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I literally couldn't finish watching the live of her crying...She's vile. Using someone's cancer story for likes and comments and making it all about her. Vile, vile, vile. 'What are your chances?' Imagine that poor woman trying to answer that question, trying to brave and not upset some random instagrammer. Shame on you Rachael
I have breast cancer and have been asked very similar questions and also had ‘my’ story used by grief thieves. 😡 She should know SO much better than this it beggars belief. Just to clear up a few points though - chemo can be before or after surgery and also doesn’t necessarily make you very frail and weak. I was relatively chipper throughout - it depends very much on the individual and the type of chemo used. I’ll definitely keep fighting the bastard and it’s currently in remission - happy days! (No need to post anything in reply to this - I can feel all your good wishes so you don’t need to write them down and use up the rest of the thread 🤣).
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The baby is going to be adorable and so loved with that lovely group of friends around mum and dad!! I bet Ratshit is green with envy!!
Emily's actually living the patchwork life that Ratshit pretends she's got - her little boy, her boyfriend's little boy, and their baby on the way. None of the toxicity that Slosh & Wrecks had when they got together, no homewrecking or sneaking around banging other people's partners in the woods and then stealing children just to get one over on the ex. No wonder her and Raq have gone their separate ways, Rabies was only happy when putting Emily down, or taking credit for her happiness.
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Also, sorry things keep coming back to me, someone left their toothbrush by the laundry sink so J took the toothbrush and toothpaste and locked it in the front shed with a padlock. They thought it was Seb’s. He went to look but turned out it was B’s. What’s the betting it doesn’t stay there now they know it’s hers?
If you give your son the utility room to sleep in, you deserve him to treat the kitchen as an en-suite. If I was Seb, I’d piss in the pantry 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Amazing thread title thanks to @I'mThankyou_ (can't seem to tag you, sorry!). Evri Kevri is driving over in his van with a toddler necklace, an ill fitting knitted top and skirt combo, and a set of Iconic make up brushes for you to poke yourself in the face with 💜

Last thread recap:
- Rachael with an extra (paid full price for) E is a gigantic thrushy cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- on PatreCON, she was filming herself filming reels, and asking Jo if she looked like a cunt having a Mulberry bag because other people can't afford one. Jo was an absolute simpering wet wipe, going "you wrote a book, it was a Sunday Times Bestseller, you bought yourself a beautiful bag" 🤮🤮🤮 Jo hun, £60k a year isn't worth pussyfooting around your boss like that! She then stood in her underwear saying that she's going to give a talk to "hundreds of judges, magistrates, CAFCASS workers" and then she's off to London to be a "court friend", to sit on a panel about how the courts don't do enough for DA victims. Then she was having a go at Sloshy for throwing out her ring lights when he cleaned out the conservatory, and called Linda a liar for helping him mislead her about it. He even helped her look for them before admitting that he'd thrown them away. She even made up a little song about it, like the well adjusted, mature 40 year old woman that she is. Meanwhile Tallulah was back at school for the first day and was frantically texting Rabies asking her to call, which she ignored because she was busy on a live 🙄 and asked Joyce to call or text her instead. She also claimed that Lula didn't leave the house during half term - so we all imagined her at the pumpkin patch, the pub, and dressed all matchy matchy with Betsy and Wilbert then?
- she shared Betsy's train details, because everyone needs to know exactly where a teenager will be on a cross country journey, don't they? Unfortunately New Street station had to be evacuated, leaving Betsy in a panic and Rambo offering for Slosh to come and get her.
- Edie and Wilbur went to a Halloween party arranged by Nina (mum of Jordan the village idiot). Level 3 autistic Wilbert seemed to cope ok with a party full of strangers, while eating not one but two sugary lollies.
- Jo's becoming even more of a doormat, if that's possible. She came and emptied the pumpkins out of the boot and arranged them at the door, and was then in the kitchen washing up (while her own child was sat with an iPad). Meanwhile Linda was there, sorting out washing, while Raq lounged around not even dressed.
- with Ratchet obviously far too important and busy to be doing things like pick her own kids up, Betsy collected Edie from gymnastics (despite having had a "cracking night" out and being "hanging" according to Linda).
- up in the sex loft, Rambo did one of her meandering stories, starting with how Jo had left her engagement ring on the draining board in the kitchen and Joyce threw it out thinking it was one of Betsy or Lula's cheap ones. Luckily it was rescued and now Racket's wearing it to keep it safe. She talked about seeing her management in London, who are of course "lush", and said she never goes on Facebook because of the trolls 🙄 (even though her last post on there was a week ago). She reckons it's not just trolls from England, it's people who don't like her from all over the world! She waffled on for ages about how they looked at her insights and people love it when she posts Sloshy's cooking and what she's wearing, so there'll be more of that 🙄 and she'll be doing more reels even though she hates them.
- on PatreCON, she filmed them in the car on their way to a meeting. Apparently No Job Norman takes over and acts like he's the boss, which winds her up. Imagine b
- trying to be professional in a meeting and you've got #couplegoals bickering like a pair of teenagers in front of you 🫣 Slosh struggled to think of another word for "business" (desperately trying to not let the huns know that's what it is).
- Tattlers noted that her next shitrag book is now available to pre-order on Amazon, which she then announced several hours later - this is the BIG COUNTDOWN EXCITING NEWS she's been plugging, shame Amazon stole her thunder! It's called *drumroll* The Patchwork Family. I mean, we all knew she has zero imagination, but fuck me, Edie could have come up with something better than that! Apparently it's really hard because "so many people have been fuckers to our family, and people I thought loved me and were my friends and family". So who's first on the list to be slung under the bus then? Obviously W (Betsy and Tallulah's dad), S (Seb and Isaac's mum) and V (the Apicellas' mum), possibly Stabby Jo, maybe even Emily? We can't wait to find out! Although not enough to actually pay for it, of course! Other highlights will include a significant chunk about trolls (don't forget to mention us in the acknowledgements babe!), Wilbur and his "level 3 autism journey" 🙄 and her mum's cancer. This was all on her PatreCON though, the non-paying scumbags had to wait a few hours for the announcement. She promises that she'll share "so much more than she ever could online". Because details of hers and her daughters' menstrual cycles, her persistent thrush and urine infections (including a video of her sloshing a piss sample around) and the fact her husband has no foreskin just isn't enough, is it?
- they're having some more work done to the murder mansion, fuck knows what this time but no doubt it will be shit and tacky.
- it turns out that the Very Important Meeting where she's telling hundreds of judges and magistrates how to do their jobs is actually taking part in a Family Court Forum in Hampshire. Not really what she described, is it?
- Apparently she's only just sent the last of the book off for editing (so it's really really recent), but Sloshy read it while he was working in the shit shop. So is it finished or not? And if it is, it's obviously such a shit read that it can be knocked through by a hungover jobless bum sitting in an empty shop that's decorated like a bad acid trip. Not really a ringing endorsement, is it?
- meanwhile the huns are all frothing at the gash to let her know they've ordered it, they can't wait, they're so excited for the next instalment *yawn*. One even said she's only ever read Racket's books, clearly you can't trust the opinion of someone who's got nothing to compare it to 🤷
- on the book launch post on Facebook, someone asked whether she still works with DA victims, as it's not in her bio on Instagram any more 👀 will she answer, or will she delete and block?
- Reptile has done her first fashion reel, with an oh-so-relatable outfit costing £1,430.
- Ringpiece keeps drip feeding little snippets from the book - at this rate she'll have shown the entire thing before release day!
- apparently LOADS of people were asking about her outfit, so she's done the reel and tagged everything, including the tacky necklace. What a coincidence that so many people wanted to know, just after Apprentice Alan said she needs to do more fashion content!
- on PatreCON, she was talking about Seb and Isaac arguing, she'd found out via his phone that he's vaping, and Seb said he was a loser because he was smoking weed at that age (Thrush Bucket Thelma laughed at this, saying "if he was smoking weed in year 8 he'd still be grounded now"). Apparently it wasn't in year 8, but he did try some weed at a party, had a whitey and rang his grandma. Not his dad or stepmum, he called Gangster Granny when he was in need. She reckons they "don't name call" in their house, then straight away called Seb a dickhead. In a different video, she said that Seb was in a car accident a few days ago, but hadn't told them, his "new bird" and her family had helped out, and she had persuaded him to tell the toxic twosome. Of course it RUINED her book launch night 🙄 Apparently the same thing happened to Bratsy in the same place last year. She then referred to all 6 children as "little bastards", (see the earlier claim that they don't name call 🤷). In yet more Patreon ramblings, she gave Lula her debit card so she could go to town after school with her mates and spend £40 on a school bag. Then Lula rang to say she wanted to spend over £200 on a coat. Then came home, without a new bag OR coat, and announced that she didn't want the Bolognese Sloshy Joshua had made, as she'd already had a McDonald's with her mates.
- Saviour Sally disappeared off to Hampshire for her pretend "important meeting", and reckons she got a standing ovation. Sure, Jan. Meanwhile, back at the Snatchwork mansion, Seb's complaining in the group chat about Bratsy bullying him and them always taking her side. Are NotaPC Noballs and his thick cunt wife rushing back to sort their kids out? Of course not, they're posing in a restaurant in Southampton and probably pretending that they're strangers about to have a one night stand 🤮 top tip Rectum - try disinfecting your sex toys once in a while, and maybe you won't end up with thrush and cystitis for a change!

Just a reminder that a D&C police officer was dismissed for misconduct, with the date of this article being the same date as a certain person started their "career break"...👀

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
October: Herpes Lodge (weekend), Friday night in Southampton

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    Aunt Sally

    Well-known member
    I cannot comprehend what has come out of her mouth on those clips of her live. She’s just told that poor woman’s intimate cancer story while she’s at her most vulnerable about to have major life changing surgery. What an utter cunt. Hardly knows her, just a few pleasantries at the school gates, not even advanced to a coffee or play date with the kids yet and boom, your story is now my story to share. Then has the audacity to twist it into being about her?!? Utter scumbag.
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    Chatty Member
    Josh has proper little man syndrome. Fucking stupid cunt. Fancy treating your 16 year old child like crap because it makes you feel better that your wife has emasculated you and reduced you into a nothing. No balls, no foreskin, no spine and no job.

    Congratulations cunt, you’ve fucked your life up.
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    New member
    Hi, first post. Serial lurker. I am a big supporter of DV charities and facilities, Granted I don’t have the social media reach Rashy does, but thats fine by me as I prefer to keep my tiny involvement local and meaningful. But this is what I don’t understand with the whole patreon thing. If you’re going to donate, why not do it local, make a difference in your community. My local population is around 12k and serving that area we have 3 food banks, 2 school uniform banks, 1 Womens refuge, 2 outreach programmes for vulnerable young people and many other NFP/Social enterprises. When facilities in your local area are crying out for help, why would you chuck money at PTWM? Oooh, that sounds like a good thread title “why chuck money at Parttimeworkingmummy”
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    VIP Member
    Sorry, if your kid smashes his head on concrete constantly hes unconscious and an ambulance is on its way. Rachel you are a fucking liar my love. Shut your ugly fucking mouth!!!!
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    But would your 'mother' head be ok with kicking out your 17 year old to go and stay in a Travelodge because you'd fallen out? I don't think Rectum even has a 'mother' head, she had her kids to tie whichever bloke she was with at the time to her, and we all saw with Wilby it was all about her "keeping him alive" and having everyone run around after her while she parked her arse on the sofa breastfeeding (including Joyce cutting up her food and feeding her like a child), and as soon as he was weaned off she stopped being interested.
    I've just watched her stories in full and my 'Mother' head has combusted to be honest. She's not right.

    Look whichever paid dick on Tattle watch today, do her a favour and be honest with her for once. The truth is that their are 7.8 BILLION people on this earth and she is responsible for only 6 of them. All she is required to do is keep them protected, warm, clothed, fed, loved, happy and guided. That's it, that's her most important role, not being a 'VOiCe' for strangers, or writing books about how badly done to she is. Not playing shop, or running useless courses. All she is required to do is take care of those children. Which she is not. She's not meeting her requirements as a Parent. Neither of them are.

    So she can receive cards, get hun messages, scream at Josh to be her home help/ babysitter at all times. She can blame school setting and underfunding, she can catch 'trolls,' she can disparage social services, she can make up scenarios in her head to lie to people about for validation, she can drag Wayne, Sam and whoever else she feels like blaming on any given day of the year. It won't change the fact that the problem begins and ends in that house because of how they've chosen to live.

    6 people out of 7.8 billion, and she cries & moans more than anyone I ever known. They are all disgusting for propping up this mess.
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    Active member
    Thread suggestion.. ptwm a thief who steals husbands, PayPal money & grief
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    Fuck me, josh is childish and its borderline bullying! ( if you put all the other stuff together that he's done to seb in the past) No wonder seb called them all pricks!!
    They both need to take a damn look at themselves and sort it out. Pair of dickheads
    She said When they got back from their night away last week Seb had made him and his bird spaghetti carbonara the night before. He had left the kitchen in a right state, cracked eggs shells on the side, empty cream pot etc. now that would piss me off too, BUT J scrapped everything from the side into the saucepan with the left over carbonara and put in on his pillow so that when him and his mates came through that door that has been boarded up his private entrance to watch the football it was sat there in his room to embarrass him.
    I would be well proud of my son attempted to make carbonara from scratch, even though it didn’t turn out well and they ended up getting take away! 😬😂
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    VIP Member
    I thought Wibble took all his animals everywhere in his heavy as fuck rucksack?
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    VIP Member
    I don’t even care that mine are teenagers on the verge of leaving home. I still ask them what they want from Santa, talk about sending their presents to the North Pole, and last night when they asked for AirPods, I said we’ll see if the elves make any 🤣🤣🤣. We still do the carrot and mince pie on Christmas Eve and the elves still bring the advent calendars. I like that they humour me 🙈
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    Well-known member
    I follow another influencer (a decent one) who has shared an Amazon wish list for a women’s refuge in Brighton. The items on the wish list are necessities with a few low-price luxuries.

    She’s been to visit the headquarters; shown her followers how many gifts have been purchased; and has been completely transparent. She’s not acted like a saviour of the people, and has spent the day thanking her followers for their generosity.

    Basically, she’s done it how it should be done. Without a Nike beanie in sight.

    *Edited for typos.
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    Chatty Member
    She fucking disgusts me. Using her sons meltdowns (whether she’s filmed them or not) as content. I dare you Rachael to actually go on SEN advice pages across social media and show them what you show your followers. You’ll be torn a new fucking arsehole for being a vile human being.

    Actually do the decent thing and show the positives of having a child with additional needs because whilst it’s hard work, it’s so rewarding. There are probably followers of yours out there who are going through the process of a diagnosis or newly diagnosed children absolutely shitting themselves because all you show is wilbys “violence” and meltdowns.

    Get fucked you vacuous cunt.
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    VIP Member
    Dreamt last night that rancid was secretly pregnant and the reason she was quiet this weekend was because she had the baby 😂😂It was a girl and sloshy brought it into my work and tried to convince me to tell you all that his wife wasn’t a cunt 🤣
    No more tattle, wine and cheese before bed for me.
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    I only use the C word for Raq and recently my husband, from whom I'm now separated, when I discovered he was having an affair during the whole time my mum was dying. I found out 3 days after she died! I even wrote it on the back of his rugby training shirt, in very small letter, and it was pointed out to him by one of his team members 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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    Eyes Wide Open Now

    Chatty Member
    Standing ovation was probably just Josh getting carried away after a few large merlots, stood on his own clapping like a sea lion 🙄

    House Sitter 😂😂😂
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