie overnight in Essex
    October 2022 - receives a letter from social services to say they have opened a case regarding child neglect following anonymous tip off. IG stories she did about it here:
    Ash hires a detective to prove this is malicious and the case is closed.
    Around this time she also messages various Tattle members with thinly veiled threats about how much she has found out about their lives
    October 2022 - announces she is a brand ambassador for both Tu Clothing and Alpro
    October 2022 - criticises the Met Police for not allowing a protest to go ahead, comparing it to the Sarah Everard vigil, which she says she was at.
    Interestingly though, at the time of the vigil she actually tweeted she had wanted to go but was too scared. So was she there or not?
    In October she addresses this as below
    11 September 2022 - Alf is sick in the night but apparently not loudly enough for anyone to notice. Nana comes to the rescue to look after him as the following day Ashley goes to Italy for work for at least 48 hours (advertising swimwear and a hotel)
    29th August 2022 - Alfie spends Thurs-Sun with Nana And Papa. This is the longest he’s ever spent away from Ashley (at that time)
    April 2022 -Ash and Tommy have a weekend in Spain for her birthday. Alfie stays at home with Nana
    April 2022 - Ashley flies to France with Alfie on her own. She posts a story saying she can’t believe how she was treated as a women travelling on her own with a baby and all their luggage. The short version seems to be the staff at the gate told her she had to wear a mask to travel but she thought she shouldn’t have to as Alfie pulls it off constantly. She then thought she could use her platform to raise awareness of the issue but was rude and snarky to almost everyone messaging her, even those who seemed to be in support
    End of March 2022 - thinks having a second might be the worst idea ever so is undecided but less than a year later Ada is born
    January 2022 - they have a last minute trip back to Mauritius. Apparently it is a much needed break despite the fact they only came back six weeks ago. Whilst there it is Alfie’s first birthday. The holiday is his gift. At this point Ashley stops breastfeeding but still pumps for him. The hotel prepare him fruit purées despite being a year old. Clever Alfie can pull her mask off whilst asleep. It’s also the first confirmation of the use of a nanny (that I have found).
    October 2021 - Ashley says she only advertises things she uses but shows a photo of a product with an expiry date of September so presumably not used that much
    24 August 2021 - launches a podcast called Mums the Word where she chats to other celebrities about being parents. Some guests are Susie Amy, Kate Lawler, Gemma Atkinson and even TNB
    August 2021 - does a Q&A full of contradictions such as; I wasn’t looking to meet anyone but joined a dating site, I don’t want to get married but if Tommy wants to I will, I hate traditional male patriarchy (her words) but my son has his dads last name.
    July 2021 - Ashley goes Jeremy Vine to discuss parents being able to take their children to work with them. She breastfeeds on air but later on IG says she would have preferred him not to be there so she could concentrate on work, undermining her whole appearance

    January 2021 - Alfie Rivers is born
    4th August 2020 - Ashley announced that her unborn child was a boy and spoke at length about her gender disappointment over the coming weeks. She was heartbroken to be carrying a boy after being treated so poorly by men since she was 13 years old. She later resolved to be content raising a respectful man in future. Link to article:
    19 July 2020 - Ashley announces she is pregnant with her first child via a Hello magazine exclusive.

    Ashley spent a large amount of her Pregnancy posing in #gifted lingerie and talking about how the “just you wait” brigade were filling her inbox with unsolicited advice.


    February 2024 - Frameless London
    December 2023 - Disney on Ice
    December 2023 - Four Seasons Hotel Hampshire
    November 2023 - Lapland UK
    November 2023 - holiday to Karumba Maldives
    October 2023 - Ada’s Halloween outfit from Tu
    October 2023 - trip to Peppa Pig World including outfits for both kids from Regatta
    June 2023 - The Lakes by Yoo gifted weekend away in the Cotswolds
    October 2022 - Legoland Windsor Halloween party, Alfie’s first press event

    Pushchairs & Infant car seats:
    1. Micralite GetGo & Silver Cross infant carrier car seat - gifted £1170
    2. Silver Cross Pop - assumed gifted due to previous items £245
    3. Cosatto WOW XL bundle in Paloma Faith Wildling - gifted £1199.95
    PLUS infant carrier car seat separately £209.95
    4. Doona - gifted £339 (now in France, never mentioned again, apparently bought the second one)
    5. Out n About - hand me down apparently, not their usual day-to-day for Alf
    6. Out n About Nipper Double with newborn accessories and carrycot £749
    TOTAL GIFTED: £5082.90

    Slings / wraps:
    1. Artipoppe leopard - gifted £340
    2. Artipoppe Zeitgeist (yin yang)- gifted £725
    3. Artipoppe Boy (pink)- gifted £660
    4. Baby Bjorn mini leopard print - gifted £105
    5. Blue wrap - unsure if gifted
    6. Pink ‘fake’ wrap - gifted $179 AUD / £96
    TOTAL GIFTED: £1926

    Car seats post-infant carrier:
    1. Be Safe izi seat - unsure if gifted
    2. Silver Cross 360 seat - gifted £395
    TOTAL GIFTED: £395

    Total £7403.90


    The main issue tattlers have with Ashley’s parenting is her favouritism of Ada over Alfie, evident in the way she both treats them and speaks about them. As above she was disappointed to be having a boy and in her Hello interview after having Ada said she loved her immediately which she didn’t with Alfie. Obviously becoming a parent opens a whole new raft of feelings but one day Alfie will be old enough to read these interviews and see how she felt.








    Admits she has never thought to take Alfie (age 3.5) to the dentist despite going to the hygienist herself. She adds finding a dentist for both children to her list to do when they move to London.

    Aged 3.5 this is Alfie at dinnertime
    The highchair
    The full bib
    The milk in a baby beaker
    Pre grated cheese for dinner
    The iPad
    Peppa pig toys
    Fed by a spoon

    Start potty training Alf while on holiday in France for two weeks. This is shortened when they don’t actually start until Ashley comes back from her This Morning appearance. Apparently they have tried previously but it’s been quite stop/start and this time they are going all in. No word on how they will manage the journey home (they put him in a nappy). Photos of Alf naked from the waist down just covered with emojis shown on IG stories but not copied here for obvious reasons. Ashley blames Alfie not getting it in the 7 days they have given him on him wanting to stay a baby and not liking pushing his trousers down.
    Subsequently the childminder has to ask them to stop letting Alfie wee on the flowers as she can’t do the same at her setting for him
    While in France Ashley puts up a story asking for a doctor to get in touch as they are concerned about Ada but can’t phone 111 from abroad. She then deletes the post as she doesn’t want to worry people but later discloses Ada had a prolapse from her bum. They flew home the next day and went to soft play. After this they were concerned about Ada so went to their GP surgery without an appointment and were seen at the end of the day. Ada was given antibiotics and the next day sent off with the nanny to be looked after as Ashley had deadlines and Tommy was back at work.

    Alfie still in a pushchair but not using the straps - age 3
    Alfie’s cot has bumpers (and has done since he was newborn), he is in a sleeping bag and blanket but the temperature is well above recommended for safe sleeping.
    Ashley’s defence for cot bumpers and mobile above the cot

    He apparently wakes up but lies quietly in bed until 7am when he calls for an adult to get him
    Alfie sat at his own table when they went for a Nando’s, Tommy had his back to Alf and it was quite a distance away
    It’s not the first time either as they also did it in early 2023
    Both children are regularly seen with tablets/phones while eating. Apparently it’s the only way to get Alfie to concentrate on eating
    Alfie is also still sitting in a high chair at home despite being 3 years old and them having a Tripp Trapp which converts as the child grows
    The living room is a child free zone
    Ash thought she’d be happy to leave her kids whenever, wherever


    Posted a comparison of Alfie with her sister’s son Jasper (2022)

    September 2022 posts Alfie is waking up early because he is cold and she can’t afford new windows (seemingly he only has one pair of fleecy pyjamas and she hasn’t got the heating on). In the same week she posts a £3k ring she has bought with unborn child’s birthstone in it and then their garden transformation she says they paid for (even though previously said the tiles were gifted)



    Alfie is often in clothes which look uncomfortably tight/too small for him


    Shown Alfie in his car seat with what looks like a flip flop tucked into the straps, so not secure. As a baby he was regularly seen with straps which appeared to be loose.

    Shows Alfie in a branded club t-shirt from which a quick google tells you exactly when and where this weekly club takes place

    Checked she could have painted nails, make up and a tan for her c-section with Ada

    Recorded a video of Alfie in the bath aged 1 month, continued filming after he pooed and showed him splashing his hands in it

    Age 3 months Alfie is propped up on the sofa and also filmed in a jumperoo for an advert which he doesn’t seem stable enough for.
    Tommy gets Alfie up, bathed and dressed before going to work each day. They also have a doula from three months, for four hours a week at £16 per hour.

    Alfie has his first taste of food at four months and is having Annabel Karmel pouches at five months as Ash sensed he needed more than breastmilk. At this stage he could not yet sit up unsupported. NHS guidelines are to wean from six months

    She breastfed whilst being driven in a taxi in London

    Alfie with a pint in the pub at 8pm

    August 2021 - Alfie is sick for the first time, all documented with photos on IG. Apparently he has a temperature but Ash uploads a photo of him in his cot in a hat, fleecy dressing gown, pyjamas and a blanket over him. She does say in the caption not her mother in law told her to take all the layers off as she used to be a nurse. After a couple of days she takes him to A&E for antibiotics. The following week Ashley is unwell and has to cancel a DJ gig as she tests positive for covid. She declares that she probably caught if from Alfie last week but there was never a mention of testing him when he was ill

    She exclusively breast fed, documented almost every day with photos and stories, but on a night out in September wore a dress she couldn’t fed in as she didn’t realise she would have to

    October 2021 - trying to transition Alfie out of her bed she shows him sleeping in a travel cot next to her bed. He has no room to stretch out, no blanket or sleeping bag but is lying on top of some folded blankets, so not a flat and safe environment

    November 2021 - going to meet a friend in London for coffee but runs out of time to feed Alfie breakfast so he just goes without having any

    January 2022 - Alfie’s lunch for the childminder consists of two purée pouches, some crisps style snacks and a bottle of calpol. At 13/14 months old he is sill
    Ashley and Tommy celebrate Alfie sleeping on his own in the living room watching tv while he sleeps upstairs on their bed. They have a monitor but could they get there in time if he rolled to the edge/off the bed?

    January 2022 - Ashley show Alfie sleeping on her bed surrounded by pillows. On 11th February she reveals he rolled off the bed and shows a large bump
