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Chatty Member
This is going to be a novel and I apologize in advance for the word vomit. I breastfed exclusively for three months. When I went for my sons three month vaccines I broke down weeping in the consult room. I had spent the morning struggling to get the child out the door after a night of cluster feeding. I had struggled to find anything to fit me in my wardrobe because at that point my weight had plummeted to a stone less than I was before I was pregnant, my hair was falling out but I had no opportunity to get to a hairdressers (haven’t the benefit of a live in hairdresser like Mel) and I hadn’t eaten anything because I hadn’t the time. The doctor came to speak to me and was so kind. He didn’t advocate one way or another, but he pointed me in the direction of the sibling studies on breastfeeding, where they take children under the same environmental and socioeconomic pressures and compare breastfed and non breastfed siblings. I had tried to research breastfeeding previously but had ended up down a wormhole of childhood lymphoma, worsened by my exhaustion and new mother anxiety. The sanctioned narrative around breastfeeding, a narrative that Melanie likes to remind us of bimonthly, is that without it your child will suffer, that their future health, intellect, everything is dependant on you successfully breastfeeding. You are encouraged to “do your research”, but it is impossible to do so when one facet of the conversation is silenced and taboo. I had unbelievable support breastfeeding; everyone from the midwives in the hospital to my partner and his family was pro, positive and encouraging. The child never had any problem latching and my milk supply was always fantastic. But I didn’t want to breastfeed. I felt physically and emotionally drained all the time, but to stop, particularly when there was no impediment to me feeding, and the only reason was the prioritisation of my own needs, was shameful.

When Mel talks about formula as junk food, when she propagates the idea that breastfeeding is a panacea for all childhood ailments, when she suggests that malignant forces are conspiring to trick you at a vulnerable time into using formula at the detriment of your child she is promoting the idea that there is a right and wrong way of feeding your child. Formula is always framed in the negative, brandished by birth plan dismissive midwives in the hospital and forced on you by society that’s afraid of seeing an errant nipple in the wild. That wasn’t my experience. I had pamphlets and pamphlets of information on football holds, nipple creams and power pumping for breastfeeding,I never once was given any information on how to make a bottle, how to store prepared feeds, how to know if you need to change a formula to a different brand or type. I went to buy premade formula samples in SuperValu and when I went to use my vouchers I was informed by the lady on the till that formula, like alcohol, over the counter drugs and gambling products, didn’t count towards totals for voucher use. The narrative from all quarters is uniformly breast is best and when I read her calling “a spade a spade”, deleting comments and gaslighting women trying to recount their experiences, I’m reminded of the times I went to try and find information and help and was faced with only fear and shame and more than an insinuation that I was failing my son.

If she wanted to promote breastfeeding she could go so in an inclusive way. Talk about the challenges, the engorgement, the tiredness and hunger, the constant leaking and the difficulties so that when women face these problems in their breastfeeding journey they can see her as a positive ally and a practical guide. She could present practical information in a positive way without having to denigrate formula as the backup option. She uses it as an pretext to preach. Other Instagramers ( see Camila Thurlow for example) manage to present breastfeeding and make it look amazing without feeling the need to vilify other women’s choices. The constant quoting of the WHO and pretend advocacy of disease prevention is laughable when you consider her ability to wilfully ignore their guidelines on COVID. (Antibodies are amazing apparently but only they’re not vaccine stimulated).

And if anybody is reading this and feeling shamed about how they are choosing to feed their child, read the sibling studies, talk and trust your licenced healthcare professionals, ask for help when you need it and feel empowered to politely decline it when you don’t. Formula isn’t the enemy, midwives aren’t the enemy and you are doing the best for your child whatever you decide. You are a good and capable mother. I have positive memories of breastfeeding and it was amazing while it lasted but when it comes to deciding to stop that decision is valid and does not equate to feeding your child junk or an unhealthy lifestyle choice like not exercising. You’re not neglecting your child’s emotional needs if they don’t sleep in your king sized bed. There is no right way to mother, we are all just muddling through, and don’t let Melanie, mother of one, lecture you on paediatric health and well-being. She hasn’t a notion and given her unwillingness to even countenance any views other than her own, she never will.
There’s an expression in Kerry that a man pontificating on things should be paid no mind, because he had not walked the ground he’s covering. When it comes to really physically and mentally suffering with the demands motherhood, and isolation it brings, she hasn’t a clue. If she did she wouldn’t be so quick to constantly and reliably denigrate other women and their choices. She’s petulant, she’s dismissive, she has zero self awareness or consideration for other women and that’s becoming increasingly difficult to watch. She wastes no opportunity to be hateful. It’s the reason she’s dropping followers by the thousands.

Sorry for the rant and how muddled that all is but it’s helped me to vent the feelings I’ve had for the past two days. Breastfeeding is emotive for me, it’s emotive for many women, and it’s a subject that needs to be handled delicately and with consideration. Melanie is blatantly incapable of either.
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In fairness it’s not mels fault or my fault that we grew up in Dublin and not Afghanistan. I didn’t chose to be white the same why you didn’t chose not to be. This white privilege crap is bullshit in my view its is just a tactic brought out to divide people even more. I may be white but I had a shitty mother and I have mental health issues. Someone could be black with a fantastic family and great mental health. Just make the most of the lot you are given. We all aren’t starting off with an equal deck of cards be you white, black ,orange ,yellow, green whatever . Some people have it better some don’t. I’m so sick and tired of hearing I have some kind of privilege because of my skin colour. It’s down right racist if you ask me. But white props aren’t allowed to pull that card. Just for clarification by the way I’m not saying what’s happening to the people in Afghanistan isn’t terribly unjust either, it’s just just dreadful what’s happening.
White privilege doesn't mean your life hasn't been hard, it means your skin colour isn't one of the things making it harder.
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Chatty Member
All Melanies issues, real and imagined, are related to the toxic relationship she has with her own mother. Her mother making a responsible decision and leaving an unhappy marriage with a man so bereft of personal responsibility, he could allow his pregnant daughter to fund his living situation while she lives in an attic, is something she just can’t come to terms with - and it’s haunting every interaction and relationship she has in the world. All the imagined diseases and attention seeking is to try and get the attention of a mother of two daughters, while she lionises her father because she does not have to share attention with a younger, prettier sister. The breastfeeding is just another extension of that. She needs to constantly reiterate the “sacrifice” she has made for her child and how she would never put her personal needs ahead of that. She is a martyr mother and we all need to be reminded how wonderful she is. We all need to be constantly reminded that she is not her mother.

She cannot see how privileged she is to have full time help of other adults living in the house, not having a ticking clock on when she needs to get back into full time work ( actual 9-5 work not taking photos of yourself and writing shite on the internet). All she sees is that she is being the “good mother” and any other choices that aren’t hers are poor choices by mothers with priorities that aren’t 100 percent their children. She doesn’t understand the complexities and demands of other women’s lives ( re: all the performative feminism) and to be honest how could she. She’s spent the past 15 years in her bedroom, uploading videos to YouTube and sulking with her mother. She has no concept whatsoever of the sacrifices and struggles involved in being an adult woman because she’s not one. She’s a child playing house.

I’ve unfollowed her. Cant understand how anyone has the time or interest to be wasting seconds of a busy day on the whinging of an Aran sweatered Melania Frump.
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Long time reader of these threads. First time commenter! I’ve watched Mel since her YouTube days and being from Skerries myself, the same age as her and an actual qualified teacher - the number of times I have literally screamed in rage over the years was many.

She talks about Skerries and calls it a ‘village’, takes pictures of the one thatched roof in the town and acts like she’s some sort of fairy in the magic countryside for her American viewers. It’s literally a town with over 10,000 people! It’s nothing different than any other town in north Dublin and her snobbery has been embarrassing to watch - you’d swear she grew up there too the way she goes on. She didn’t!

I’m the same age as her, I don’t know a single person who knows her from Skerries. I’ve seen her out twice when I’m home for Christmas and the only people I’ve ever seen her with was Thomas and Thomas’ friends and their girlfriends (some of who I would know to see). Looking quite formal, not very much friendship craic going on.

Another thing that has also annoyed me over the years was her claim of being a teacher. She did the Early Education course in DCU- something that under no circumstances means you are a teacher. It’s a fantastic course and I know loads of people who used it as a course to do before getting a teaching degree. But nope, not a teaching degree so not a ‘qualified teacher’ which I literally remember her claiming in videos numerous times.

The housing issue- Jesus wouldn’t we all love to be able to afford a bloody house! 🙄 no one is more deserving than anyone else!
As someone said in a previous post she has done a full 180 from the modern feminist in her prime YouTube days to the Marriage + babies + house = life complete.

Sorry for the long one 😂
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Most people jn Ireland, especially in Dublin at the moment have a paralysing fear of not being able to pay their rent, losing their jobs and becoming homeless. Or their rent increases so much they can’t afford it even with a full time job and end up homeless.

as always, she’s fucking tone deaf to actual problems of people her own age. It’s such a ridiculous thing to say about furniture.
If they have indeed already found a house then, for me, it's the TTC situation all over again.
She has the gall to call so many things fearmongering and accuses people of wanting to scare others and make them afraid while she is doing this every single step of the way. She insinuated that it would be difficult for her to conceive, that she is "already" thirty and is having issues with her ovaries and then got pregnant on the first try. Worse still, when she uploaded about the issues of her ovary, she was already pregnant at the time.
It is amazing for her that she was able to do so, of course, but the fact that she suggested that it was going to be so difficult when she had no clue is just alarming and instilling fear in others who are in a similar age group or are in a similar situation as her.
She incessantly whined about the housing situation and suggested that even a couple disposing of one income that was six figures, plus another that is a pilot's salary could not get a mortgage for a house and was struggling. And to top it all off, they were able to live with family and not spend fortunes on rent. And yet she said that they weren't even able to secure a viewing of a house. She said that she had the downpayment for two houses saved up and they still could not get onto the property ladder. That is terrifying for those who can only dream of being able to do this.
Do not get me wrong, the situation with housing in Dublin, Ireland and all over the world is crazy at the moment and it is frustrating and scary, but she makes it out to look even worse. I am in a situation where I feel like I am in a hamster wheel and will never catch up with the housing market. Prices keep rising faster than I can ever hope to save, especially while paying rent every month. And having someone like Melanie say that with their situation it was hopeless, well that did not really help me at all with my anxiety. And that is with me knowing how she is and operates, imagine those who take her at face value.
In spite of their situation, she always suggested that they were being priced out (with considerably higher incomes than most of us dispose of) and that they would be desperately searching for months if not years on end. That they were trapped etc. etc. And it turns out that they weren't even actively looking. Now they started not even a month ago and boom they get something. Good for them. But she painted it like it was hopeless and that she's the face of the housing problem, when she was only using it for content, imo.
She makes videos, reels, posts and stories about struggles that aren't ones that she has to battle. And then she tries to pass it off as inspirational and only altruisticly wanting to help others. The only thing she does is cash in on people who relate to her supposed struggles.
Both of these topics are so sensitive for many people and so triggering. The fear of not being able to have children or the situation of trying for years without luck is heartbreaking for so many people. The fear of not being able to buy a home is also one that is more than real. Her suggesting that not even she herself and her husband with all their privilege were able to achieve these goals will for sure make people panic and be the opposite of helpful.
She is becoming more and more delusional. Like the celebrities that, at the start of the pandemic, sat in their mentions singing "Imagine" and thinking themselves inspirational and martyrs.
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I grew up in Pakistan which is a neighboring country to Afghanistan. I’ve known COUNTLESS Afghani refugees all my life. You have no idea how triggering it is to see a clueless white person raise money for a cause she knows nothing about with an incentive as SELFISH as this. Announcing “last chance to donate” as if its a competition to enter is so degrading and insensitive. She has ZERO idea how underdeveloped countries suffer as a result of imperialism and white supremacy. What exactly is she raising money for? Did she give any details as to what the “cause” actually is? Does she even know what’s happening there? Except for one photo from sky news, does she know anything else? How will the money she is raising be spent? How is influencer like Melanie helpful? It would be so much better is she directed attention/created awareness for Irish followers towards Afghani refugees in Ireland. I am so done with unchecked privilege being rewarded.
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Wow that comment of hers made me so angry. I won't comment on it much, because it actually deeply upsets and angers me to think too much about the fact that someone might take this to heart and feel guilty when they are doing their best and doing the best by their baby. What an absolute witch she is!
Reminds me of our neighbors who, when my mother informed them that she'd been diagnosed with cancer, told my mom that it was probably because she allowed herself to think that she could have cancer and because she likes to eat sweet things and that if she hadn't done that she would be healthy as the sugar is to blame. They then presented her with a bunch of "research" and wanted to convince my mom that the cancer was actually her own fault, because she invited it in and manifested it. Mind you, she lost her mother and several other family members to the same form of cancer. She has forgiven them. I never will. In her lowest moment they kicked her when she was already down.
Being a new mother is such a vulnerable and stressful time already. There are so many decisions to make and so many things that can shake the confidence and rattle women at that point. How dare she make such a comment? I also would have a strained relationship with my mother if I held this much resentment against her as Melanie does against hers. And no, Melanie, your problems with your mother don't stem from not being breastfed. These are separate issues. Her comment is along the same line as people who suggest that having a cesarean is the "easy way out" and that women who delivered their children like that are lesser than. F*** this shit! A whole bunch of judgemental bullshit. I'm fuming!


If we are calling a spade a spade, then Melanie won't mind being called a condescending, fear mongering, self-righteous narcissist.
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Maybe I'm wrong here but just my personal feeling- I don't think it should be up to Thomas's parents to help pay for a career he chose? He's an adult man? Regardless of how much money they may have.

If I turned around to either of my parents tommorow and told them ( as an adult mind you) that I want to be a pilot... like yeah they would support me- but I wouldn't expect them to shoulder the finances. Allowing them to live rent free in a large attic conversion to help them save was kind enough... without that form of help Mel and Thomas would never have been in a position to save nearly as much.

Imo once you hit your twenties your financial decisions and burdens are your own as an adult.
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Chatty Member
Can I make a suggestion that we stick with Pan or Milo? Although they obviously have their shortcomings, they haven't made their baby's name known publicly, and I think we should respect that. Plus I'm fond of Pan myself wish they'd gone with that 😂 Pan Paul, fixed it, much better.....👌
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A few more observations on that trainwreck of a video:
Jessie said that she withdrew a bit from telling Melanie everything that was going on in her life to give her space to enjoy her pregnancy and not get weighed down by Jessie's troubles. This is then a start point for Melanie to say she lacked context for the situation when they got into the dufht. So her sister respecting her boundaries and needs is then used against her when Melanie deeply upset her? Wtf. We obviously don't know what went on exactly and I don't want to speculate about it, but it must have been deeply hurtful.
And then there is this comment under the YouTube video. Someone comments about a friendship falling apart and Melanie responds with this.

To me it's so patronising toward her sister. It makes it sound like Jessie is "the problem" and that once she's had therapy everything is going to be hunky dorey again. Like the problem between them is that Jessie needs therapy. I would argue that, from what was pictured in the video, Jessie has found a much more stable, healthy, respectful and reflected way to deal with this. There are several points in the video where she has to remind Melanie of her needs and boundaries. And Melanie finds every excuse as to why she's not responsible for the hurt she caused.
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Really don't get the "I feel this deeply because I'm a mother". I don't want kids, but I still don't want any child to be harmed. It still upsets me even if I don't have any of my own.
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Chatty Member
She fetishises visible dependency particularly in men. She adores letting everyone know that she is supporting her father, that her son will be breastfed till he’s school age. Who else in their right mind would, at a time when they are living with in-laws and saving for a house, spend the equivalent of a house deposit in any other part of the country on her husband’s hair. Particularly at a time when he was out of work and couldn’t possibly pay for it himself. Anyone else would have told him to catch himself on and get a hat, but the absolute glee she had on her stories to be able to say “ I did this for him, this is all thanks to me” was insanity. It was highlighting his dependency and her role as saviour. She could easily have have just said Thomas was getting a hair transplant and used that for content but it wouldn’t have announced to the world that he’s got her to thank for it. The way she likes to present any of her relationships is deranged. There’s never any coming together of equals, there’s only selfless martyr mother Mel and those lucky enough to be in her orbit.
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Oh my good lord...
"The air is cleaner than anything I've ever had inside my lungs, I notice that as I look out at a thousand shades of green, as I smell water on the rock."
^^That is one terribly structured sentence. I presume this is before an editor has gotten to her manuscript? I hope so anyway. Because unstill isn't a word.
Even cleaner than the air in airplanes? I mean that air comes out of a HEPA filter and makes them as sanitary as a surgery theater, right? 🤪
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But you guys, Melanie is barely ever on Instagram. She only gets like 5 minutes a day to scroll. It surely is because she's so super mega ultra busy doing all things by herself the martyr way. And probably also because of the thousands of messages she gets on any topic. You know, the ones she uses as justification any time she's called out on her shitty takes on various topics. And don't forget the novels she leaves in the comment section of her own page and the likes of Jonathan Joly.
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... is she comparing her dad smoking at 6 and the effects it may have had on his health to not breastfeeding and hypothetical health problems someone may have??

is she okay? I’ve never once asked or worked with anyone who has asked if a patient was breastfed or not. Because it isn’t relevant.
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Oh my god would you calm down, i cant have a different opinion and be accused of being mel?

I only agree with the breast is best beacause when i had my eldest 6 years ago a community nurse came out and explained everything to me. She made me see how breast milk really provides so many health benefits, (i was fed from a cow and am fine) but just commercial infant formulas don't contain the immunity-boosting elements of breast milk that only your body can make and tends to be easier to digest than formula.
Breastfed babies have fewer infections and hospitalizations than formula-fed infants. During breastfeeding, antibodies and other germ-fighting factors pass from a mother to her baby and strengthen the immune system. This helps lower a baby's chances of getting many infections, including: ear infections

Thats from mayo clinic so i amnt talking shite
You might not be Melanie purely based on a differing opinion but you write like her, have similar punctuation, cite medical health opinions from other countries.

Oh and amnt.

Not saying you are her, obviously but you can’t see why people might think so?
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