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Wow... I hope what R is trying to say here is that she no longer recognises the woman she was supporting because their addiction has overtaken. Shame she isn't a best selling author who can articulate her thoughts in a respectful and appropriate manner.

Problem here is, this is the demographic she's signed up to support. It's not a fairy tale or a movie - addiction is crippling and there is no quick fix or cure. People relapse. I believe they are more likely to relapse than not. Once again she's showing her complete lack of awareness, capacity and qualification to actually help these poor women. I really hope someone somewhere is safeguarding them.
I’m currently in recovery and I’m 120 days clean today furthest I’ve got due to previous relapses, your right a lot of addicts do relapse and can I say every relapse I’ve had I’ve felt guilt and shame and hated myself. If I had heard someone speak about me like this who had previously been “helping” me it would of definitely tipped me over the edge. She’s disgusting
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I'm beyond fed up and I know theres no point posting any of this because I'm just preaching to the choir but if I don't get this off my chest I don't think I'll sleep, feel like steam is gonna come out of my nose and ears at this rate too 😤

My heart actually hurts for all of the children. I know tattle can take this piss at times and say which child has which problem etc but I think everyone on here can fully agree that all those kids deserve so much better. Social services aren't interested because they're a wealthy white family who own their house, have a social media following and a dad who is a/was a policeman, but it's so clear to all of us all of those kids aren't respected or looked after in the ways they should be.

They all have a right to privacy and that's stripped away from them, Wilby's "meltdowns" or whatever you wanna call them, shouldn't be on the Internet. Seb's sex life shouldn't be spoken about on the Internet (he's under 18!? and the girl didn't consent to it being spoken about to thousands of strangers!?) Betsy's life is played out on social media and it's already affected her work life in the past, not to mention how B&T now lose parts of their relationships with their older sisters (who seemed to be a rare bit of good, stability and normality in their lives) but for whatever reason, Betsy's friend has moved in, maybe she's fallen out with her parents, maybe she just thinks it's cooler at Betsy's, whatever it is, it should be private. Now Rach has got a gossip website speculating about her?? I've been her, I've been the girl sleeping at her friends for x y and z reasons, and whilst right now it's all fun and games, it might end badly (especially with Rach already texting G shite about a messy room) and that being played out on social media is so unfair and unkind. Their bedroom shouldn't be videod and shared to thousands of people, it was a couple of dirty dishes and clothes it looked like they'd just tried on, why does Josh have enough spare time to go in her room and record it? Get a fucking life?
S&I shouldn't have to have the world knowing theye have trauma based around adults being drunk around them, THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.
They all deserve so so much fucking better, all 6 of those children have such potential and they all seem like they have such strong personalities and they each individually deserve privacy, love, stability and a future where whoever they meet, work, friendships, relationships, anyone shouldn't just be able to Google their name and have their private and intimate details of childhood right at their hands.
Rach is treating instagram like a diary, and it's like she doesn't care who she hurts.
All of those kids are going to be adults with trauma, I'm sure different levels of trauma and maybe they won't recognise it as trauma for a long time, but this shit show that's happening right now is bound to have long term negative affects in their adult lives.

I'm sure Edie used to have the ipad in the car on school runs? Vaguely remember that.
What's to stop Wilby getting an ipad with a protective case to watch in the car? Or even just a cheap portable dvd player?
No wonder his room is his safe place, light coloured walls, his own stuff that isn't being stolen by siblings like they all do to each other, etc. You go downstairs in their house and it's just loud colours, loud noises, 2 dogs, strangers coming in and out, 5 kids going to work and school, Rach's staff coming in and out, parcels coming most days, the bright coloured sofa and busy wallpaper in one lounge, purple paint in the kitchen, I think even most neurotypical people would get sensory overload on the ground floor of her house!
I assume there's always doors banging - Betsy coming in and out to pee, Seb coming in and out on his scooter def makes a noise, the dogs paws on the hard floors make a noise, fingers tapping on phones, kids nagging for x y and z, etc etc etc, it must be so overwhelming to someone of Wilby's height as it is, and if he is neurodivergent I just feel like every sensory thing must be heightened 10000%, but the typical things that Rach is used to and is just background noise for her, might be right at the forefront of Wilby's mind!

Anyways, she's gone away now, very clearly has more money than she knows what to do with, is off to buy yet more shite, more clothes she'll never get round to wearing, and just bring home more shit to get in the way and stress everyone out. I'm glad they're gonna have a lovely break - away from their son that needs a set of loving and present parents, after she's spent the last few weeks showing us how badly he's struggling 🙃
If she reigned in her spending habits, she could afford to dial back on the social media and the ads, the oversharing etc, and actually spend so much more time with Wilb, maybe even free up enough hours to take parenting classes (maybe there's parenting classes for SEN parents specifically? or some type of workshop?) but no, she doesn't give a shit, and that's what my whole post is about really. After following her for years, emailing her myself for support with my DV relationship, and watching all of this shit unfold recently, I always knew there was something off about her, and I read here for ages and have always been on the fence, she's truly shown this month how little of a fuck she gives about her children. In trying to prove how special Wilb is, she's shown herself up.

The only other "influencer" I can think of that over shares how she does are family youtbers, like the Inghams, and like Jonathon Joly. JJ recently has come under a lot of fire for oversharing his kids lives online, and anyone like Rach, JJ etc I've seen overshare online about their family and their lives, always ends up having some dark messed up stuff they project onto everyone else.
(JJ nonbinary trans stuff onto his 2nd eldest child)... makes sense with Rach projecting all of her family trauma shit onto everyone else. I reckon a lot of what she's spoken about and written is stuff she's done herself.

She doesn't give a single fuck, and there's something seriously wrong in her head and in her life to make her act this way, but it's never been her who suffers, and it never will be, she will fall in shit and still come out smelling of roses.
It's the 6 kids (and any friends who happen to move in) I feel sorry for.

Sorry for writing so much and v v sorry for being an illiterate cow, it's late and I am v tired, cba to read it back and fix any mistakes😂

Rach, or anyone in her circle, if you ever happen to read this, please don't go any further into fucking up those kids lives
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Thread title thanks to @I'mThankyou_ (I can't seem to tag you 😭). Sending you approval for a career break and a canoe!

Last thread recap:
- she's still a massive cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- still at the adventure playground, with Emily and Scouse Jenna of course, because Rancho and Slosh can't possibly take their child out for the day without help. She filmed Wilby pinching Joyce's face, and captioned it "ending the day with another mark" (when we all know he probably just swooped in and grabbed Wilby to go home without speaking or giving him any warning).
- one of them made a pasta bake thing, which will definitely not feed a family of 8.
- the latest advert for a product she loves is Elastoplast scar plasters, during which she mentioned that she had gestational diabetes with Wilby (really, Rack? Because you NEVER mentioned it at the time, and stuffed your face with junk the entire 9 months, including cornflakes with double cream on). She then went on to say that her scar after Wilby was double the length from when she had Edie (I didn't realise that surgeons could accurately predict the size of the baby and made the cut accordingly 🤷).
- Some footage of Edie and Wilby throwing a ball around, to promote the "oh dear" jumpers. Should be marked #ad Racquet.
- Wilby was playing with some toys in a water tray, providing a perfect opportunity to talk to him about the shapes, colours, counting etc, but Useless Eunice just sat filming saying things like "are you lining them up" (even though he clearly wasn't lining anything up). She had to point out that Lula was wearing her tracksuit 🙄
- Up in the hobbit loft, Betsy came to complain that Joyce wouldn't lend her his headphones for the gym (I mean, let's not mention the fact that she advertised some Bluetooth ear buds just before Christmas a couple of years ago, plus she apparently works all the hours she can but doesn't have to pay for anything, so could easily buy her own). Mrs "I'm mum of the year, my kids can talk to me about anything" said "go away, I'm trying to read" Then Seb appeared, wearing Isaac's dressing gown, and asked if he could have one of his own. Ratchet's reply? "No". Rolling in cash and happy to splash it on ugly designer clothes for herself, but won't get the stepson that she loves so hard a bloody dressing gown. He's grounded, but asked if he could go to Totnes with Rancho, Sloshy and Wilby. Her reply? "You need to stop hanging out with me, your dad, and Wilby. Go away and get into bed".
- on PatreCON, Rancho said that Emily is a great mum to Fred, but struggles being a single mum and being on her own in the evening etc (top tip Racket - if YOU hadn't nagged her into moving miles away from her family, she'd have more support and help 🤷). She then went on to talk about when she left her first husband, she lived with a friend who also had a child, and they shared the childcare etc between them. I mean, here we all were thinking that was when you moved into the piss soaked, needle filled bedsit just you and your babies and a hoover that smelled like old fags and beer 🤷.
- also on Patreon, she announced that Sloshy's "career break" has been approved, so from 15 June he will be at home to support her with Wilby. Seeing as his "days off" are usually spent just him and Ratchet, with Wilby shipped off to the childminder, how much child-rearing he will actually be doing remains to be seen.
- she did a load of "poor me" rambling, all about how hard it is dealing with Wilby, how they can't take him in shops etc because his sensory overload is so bad that he can't cope (apart from that time in the garden centre a few weeks ago, and that time at the kitchen supplies shop where they had to buy him some wooden spoons, and all the times he's been dragged out to pubs an restaurants etc). Apparently they took him to The Range once in lockdown and he wound himself up so much he projectile vomitted. The old "he was a lockdown baby" excuse was trotted out again 🙄 she obviously been googling the traits of people who have autism so she can list them off when talking about him. She seems to be confusing usual toddler tantrums with "meltdowns". She says that he will bang his head on concrete paths, or grab and bite his own arm (with a patch that's constantly "yellow with pus" where he grabs it so hard). Funny how he's often shown in short sleeves or just a nappy (or even in the bath for an advert) and these marks on him have never been seen 🤔 she said she was so naive or uneducated, that's not what she said when she reckoned she was trained in diagnosis for 20 years 🤥
- Arsetrid treated us to a look at the new pound shop, which is currently resembling some kind of bad acid trip crossed with a migraine 😬 about 3 shelves and fuck all stock, black and white checked floor tiles, a leopard print wall and curtains. Honestly not somewhere that a lot of people would feel welcome walking into. Asteroid said she couldn't wait for the window display (which won't actually be seen from outside due ro the frosted glass, so seems like a waste of space and effort). A Tattler found one item being sold elsewhere for half the price Rancho is flogging it for.
- another weekend, another single female friend having a sleepover 😬 Ratchet and Sloshy provided entertainment in the form of playing games. Absolutely thrilling content.
- Arsetrid and Simon came round for tea, amazing really after the last sad plate of crap they were served at the murder mansion.
- there was a shambolic live on the Patreon, which was so bad Rack said she wouldn't save it like she usually does. Betsy's friend GG has moved in (as the new nanny, perhaps?), and Rancid was sitting with both of them while Lula was talking about camping. The three of them were acting like mean girls, rolling their eyes and taking the piss. Raq told Lula to go away, and when Lula asked why BeKind could stay, B said it was because she wasn't annoying. Apparently Betsy has been bringing home random men for one night stands in the shed, Rancho thinks this is funny. Racquet needed Joyce to take a career break because she can't cope with the school runs, but she's going to keep him busy at the pound shop and he's going to also volunteer at the zoo (we all know that bit will never happen). Betsy had been kicked out of home for 2 weeks.
- Bellend Ben is back on the scene, which means another terrible podcast is on the way. Sloshy joined in with the quiz, with Rancho looking jealous that he watched Blue Peter as a kid and knew the name of a female presenter.
- the Airwaves advert that she accidentally put on Facebook and then deleted a couple of weeks ago has finally arrived, and it's a corker! Gushing over a giant box, wanging on about "celebrating" two years of working from home, making out that chewing gum can help you achieve your goals. Ok hun!
- silly old Rancid only got drunk and ordered herself a canoe when she can't even swim, what is she like?!
- in an undeclared #ad for her tat shop, she showed Wilby in some leggings, and said "that was a bad night, wasn't it", even though Wilby was pointing to her and Slosh and saying "mummy, daddy", she just kept saying "yeah" at him. No wonder he's been slow to pick up speaking.
- in yet another "left the toddler unsupervised in the hope of getting some content" scenario, Ratchet went into Wilby's room to find he had apparently got hold of a bottle of talc (or as the bestselling author calls it, "talc 'n' powder") and emptied it across his room. But strangely enough, he managed not to get a single speck of it on himself, just like that time he somehow managed to spill paint in a perfect little puddle and didn't get any on himself. She then gave him back the bottle to carry on 🤷 Despite her saying that he says "oh dear" out of context to soothe himself, he clearly said "oh dear Mummy", which sounds pretty in context to me.
- and yet again, Wilby was left alone in his bedroom 🙄 where Rancho came in followed by Seb (she said he was there because Sloshua had confiscated his x-box). Even Merlot Mike doesn't know where it is (maybe he hid it when he was off his tits on something), and was looking through piles of Ratchet's discarded clothes for it. Rack found it, and made out to Slosh and Seb that she was a fucking hero 🙄
- obviously keen to set up Mangina Malcolm as an influencer for his career break, Rancid filmed a "haul" of things he had supposedly bought for Wilby. He pulled out some pink shorts/leggings and Rawhide said "oh I got those for Edie", so who actually made the order?
- Queen Lateetha did an advert for Look Fantastic where she did her make up, one Tattler said she looked like an ape looking through a box of tools 😂😂 naughty Nora showed some Iconic products without marking them as an #ad, and was also wearing a headband from her own patchwork quid shop, tut tut Raq!
- on the Patreon, Rancho said that the centre is going well, Emily had one woman who arrived in the morning and was rehoused by 2pm, what a miracle! Then she revealed that another woman they had helped ages ago (taught her how to cook etc) had unfortunately had her kids taken off her as she was back on drugs. The social worker rang Emily to say he was "broken" at having to take the kids away (not sure that's something a social worker would usually do 🤷). She then later shared a text apparently from this person going into detail about how they were addicted and having suicidal ideation etc. GDPR? Never heard of her, mate! In other news, Ratshit doesn't know how to parent Betsy, Seb and Lula. Lula has been having "bad meltdowns" and the school have advised that she needs a diagnosis so they can properly support her (yet only a couple of weeks ago she wasn't bothering getting her diagnosed because the school were so amazing? Maybe buy a notebook to keep track of your lies Rambo).

- as a special treat, I've included the video of Raquel's bum shuffle out of the hobbit loft, because it never fails to amuse me!

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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So just so I’m understanding this correctly…J can’t handle W by himself, R also can’t handle W by herself so J has to “give up” his career for the next 5 years to look after W (by that I mean drop him round to the babysitter’s).
They then leave their “violent” 2 year old with a teenager who I’m assuming is also helping looking after the other kids as well.
The teenage babysitter then takes W out for the day. R&J only find out about it the next day. Which means not only is the teenage babysitter venturing out with a children that R&J can’t control on a day out, they also have no idea where their 2 year old is when in her care and just to add the icing on the cake, they clearly are not in any sort of contact with the babysitter or they would have already known where she had taken him.
Plus not only does she do this, it’s plastered over social media. And she wonders why SS are called🙄
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Difficult. I’m an SEN parent and ASD myself and I don’t see what they/some people here see. I see 2 year old with 0 boundaries, who is kicking off because he doesn’t want to do what they want him to..
I’ve seen children in true “meltdown” and myself in distress.. children don’t stop to see if they have scratched their mums face, or smile back when the mother smiles at the camera about the scratch, they don’t stop and be calm “mid meltdown” to check how many straw like hairs they have ripped out of their square headed fuck of a mothers head..
I see attention seeking, tantrum and kicking off because he doesn’t want to go in the car.. who would for a school run?!
The verbal-non verbal thing.. that’s suddenly not such a pressing issue as it’s been shown he can develop (and very bloody quickly!!) now he has a childminder and is given appropriate input.
She has admitted herself she is used to fobbing kids off with bribes - lollies, quavers, screen time etc.. you get a child that is head strong and defiant and doesn’t want that shit and she’s paid for a label to be slapped on him.
I’ll be here in 15 years to see what a “normal” teenager he is!!
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So random teen can take Wobble to a festival and he loves it but his parents can’t even get him out on the school run?!
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I use to work for Sussex Autistic society as a family therapist,I cannot believe this is what she has learnt and been taught how to transition a child with behavioural needs with change.
The mobile needs to be put down, so much stimulation.Im speechless utterly speechless.
I would love to offer some guidance but will be named a troll and blocked.
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Hang on, this is the little boy when Joshs family were over from London just went round and round in circles cause there was a big crowd, and self settling by saying "Oh Dear"
Yet here he is living his best life, loud live music, a heavy bass, and loads of people he doesn't know and he didn't need to go round and round in circles saying oh dear?
Someone's telling big fat porkies aren't they Rach.....
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Hellloooo tattle gals… so first time posting.. I have been reading the threads for a few weeks now.. I was brought here by googling Rachet and wondering if her hubby was still working.. ( as I thought bit strange as he’s always home!) I’ve followed her for years on and off and really liked her.. but honestly reading on here has really opened my eyes and seen the light..
so I have been back to the beginning of these threads and reading about the PayPal 😳😳😳 money.. does anyone have the buzz feed article that was written originally about it all? The link doesn’t work!
oh and also as a professional nanny for over 20 years ( a few years ago now) these 2 “parents” just don’t have a maternal bone in their body in my opinion.
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When I was married to the ex psycho-bastard husband, we went away a lot, but never without the children.
I wouldn't leave them with anyone, I wouldn't leave them with him either.
If people want to go away without their children, that's fine, but it wasn't for me.
Rach & Joyce are something else, they shouldn't even be allowed to have children, but unfortunately for their children they have.

So, we went away a lot, on holidays and weekends away, with the 3 children & almost every time, the ex husband would get up to something wrong, immoral, illegal, perverted or disgusting.
A few examples are here.
We went away to S.E Asia on holiday, several times.
I would look after my children, he would look after himself & enjoy his holiday.
In the evenings, he would always disappear for a few hours, when I was getting the children ready to go out for an evening meal, he always had somewhere to go.
I eventually found out he was shagging ladyboys. Real ladyboys.
One time, a ladyboy stole his mobile phone and he didn't cancel it, the phone bill was £4000, when we got home.
Another holiday, on a long haul flight, as usual, he didn't sit with me & the children, he never did.
He would sit separately and get pissed drunk.
One particular flight, he sat next to a woman & they got pissed drunk together.
Halfway through the flight, they both walked towards the front of the plane together & were gone for half an hour. I didn't care, he wasn't my problem.
They were eventually escorted back to their seats.
They had been shagging in the toilets.
Not sure why they were there for so long, because he could only manage 5 minutes max, usually.
True stories 🤨.
He's now on his 3rd wife...
And he's shagging men on the side.
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I work as part of an NHS team that assesses children for autism. One of my children is autistic as well, so I have experience on both sides of this issue.

It’s not particularly unusual for a child Wilby’s age to receive a diagnosis. From what I’ve seen, I think he is autistic. I also think he’s been poorly parented. Both of these things can be true.

She says she’s never had to parent a child before who can’t be bribed by a lollipop or iPad. Who parents like that?? Whether they’re autistic or not?

I hope she will continue take on board the advice she’s receiving from professionals. Wilby has clearly made progress with his language skills. I think he’s got potential to do really well and make good progress, with the appropriate support.

Leaving him with random people for weekends away is probably not helping. Also filming his hardest, most distressed moments and posting it for 1000s of people to watch is disgraceful. I’m disgusted she’s done that. Where’s the respect for Wilby as a person in his own right rather than a means of promoting engagement with her social media.
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VIP Member
Thread title thanks to @I'mThankyou_ (I can't seem to tag you 😭). Sending you approval for a career break and a canoe!

Last thread recap:
- she's still a massive cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- still at the adventure playground, with Emily and Scouse Jenna of course, because Rancho and Slosh can't possibly take their child out for the day without help. She filmed Wilby pinching Joyce's face, and captioned it "ending the day with another mark" (when we all know he probably just swooped in and grabbed Wilby to go home without speaking or giving him any warning).
- one of them made a pasta bake thing, which will definitely not feed a family of 8.
- the latest advert for a product she loves is Elastoplast scar plasters, during which she mentioned that she had gestational diabetes with Wilby (really, Rack? Because you NEVER mentioned it at the time, and stuffed your face with junk the entire 9 months, including cornflakes with double cream on). She then went on to say that her scar after Wilby was double the length from when she had Edie (I didn't realise that surgeons could accurately predict the size of the baby and made the cut accordingly 🤷).
- Some footage of Edie and Wilby throwing a ball around, to promote the "oh dear" jumpers. Should be marked #ad Racquet.
- Wilby was playing with some toys in a water tray, providing a perfect opportunity to talk to him about the shapes, colours, counting etc, but Useless Eunice just sat filming saying things like "are you lining them up" (even though he clearly wasn't lining anything up). She had to point out that Lula was wearing her tracksuit 🙄
- Up in the hobbit loft, Betsy came to complain that Joyce wouldn't lend her his headphones for the gym (I mean, let's not mention the fact that she advertised some Bluetooth ear buds just before Christmas a couple of years ago, plus she apparently works all the hours she can but doesn't have to pay for anything, so could easily buy her own). Mrs "I'm mum of the year, my kids can talk to me about anything" said "go away, I'm trying to read" Then Seb appeared, wearing Isaac's dressing gown, and asked if he could have one of his own. Ratchet's reply? "No". Rolling in cash and happy to splash it on ugly designer clothes for herself, but won't get the stepson that she loves so hard a bloody dressing gown. He's grounded, but asked if he could go to Totnes with Rancho, Sloshy and Wilby. Her reply? "You need to stop hanging out with me, your dad, and Wilby. Go away and get into bed".
- on PatreCON, Rancho said that Emily is a great mum to Fred, but struggles being a single mum and being on her own in the evening etc (top tip Racket - if YOU hadn't nagged her into moving miles away from her family, she'd have more support and help 🤷). She then went on to talk about when she left her first husband, she lived with a friend who also had a child, and they shared the childcare etc between them. I mean, here we all were thinking that was when you moved into the piss soaked, needle filled bedsit just you and your babies and a hoover that smelled like old fags and beer 🤷.
- also on Patreon, she announced that Sloshy's "career break" has been approved, so from 15 June he will be at home to support her with Wilby. Seeing as his "days off" are usually spent just him and Ratchet, with Wilby shipped off to the childminder, how much child-rearing he will actually be doing remains to be seen.
- she did a load of "poor me" rambling, all about how hard it is dealing with Wilby, how they can't take him in shops etc because his sensory overload is so bad that he can't cope (apart from that time in the garden centre a few weeks ago, and that time at the kitchen supplies shop where they had to buy him some wooden spoons, and all the times he's been dragged out to pubs an restaurants etc). Apparently they took him to The Range once in lockdown and he wound himself up so much he projectile vomitted. The old "he was a lockdown baby" excuse was trotted out again 🙄 she obviously been googling the traits of people who have autism so she can list them off when talking about him. She seems to be confusing usual toddler tantrums with "meltdowns". She says that he will bang his head on concrete paths, or grab and bite his own arm (with a patch that's constantly "yellow with pus" where he grabs it so hard). Funny how he's often shown in short sleeves or just a nappy (or even in the bath for an advert) and these marks on him have never been seen 🤔 she said she was so naive or uneducated, that's not what she said when she reckoned she was trained in diagnosis for 20 years 🤥
- Arsetrid treated us to a look at the new pound shop, which is currently resembling some kind of bad acid trip crossed with a migraine 😬 about 3 shelves and fuck all stock, black and white checked floor tiles, a leopard print wall and curtains. Honestly not somewhere that a lot of people would feel welcome walking into. Asteroid said she couldn't wait for the window display (which won't actually be seen from outside due ro the frosted glass, so seems like a waste of space and effort). A Tattler found one item being sold elsewhere for half the price Rancho is flogging it for.
- another weekend, another single female friend having a sleepover 😬 Ratchet and Sloshy provided entertainment in the form of playing games. Absolutely thrilling content.
- Arsetrid and Simon came round for tea, amazing really after the last sad plate of crap they were served at the murder mansion.
- there was a shambolic live on the Patreon, which was so bad Rack said she wouldn't save it like she usually does. Betsy's friend GG has moved in (as the new nanny, perhaps?), and Rancid was sitting with both of them while Lula was talking about camping. The three of them were acting like mean girls, rolling their eyes and taking the piss. Raq told Lula to go away, and when Lula asked why BeKind could stay, B said it was because she wasn't annoying. Apparently Betsy has been bringing home random men for one night stands in the shed, Rancho thinks this is funny. Racquet needed Joyce to take a career break because she can't cope with the school runs, but she's going to keep him busy at the pound shop and he's going to also volunteer at the zoo (we all know that bit will never happen). Betsy had been kicked out of home for 2 weeks.
- Bellend Ben is back on the scene, which means another terrible podcast is on the way. Sloshy joined in with the quiz, with Rancho looking jealous that he watched Blue Peter as a kid and knew the name of a female presenter.
- the Airwaves advert that she accidentally put on Facebook and then deleted a couple of weeks ago has finally arrived, and it's a corker! Gushing over a giant box, wanging on about "celebrating" two years of working from home, making out that chewing gum can help you achieve your goals. Ok hun!
- silly old Rancid only got drunk and ordered herself a canoe when she can't even swim, what is she like?!
- in an undeclared #ad for her tat shop, she showed Wilby in some leggings, and said "that was a bad night, wasn't it", even though Wilby was pointing to her and Slosh and saying "mummy, daddy", she just kept saying "yeah" at him. No wonder he's been slow to pick up speaking.
- in yet another "left the toddler unsupervised in the hope of getting some content" scenario, Ratchet went into Wilby's room to find he had apparently got hold of a bottle of talc (or as the bestselling author calls it, "talc 'n' powder") and emptied it across his room. But strangely enough, he managed not to get a single speck of it on himself, just like that time he somehow managed to spill paint in a perfect little puddle and didn't get any on himself. She then gave him back the bottle to carry on 🤷 Despite her saying that he says "oh dear" out of context to soothe himself, he clearly said "oh dear Mummy", which sounds pretty in context to me.
- and yet again, Wilby was left alone in his bedroom 🙄 where Rancho came in followed by Seb (she said he was there because Sloshua had confiscated his x-box). Even Merlot Mike doesn't know where it is (maybe he hid it when he was off his tits on something), and was looking through piles of Ratchet's discarded clothes for it. Rack found it, and made out to Slosh and Seb that she was a fucking hero 🙄
- obviously keen to set up Mangina Malcolm as an influencer for his career break, Rancid filmed a "haul" of things he had supposedly bought for Wilby. He pulled out some pink shorts/leggings and Rawhide said "oh I got those for Edie", so who actually made the order?
- Queen Lateetha did an advert for Look Fantastic where she did her make up, one Tattler said she looked like an ape looking through a box of tools 😂😂 naughty Nora showed some Iconic products without marking them as an #ad, and was also wearing a headband from her own patchwork quid shop, tut tut Raq!
- on the Patreon, Rancho said that the centre is going well, Emily had one woman who arrived in the morning and was rehoused by 2pm, what a miracle! Then she revealed that another woman they had helped ages ago (taught her how to cook etc) had unfortunately had her kids taken off her as she was back on drugs. The social worker rang Emily to say he was "broken" at having to take the kids away (not sure that's something a social worker would usually do 🤷). She then later shared a text apparently from this person going into detail about how they were addicted and having suicidal ideation etc. GDPR? Never heard of her, mate! In other news, Ratshit doesn't know how to parent Betsy, Seb and Lula. Lula has been having "bad meltdowns" and the school have advised that she needs a diagnosis so they can properly support her (yet only a couple of weeks ago she wasn't bothering getting her diagnosed because the school were so amazing? Maybe buy a notebook to keep track of your lies Rambo).

- as a special treat, I've included the video of Raquel's bum shuffle out of the hobbit loft, because it never fails to amuse me!

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page
Oh my first thread title, what an honour. I'm going to celebrate this with a nice row down the mersey with a fluffy cloud as a life jacket
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VIP Member
just wanted to thank you trolls for making me laugh today - very suddenly, me and my (now ex) partner broke up and i’m devastated. i’ll be fine but it’s made easier knowing that you trolls are hilarious xx
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Is she for real?! By her own admission, she says her two year old rips out hair and “checks” to see how much he’s pulled out, scratches, bites, kicks etc but it’s ok, because he loves Betsys best friend (another best friend, sound familiar? 🙄) so much so he’s being watched by her this weekend.


You have told all and sundry your beautiful two year old baby is violent, you’ve filmed him scratching, pulling hair, kicking etc etc AND THEN you’ve fucked off for yet ANOTHER weekend away and left this “violent” baby in the care of a young girl?!

Can you not see you’re a walking fucking contradiction?!

I am so angry! And just to add, I hope you can now realise when you used the term “meltdown” so freely with Edie, you can see why me and I’m sure a few other SEN parents got annoyed.
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I have 2 SEN kids, I had to turn off. She has no need to share any of that with her followers. I'm so upset for Wilby I can't even explain how many things about that got to me. I'm not a perfect parent, by any stretch but oh my god. All I see there is her performing to the camera, W was doing well, had she concentrated on that instead of saying "I know how this is going to go..." kids pick up on our moods and how we are projecting. She turned those situations around so that he was upset. They need to stop just snatching him up off the floor and turning off his videos. Those are his security in a manic environment. Poor W. 😔
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Snippeted that bit
Wow... I hope what R is trying to say here is that she no longer recognises the woman she was supporting because their addiction has overtaken. Shame she isn't a best selling author who can articulate her thoughts in a respectful and appropriate manner.

Problem here is, this is the demographic she's signed up to support. It's not a fairy tale or a movie - addiction is crippling and there is no quick fix or cure. People relapse. I believe they are more likely to relapse than not. Once again she's showing her complete lack of awareness, capacity and qualification to actually help these poor women. I really hope someone somewhere is safeguarding them.
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