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Coming over here from the pregnancy thread!! Baby wotsit made his arrival today via planned section… weighing 9lbs12. In disbelief he’s here safe and feels totally surreal. Totally new to all this and those who know me from pregnancy thread… I ask a lot of perhaps silly questions and my anxiety runs high most the time so apologies in advance!
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Very traditional

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Another one joining you from the pregnancy thread, baby verytraditional arrived on Saturday weighing 8lbs7. We’re currently still in hospital as she has an infection and needs to complete her course of antibiotics and I’m absolutely desperate to get her home, I’ve been reading through the last thread to keep me going and trying to pick up all the tips!
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My day finished off just great…. Walked round to the corner shop to collect a parcel…. Queue was taking ages, baby started up grumble as we had stopped walking…. Was trying to rock pram back and forth…. Lady walked up to front of pram am I had to stop…. She said “there’s something wrong with your baby” I said I know it’s because we have stopped walking…..she looks into pram and starts shouting how I am disgusting letting my baby cry, how there’s something wrong with him crying like that, I should be disgusted with myself… basically just kept going…. A guy in queue stepped in and told her to go away that he three kids and babies cry. I tried to say to her he’s only 5 weeks and cries if we stop walking, he had just been fed. I then tried to leave the shop but she blocked my exit still ranting to me…..
two girls int he queue had a go at her but it made it worse….I tried to ring my husband to come help but he didn’t answer…. Two guys from the queue had to literally move the display cage and lift the pram to get me out the shop with her still ranting and shouting at how disgusting I am.
It’s totally shaken me up. Spent the evening in tears. Never had anything like it happen to me before.
We had two pregnancies that ended in 2nd trimester because babies were poorly so Iv been absolutely paranoid there’s going to be something wrong with my baby…. So to hear her shouting there’s something wrong with him has really upset me.
Really could have done without this today.
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Just incase anyone is struggling with breastfeeding I wanted to give a little update! At around 2 weeks old little one had lost 12% of his birthweight so I was told I needed to top up with formula so I started giving him formula and I was also expressing and it got to the point I was only breastfeeding once a day sometimes not at all! I wasn’t producing enough and it was a pretty shit time but I stuck with it and I introduced the boob more and more dropping feeds and now at 3 months old he is finally back to being exclusively breastfed! He hasn’t had a bottle since Saturday 😆😆 so anyone who thinks it’s to late to get their supply back please don’t worry because it’s never too late!xx
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Hi everyone! I've graduated from the pregnancy thread as baby bandit was born yesterday in the early hours of the morning. It was quite a difficult, upsetting birth so I'll ask for a debrief at some point, but luckily having him here has made me ignore how awful the birth was and I'm just so overwhelmed with love and "is this real?!" feelings! We'll be in hospital for a few more days as he's on antibiotics for infections but he's doing really well and it's great having nurses on hand to support with feeding etc as he's only just realised how to suck and then swallow, and has no interest in breastfeeding so far!
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I’m sorry if this has already been addressed by another mummy before but I barely have it in me to write out this message never mind look for previous advice so I’m hoping you lovely mummies can help me because honestly I am at an absolute loss and need to know I’m not alone.

I’m 4 months into to my maternity leave and I hate it, it’s miserable. I have the most “high need” baby I have ever met which makes me dread each long day. Don’t get me wrong I love him so much, but my god he is HARD work. Such hard work. There’s nothing “wrong” with him, no allergies, intolerances, reflux, colic etc. He is just what I have learnt to know is high need, he is 0-100 in seconds, the screams of anger for literally no reason are unbearable. When he’s not drinking or sleeping he is crying about something, it feels constant. Unless conditions are absolutely “perfect” he makes it very known he’s not happy with life. I feel like an absolutely rubbish mum, I’m trying so hard but the cries and screams are making it so hard. I now hate meeting up with the mums I’ve met at NCT as they all seem to have these perfect babies that don’t really make a fuss when we are together and I just feel so embarrassed. I’ve tried baby classes but if he’s not in the mood (which seems like always) he will cry/scream. So I spend the rest of the session that I’ve paid for trying everything to stop him crying and then the whole thing seems pointless and I just think I’d rather have been at home and have him cry there. He has been like this from literally a week old. I feel like I missed out on all the newborn lovely laid back sleepy cuddles in arms as he has never like the cradled position most normal babies love. How I haven’t lost all of my baby weight is beyond me because from the day he was born I have forever been on my feet trying to walk with him as he hates not being on the move.

Im not sure what the point of this message is as I know that’s him and I love him so much but I just feel like he’s not like all the other babies and this is not how I imagine maternity leave.
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I'm stuck under baby after a feed so thought I'd have a go at writing out what happened in labour - I can't remember all of it because I was so off my tits on gas and air/emotionally and physically battered by the experience!

It's my first baby and I had a low-risk pregnancy so was due to give birth at the local midwife-led birth centre, with my preference being to use the pool for pain relief and to help my legs as I have MS, and to try to avoid an epidural if possible (multiple reasons including needing to transfer to hospital to have it).

My contractions started on Saturday at 5.15pm and were irregular period-like cramps at first. By 7pm the contractions were 3 minutes apart, lasting about 30 seconds and more painful - by 8.30pm they were lasting a minute and very painful. So far I just had paracetamol and a tens machine for pain relief.

I got to the birth centre about 9.30pm and asked for the pool and more pain relief as I was really struggling - they said I couldn't have gas and air until I was over 4cm dilated and I was only 3cm. The check-in tests showed protein in my urine which they were concerned about so a decision was made to transfer me to hospital so I could have a blood test to check everything was ok. I had more paracetamol at 11pm and was then transferred via ambulance.

When I got to hospital I begged for more pain relief and was given gas and air, which took the edge off my contractions at first. I wasn't able to use the pool as it was action stations sorting out my blood tests, putting me on a continuous monitor and starting antibiotics for group b strep, which I'd been swabbed for when I arrived at the birth centre and tested positive for.

As I got more dilated I found the pain unbearable and hit the gas and air so hard that I kept feeling like I'd passed out! I asked about more pain relief and decided to skip straight to an epidural as I didn't want to feel it anymore. The anaesthetist was too busy so I had to wait - in the meantime there were issues finding baby's heartbeat during contractions that lead to an emergency call, and a trace was put on baby's head.

I'm very hazy from this point but my pain increased again until the anaesthetist finally arrived - however, they realised I was about to start pushing so said it was too late for an epidural. I asked for pethidine instead but they said it was too late for that too, so I continued with gas and air initially but towards the end they took that off me as well. At some point my waters were broken for me. I think I was actively pushing for about an hour and it was agony and exhausting. I'd ideally wanted to be leaning forward to give birth but wasn't given an option of position and swapped between on my side with my right leg up on a stirrup, or on my back with both legs up - in both positions I was told to keep pulling my leg/s back while pushing which I found exhausting and wanted to tell the medical team to fuck off when they kept asking me to pull my legs more, as if I wasn't trying!! Baby must have been stuck because suddenly there were people everywhere and I was having an episiotomy and a kiwi was used to bring him out. He was born at 3.29am but was struggling with oxygen/fluid buildup so he was taken to the neonatal ward - meanwhile I had an injection to help deliver the placenta but there was an issue and I lost a lot of blood, so suddenly there were people everywhere again, and after it was delivered and I was stitched up they spent ages trying to stop the bleeding (I was finally given the gas and air back for that bit!!).

I was really open minded about my birth preferences and was really happy to be guided by what was necessary, but I found the level of pain and the lack of available pain relief really shocking, and it felt like I was trapped in a nightmare that wouldn't end. Things moved so quickly and there were so many complications that I never had a chance to even consider "nice" things like a birth playlist or changing into something more comfortable - everything was very clinical and it felt like I was constantly having to cope with distressing information which makes me really upset to think back on, because I was terrified that baby wasn't ok. I lost 1.3 litres of blood and my poor husband had to cope with my pain and the horrible things I was suffering through as well as being worried about whether baby would be ok. I'm going to ask for a debrief because I want to fully understand what happened and why I was so unlucky/if anything could have been done differently, and because I'm terrified that if we have another baby in the future my labour will follow the same pattern of agony that feels like it'll never end with no options to ease the pain.

Sorry for such a long post - I think I needed to write it all down to help me start to process it a bit! Did others find contraction pain unbearable or was I just unlucky/weak? I honestly can't imagine ever wanting to give birth again because even before all the complications I was struggling so much with the pain, but other people often talk about how the surges were fine and birth was a positive experience!
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Chatty Member
Hi all, hope your all okay. I just wondered what you all thought about this… Thought I’d add, my baby is 7 weeks old

MIL and SIL came round yesterday, we had a bad night the night before, not because of baby lemonade but because I’ve been having horrendous period pains to the point I can only get comfortable being led on my bathroom floor, as close to the toilet as possible as the pains make me feel like I’m going to be sick (had this pre baby!).
They were due to come round anyway so worked out well, I did ask if it would be okay if they could sit with baby whilst I had a little 30 minute to an hours nap, he has just finished a feed so was happy and content on his play gym when they came and fresh nappy so all they had to do was sit with him, play with him whatever! They were happy to do so, they said they were happy to help me. I made them drinks before I went to bed and told them to help themselves to whatever!
I woke up after 20 mins thinking it was oddly quiet, went downstairs, no sign of them or baby, looked outside and the car had gone, I then realised baby car seat had gone too…
I called and texted them to see where they had gone, no answer… I actually felt sick to my stomach that they had taken him without mentioning anything to me… they then turned up an hour or so later.
They said the baby was fussing so took him to get some fresh air and they got themselves some lunch, now I know my baby and I know he wouldn’t of been fussing as I made sure he was settled which he always is after a bottle and nappy change and he loves his play gym.
I can not believe they took him, didn’t answer the phone or discus with me beforehand…
Am I being ott? I’ve spoken to my OH about it and he was really shocked too and said he’ll speak to them about it but I don’t wanna rock the boat
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Please send all those people offering to take baby my way. I’m more than happy to have a revolving door of help. If they also want to field “do you know…” questions from my 5 yr old while I drink wine in the bath that would be grand.
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Moving over here from the pregnancy thread! Loving the baby bubble so far although first night home last night I did have a moment of will this child ever get off the boob and go back to sleep!?😂 he’s really been amazing so far though, so cliche but never felt love like it 💕.
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I had to have a little bit of a pep talk with a friend who's a first time mum and was really struggling. She was feeling down because she was comparing herself to Stacey Solomon who also has a young baby as well as her other children and yet she always seems to have her shit together. These instahuns can say until they go blue in the face that they don't have a Nanny, cleaners, other support etc. but they do also have husbands/partners that don't work your average 9-5 job, family members who are nearly always around to help (Hinch and her mum..) and they most likely do have a nanny, cleaner, other support.

Please please PLEASE do not compare yourselves with these influencers. Perhaps even unfollow them for a while.

You are doing a fantastic job even if it is bloody hard at the moment. In your baby's eyes, you are perfect. And I hope you manage to catch up on some sleep!❤
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Sorry for long rant but would like to know if i’m being over dramtic?
When my baby was newborn at his 5 day check the midwife referred him for a scan on his hips for whatever reason, she said she thought they would sort themsevles out by the scan at 6 weeks but just in case she referred us. Anyway, he’s 6 weeks now and a couple of week ago in the day i had 2 missed calls from an unknown number. It was until the evening i listened to the missed calls as i had had a busy day with my baby and toddler, it was the hospital asking me to call them back so first thing in the morning i called them back. it was the receptionist that had left me a voicemail and straight away she was rude to me, saying she had trying to get hold of me, i explained it was from an unknown number so couldn’t call back until i listened to the voicemail and i had had a really hectic day. She said I had missed the scan appointment for my son and i told her that those calls were the first time i had heard from the hospital. She said she sent numerous letters with the appointment, and i told her i hadn’t received any (which i hadnt) she then told me i was lying as she had posted them personally which i said why would i lie? if my son had an appointment i would take him to it, especially an important one like this. She still proceeded to basically call me a liar and then said “anyway, it’s done now, when would you like to rebook”. So i rebooked it, The next day the letter with the appointment turned up so i wasn’t lying lol it just came late 🙄 and literally 4 days later he had the scan and everything was fine he was discharged. Then a few days after that i had a call from SOCIAL SEEVICES to say i had been reported for not taking my child to an appointment. Like what??? i told the lady on the phone that he had been to the appointment a few days before and he had been discharged and she was very confused and said she was closing the case straight away. I’m a very anxious person and this literally made me cry all day. Is that hospital policy? That you miss an appointment and they automatically report you to social services??? So angry 😠😠
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Graduated from the pregnancy thread with baby Ro arriving via C-section. He’s absolutely divine & so glad to be home!
He latched on at hospital but hasn’t since being home so have topped up with formula. I’ve ordered a rental medela in the hope of expressing my milk, has this worked before when baby stopped latching?
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Finally joining the thread after dipping in and out of the pregnancy one. I had to take a break after quite a traumatic birth/end of pregnancy.

Baby is doing amazingly at 3m now. She was born just under 5wks early in early jan. I spent most of Christmas in hospital as my waters went early. They discharged me for new years with daily monitoring, trying to get me to 37wks. Little lady had other plans and arrived very abruptly via emergency c section at 4lbs 9oz.

Took me some time to come to terms with it all and heal but absolutely loving it!
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Hi everyone! Hope you’re all ok. New here from the pregnancy thread… My baby boy was born on Wednesday after a somewhat scary birth, but we are both doing fine and I’m slowly settling into life with a newborn and a nearly 4yo! We still haven’t told anyone apart from immediate family about his arrival which I’m really thankful for as we have taken the last few days really slowly and started to transition from a family of 3 to 4.
Baby blues well and truly kicked in last night with me crying uncontrollably about everything and nothing. I feel like I just don’t want to share my little boy with anyone just yet and I am also feeling physically really empty - it’s so strange to go from being pregnant and growing and caring for a baby who’s with you all day every day, to not having them with you in your tummy. I feel like a part of me is missing even though he’s right there with me, just in the big wide world! I’m hoping these feelings start to ease off over the next week or so but apart from that I’m absolutely loving being a Mummy all over again and I’m soaking up every minute of newborn cuddles I can!
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Hi guys sorry I’ve not been on in forever. Can’t believe baby is 6 months next week! Hoping everyone is doing well! 🫶🏻

I’ve had 2 very stressful day/nights. HV was here yesterday and he’s weighing 18lbs 11… she says he’s on the 75th percentile and so I need to stop night feeds and get him to self soothes well he just won’t last night was hell I’ve been trying him in his cot too he just screams he screamed for 5 hours last night I’ve tried everything so tonight he’s back in his next to me I just feel like I’ve spoiled him and failed 😭feeling so overwhelmed
Please ignore your HV. It is perfectly normal for babies to still wake throughout the night for milk! Milk is still the main source of nutrition and still the most important part of his diet.
Your HV has given you some really shit advice over the course of the 6 months unfortunately, if he wakes and wants a bottle, give it to him it won't do him any harm, better than him being so upset for so long.
Once he's mobile his weight will change.

You are doing absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing now Chris. You can't spoil a baby. You're doing what any amazing mum does and you're meeting the needs of your little boy🥰

Continue as you are x
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I just don’t get what’s wrong with feeding a hungry baby at nighttime. If I’m up listening to my baby cry anyway… may as well feed her and see if that makes her stop 🤷‍♀️
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What on earth is wrong with some people? I’m so sorry you had to experience this when you were already feeling a little fragile. Like others have said, this woman sounds genuinely off her fucking rocker so please don’t take what she said to heart. It sounds as though your baby was behaving exactly as a baby should! Sending a huge hug, hope you’re feeling a little better today. Please don’t let this make you doubt yourself as a mam, it sounds as though you are doing an amazing job ❤

We had a similar experience at about 10-11 months. It’s quite possibly separation anxiety if she is settling quickly with a cuddle, it lasted about 6 weeks for us and we just gave as many cuddles as needed then it eventually passed. Hang in there ❤

Thankyou, I went into town today and sat in M&S cafe with baby… boosted my confidence again having all the lovely older ladies(live in a very sleep town with older population) come up and fuss over baby…. Silly I know but felt it was what I needed. We had a lovely positive day today so feeling abit better xxxx
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Spent the evening looking at birthday outfits for Baby Rita and I can’t quite believe she will be one in 6 weeks 😭😭😭😭 my heart hurts so much I don’t know how I’m going to cope

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Got a life hack for you if your baby is a car sleeper - go to McDonald’s drive through for lunch, he’s had the nap he’s been fighting all morning, I’ve had a hot meal AND I pumped as I drove so three things ticked off in 40 minutes!

Not sure it’s the best for my waistline though 😅
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