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I would like to apologise to anyone I offended or upset with my bluntness yesterday. The post that started it all was, imho, very much out of order, but I was rude and aggressive and shouldn't have said what I did. I think the stress of seeing the children and Kieran suffering is getting to some of us, but I was wrong to react how I did. Sorry everyone.
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I think you should give up with shit comments like this. yes we are all entitled to an opinion but blaming two innocent kids is well below the belt. Children at that age are very easily bribed, as much as I hate Skank she is their mum and they clearly love her too. They are both victims of their mums behaviour and I'm hoping in time they will have regular contact with their dad and hopefully live with him. As they grow older they will realise exactly what their mum is like and then it will be their choice if they have anything to do with her or not. Why should Kieren stop fighting for them? No decent dad would give up and can you imagine the backlash he would get from her and social media?? Those 2 poor innocent babies are caught up in this tangled web through no fault of their own. Stop victim blaming, it really isn't cool
I have custody of my 9 year old g/daughter. Her mum sees her (addictions/mental health), this little girl loves her mum so so much. She has spent more years with me than she has her mum and still would push me out of a boat to save her mum 🤣 and I love her even more for that. She is too young and innocent to even try to understand her mum’s issues and she doesn’t need to know . In time, maybe but not now. I could never tell this baby even a snippet of her mums actions as it would break her heart and mine and possibly mess her up, no way. I just cannot understand the vindictiveness and spite that kipper is showing these kids. As a mum who seems to use MH issues for herself can she not see what she’s doing to these kids. They will be so torn because they love both their parents and KH has shielded them from kippers antics but she’s drumming his (alleged) into them. It’s abuse plain and simple.
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We don’t know that Kieran was given the party stuff for FREE. The only thing I saw him ask about was to HIRE a white bouncy castle. He seems to use mostly the same suppliers, not like KP who just uses anyone for a freebie. Maybe he negotiated a discount. 🤔 maybe he has actually built up a relationship with these companies over time and is happy to promote them.
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I feel very uncomfortable when someone posts something that we don't all agree with, people swarm on them and it can become quite nasty, I was a single father to two boys, (in their 20s now) and I don't agree with what was said about KH but I do understand people can have views I don't agree with, I just let it go, this is how that bitch causes so much anger on this site, just my opinion.
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Oh no it feels really unfriendly here tonight ☹ and plays right into the hands of the person this thread is all about ! I’m quite a newbie so makes it feel like expressing opinions could be met with a really harsh response if it is not always agreed with 😬
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Errrr Kate, the bankruptcy people can still do your Public Examination while you are in a prison cell…. 🤦🏻‍♀️ it won’t just disappear.
Tick Tock, one month to go!
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Because I feel uncomfortable commenting about the subject with you attacking people. I take it I am not welcome.
I think you’ve just joined on a bad day 😂 it’s not normally this crazy 😬 Hopefully her TT later will provide some light relief and get everything back on track! 👍
Everyone take a nice deep breath and repeat after me.
Karma is coming….woohoo.
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I noticed his own Mother didn't even acknowledge him, I know y'all going to give me shite when I mentioned loyalty with Princes but looking at all those photos in that montage birthday Kieran posted, obvious who the most loving parent is, and Jett can forget that for Roblox bucks? Bunny too? Give up Kieran just killing yourself for kids that prefer their mum. Sorry but that's how I feel. He deserves good mental health.
Jett and Bunny are young children who have been ripped away from their home and family. They had no say in this and feel powerless. All they can do is adapt to where they are now, I repeat, they are children. Notice how Kieran said in his birthday tribute to Bunny that she was the most courageous little girl he knows? What do you think he was referring to? She is away from her step brother, step mum, baby brother and her dad. Also her home and her settled family life. She is heart broken but trying to be brave. Do you think she was worried about being ugly before? Stayed up all night on line? Was left alone for hours in her room?
Of course she hasn’t chosen Skanky over Kieran, she hasn’t chosen any of this.
As for Jett, he has been totally brain washed to believe his dad is evil, and kept isolated from school. Skanky is guilty of Parental Alienation and emotional abuse.
But you think Kieran should give up and just leave his precious children with her?
You are totally wrong.
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SO you are suggesting Kieran should cut his losses and make do with the family he has now?
I bet you wouldn't be saying that if you were in that position. If Kieran simply caved in and
gave up his mental health would decrease rapidly. It would also be an insult to men who are
fighting to see their children from former partners.
I wish my dad had fought harder for 4yr old me ... he gave up to protect his own mental health, knowing what he was leaving me to deal with... keep fighting Keiran 💪
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I dont care what KH has grifted or not, he works, doesnt owe millions of pounds to all & sundry, loves his kids & fights for them, doesnt poison their minds against their mother out of spite, that gives him the moral high ground imho
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Guys Kieran has put a really sweet montage up on instagram to mark Apollo’s birthday. Some really lovely pics. Managed to catch a still of a little bit, question, is this Jett and Apollo at the MM gates? Can you remember when we saw that pic of Kieran with the kids at the gates and we wondered if Bunny had took Jett down there to see him as KFP seemed to go fucking nuclear around that time.


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I noticed his own Mother didn't even acknowledge him, I know y'all going to give me shite when I mentioned loyalty with Princes but looking at all those photos in that montage birthday Kieran posted, obvious who the most loving parent is, and Jett can forget that for Roblox bucks? Bunny too? Give up Kieran just killing yourself for kids that prefer their mum. Sorry but that's how I feel. He deserves good mental health.
They're young kids who have been manipulated and isolated by an adult, its abuse. why would a loving father ever give up on them?

Jett was bribed to speak to the police if you remember. You can't possibly blame a 10 year old for that!
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Something must have occurred. KP had a strange visit to Gatwick, Jett doesn't appear to have had a birthday, or at least she's not sharing ( which is unlike her) and DC16 said they would try and find out what was going on.....but hasn't been around much :unsure:
DC works hard and gives up their free time to help the BH people, Cloudy T and all those who have been scammed by Skank on a voluntary basis. If there was anything to report then DC will do so, otherwise it's sit and wait and know there are things going on behind the scenes that can't be discussed at every touch and turn, DC will update as and when they are able 👍
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They’re all vile 🤮
This is where Skank is now, this is her level, these are her people. Few posts back that Chad was exposed as a scammer, RimMe is just like him, dodgy AF. Westcrack, dodgy stuff all around her, a severe addict, think she’s near the end now, I knew someone like her in a pub I frequented years ago, not a friend, just a character in a pub, I used to chat to her occasionally as you do, she was always high/drunk. There were stories told to me of her semi-naked in the street at 10am in the morning, finally sepsis took her, had an infection from falling, her body so weak it couldn’t fight it off. I found out she was 42, I thought she was in her late 50s. Westbrook looks worse than she did, no idea how she is still alive. RimMe is an expoilter of these bottom-rung people, it’s a freak show, he loves it, it brings him coin, he’s an untrustworthy soulless individual, nice ‘friend’ there Skank, this is someone she works with.

These people are involved with the ‘Ibiza brother’, i know what he does, I know through an old friend, who worked for him for a period of 5 years on one of his “business enterprises”. She just moved ❄ but he is involved in murkier 💩 than that. Haven’t seen her for a while, she moved to Manchester, the ❄ life messed her up, last time I saw her she was a shadow of the girl I once knew, actually she was a nightmare, just wanted to get a hit and got so drunk. I felt sorry for her, she looked so lost, but I thought I can’t be around this anymore, told her so, we had a row, well she shouted at me and stormed off, haven’t heard from her since. Another casualty of the ’fun Ibiza life’.

Sad-Boy another small-time dodgy git. Do believe he’s her ❄ supplier, he has a past that’s been erased, what is he hiding, he’s quick to anger, has an abhorrent aggressive personality, always sounds like he’s on the edge, proper moody f*cker, he creeps me out. This is who she chooses to have around her, run her errands, around her kids, any decent person wouldn‘t want someone like him in their life, a man-child only interested in small-time fame, coin and fast motors, he’s ghastly, but he knows all the dodgy stuff she’s involved with. I don’t know how this ’relationship’ can end, they both seem scared of what the other will do if they did actually split, they seem stuck in a never-ending cycle of pretending they are in a relationship, the strain and tension must be terrible, but on they go. Deffo something bad involved for them to keep this shitshow going.

Then we come to her official work, JYY, again dodgy AF, something very off about J. Everything she is now involved with is desperate scamming, grifting and god knows what. She is so far away from her heyday of Playboy mansion, A List premiere invites, strange Boris Johnson Italian parties, numerous magazine deals, TV reality show appearances, all gone. She now lives, works and associates with the bottom level of celebrity, gutter people, she’s in the z-list sewer.

This Gatwick thing yesterday, I don’t know what it is, (hey Kylie don’t go all conspiracy theory on us 🤦🏽‍♀️😁) but it’s odd. She was there, she had the same nails, we have a photo, she was seen by herself, she never goes anywhere by herself. Is she actually with the kids, is sad-boy there, where is H, we don’t know do we 🤷🏽‍♀️ Whatever she’s up to, it‘s odd. Why has she gone to Gatwick, she had a smirky smile on her face when she said to the carer, “yeah I’m going somewhere, can’t talk about it”, sadly I deleted that video, really annoying, her face showed she was up to something secret/dodgy. Whatever it’s very very strange, accordingly she had suitcases with her, if she hasn‘t flown anywhere, c’mon she’s involved with some f*cked up 💩

Woo Hoo wonder if we’ll get any answers today to her whereabouts 🤷🏽‍♀️ What you up to Skank, why you gone MIA, the Skanky train rolls on and it’s getting weirder and weirder, what will today and this coming week bring, everything seems chaotic/dodgy around her…..Kylie’s discombobulated by it all….

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They're gunning for her, 'Sink Boy' they've put that name out to millions now who will be wondering why he's called that! Some of the Sun journos must know why we call him that, we know they read stuff here :sneaky:
Then a big chunk of the article is Kieran's post to Jett....people will also question why she hasn't posted anything like what Kieran did.
I’m in bits here, I’m on the floor, The Scum actually called him ‘SINK BOY’ 😂😂😂😂😂….a Red Top went there, they called him ‘SINK BOY’….honestly I’m wheezing with laughter here 😂😂😂😂😂

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New thread title thanks to @bagpuss17278 😁

Skanky is due in court on the 14th wooohoooo do you love it???
The papers seem to be going in on her of late
Keeps saying she's seeing junior and princess but never materialises
Had Harvey dropped off while she was in the middle of a tik tok where she proceeded to torment and tease him and then shout and threaten him when he started to get frustrated 😔
She's got another poor poor puppy, a little German shepherd called tank 🤬
Forgot Jetts birthday but didn't let kieron see him,
Been randomly pictured at an airport but also spotted in the UK with the kids.....
Cole is still awol...
As you were krusties 😘
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She's made the front cover on The Sun today. Let's hope the courts see this.
Suggestion for next looming thread.

#308 She's one big Fail, so send her to jail. Then get's kids back to their daddy, because he's certainly NOT the baddy.
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