The Kamani family - PLT, Boohoo, MissPap etc etc

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Based in Manchester and appear to be very much in the centre of Manchester's social scene. Very close with the Thomas brothers. They were quick to realise the advantage of using ex love islanders to promote their polyester garments and have been profiting off it ever since!
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Nothing wrong with a bit of Boohoo and pretty little thing clobber. Also donated 100% of their be kind T-shirt’s to charity and give a lot to local businesses and charity
The family seem to be really gifting when it comes to friends, family and charity so nothing wrong there. Their business ethics ofcourse have recently been shamed by the whole Leicester sweatshops but I'm sure most knew about them all along just like the bigger fashion retailers Primark e.t.c they all the same.

Umar Kamani seems to be pally with other Corrie Stars probably from MCR clubbing scene or supplying clothing to Corrie other than the Thomas Brothers such as Brooke Vincent. Seems to be keeping low key out of UK since the Boohoo backlash with his new GF.

It's just another brand like 'In the style' using ex stars or Youtubers to promote their tat or MissGuided really....
Does anyone know what happened with Amy Reddish and Umar ? They were together for years and he seemed to move on straight away once they’d finished
Does anyone know what happened with Amy Reddish and Umar ? They were together for years and he seemed to move on straight away once they’d finished
They did job stuff together while in the relationship from the sounds of a PLT YouTube video she featured on about her job experience....So I do wonder what could have changed.... I've snooped on here but can't find the reason anywhere. But to move on so quick first with a fling with Madison something then Nada bit weird...
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I noticed it looks like Charlotte and Adam K are back together from the wedding photos - wonder what happened because I thought they had split up...
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