Mel @mjbyrnex

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100% I thought this too. She knows they watch as she's said they complain about it. I think it's a "F*** you I can make it without you" kind of thing
What annoys me is she does it under the guise she cares about her followers! She doesn't give a flying fudge about her followers! She's already dropped them and told them not to trauma dump on her page.
ALL Mel's interested in is the sound of her own voice, her blaming everything that's wrong in her life on other people and showing off to her ex family in my opinion.
She definitely does not see what we all see!
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Oh absolutely! I found it so odd the video she posted of her and her family at the bowling over the weekend. The kids looked totally disinterested, it just looked like an average family and nothing special whatsoever. It wasn't like the usual 'mummy vlogger' posts where they show the excitement of the kids, the happiness of the husband etc, the kind of thing that people actually consider inspiration to improve on their own lives. I skipped past it thinking it was a rando account tbh
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Ah yes, the 4 step children that don't look at her tik tok!!! despite her posting pictures of the kids on tik tok
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She is probably speaking from deciding not to try to work out why her mum abused her, but it’s not a standard that should be set. This is when she should be saying that she’s not qualified to give advice.
Someone asked her on her live yesterday if trauma therapy was helpful and she said that it was the best thing she has done, but has previously said that she hasn’t had trauma therapy. The therapist was through her employers assistance program.
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Yet she says she’s never afforded to leave the country. How can you afford all of that but not be able to slot in a cheap holiday somewhere. I just can’t imagine going through life working full time with nothing to look forward to
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Yet she says she’s never afforded to leave the country. How can you afford all of that but not be able to slot in a cheap holiday somewhere. I just can’t imagine going through life working full time with nothing to look forward to
I think it's because she is consumed and obsessed with looking backwards instead of looking forwards. Looking backwards also allows extended periods of woe is Mel.

On her live at lunchtime today several people were sharing their stories, Mrs Woe is Mel has to Top Trumps them all with her stories. She definitely only listens to respond, she cannot just listen to people's stories for listening sake, she has to give one of her well used stories to beat anyone else's story in my opinion.
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Been following this thread for a while now and I have to chirp in, before I explode with irritation. If you played 'drink a shot every time Mel says trauma', you'd be unconscious in 2 minutes. Her whole identity is her trauma and the last couple of months it's been built into such a huge thing, that when you actually go back to look at what her 'trauma' is, it's an anticlimax. She talks like she's escaped a prison, or her family tried to do her in. Her mum was an asshole. She seems to try to beat every other living person with her trauma stories, it's revolting. And her husband seems consumed with adoration for her, but she honestly treats him like shit. The whole thing gives me the biggest ICK and something just seems massively off about the whole thing. Id love to hear from other people in her life, just to have some other perspective. Also, does she ever go to work anymore?! She seems to be on live ALL. THE. TIME. TaLkiNg aBouT hEr TraUmA aNd tHiNGs heR mUM dID.
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I get that each person trauma is bad to them & it's not a competition but I agree with you re her trauma. Many people have been through alot worse than Mel and deal with it much better than she does, and most don't need to liable others to recover.
I too would be interested in hearing the other side to her "stories" as I see her as a drama queen!
The problem with Mel is her followers seem to believe her every word, I don't.
Her stories are her interpretation of her past but it doesn't mean it's true.
She's currently on a live with her husband at midnight on tik tok! Imagine being so happy with your new husband / home / life etc that you feel the need to go live with strangers all day including at midnight in your home?
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I have a friend who has Waardenburg Syndrome, Mels features actually reminds me of her. I genuinely don't think she even considers that she has Waardenburg syndrome, as she seems in denial about her widely spaced eyes?

The most obvious waardenburg symptoms in her I see are -
Her widely spaced eyes.
Her pale blue eye color.
Her hair turning grey in her 30s
She says she has IBS, but it could be the gastrointestinal issues associated with Waardenburg Syndrome.
Yes, that live was cringe. 'ohhh, stop gifting me you guys, stooppppppp'. And she stays on for hours because she's being flooded with gifts. So, she's another tiktok beg, what a surprise eh?
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I always thought she looked like Sid from Ice Age tbh
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Long one...

So, I've suffered from trauma in my life as maybe some of you have, would any of you who have suffered trauma in your life ever dream of creating a tik tok page to repeatedly tell your trauma stories over and over and over?

If a close relative or family member or friend has hurt you in your life, would you set up a tik tok account picking them to pieces and criticising them every day of your life? Blaming them and taking zero accountability yourself?

Would any of you set up a page to dramatise and act out your trauma because actions speak louder than words and you want to make sure people clearly see all you have to say aswell as hearing you?

Would any of you air your whole families dirty laundry in public so that you open yourself, your family and your friends up to ridicule online, because you've turned yours and their private life into an unbelievable car crash drama? Simply because you value yours and other people's privacy and lives so little?

Would any of you bring your awful past trauma into your new dream home for it to deliberately take up residence and have a room of its own, and for it to be brought out multiple times a day to the point you are living in the past in your dream new home? To the point you are just existing in your dream home but you are actually choosing to live in the past?

Would any of you who've suffered trauma, and after putting your husband through years of hell at the hands of your behaviour (we know this because we were told this) would you keep focusing on the past in his company, instead of planning a better future with him and relaxing with him, instead of making him join in yet more "trauma rants" as soon as he walks in his home after work or when he sits down to relax?

Would any of you who've suffered trauma go live and discuss your trauma repeatedly like a stuck record before and after work everyday and then upto midnight, in your dream home with your dream husband beside you, rather than privately relaxing with him and having a private life?

If you'd suffered from trauma of a sexual nature, would you invite people, into an imaginary "safe space" online and in public and then tell them to get dicked everytime your horny, especially after you've berated any critics who disagree with you by saying its normal to talk about a person's sex life in a safe space dedicated to talking about sexual abuse and trauma with followers who's stories you don't know?

Would any of you who've suffered trauma repeatedly and heavily criticise anyone who's ever hurt you in your life to the extreme that even strangers know the story word for word and can predict what your going to say next?
Would you find it very easy to betray anyone and everyone who is no longer in your life, and publicly humiliate them without them been able to have a right to reply to your allegations?

Would you feel comfortable exposing and oversharing your most private and intimate stories, your friends and families most private and intimate stories, your wonderful new husbands private and intimate stories, all for a few quid on tik tok and some free Mooslover leggings?

Surely therapy is were normal people go to be heard, to work trauma things out and to heal in a true safe space where qualified people can help you to heal safely? Yes there may be waiting lists and therapy isn't always perfect but surely it's got to be better and safer than this absolute car crash of one absolutely crazy womans life!

Bearing in mind she says she wants to be a therapist! Would you ever trust a therapist or get into a therapeutic relationship with a person who's spent years online, publicly exposing her whole families and friends private and sensitive information everyday for years? Talking about and exposing very private information that is nothing to do with the trauma they say they've suffered? Because surely if a person can do such a thing to their own family and friends, they are more than able do it with the information that any random stranger has given them?

Of course these are metaphorical questions, I wouldn't dream of anyone answering them in public due to their serious and sensitive nature, and because I am not Desperately Undignified Oversharing Mel, the lass who I wouldn't trust with my shopping list never mind my precious life stories!

Safeguarding? Confidentiality?
Safe Space! Don't make me laugh! 🫣
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Fuck no. Just talking about my trauma makes me uncontrollably shiver. Everyone’s different I guess and she’s already talked a lot of it out in therapy whereas I’ve kept it buried.

But a definite no to sharing videos about it. That said it was the whole reason I followed her in the first place! I found her likeable and relatable. Now not so much
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The other week she was crying because she had retraumatised herself and said that she is in debt and can’t afford to go back to therapy. Now she has got a new car, I assume on finance, and is spending in the shops. Was she hoping that a GoFundMe would be set up or is TikTok paying off?
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I definitely believe the whole reason she is tik toking her trauma is soley for freebies and money. She's admitted she wants to do it full time
Yesterday she was sent a freebie for her teeth, we are just at the start of her shilling out trauma for freebies and cash.
There is a reason others aren't talking about trauma for gifts and money, like she does, simply because it's wrong, simply because it's not safe, simply because there is no safeguarding, no implied trust for vulnerable traumatised people to open up in a not safe., not private and not regulated place.
Mel hasn't got a clue how traumatised her followers are, as it evident by her content! It's such a reckless thing she's doing imo.
I was curious at first, now I'm absolutely horrified.
I'm amazed she thinks she's a fit person to become a trusted therapist! She's the most untrustworthy person! She is not emotionally intelligent enough to currently become a therapist. She betrays confidences like they are irrelevant and justifies betraying them because the people have previously hurt her and she loves getting revenge and betraying confidences! We see this multiple times a day.
She's desperately in need of therapy but it appears she'd rather spend her disposable income on tat from TK MAXX rather than seeking the therapy she desperately needs to get herself sorted out properly. Tik toking your trauma in the manner she is doing is wrong in so many levels.
This isn't car crash tv imo, this is a catastrophic collision that when it goes.wrong, as it will by inviting undiagnosed trauma sufferers into public forum with a vengeful and gleeful trauma dumper at the helm, it will go spectacularly wrong!
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I experienced significant, catastrophic trauma a couple years ago, that has such an impact on my life that I didn't want to be here anymore. Friends and family have said to me 'you should blog or vlog' and I can't think of anything worse. I don't want to throw myself in the deep end of what caused my trauma. I wanted to grow in spite of it, not with it. When I first saw Mel's channel, I assumed she would be talking about how her life has changed after trauma, tips for people, a place for people to talk. I think that's what she pretends her page is about.

Actually, it's an echo chamber for her ego. She's no interested in others, unless they're going to gift her. She will stretch her trauma out as much as she can, if it gets her paid. I can't honestly imagine anyone who has experienced significant trauma to use it in this way. It doesn't sit right at all. She's either not all there, or her stories are 10% truth, 90% bullshit to get tiktok £. If that's the case, it's criminal.
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She's DEFINITELY not all there as well as many other things!

Can you imagine working with a person who every lunchtime they are at work goes and sits alone in their car to film themselves slagging off other people and then publishes it online for the world to see? Would you want to become friends with that person? Could you trust such a person? Would you think that was a very weird person?

She clearly has zero self awareness re her behaviour. She is so obsessed with the past that she would rather sit alone in her car reliving the past rather than having lunch with colleagues and forging new friendships /relationships.

Of all the things she says and does, this behaviour stands out to me as one of the worst and one of the most telling about who she is. I genuinely only think a narcissist would rush off to their car, ignore their colleagues and spend their lunch hour slagging off old friends and family in her car every lunchtime and publishing it online. That how fcuked up this woman is!
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More fake drama and crisis from Mel. Obviously she has to "jump on tiktok" to get sympathy
Wait till she fills up her new SUV with fuel.
She'll need another morgage after having had a corsa for years!
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More fake drama and crisis from Mel. Obviously she has to "jump on tiktok" to get sympathy
Wait till she fills up her new SUV with fuel.
She'll need another morgage after having had a corsa for years!
She’s upset because she has had to do some work for once! Either that or she has been worded about making TikToks whilst she is supposed to be working.
She has probably used the money she has earned on TikTok to finance the new car. She was in debt weeks ago.
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I'm suprised work tolerated her making TikToks when she was supposed to be working and getting paid to work, she pushed it and she knows she pushed it. Of course they will be her new enemy now especially if they have critisised her in any way. Mel does not have the emotional intelligence to deal with any justifiable criticism levied her way.
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