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I’ve had more sweats ugh leading up to period and really really bad anxiety which seems to go with my period . I’ve only noticed the lighter periods for a few months
I’ve had sweats as well and I’ve noticed a strong smell that I definitely didn’t have before.

I’m wondering it’s just a thing that happens in your 30s but is normal?

I’ve read that in your 30s it can be either heavier or lighter but at lot seem to say this relies upon birth control, which I don’t use.

I kind of miss the heavier flow, I guess I thought this meant I was healthy and now I don’t have it, I’m wondering if something is wrong!
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Chatty Member
I'm 33 and have very similar experiences. Periods used to last 7 days and were heavy till about the last day throughout my 20s. Since I hit my 30s (and around the time I started noticing a few grey hairs!) they are much lighter and are pretty much gone by day 4/5 (same for my older sister). Unfortunately the crushing cramps still remain 😖

The changes in my cycle took me by a bit of a surprise too. I guess this shows how women are STILL not properly educated on how our bodies naturally change as we age.
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I have a few years on you (38), but I could have written this. Bleeding wise I've never been particularly heavy, but definitely becoming lighter and a shorter duration. Usually I only need to use a tampon for data 1-3 and after that could get away with a liner (usually go with period pants though). The sweats before my period are ridiculous as well. Usually that's my 'sigh' that the period is coming 🙄
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This is so strange to hear that so many of us are / have experienced this yet we seem to be under the impression that it’s not normal. I told two of my closest friends that I had posted this thread and they said exactly the same thing as me - definitely noticed a change in flow (lighter). It’s Day 5 today and there’s nowt there 🥸
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I’m 32 and mines been like this for quite a while but I haven’t really given it any thought. I’m day 1 so maybe I’ll keep an eye on it this month.
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Am same age an I find I sorta come an go with this, I find the better I eat, an sleep an less stressed I am the lighter it is, the more junk I eat an more stressed/anxious I am the heavier it can be, I also find the pains to be 10x worse if I haven't been eating good, so I've just been putting mine down to age, diet, sleep an stress/anxiety, I also am late quite a lot if am feeling bad as well which I assume is what stress can do


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i am experiencing the same thing, my period was much lighter when i was on the pill of course, when i got off the pill it went back to being awful. but the last couple of months it's been quite light (i'm 29) but another thing i've noticed is that i get really bad cramps on the last days! usually that was at the beginning but now the last day is almost no bleeding but a lot of pain! really strange 🥴 and i agree we are DEFINITELY not educated enough about this
Did you happen to have Covid before the changes started? I noticed mine were a bit all over the place after I had Covid and looked into it and seems it’s a very common issue for women with long Covid.


Well-known member
Go to GP to put your mind at rest I was peri menopause at 32 cycle took 2 years to come back after 2nd child never been regular now mid 40S and still peri 😩 although I’ve opposite problems at the moment very heavy and loong getting an ultrasound family history of early hysterectomy though
Have you had any children in between noticing the difference? My periods were horrendous before I had a baby and was expecting the same after, but they are shorter, lighter and not as painful
No children - don’t even want them so I’m worried about that side of it. I just want to know what on earth is going on 🤣


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My periods are slowly going from 5 days to 4 and now to around 3…wonder how much the stress of the past few years has to do with it? I do find though that in summer my periods are lighter, when I was on the implant I had fairly regular spotting that would disappear completely over the summer months. Now I’m not on anything I’d definitely say theyre lighter in summer!
also I’ve always suffered with sore boobs when PMSing, but the past 6 months or so I‘ve barely had any pain at all! But this month…literally a few days after ovulation they’ve been hurting like a bitch ever since and I’ve got about another week to wait until I’m due 🥺
Title is supposed to say every month but it won’t let me change or delete!

I’ve been noticing this for the past few years now that my period seems to get lighter every time (only a bit each time but obviously over a long period of time, the differences are easy to spot) and I don’t know why.

I’m really sorry for all the detail but I’ve googled it and the results aren’t what I’m after so am looking for some advice here!

Im healthy as far as I know - I do have a stressful job but surely it wouldn’t affect it every month? I know it’s normal to have the odd light period but that is not what this is.

My period used to be

Day 1 - just getting started but flowing
Day 2 and 3 - having to change pad a lot
Day 4 and 5 - beginning to slow down, not much to write home about
Day 6 - basically over

Now it seems to be

Day 1 - flowing well
Day 2 - yikes the worst
Days 3,4 and 5 - nowt much and coming to an end

But I’m currently on day 2 and there’s definitely been less blood than usual. I haven’t had the awful cramps and horrible headaches today.

I’m noticing less blood overall each month.

I’m in my early 30s and worried it’s the peri menopause. My mom had the menopause in her late 40s.

I’m worried that eventually, there is just going to be nothing that comes out.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
Thank you for reading!
My periods were regular, mid flow and around 5 days in my twenties. I had a child and went back on the pill. Came off the pill around 30 ish and my periods are regular give a day or two but I could get away with a panty liner and the only last 3 days. I did go to the GP but was sent for what I later found out was just general blood work (nothing specific so unhelpful) and my GP just said to me that people can go either way as they get older I was “lucky” that mine had gone light. Thing is I’ve not conceived in the last 4 years despite not using anything with my partne. I’m not particularly trying for a baby but it also plays on my mind that I’m going through this but been caught out? The only reason I came off the pill is because I was concerned what long term use could do to my health and mental health.
Same thing happened to me in my 30s. I've always had regular, shortish and painless periods but they're definitely shorter and lighter, usually three days, sometimes less and as you describe. Sometimes the spotty dregs for a few days after.

I too wondered if it was perimenopause but the nurse who did my smear at the GP surgery said they can just change and it doesn't necessarily mean anything. I'm 37 now and they're still as regular as ever.
Yeah they are usually pretty regular give or take a day or two but they have always been like this since they started when I was 12! I’ve always suspected I have PCOS as I’ve got a few symptoms of that but never got tested, always just had the oh well mentality.
I know it’s silly but I try and avoid the GP where I can. The past few times I’ve been they’ve been rude and dismissive so I don’t bother anymore.

Did you happen to have Covid before the changes started? I noticed mine were a bit all over the place after I had Covid and looked into it and seems it’s a very common issue for women with long Covid.

I had covid back in July 2021 and noticed something weird happen then too - while I was really sick - I had bleeding but it wasn’t my usual time as I’d had my period 2 weeks before. I then had another period 2 weeks later. I can’t remember the exact time I started noticing but it’s been very noticeable since last year.

I’m appreciating everyone’s comments as it makes me feel a bit more normal 🥰


VIP Member
I experienced lighter than normal periods in my twenties. I saw an acupuncturist for a different problem and whatever treatment he did ended up fixing my periods too. I think he said my chi was stuck but I don’t remember exactly.


Well-known member
I’m 33 and this has been happening to me. My periods use to last a week and now seem to be 2-4 days.
However this month, oh my fucking god. I had the worst pains I’ve had ( haven’t had period pains since I was a teen). Period going along, hanging around for a bit longer. Day 8 I got out of bed and it was like a flood of blood and clots. I have never ever seen so much blood in my life, it was everywhere. Clots were massive, pad being changed every 10 minutes as I was soaking through them. Ended up with an ambulance being sent out for me but then they cancelled it as ‘ people were worse’ so desperately tried to see my Dr to no avail.
Work up next morning and completely stopped.


Well-known member
Have you had any children in between noticing the difference? My periods were horrendous before I had a baby and was expecting the same after, but they are shorter, lighter and not as painful