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I’m actually considering/ going to do something like this for January but I’m not sure I could do full on carnivore, thinking more along the lines of Dave Asprey’s bulletproof one. I’m studying for a degree in nutrition so I am going to call it research!

I’ll be following along with this thread with interest 👍🏻
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Well as sod's law would have it I fell ill the day after posting that, and although was never sick I felt really queasy at the thought of most food. I had gone to my daughter's for Christmas day, she and two of her daughters' had got the sickness bug but that was a week before Christmas day. Christmas evening and her other daughter came done with it then I got it.
So for the moment, I have been doing keto still ( with a few lapses) until I feel ready again.

I have ordered half a grass-fed lamb for my freezer plus pig skin ( making pork crunch) and some other carb and grain-free grass-fed meats. sausages, burgers, offal, fats bones etc.

did anyone else start or false start?
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VIP Member
I’m actually considering/ going to do something like this for January but I’m not sure I could do full on carnivore, thinking more along the lines of Dave Asprey’s bulletproof one. I’m studying for a degree in nutrition so I am going to call it research!

I’ll be following along with this thread with interest 👍🏻
I actually have BPC ( now just butter coffee) every morning and have done for many years now even when not doing low-carb/ carnivore
this time though I am going to give up my one cup of coffee a day as I feel it adds to my own lag and fatigue, but I am actually sensitive to caffeine, if I have more than one coffee I have the jitters all-day, so that is why I feel it's in my best interest to this time give up the coffee as well Eeeeek.

I had one this morning but wont tomorrow. but nothin is set in stone I might find it too hard while detoxing from the carbs and carry on with the coffee until my carb cravings have gone, then try again.


I’ve never tried it but considering it. I was vegan and vegetarian for 15 years, stopped about 6 months ago. I have suffered some autoimmune disorders which are thankfully now okay, but I have OCD which is pretty severe. I’m hoping to try this to see if it helps with mental health As my OCD is difficult to deal with. I’ve heard lots of people say it does help with mental clarity etc so fingers crossed! Would be great to have a thread on here to support each other
I find it amazing for my depression, for me sugar = low moods and no motivation. Once I stop eating sugar and grain my mood and motivation is so good.

Some videos that you might find interesting

My first day. butter coffee at 3:30 am. lunch was deep-fried salt and pepper chicken wings.

Tonight I will just have a couple of boiled eggs with butter. because it's my first day I don't feel like eating very much. but do drink water throughout the day this time I will be taking an electrolyte complex supplement as I am prone to cramps when detoxing from processed food, but some people just use more salt and have a variety of salt types to use on each meal.

I actually grieve for high carbs for my first few days and try to tell myself that this is stupid and just eat the damn carbs. then pow I'm no longer thinking about carby things and wonder why on earth I wanted them so bad.

Some videos on starting a carnivore WOE ( way of eating

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Is anyone going to try this, or go back to it after falling off?

I have been very low-carb for over 20 years, cured many ailments and felt so good, trouble is having a family of vegans and being a carb addict makes it a lot harder to do so I fall off and then feel like crap until I climb back on.

I did carnivore for a couple of years and felt amazing but looking after my daughter's three vegan children while only eating meat, eggs etc was so difficult.

Anyway, things are different now as I no longer look after the children in a childminding way, only as nan now. and two of them are no longer vegan but vegetarian and pescetarian, and because they are all older its easier for me to explain why I am eating "baby animals"

As someone who has suffered depression for many years going low-carb/keto was a godsend. it's amazing how much better you feel when you don't eat high-carb and grain. Many people who suffer from depression are also people who are carb addicts

I have been diagnosed with many autoimmune diseases that only bother me when I eat high carbs. If I don't eat high carbs then they don't bother me and that includes my lung problems

when I eat carbs I suffer dreadful fatigue and brain fog, but have such mental clarity when I don't.
When I eat cabs I don't have a stop button and always feel hungry but when in ketosis I am never hungry.

So today I am going back to full carnivore and made a thread for anyone who wants to try it or go back to it or indeed is already doing it and loving it.

It's a very good diet for women, especially those with hormonal problems or going through menopause, trying to conceive etc

A good place to start learning how so many things can be cured


Steak and butter gal. Shows how being a carnivore changed her

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VIP Member
I've never heard of this! I don't eat meat and am a bit worried about reading more about the dairy industry as I like butter, milk and cheese.

Hope it goes well.
Thank you
You can buy raw butter, milk and cheese. it's expensive but probably worth it. So many people now have dairy allergies but find they don't when it's raw.
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Would it not be the same benefit to zap it into a powder make a paste and use it directly on the skin?

I know the few ails I have always get worse before getting better. but if you have to have the oatmeal then do it and allow for that. Most people have one thing they won't/can't give up, it has to be manageable and no point in doing it if you are going to be miserable.

You could even try lowering the oatmeal bit by bit until you are only having enough to help you and not hinder you?
It’s mostly the skin on my head that needs it so that would be a tricky one 😅

I can certainly give your suggestion a try. I need more of a baseline for how I interact with meat though. Having meat on consecutive days is new to me. I’m used to spreading out consumption because I never felt comfortable handling raw meat so I would outsource it and order in twice a week. It’s shot up in price so I had to buy my own from the store. I can afford to eat much more of it now, and I see my mental health shifting. Different meats have different effects on me. It’s interesting to observe.
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I am now back in ketosis and feeling great. Gone has the carb grieving and now wondering what the attraction of them was about. I'm off to get some bones today to make my bone broth. Later will make a corned beef quiche
Yesterday I made liver and bacon as it's a favourite of mine.
This time things will go easier because normally I have three ,sometimes four vegans around me. 😂
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New member
I’ve never tried it but considering it. I was vegan and vegetarian for 15 years, stopped about 6 months ago. I have suffered some autoimmune disorders which are thankfully now okay, but I have OCD which is pretty severe. I’m hoping to try this to see if it helps with mental health As my OCD is difficult to deal with. I’ve heard lots of people say it does help with mental clarity etc so fingers crossed! Would be great to have a thread on here to support each other
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I’ve been tempted to give the diet a try. There’s an article somewhere from this year about a French doctor doing a formal study proving this diet works. I’m curious to see what impact it would have on me. Simply eating different meats on a regular basis has been beneficial for my MH. I’m 100% dependent on having oatmeal for my skin health though. I went 2 weeks without and it was bad.
Would it not be the same benefit to zap it into a powder make a paste and use it directly on the skin?

I know the few ails I have always get worse before getting better. but if you have to have the oatmeal then do it and allow for that. Most people have one thing they won't/can't give up, it has to be manageable and no point in doing it if you are going to be miserable.

You could even try lowering the oatmeal bit by bit until you are only having enough to help you and not hinder you?
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VIP Member
I’ve been tempted to give the diet a try. There’s an article somewhere from this year about a French doctor doing a formal study proving this diet works. I’m curious to see what impact it would have on me. Simply eating different meats on a regular basis has been beneficial for my MH. I’m 100% dependent on having oatmeal for my skin health though. I went 2 weeks without and it was bad.

Tangent Tiger

VIP Member
I've never heard of this! I don't eat meat and am a bit worried about reading more about the dairy industry as I like butter, milk and cheese.

Hope it goes well.