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Gloria Roscoe

Well-known member
I have to say again, because it's really annoyed me. How can they call their YouTube viewers busy bodies? THEY chose to create a YouTube channel, and not just a hobby channel like cooking, art drawing etc. The channel features heavily their personal lives and private business. This is on a website that allows viewers to comment on what they view. It is their choice.

Inviting people into their lives on a social portal that allows commenting and them branding them busy bodies because they dare to comment is outrageous. None of the comments I have seen about them on YouTube have been out of line, except for one comment calling the eldest daughter fat, which I think is an appalling thing to say about a child.

Edited because I am not finished yet*

These people that they are calling busy bodies are the people that fund their YouTube advert commission, give them views to make them worthy of #gifted goods, provide an audience that could *potentially enable them to purchase tax deductable goods and finally, some of them are paid members that give money out of their own pocket! It is despicable.
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Well, well, well look where she got the blood on their hands speech from - not her own words then.

A DOCTOR says members of the public flouting coronavirus rules have "blood on their hands" as the crisis in British hospitals deepens.

Professor Hugh Montgomery said he was "angry" with Brits not wearing masks, as medics were forced to reduce oxygen supplies for patients amid fears of shortages.
Those who have blood on their hands are people who:

- go on holiday to Cornwall against advice
- go on holiday with more than the acceptable number of people and households
- host indoor and outdoor gatherings that exceed the number of permitted people
- don’t adhere to social distancing guidelines, including with elderly family members and friends
- don’t wear masks consistently
- sow seeds of doubt about the efficacy of the Covid vaccines
- lie and gaslight about their adherence to and alleged ignorance of Covid guidance
- don’t wear masks when inviting service and repair people into their homes
- moan about the lack of Covid and antibody tests despite having them readily available for their personal use and opting not to use one procured for one of their children
- turn a blind eye to their children socializing in violation of guidance while permitting those children to be in close proximity to older family members
- use Covid to line their pockets with money under the guise of creating a safe space and online village of like minded people

Know anyone like this?

Happy New Year!
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I have been a loyal follower for past year or so but lately im beginning to see what they are all about and what a horrible man Mark is. He is a dirty scruffy looking tramp. I wouldnt eat food in their house if you paid me.
Seeing nadia going around in her bare feet and standing in dog shit in the kitchen brought in by nanny di was the final straw for me. They think nothing of living in dirt and filth and their house is an absolute disgrace. I would be ashamed to show a house that filthy and disorganised. I have cancelled my subscription.So happy i found these threads and im not alone in my thinking. All they care about is themselves and the money they make. Vile pair of show offs!
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Insensitive to ALL the starving people worldwide
Insensitive to people who are trying for a baby and not succeeding
Insensitive to overweight people who are trying to lose weight
Insensitive to her youngest daughter who looks like she is about to snap in half she is so thin ( because who would want to follow in that Momma's footsteps?)

Why is this woman not called out for her behaviour. 🤬 Ok The DM bar of shame is nothing to be proud of, but she should be being shamed in a correct way i.e UNACCEPTABLE behaviour projected to the public.
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What strikes me about this clip is the fact they say "we have the nicest people on you youtube" but then go on to mention trolls and the trolls being unwell. Why are they talking about trolls if they have the "nicest people on youtube"?
"Trolls are unwell and need to seek help and not work out their stuff on a public platform?" BEST SHUT YOUR CHANNEL DOWN THEN.
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I’ve been a “family guest” for several months but have recently cancelled my subscription since discovering this thread. I’m only a few years older than Maddie, and I can honestly say that I feel so sorry for both of the girls, to live in a house with absolutely zero boundaries must take a toll. It saddens me especially about maddie as she’s coming to the age where you realise that your parents don’t have all the answers— a natural progression of growing up of course— but add to that a narcissistic parenting duo that would sell their souls for an #ad... I’m no psychologist but it doesn’t take a genius to see the impact of mark & nadia’s self obsession/innate need to compete with everyone
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Fingers crossed we have a new thread. It's amazing that the first Nadia Sawalha thread lasted for almost a year but since Feb 2020, this is their 23rd thread on tattle. :oops:
Thank you to Hopscotch for the inspired title.

There are some excellent summaries of the SwadderEley's car crash Vlogmas in thread #23, this new thread title does a pretty good job in itself.
Here's a wee recap on some of the other stuff:
  • M continues to be so incredibly busy that he's taken to sharing his mundane to do lists with his submissives. It must be comforting to know that their idol also gets bogged down with the hoovering, recycling and trips to the Post Office sometimes. He still finds it tricky to shower, though. Relatable as ever.
  • Apart from feeding N's parents a coronary-inducing pork pie and a high fat stollen all the #taxdeductible Christmas food has been devoured off camera.
  • Whole boxes of Corona beer arrived and disappeared without a mention but Maddie didn't have a Tier-breaking 18th birthday party last weekend.
  • On the other hand, all Di wants for Christmas is a turkey leg but she won't be getting one. N decided that a turkey leg would be too lavish as she picked luxury cake crumbs from between her teeth.
  • N is working towards a 'pared back' Christmas of 18 Christmas trees and a fire hazard snow village.
  • That's the extent of the Christmas content in Vlogmas 2020 - a year that's been so difficult we all deserve a special end of year treat.
  • N rarely features these days, she's focusing mainly on stripping for the Gram.
  • Poor Toffee and Chi Chi continue to be the only family members who are bullied into showing their faces. Rarely on a walk, though. :(
  • There has been unrest amongst the submissives – trigger happy narc has blocked some of them, whilst others are uneasy about the ostentatiousness of the #gifted Christmas decs.
  • We learned that M's moobs are sustained by £5.80 eclairs covered in gold dust.
  • M has taken to filming himself (proudly) urinating and his wife on the toiLIT (cue the mock outrage) for content.
  • The (n)s are at an all time high.
  • M has made friends with the postman as he eagerly awaits the arrival of Christmas cards from Christine Lampard, Angelina Jolie and Joe Wicks.
  • Oh and less than two weeks to go until their vow renewal.
Apparently, Coffee Morning limps on. Shite as it ever was.
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Clarity seeker

Chatty Member
Oh thank you notSUBmissive and clarity seeker thanks for being so understanding
they just bring me out in a rage or disdain or empathy and its a strange and volatile mixture and sometimes i feel like it doesn't agree with me (to say the least) :ROFLMAO:.
I love being part of tattle life and reading everyone's interesting contributions but sometimes i lack a filter and i'm almost embarrased to admit that they get to me but sometimes they do?
Its that grim sense of curiosity though gets me every time i shouldn't watch and yet...?
sometimes i just can't help myself?
Anyway thanks to all of you for not judging me and maybe sometimes i judge myself too harshly (simething to work on but there you go). ❤
I think we can all totally relate to everything you’ve said @Misbehaving
None of this is normal but it somehow works that we all enjoy this little community.
Maybe it’s because in real life, we are all decent people... empaths with decency and decorum and when people are rude, disrespectful or offensive in real life, we can’t call them out on it for fear of being abused or attacked for it.
Here, in this virtual sittingbroom we maybe feel that by discussing their antics, we’ve somehow created an awareness and hope they’ll mend their ways.
I don’t know....
It’s just nice that we can all chat and laugh together.
It’s an outlet which I think goes beyond the Swadderley’s.
It’s like all injustice around us in our daily lives gets filtered through their misgivings by us.
If I’ve had a bad day and I see them flouting rules or abusing their dogs or something, it’ll all come out in what I say on here.🙈
A great barrage of emotion, gesticulating and finger pointing spills out. 🙄😂🙈
I often wonder how we Tattlers would get on without the same common denominator which is the Swadderley’s.
If we met and had an afternoon together without the Swadderleys to bind our interests?
Maybe it wouldn’t work and we’d all just sit and stare at each other.
It’s a very strange dynamic. for you saying you often lack a filter, I think we’ve all been there.
I’ve sworn on here once or twice when I don’t in the real world.
That in itself stayed with me for a few days. That I’d resorted to that through them.
I’ve also opened discussion on things which I maybe shouldn’t have but was on a rant at the time and couldn’t hold back.
Part of me definitely feels a negative energy throughout my day after having watched them continue with their lies etc.
They bring out emotions in me that no other souls can, and because of that I know I have to stop watching and coming here to comment.
It’s all such a waste of energy- like a bit of an addiction.
Seedy and shameful in a way.
It’s not something I’d openly share with loved ones.
They’d be mortified and wouldn’t understand at all.
Like I say, it would be much nicer to have a giggle with the lovely tattlers here without having the Swadderley’s involvement in any way but of course, that would never work.
It’s because of them that we’re all here.
Christmas/New Year was my cut off deadline.
I hope I’m strong enough to go cold turkey. (Very apt despite me being vegetarian.🙈)
I have done cold turkey with alcohol, sugar, dairy, meat, and wheat products in my lifetime. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.
This one might be more difficult.🙃🙈
Hurrumph 🙄❤

Merry Christmas everyone. have a great day tomorrow! And thank you for the wit, insight, and genuine kindness everyone brings to this site!
Merry Christmas Corms.
Hope you have a lovely day.😊🙏

So, my little Christmas gift to all you lovely Tattlers who’ve kept me giggling throughout this very strange year.
Wishing each and every one of you and your loved ones a gentle and peaceful Christmas and better New Year ahead.
Hugs to all.
(Socially distanced and sanitised, of course.)

A Swadderley in Swaddling Clothes.

One day whilst out walking in ‘His London,’ Murk saw a bright light appear in front of him.

It was The Angel Carlitos who appeared in a puff of glitter and very articulately he told Murk to prepare himself, as a baby was to be born.

Angel Carlitos also revealed that HMRC was checking the people’s taxes and everyone had to go to Upper Norwood with their yearly accounts.

After a few months of utter panic swapping his money from one account to the other, and after feeding his donkey (Bratia) on Mamma’s spaghetti for strength, Murk, Virgin Julia and donkey Bratia set off through the city of Upper Norwood in search of somewhere to stay.

The donkey (Bratia) couldn’t help thinking about Virgin Julia being with child and wondered when she and Murk had ‘done the deed.’

Donkey Bratia was furious at the very thought.

Although Murk hadn’t sat astride his donkey-Bratia for some time, they were still very close.

Donkey was being a bit of a donkey about it, not realising that Julia was pure as the driven snow and that she’d not let smelly Murk anywhere near her. (Virgin Julia shuddered at the thought.)

Donkey-Bratia tried to throw poor Virgin Julia off and she brayed, kicked and bucked like a bronco.

Julia, being a great horsewoman (as she’d been trained well for Larkrise to Candleford) sat demurely upon Donkey-Bratia and laughed, and laughed, and laughed some more.

They did several doorstep challenges with inn keepers (mostly via zoom) and found that nobody could help them find a place to rest.

Innkeeper Fleur and Innkeeper Issy never even opened their doors when they heard the knock.

When they arrived at Innkeeper Teddy’s door he went to great lengths telling them long, drawn out stories about his youth.

Everyone yawned.

Donkey-Bratia made noises of interest and laughed when it wasn’t even funny.

Murk plied Innkeeper Teddy with high fat, high sugar foodstuffs to try to bribe him to let them stay. Being polite, Innkeeper Teddy took a bite or two and put the rest of the food down, only for Donkey-Bratia to scoff the lot in one go without coming up for air. Donkey-Bratia brayed on for ages afterwards as she was feeling guilty for stuffing her face, but she then caught sight of her image in the window of the inn and thought- “Actually, I’m a mighty fine, sexy and utterly gorgeous donkey.” (Despite her being an ass with a humungous ass.)

She took a selfie and uploaded to all her social media platforms.

... and then she farted, which made her laugh out loud in geezer fashion.

Eventually, they arrived at an inn where Old Lady Betty resided.

“There’s no room here for you. You will have to all go and stay with my mother and sister until the baby is at least a year old.”

With that, she shut the door!

Finally, Murk, Virgin Julia and Donkey-Bratia settled down for the night in the garden of Betty’s Mother’s house, under a shelter made of old Amazon boxes.

Angel-Carlitos caught the bus out of town to catch the shepherds, Maddie and Patrick, who were tending their sheep, (Toffee and Chichi) in the Park of Crystal Palace.

Angel-Carlitos told the shepherds to go see the special ‘ickle baby’ who was to be called Kiki-Bee.

They would find the baby by following the drone sent up by the subs, Ashley, Xander, Nicola Sinnott and Helen from South Africa.


The time came for the baby Kiki to be born and Virgin Julia lay on the cushions of a gifted garden lounger, let out a demure little cough and out popped the beautiful child.

Right there on the floor.

No gas and air nor nuthin’!

(It was all very dignified.)

Murk immediately left and went on an Inn crawl to get pi*sed.

He kicked the donkey-Bratia three times on leaving, just because he could.

The shepherds, Patrick and Maddie arrived with 67 other friends without masks or social distancing.

They passed round a bottle of Cider whilst Shepherd Maddie sang a lament.

As Bratia- donkey cried fake tears,

the shepherds and their friends passed round a celebratory spliff.

Sheep -Toffee and Chichi both did shits of shock.

Baby Kiki smiled but pulled her swaddling hoodie around her and held up a sign saying : “Please, no publicity.”

Donkey-Bratia took some photos and vlogged it all anyway.

Three wise men then arrived, bearing gifts.

Wiseman 1/ Dina, brought an the finest ever seen. (Retails at £34.99)

Wiseman 2/ Lisa, built a fine throne upcycled with cartoon fabric and silver spray paint and ...

Wiseman 3/ Nanny Di, carried bags filled with freebie Winch-more Hill clothes and the latest Ninja fryer.

This Wiseman (Nanny Di) was adorned in many layers of cardigans and silken scarves around and about her.

She was wise beyond belief as she’d read many, many books.

All the while, everything was captured on their i-phones and when Murk recovered from his mighty hangover he worked really, really, really hard (as he’s everso clever,) and edited it all into a Vlog.


Many years later, Angel-Carlitos revealed that Virgin Julia had planned all along to give baby Kiki her chance to shine, and so it was SHE who was born on Christmas Day and SHE who became Golden Child.

Any stories of anyone else being born on Christmas Day was a BIG FAT LIE.

Baby Kiki grew up working for youtube in the ‘strikes’ department.

She married a gentle, handsome, humble artist and they lived in a beautiful cottage near a beach in Cornwall.

In her spare time she liked to bake exquisite cakes for which she won many awards and she became an ambassador for the RSPCA.

(Donkey kicked and brayed at the injustice as she was the one who pines to provide donkey rides on a beach in Cornwall where customers would feed her buns all day long.

Donkey, instead ended up having to live in an inner city Sanctuary for demented and difficult donkeys.)

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So after what I said about the cost of their new car and their gullible subs yesterday, I will just leave this here.
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Golden child Maddie had Covid apparently. Incredible that nobody else in the house caught it off her isn't it. Maddie obviously had a super rare, 'speshul' strain of it that only targets obnoxious Amy Winehouse tribute acts. :rolleyes:
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Clarity seeker

Chatty Member
What I find ironic is they have shelves and shelves and bookcases full of books BUT they are always TOO BUSY to do something simple like read a book 😂

The high bookshelves which went round the whole perimeter of the wardrobe room were thrown out into the front garden in case any passers by wanted them.
They’ve done this a few times where they leave a sign out which says ‘Free’ to whomever wants the stuff.
Someone said that those shelves would have worked well in the laundry room but he said they were too narrow and they didn’t like the curved edge on them.
No... keep the bigger shelves you already have there for pots and pans and the 76 ninjas then, use these narrow shelves for smaller stuff.
Why not take Di home with the shelves in the car and put them up on her walls for her books?
Perfect width.
Rocket science?

I have sent the calendar below to them
It was an unwanted gift.🙈
It was worth the postage to imagine his face when he opens it.
Maybe I’ll get a ‘thank you’ and a song.😬


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Oh shock horror mank has to make new yrs eve all about him. Poor me poor me pour me another drink. Seems to think everyone is obsessed as him about alcohol....believe it or not manks but not everyone has to get pissed to have a good time!! 🙄 He seriously needs to bore off with it....nobody cares!

Also, why are they championing and obsessing over the vaccines when they have both declared they arnt going to have it? More so fads, she has defo said she doesnt want it....yet constantly bangs on about it being the saviour of everything 🤔 such massive hypocrites pair of em 🙄
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No, it's Kate Beckinsale!

I zoned out of their coffee borings a long time ago and looking at their recent vlog it's weeks old by the looks of it - just so boring and typical. As usual opens with a close up of Mark's flaky skinned face and trips to the boring park. As soon as Nadia vlogs, Mark either rushes in shot or cuts her vlogging. It's the Mark vlog. Yawn.
Him pretending he fell in the mud,so he could take his clothes off at the door,so bloody staged,her pretend laughing and him with dirt over his face,what a pair of total arseholes
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Miss LDN

VIP Member
I know. He looked like an extra from Minder (circa 1985). He's sure loving his own reflection though. Smoulder baby, smoulder! 🥰

View attachment 353985 💋

And for anyone that hasn't seen the trainers yet......

Minder extra 1985. You made my day. He loves himself. Sweating and shallow breathing. Bad 80's hair. Smoulders, and tells us yet again he's 'filmed in there'. Wonder if he's wearing his crocs. Looks like he needs a cigar and a scotch. Sort of Poundland Lovejoy.
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Remember the year she wanted to weigh in live on the same day each week. That soon stopped once Mark kept losing weight and she didn't.
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As someone who has a medical condition that means that I have toilet issues and carry a card with me incase I need to use a toilet in an emergency, that vlog was upsetting and vulgar.

It isn't something to be used to queue jump and trust me if you were that desperate you wouldn't be able to or want to walk around a shop, record it, pay for it etc!
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I really dont think they like toffee. Brats on a walk with the dog, saying that toffee was embarrassing her by ‘fake’ fake that they planned to take her to the vets due to her having ‘something stuck in her throat’ !! Again, zero concern. That poor dog, god only knows what she’d been eating in that shit hole! 😡

Also, i dont know whats going to happen first, di having a heart attack from one of manks hilarious pranks/masks or the loft falling in from all the junk stored up there!
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Need a new thread title soon I've written down

'ManikMankMan (TomTom)

Fadia (sorry can't remember who came up with that)

I don't have a sentence but have some words:

Stinkingbloodythinking (can take the bloody out)

If you're fat DON'TDIET

10 Crispycremedonuts & counting

I'm on yt more than I'm on telly

Exercise, yoga, mindfulness, juicing, bonebroth, bagforlife, hoarders, liars,

Trolls are unwell and need to call The Samaritans.

Sorry, I know I'm just quoting from them, I'm not great with titles. Something to think on!
How about:

New Year, Same Old Bingeing, Whingeing and Stinking Thinking
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