Tattle In The Press

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That is exactly it.
Person with obvious problems (I would suggest completely unrelated to SM) who burns down someone's house / same as 'middle aged woman' with sinister pseudonym who indirectly ponders whether someone has had Botox.
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Yep and any abusive message they'll assume comes from here. When we'd ban people in a second if they were abusive or taking it off tattle. No matter what they'll blame tattle. So many dodgy new accounts on here trying to post crap to smear tattle.

Notice how the mail has only allowed one comment to go live on this article. It's pure bullshit, no one posted an address and sent abuse. But they have to make up the worst things about tattle rather than address the uncomfortable truths people have with influencers. Anyone could sign up and post an address, but it would be reported and banned within minutes.

They have to lie and deceive, I wonder if they ever question their conscience and think maybe they're the baddie?

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Wow - hadn't seen that. The Mail have a nerve being judgemental about here as they have lifted stories from here on at least two people - Katie Price and (of course) Alice Evans.
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How does David Baddiel have the nerve to front a programme about trolls? Will he mention his own racist trolling of Jason Lee by portraying him in blackface with a pineapple on his head?

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Wow - hadn't seen that. The Mail have a nerve being judgemental about here as they have lifted stories from here on at least two people - Katie Price and (of course) Alice Evans.
They sure do have a nerve, always lifting stuff from here and their "professional" publication has done many of the things they falsely accuse here of - like doxxing Zoella's house.

They printed the estate agent photos of her house just after she moved it which made it very easy for anyone to find the address. We don't let people post stuff like that on a user generated site (and remove very quickly when it's happened a couple of times) but the mail with all their levels of checks thought this was fine to print.
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I think one of the reasons why there's never a more accurate account of Tattle in the press is that there's so much here that it would be quite hard for any journalist or programme researcher to really get into it. Plus threads develop their own language and points of reference.

I'm wondering therefore whether there might be value in producing a sort of regular digest of the more interesting Tattle content, possibly for wider consumption. I'm thinking that just as Private Eye publishes stories exposing/ridiculing the behaviour - typically the hypocrisy - of public figures, so Tattle could produce something exposing/ridiculing the behaviour - typically the hypocrisy - of social media influencers.

From the few threads I follow, I'd suggest as worthy of inclusion would be the story of the beauty influencer who's currently in the press complaining about brands monetising the menopause when she has herself recently been selling a 'menopause kit'. Also a (different) beauty influencer who's currently part of an advertising compaign for a shampoo brand while seeming to be making it clear that she doesn't actually use the stuff herself.
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This is just someones blog, but it seems a lot more balanced and fair than any of the professional writers have managed - https://thesoundofmotherhood.com/2020/01/24/instagram-v-tattle-in-the-world-of-the-mummy-blogger/

I fully admit tattle isn't perfect, there are views I don't agree with on here. But that's life. While I don't agree with every post on here, unless they are hateful or abusive people are allowed to express them.

I think one of the reasons why there's never a more accurate account of Tattle in the press is that there's so much here that it would be quite hard for any journalist or programme researcher to really get into it.
There's certainly lots to read, but I don't think they've got any interest in painting an accurate picture. They choose their narrative and then cherry pick stuff to back that up.

There was a thread to pound summaries and roundups that I started but it never took off. I don't think it would make much difference as for threads with good wikis they always totally ignore these.
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Wow - a well written balanced article about Tattle. Never thought that would be possible.
Her comment about Tattle being perceived as the evil wicked step mother compared to IGs innocent Cinderella is spot on. When both are just sites with normal people with opinions.
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That blog post was great. A far more balanced view than we see on certain websites and news outlets that are supposed to be impartial. Puts them all to shame.
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I do kind of take issue with her line about "anonymity can lend people a power trip that can have nasty consequences", because, well, look at Facebook, which is almost non-anonymous.
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I do kind of take issue with her line about "anonymity can lend people a power trip that can have nasty consequences", because, well, look at Facebook, which is almost non-anonymous.
Most of the proper trolls and shit stirrers are usually more than happy to use their real identities.
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Article about Tattle in the Guardian this morning - our Grace gets a mention!!

"The experience of being abused on Tattle is profoundly anxiety-inducing. “Everything about me is twisted,” says the Dublin-based influencer Grace Mongey, 33. “When my cat went missing for four days, they said I hid it in my back yard for publicity.” Things got so bad, Mongey had to take a mental health break from social media in July this year. When she returned, she wrote herself a contract, which she signed and sent to a friend for accountability, pledging never to go on Tattle again."
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Don't remember reading we thought the cat was in the back yard...

And she's pledged not to on tattle again. As if. Sure we give her ideas and content. She'd be lost without us all here.
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15% contained posts promoting hatred of women, 12% contained misinformation, while 10% suggested that they were bad parents.

Sure . And maybe these people aren't the best parents if they monitise their kids on social media without consent. Selling their childhood for cash with the internet is hardly parenting of the year stuff, although influencers regularly do win parenting of the year awards

I can't remember a single post out of the 7 million + that is hatred of women. There's possibly a few that might be considered hatred of men, but nothing compared to how much is on mumsnet. Why do they feel the need to lie?

That solicitor is just trying to trick people into handing over cash (and wasting it). We only ever delete posts that break our rules, regardless of if the report came from a member on tattle or a legal letter. The rules exist to stay out of grey areas for everyone's benefit.
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so this article actually references that guy who implicated that charity ceo, but it's still tattle that's the most "hate-filled" place on the internet?

give me strength

i think this piece really wanted to turn out differently to how it did, so the author's just found the very worst bits she could - ofc, people are saying stuff like this all over twitter all day anyway, but so what, eh, can't possibly close the blue ticks' playground down, can we?

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I thought he looked dodgy just from some of his claims. And his video claiming to make UK legal history by serving a High Court injunction via instagram DM? Hmm come on now
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All one sided again I presume
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15% contained posts promoting hatred of women, 12% contained misinformation, while 10% suggested that they were bad parents.

Sure .
And when you think about the wider internet (including twitter etc) these aren't actually bad stats lol??

I'd love to see how the claims made in this article were fact checked. This, for example, is absolute NONSENSE! You don't have to spend money to get a post deleted, you simply have to report it to the mods. And a post which showed someone's address would be taken down toot suite!

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It’s important to remember that no matter how many completely unrelated people get dragged into your one man crusade to hunt down “trolls” it will always be women on the internet slagging off influencers tacky outfits who are the true evil in this world.

We should all be deeply ashamed.
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