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Apple In My Pie

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...Friend or otherwise!

(Make me feel better here.)

Not really dated before but been talking to someone online for a little while. Nothing serious, just that weird talking stage, testing the waters, sort of thing. He seemed really nice, at first, funny, good looking, clean(!) and we have similar interests. So far so good.
Until Saturday night. When he sent me a photo of a certain variety out of the blue. This was red flag number 1 but surprisingly to some perhaps not the reason why I wanted to ghost him, even if I was thinking for fuck’s sake really?. Oh no. For some reason he’d decided to send me this delightful photo in his bathroom sort of over the toilet, presumably (just about) erm... pre-wank. Because that’s what gets every girl going, a shot of the u-bend AND your weirdly shiny eggplant. Thanks hun.

His toilet. His toilet. His toilet! OMG it was FUCKING FILTHY. I mean properly bogging disgusting filth literally COVERED IN A FILM OF YELLOW BROWN, with that horrible sticky grimy look to it 🤢. There would be cleaner toilets in a crack house ffs. Now every time I think of him, I think of his manky toilet and it’s giving me massive ick. I can’t talk to him any more, I can’t. 🙈

My friend is telling me to get over it and that most guys are a bit manky like that and I’m just being a fussy cow. But I can’t. I really can’t. 😬 because it makes me think if he doesn’t clean his toilet what else doesn’t he clean 🤢 and I ain’t going there unless he lets me have a reach around with a bog brush!

Tattlers please make me forget the horrors my eyes have seen! my friend is making me feel horrible for it but surely I’m not in the wrong 🙈😭
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watermelon sugar

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I went on a date with this guy once and he looked like a pirate. Dead long hair and he looked a bit like Pete from TOWIE. He was not my type at all but tbh with you guys I was having a slaggy period because I'd just broke up with my ex. Anyway, we'd been on our first date and he was ok. Terrible kisser. Anyway, I keep rambling 😂 so we were texting and he randomly goes "did you think I look like Pete from TOWIE? Cos I think I do. I watch videos of him on YouTube so I can speak like him. Sometimes I forget my name is ____ and I think its Pete.' I was like wooooah ok. Never speaking to you again!
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I was seeing a man, he was good to me, chatty, entertaining, all the good things but I couldn't get past his feet. He had many pairs of shoes but they all seemed to be pulled in an abnormal shape. I convinced myself that if he took his shoes off he would have flippers for feet. Once this thought was in my head I couldn't get it out. I ended it but he said he would give me more time to think about it, said he understood I wanted to take it slowly but would I consider going away with him for a weekend? A kind of make or break weekend. All I could think of was the shoes will have to come off and even if they are not flippers they must be flipper shaped. Silly and unfair but the shape spooked me. No wonder I was on my own for a long time!
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1001 others

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This trend of bathroom selfies really does have to stop - yuck! :sick:

I stopped talking to a guy at a place I worked many years ago as he had a funny walk and spat when he talked. At the same workplace one of my bosses used to grab the newspaper off my desk, disappear into the bathroom for a fair chunk of time, then return and put the paper back on my desk with a double-pat of his hand and a bit of a weird smile to me. That just made me heave (on the inside), thinking of all the bacteria that must have accumulated on it. I would usually push it with my pen into the bin at that point.
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He loved me after one date and told me everynight he was watching Corrie in his slippers.

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That's not a silly reason. I'd be disgusted & embarrassed 😂 toilets, even if they are clean are a hideous backdrop to begin with. He's not even had the decency to make sure its clean before using it as the setting for his plan to seduce you 🙈 absolutely get rid.

I've chucked guys because I don't like their shoes or how they said something in a sentence 😂 I just think if I've been that easily put off then I've not been interested to begin with.
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Ahh this thread has made my day! I try not to ghost people, as it happens to me all too often. I am talking to a new guy off hinge who has just sent me a dick pic. It is 2.45 pm, I am at work, what do you want me to do with it?!
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Many years ago I started seeing someone a month before my birthday. Three days before my birthday he told me to keep the morning of my birthday free because he had arranged a surprise birthday gift for me. I really liked him and felt even more loved up when he told me that. The three days dragged and eventually saturday morning arrived. He picked me up and took me to a tattoo parlour where he had booked an appointment for me to have his name tattooed on my wrist 😦. I take it he wanted it on my wrist because it would be visible to other boys that I was someone elses property. I politely declined but he just thought I needed more time to think about it and said 'we can always come back next week'. I got him to drop me back home and then blocked him.
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Mulholland Drive

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Run away, run away.... as fast as your legs can carry you!

Fishes and seas come to mind here.

I've stopped speaking to a number of people, mostly online, but usually due to a clash of ideas, politics etc. But I don't think I've ever had someone send a photo of themselves sitting on a grubby toilet ready to impress!

Gosh, I really cannot unthink that image :eek:
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I went out with a guy once for a few years, we were both living in the same town, and once went to stay on his parent’s farm for the weekend, a few hours away. We went parking at night and he patted my stomach and said ‘you need to do some work there’ - obviously thinking I was getting too chubby for him. I was 23 and probably in the best shape of my life and he was no fucking oil painting anyway. But surprisingly that wasn’t the main reason I stopped contact with him - his folks had a sheep property and we’d gone for a walk and saw a fox, and he set the dog on it and I had to watch while this dog ripped the fox apart. I’m no city mouse, I know the damage a fox does, but at least kill the thing quickly with a shot gun, not like this.

Stopped all contact with him after that. Married a man I once watched rescue a mouse who was caught in our lace curtains in the middle of the night and gently put it on our back lawn so the cat wouldn’t get it ❤
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I once stopped talking to someone because on our first (and only) date he ordered a Pina Colada at a country pub we went to. For me that was enough to call it quits 😂
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So a lot of the reasons I stopped talking to men could be covered off in the other thread about what gives you the ick. I didn’t ghost this particular individual but there was a guy I was chatting to when I was single who decided it was obviously time to share an unsolicited dick pic. I actually got sent about 5 in a row. I thought at first he must be starting from flaccid but it became apparent that in fact he just had a micropenis. The photos were taken with it (barely) poking through the flies of his jeans. The last one had some ball sack wedged out through like he’d given it a rough pull to try and add a bit of extra length. It was hilarious and sickening in equal measure.

Last year I had a friend of 20 years stop talking to me and don’t know why. I’d had a difficult break up, we’d been in touch to discuss it a little (she was abroad) and then all contact stopped. I realised I’d not heard anything back but presumed she was busy. Kept up with things via SM (odd comments or like on pics) but got no responses back, no birthday message. Ahead of her milestone birthday I contacted her to ask what was going on. I couldn’t think I had done anything to cause it given we were thousands of miles apart. Explained I’d had a rough year and it would have been nice to have her support and was there some reason for the lack of contact, as on SM it looked like she’d been having a good time but I knew that only showed one side of the story.

I got a response back to say of course there was a reason. That was it - no explanation of what it was. Bizarre and infuriating. I think for dating app fuck boys just ghosting is fine, particularly if you think they’d flip out if you explained why you no longer wanted to chat/meet up. For a good friend of a number of years you should provide some kind of explanation.
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I ghosted a guy because on day 2 of talking we where messaging and he said he needed a piss (actually said wee) but was stuck outside waiting for his mum to finish talking to the neighbour so she could let him into her house. He also lived there so why he didn't have a key is beyond me but also you're a grown man just ask her for her keys ffs. He then kept messaging saying he knew he'd fucked up and that he was sorry. Not sure what he thought he'd fucked up on but a month down the line he was still messaging despite me not opening his messages so he got blocked. I know I'm petty but it bugged me that he wouldn't just ask for the key to the house. I don't need a man child in my life I'd rather stay single 😂
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I'd had a few companionable dates with a nice man, his only fault was he was rather large. My friends at work called him 'fat man' but they did say that no-one had treated me as well as fat man had. He hadn't attempted to kiss never mind anything further. He volunteered in a museum that was having an open day and asked if I would go along and see him play a part there. So I did. It was a bus museum and he was dressed up like an old fashioned bus conductor. His belly was bursting out of the brass buttons on his uniform and looked like the Benny Hill character Fred Scuttle. Younger readers may have to google this. The end for me came when he constantly bounced up and down the stairs shouting 'ring ring' on a stationary bus that was going nowhere.
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He would text in slang. Like that awful kind of "yh wot r u doin 2day" 13 year old boy slang. Couldn't cope and wished I didnt give him my number, pretty face or not!
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