Zoey Arielle

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Another week, another... fast. O_O
It seems she fasts more than she eats! AND it seems like she's developing a version of orthorexia.. being so obsessed with clean food/cleanses and purity. Yikes.
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Her latest IG post about being burned out and taking time off work rubbed me the wrong way. I got laid off at the end of 2019 and have not been able to find full-time work or remote work since I was laid off. I am in graduate school and have a part-time job that does not pay all of my bills and I am able to collect some unemployment insurance. However, that will run out next month and then what. It reeks of IMMENSE privilege for her to post on such a public forum that she is burned out from creating content on YouTube and travelling and I just wanted to reach through the screen of my phone and slap some sense into her delusional face. She is not burned out, she needs help. I am so irritated and it is frustration with my own situation speaking but she is just the epitome of privilege and she is completely checked out of reality.
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I’m kinda surprised there’s not more posts here! I used to love her in her Rome days when she was cooking, at language school, doing collabs with Cheryl and sarah Nourse and out with Anastasia every night (what happened to her?!)
I can’t believe the change in her, she looks SO sad. I haven’t read her books but from her YT she mentions an awful upbringing by her mom.
Think she’s from money on her dad side though, or she got a big payout from the plane crash she was in and that set her up!
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She scares me at this point. She is acting like she's part of a cult.. all this kambo talk and all the other bs. Her life seems completely empty and sad.
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Hey @Qwerty333, glad to see this thread. I found a thread over at Gossip Bakery a while ago and it was my first time finding any discussion about Zoey online, and it was a relief because I too have noticed how she's gone off the rails, especially since the pandemic started.
If you don't mind, I'd like to share a post I made over at GB of the problematic stuff I compiled about Zoey's behavior.

I'd like to share here some of the issues I have found with her, since it's clear that she will not allow for the slightest bit of negativity under her videos. I realize that she is likely too deep down the rabbit hole to be reached, so I want to leave this for anyone who might be coming across her content.

Zoey has been making videos on Youtube for several years, and I originally found her through videos she made about Italy. Over time she began to post about the Law of Attraction and various things related to New Age spirituality. While her platform is not large, I still believe in her responsibility as an influencer- especially since she operates in the self-help sphere where impressionable folks seek guidance and truth.

After getting involved with Rythmia Life Advancement Center, where she did a series of videos on her experience with ayahuasca, she made the video: "SHE CURED CANCER WITH PLANTS". I was disappointed to see Zoey promoting Candice-Marie Fox's claims that she cured her advanced-stage (either 3 or 4) thyroid cancer by her (primarily pineapple-based) vegan diet. I found some information on Candice-Marie Fox that suggests she was actually cured by conventional therapy yet attributes her recovery to her diet.

I went to comment on Zoey's video saying that Fox's claims are misleading, but my comment was blocked. Since there was nothing I could do, I moved on, but from that moment I began to realize that Zoey moderates comments which she perceives as negative or challenging her beliefs. I noticed that her video on having a "Starseed awakening" gained negative attention a while back due to discussion of the Starseed cult on Reddit, and I saw how comments critical of these views were quickly removed.

In 2020, she began talking on her Youtube and IG account about the "documentary" Out of Shadows which promotes some QAnon-adjacent conspiracy.

Then she posted IG stories from Liz Crokin, redpillbabe, and some other right wing nutjobs talking about Obamagate, trafficking, and one in particular was a reference to Blackout Day being suspiciously timed: on the same day as, among other things, Hilary Clinton's supposed court appearance in which she was to testify for "some of the most heinous and treasonous crimes". Zoey was following Liz Crokin (who apparently is featured in Out of Shadows) and another account called Qthewakeup at the time she posted those stories. Doesn't look like she follows them anymore, however, and the Qthewakeup account has been deleted off the face of IG (good riddance).

She followed these posts with her own video "Addressing the Recent Events" which is still on Youtube.

Zoey says that she made these posts because "you wouldn't be able to ignore them... and not think that something is very wrong... I have been researching this for a very long time, I am no longer going to stay silent." She makes a brief, vague mention of the issue of racism "we all need to change to heal racism...", her first real mentioning of current events revolving around racism, except for the above post that casts suspicion on the motives of the Blackout Day demonstration.

Then she goes on to promote her life coaching business, and at the end of the video, she suggests her audience go watch Out of Shadows.

Weeks later Zoey posted a story linking to a post made by her trusted personal psychic Vivian Osal, which talks about child trafficking, urging followers to "do their research, (going) beyond the veneer of the mainstream media"... and "when someone is talking about child sex trafficking and the connection to the global lockdown, don’t call them conspiracy theorists!". The post uses both the "SavetheChildren" and "PizzaGate" hashtag.

Not being able to remain silent, I sent a message asking why she was supporting alt-right conspiracies and pleaded that she not let her fascination with conspiracy theories lead her to promoting this rhetoric. The next day, I was blocked.

Although she only intermittently shares this kind of stuff, I believe that Zoey's actions are not above scrutiny, and I worry about the effect that these ideas will have on her audience. I have no idea what happens in her various life coaching courses run by her and Lauren or what kind of message she could be spreading to her clients. She constantly preaches about "being the change in the world" and about "enlightenment" while then broadcasting alt-right-aligned conspiracy theories and not showing the maturity to entertain the idea that she may be spreading a message that has potential to do harm.

In her "Addressing the Recent Events" video, she says: "When we are curious, we are admitting to ourselves that we don't know everything. We should question everything.. educating ourselves empowers us to use our voice to stand up for the things in this world that aren't right." Now I am standing up for what I think is not right about her behavior.

Oh, and to an earlier poster who was doubting if she got the vaccine, she shared a meme in April of last year that says: "funny how we were raised to resist peer pressure and not experiment with drugs, and today we're beeing peer pressured into taking experimental drugs." with a picture of the COVID-19 vaccine.

I hope that my above screed comes across not as me slandering Zoey. Maybe she really does want to help people, but promoting pseudoscience and conspiracy theories is not going to help advance humanity. I do not have a problem with Zoey as a human being. I have a problem with these ideas and the mindset she has developed (no doubt through overexposure to toxic positivity, self-help material, etc.) which makes her incapable of considering anything that challenges her world views.

I'm attaching some of the QAnon-related stories Zoey shared on Instagram (the ones she refers to in her video "Addressing the recent events"). I know it's not solid proof, but you gotta believe me that she actually shared this stuff on her social media in around June of 2020. She doesn't seem to follow Liz Crokin or Heather Rest (who changed her IG handle) anymore, and the Q accounts she followed got deleted I'm sure, but that certainly doesn't tell me she has changed her mind about conspiracy. Her posting this stuff was kind of the tipping point for me of needing to denounce her BS, but at the time didn't have the platform to do so.

Again, I'm happy to have found this thread, and I hope we can keep it going.
I'm off to read the thread from the top!


She definitely had a falling out with Anastasiya sometime after moving back to Canada, and she (is this the right word to use here?) vagueposted as such in an entire video called "How to leave inauthentic relationships". She claims to have been used for her audience.
Zoey made a similar claim when she was still in her Rome days, and I know that it was about Itallish (aka Coral and Riccardo). She talked about collabing with people who were, in the end, only out to get clout from her audience. Like her channel gaining just under 60k subscribers since 2018 is really a thriving channel...
Anyway, Zoey was close with Coral and Riccardo and even attended their wedding. I've talked to them in the past on IG, talking about our experiences learning Italian and being in international relationships, and I passed along some resources to help Coral out. When I asked if they would collab with Zoey again in the future, they said that she basically ghosted them and they had no idea why she dropped out of their lives.
That doesn't sound to me like a "toxic friendship", and I don't understand why she feels the need to lie that people are just using her.

It's giving very illusions of grandeur.

Oh, and I should also point out that as far as QAnon stuff goes, I think Aaron Doughty was a big influence on Zoey in this kind of stuff. Her content around summer of 2020 I think was a lot of her talking in front of a whiteboard, which Aaron does.
Then she had him on the podcast she hosts with Lauren Saunders, The Lo and Zo Show.
When he was a guest he was saying "I'm not denying COVID is real, BUT the media is exaggerating the numbers and they say masks aren't really that effective. They were faking hospitals being full in Italy. It's obvious to me that there's some kind of agenda there. People are easier to control when they are separated by fear"

He goes on to say "The media is controlled by six major corporations... There's an old power dynamic of people who I believe have had control for a very long period of time." Just come out and say it's the Jews, already, we all know that that kind of language is just walking on eggshells around your antisemitism... From there he complains about taxes being high, he doesn't believe that taxes are actually funding public works (probably thinks they're being used to cover up aliens, another thing he touches on). This guy is batshit crazy, a literal conspiracy theorist and science denier, NO WONDER WHY he's basically one of Zoey's idols.
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By the way, just thought I'd leave some interesting articles here dealing with the kind of New Age/culty stuff Zoey has started dealing in. I just learned that it's been called "conspirituality" - love a good portmanteau.

This article I came across while trying to find some kind of forum or serious discussion of the IG influencer who calls herself "Activation Vibration" (Heather Hoffman) who claims to speak alien language and is dating Aaron Doughty.

Looking more into conspirituality, I found a glossary of terms by those who get sucked into QAnon through this New Age pipeline.

So many of these terms Zoey has said or alluded to - 5D consciousness, great awakening, and ascension come up in so many of her videos promoting her coaching courses; "do your research" she said in the video talking about her IG QAnon posts about Pizzagate; she's talked about red pill (and being a "master of the Matrix"); made multiple videos on how she believes she is a starseed; always preaches to go with what "resonates with you"; "watch this before it gets taken down" she said when she was talking about Out of Shadows, because apparently the "powers that be" were trying to get it taken off Youtube. I think she brought that up in the "Addressing the recent events" video.
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Between this IG story and her also expressing doubts about the Taj Mahal (which she recently saw in PERSON), she’s just becoming a meme.
For someone who claims to have minored in history, she’s so ignorant… but then again, this is the girl who took the 23andMe gene test and interpreted her result of being Ashkenazi Jew as meaning that she was Roman because they were a part of the Holy Roman Empire (famously not Roman).
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I just saw Sofie promote Z's podcast in her latest vlog. Sigh. I wish she'd let that whackadoodle go.
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I just saw Sofie promote Z's podcast in her latest vlog. Sigh. I wish she'd let that whackadoodle go.
Yeah I was cringing. Not only her listening to it, but linking to it as well in the description.
Recently Zoey announced that her and her business partner are launching a clothing line (which is also a podcast and a “movement”?) in Bali and I wonder if Sofie will manage to get the new business involved with Sunday Riley as well (like she did for an Italian company that makes embroidered beach bags).

I don’t know what it is that brings them so close together, when Zoey in the past has made it clear she has no problem dumping friends who she thinks are “using her” for her YouTube audience. Now that her channel is abandoned, that’s not really an excuse anymore if she takes issue with her friends.
Unfortunately Sofie buys into the “manifestation” stuff too much to find issue with it. She even talked recently about how she’s manifested so much (and worked hard, but still, *manifested*) into her life so she’s really not that privileged.
If she just scrapped the manifestation stuff it would be for the better. Because try as some people might to “think positive” they will never escape their circumstances. The way people say that you can do anything by just willing it to happen is just brushing over the fact that there are external factors to why people struggle and suffer in this world: sociological issues, environmental issues, political issues.
Y’know, real problems that we need to find solutions to and not just pretend they don’t exist because an influencer magically had an all-inclusive Maldives honeymoon fall into their lap.
If she can do it, so can you!
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Another friendship/partnership up in flames - Zoey called out Lana on Instagram in a not-so-vaguepost for blocking her out of the Modern Psychedelic social media accounts after Zoey said she didn't want to keep doing the podcast.

Between Zoey's callout and Lana's "send her love" post, I'm not sure who is the bad guy in this story - probably both of them to some degree - or whoever it is that has done Zoey's lip fillers.

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Zoey and Kate Ruby Aroha’s “Lead the Free” clothing label/podcast/“movement” is dead in the water, the website is gone and neither of them have posted about it despite them still following each other? Wonder what happened, usually when things go tits up she drops her partners and blames them for clout chasing.
That’s got to be part of why she left Bali, though. She was on a visa that stipulated her “investing” in an Indonesian business, so the project probably backfired and she couldn’t justify renewing her visa.
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This is the most Italian she’s ever “spoken” on camera, hard to believe she didn’t just Google translate she sounds so robotic and unnatural when speaking, it’s clearly to show off but she still can’t even get “buonsera” right.
Ok, that was funny!

I hadn't checked out Zoey since you mentioned this thread, but she still looks very very thin.

And I agree about her robo-speak lol!
I just saw she uploaded a blog about moving to Mexico and I was shocked at how she was sucking in so hard at the beginning of the video.
Normal relaxed torso while setting up her space.

Super sucked in while sitting down in front of the camera. And it’s intentional too, she could have just cut to her face but she specifically framed the shot to show her abdomen.
I’d joke and say someone get Danae Mercer on the case but it’s apparent that Zoey has developed some unhealthy body image issues.
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