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Fucking hell. Imagine being IG and putting this publicly on Instagram. Regardless of AE it’s all a bit minging isn’t it? Why the need to publish? If he’s all smiles and rainbows and overwhelmed by his new found happiness why doesn’t he just stfu and keep it to himself. Alice is clearly vulnerable and in a shit place, salt in the wounds
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Wow, the fact that she ‘had to go and see Ella to get her to talk her down’ is really worrying. Ella is 12! It is not her responsibility to manage her mother’s moods
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I feel like the minority here but I don’t think what he has done is particularly outrageous… if we put AE’s public shaming/over sharing/insensitive/immoral/questionable online stuff at level 100, I’d put IG’s at level 3… I just don’t think it’s comparable. My ex, 7 months after we split up, and while we were still FB friends, posted new girlfriend photos and changed relationship status. It hurt, it hurt my kids… but that was years ago and it’s all ok now. This hate campaign pile on (on both teams) is just awful. People are awful. (I mean on Twitter and Instagram- this is different)

I believe she knew before the photo was posted and I believe the kids knew before her. She would have reacted this way and called it ‘an affair’ if it had been 2nd Jan this year or in 10 years… she cannot comprehend that he just left her and stopped loving her. BW giver AE a ‘reason’ that she can process…

I’m very hungover so not sure I’ve made my point particularly clear. Soz.

oh and I’m an Air Force kid. I don’t agree that people who work away shouldn’t have kids but I do agree that my Dad was piss poor- he would have been piss poor if he’d always been home too though.
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We’ve had two full threads about how Alice manipulates the truth/fudges timelines to suit herself, but now folks believe her story on this 🤷🏻‍♀️
Who knows whether she’s telling the truth or not. But personally, I think if you’ve ended the relationship in every way except the last bit of legal paperwork being finalized, you’re not cheating.
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Chatty Member
I need to stop looking- the irony of some of the people that are attacking Alice on Instagram.

One of them is running a marathon for the mental health charity ‘Mind’ while posting horrible messages to someone having a pretty public breakdown.
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I don't see anything wrong with his post 🤷‍♀️
He's entitled to move on. Love how she's suddenly accusing them of having an affair 🙄
Yes exactly. How is it "cheating" if they were officially broken up since 1 January this year? It's been 10 months!! There is no proof of an affair last year when he was still officially with AE. It is entirely possible that they were just friendly on the set of Harrow 3. According to Bamula who is a friend of BW and also worked as crew they only started talking toward the end of Season 3.

My understanding is that in March 2020 they had to abandon the Harrow set due to covid and then IG went back in July 2020 to finish off some bits there. By August 2020 he was back in LA and then told AE he didn't love her anymore. So it would seem they only got friendly in July of last year. IG then dithered but finally made the the break with AE on New Year's Day 2021. He already had a flat from that date so of course there was some exit planning involved and obviously having kids made it harder. It is possible that IG and BW then had a long distance relationship of sorts (it's possible that she went to visit him in LA but no paps caught them so maybe not). Now they have gone official with their relationship and I say good luck to them. He deserves some happiness after the shit AE put him through.

BTW he owes AE nothing except what is outlined in the prenup. He is not obligated to inform her personally about his love life. The marriage now is only a legal shell that will soon be ended. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to get someone new and I also knew that AE would go crazy and she has been true to form lol. Alice herself cheated on her fiance Picasso with IG so she doesn't have the moral high ground in any way, especially after how much shit she has been flinging at IG and his mum.

I hope BW doesn't take the slagging off she will get from AE and her FMs to heart. She would do well to use the block button. I hope IG picked wisely this time.
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The woman is exhausting. I know women like this.
I feel sorry for the kids - because if this is her behaviour on an open forum, I can only imagine it to be worse in private.

AE would twist any narrative to suit her own. You could tell when they spilt she wasn’t going to let go easily - and she will always hold this resentment now & wants others to share her resentment.
But I struggle feeling too much sympathy when you don’t work unless using a pritt stick to attach buttons & feathers on an old tote a job, have a nanny and the “Cafe Gratitude” subscription - her days appear to be spent looking for any evidence (which supports HER truth, regardless of it being incorrect she will make it suit her narrative) to destroy her ex and attempt to keep pitching the idea - it was another woman who spoilt this union.

I just can’t be FUCKING arsed …..

I have know people who have been in relationships so violent, humiliating, which have robbed them of their dignity, most of their lives and at times everything they own - to escape a living hell.
so excuse my cold hearted stand on this matter.
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The kids won’t see it that way. The result is the same; they live with their mum so if he’s walked out on their Mum he has also walked out on them. You can’t bring logic into a child’s interpretation of an event like this. They will experience it as a betrayal and a punishment, even though Ioan didn’t intend on that. You can’t expect them to have an adult’s understanding of the situation; they are children.
I have a mum like AE. The children are likely hearing about this daily, and will probably hear things they aren't supposed to as she "confides" to them and relies on them for her emotional needs. It's very inappropriate given how young they are.
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You know honestly maybe Ioan had enough with Alice dragging his name through the mud for the majority of this year. All of the name calling, accusations, airing their dirty laundry on her socials, talking shit about his mom, etc. Was it even two weeks ago she posted the email from him on the family wizard? Poor sap probably just said “Fuck it” and they decided to go public with their relationship. Just my two cents at least.
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I have followed this story with interest, as I have been the 'Bianca' in this situation. I will clarify right from the start I was not the other woman in the slightest. There was no affair or cheating but I met a guy after I had come out of a long term relationship. I knew he was separating and had two children (separation had been a year by then). He is the most incredible person I know and I did fall in love with him. At the start, I did not buy into the "ex is crazy" narrative as I don't believe in dragging down other women and there is always two sides to every story. However, the ex behaved exactly like Alice is and I got the lowdown of all the private stuff that happened, the texts the calls the turning up at our house (we moved in after two years together) taking pictures. It was so incredibly stressful. Although she had been the one to start divorce proceedings, had a new boyfriend, as soon as it was apparent he had met someone, it all went downhill. The worst was the children. They met me and were obviously wary and I made sure I knew we were serious before I did meet them. Did it sensitively and slowly. Fast forward they are divorced now but the pain the children were subjected to is still apparent. I love them and they love me, but when we got engaged they were so happy but then the next question was "can we tell mummy". They know she lies and is crazy about the fact she no longer controls her ex. It pains me how much they were affected. I wanted to be mature and meet her but now I see it would have not helped in any way. I say all this as I can see how Alice is behaving like her, and unfortunately, all this social media attention is just fueling it. The ex in my situation probably thought we were talking about her all the time and she featured heavily in our lives, but we moved forward where she is barely discussed as this was the situation she created. I want nothing more than us living harmoniously but she cannot and will not move on. It's been almost 5 years. Alice will never win in this situation, her husband has moved on, and in divorce proceedings, the lawyers really don't care whose feelings have been hurt. Many women think they will "get their day in court" and can air all their grievances - they don't care, they just want to split in a way that is fair and ensure the children are safe. I was never happy that I was dating someone who was "still married" but as others have said, these things do take time and can that person who was treated so abhorrently not find happiness in that time?
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I need to stop looking- the irony of some of the people that are attacking Alice on Instagram.

One of them is running a marathon for the mental health charity ‘Mind’ while posting horrible messages to someone having a pretty public breakdown.
I don’t think she’s having a breakdown personally, rather woe is me and wanting public sympathy.
There are 2 sides to every story and so far we have only heard Evans and I’m sceptical as most of her posts have been wine engineered and then deleted in the morning.

Men don’t just leave their wives and children if they don’t have anything else lined up.
I disagree. My current partner left his wife of 18 years and their teenage children but we didn’t meet until 3 months later and he certainly didn’t have anyone lined up, he was unhappy in the relationship and he just didn’t love his ex anymore and left so they could both be happy.
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His Instagram post for a separated man with 2
kids was ridiculous. But she seems to be the one specifically bringing the kids into it. Does she have no comprehension that they relate to him as their father not her husband & it’s not in their best interest to keep involving them in this. Those poor girls what a pair of selfish parents. I’d say Jennifer Garner put up with the same if not worse & she came out & said immediately after the breakup that he’ll always be her children’s father & she sees how they light up when he enters a room.
Once you become a parent your kids come first. He didn’t leave them, he left her. Building up to an 8 year old that it’s such a big deal that daddy has a girlfriend is awful. He’s her dad no matter what. She should be telling her 8 year old that.
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I don't understand how people are equating BW liking some of IG's instagram pictures from 2018 as being concrete proof that "the affair" carried on for three years.
I like all of Chris Hemsworth's pictures from 2018, and got to work as an extra on Ragnarok, should I break the news to my boyfriend that means we've actually been sleeping together all this time?
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I don't see anything wrong with his post 🤷‍♀️

He's entitled to move on. Love how she's suddenly accusing them of having an affair 🙄
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I’ve followed this really closely. My first husband had an affair and left, over 10 years ago, they are still together and I moved on about 10 months later to my now husband. Kids were 10, 7 and 3. Yes it was shit at the time, yes I was distressed, yes the kids were upset. Mentally and financially it was tough. However I never told the kids their Dad was coming home? Weird thing to do. Was as honest as could be whilst being kind and protecting them. We found a new normal I guess, a new routine, dynamics obviously changed and at the time that was hard but we did it. I couldn’t fault him as a Dad and he has always been there for them, just not with me and in a different house. For me it was all about protecting the kids. Yes I had some counselling and it helped. Reflecting on it I feel proud that we handled it with maturity and respect. The kids are now pretty much grown up and are well adjusted and have excellent relationships with both of us and respective step parents. So it can be done. All I see here is destructive damaging negative behaviour that is not helping anyone, let alone her poor children x
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Brace yourselves, fellow Tattlers! This is going to be a novel!

In the article, AE is making it sound like IG saying “I don’t love you anymore” and the “He’s leaving” tweet & delete thing all happened in August 2020, one right after the other. @welp, I think you can correct me if I’m wrong, but while it seems he did say “I don’t love you anymore” when he returned from Oz in August 2020 (after she called him a pussy in July), didn’t she tweet that he was “to leave the family” (and then he deleted it) in January 2021?

This is my take from everything we’ve seen on Twitter and the article. What makes the most logical sense to me:

AE sensed something was off BEFORE the Pandemic. Remember, there have been 3 seasons of Harrow. She’s said he started acting different while in Australia, but it’s not clear when. Let’s say for arguments sake, it was during season 2. But when he’d came home, she’d ask what was wrong and he’d say “nothing.”

Then the pandemic hit during season 3 and she wanted him home before he got stuck there. He was resistant, but ended up coming back in April 2020. My gut tells me he’d met BW and was at least interested in her, and having to leave that prospect & beautiful Oz contributed to how miserable he acted when he got home. Could’ve contributed to the bath tub incident (at least partially why he was so sullen & lashing out about having to come home instead of wrapping the season).

But he was home until July, so maybe he did try to make the best of it. AE said as much in the article and she’s also mentioned it before: that she’d “seen a light at the end of the tunnel” and said in the article they were laughing and having sex more than usual.

But then he went back to Oz in July 2020 to finish filming. And if he hadn’t already met BW, he definitely met her then, since her friend on Twitter confirmed they did meet on set and start talking at the end of season 3. When he returned home in August, he was checked out and ended up telling her he didn’t love her anymore shortly after. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

But he stuck around from that point until January 2021, when they had another fight, she posted “he’s leaving” on Twitter, and that was the nail in the coffin. From what she said, he left the next day. But I feel like he should’ve left back in August. I can see how his staying gave her hope that despite the fact that he’d said he didn’t love her then, they might work things out.

Re: AE tweeting during the fight. Of course that was going to flip him out. It wasn’t a smart thing to do. But AE has been turning to social media for years. She considers people on there her friends. If she would’ve picked up the phone and called a friend instead, it wouldn’t have seemed as inappropriate. People aren’t slagging him for calling his parents and crying to them, after all. In her mind, that’s all she was doing too, but of course it was different because it was public.

Aug - Jan is probably the period she refers to as mentally torturous, and when he supposedly wouldn’t have sex with her, said she was unlovable, worthless, not attractive anymore, etc. She did tweet about crying a few times during that period, I believe especially around Christmas, so I do believe things were pretty contentious between them during that time.

I think it’s possible she found out he filed for divorce online, too. He left and said she was faced with lawyers right away, but in her “statement” on Instagram, I remember her saying that they discussed “legal separation.” That is different than divorce (where I’m from, anyway). I think she STILL had hope theyd get back together, but then he filed. His PR team couldve tipped the press off right after he left the courthouse. He was obviously fed up, and I’m not convinced he wouldn’t do something purposely spiteful and hurtful like that. Just a vibe I have (same as the one I have about the new gf announcement being purposely spiteful).

From there he had to have became fully invested in BW. Ive said before I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d visited him in CA. 9 months isn’t a super long time and she was already ready to move to another continent and stay with him for two months straight?? A lot of bonding had to have happened pretty damn quickly if we’re to believe they didn’t get too close before he left AE.

I have a feeling BW is moving to California with IG upon completion of his project in France, and that they’re announcing their relationship now to prepare for that because once he’s back in town, he’ll want to see the kids, and I could see AE trying to raise a stink about it being inappropriate for him to bring someone brand new/that they had no idea about (if that’s the case) around them. THIS way he can say “you’ve had over a month to get them used to the idea of BW being in the picture, babe. Sorry.”

I do wonder if there is a possibility that IG is less interested in the kids now that he’s got the gf around. She did post a picture of herself holding a baby saying she’s not a natural when it comes to children... And he mustn’t been TOO concerned with the emotional damage AE could be inflicting on them on a daily basis, being that she’s so broken up about all this, or else he would’ve tried to take them with him? Had her send them to visit? Sent someone he trusted to check in? Flown home on a weekend off? I know it’s a long flight, but if he was REALLY concerned, surely he’d put the kids safety and well being first and make the trip… right?

But Ive said before that he seemed like a good dad prior to this, and he is still making an effort even if AE says it’s minimal, and he is away WORKING, which someone needs to do to provide for the kids, so hopefully AEs insinuation that he’s been a crappy father since he left is just that, crap, and that BW hasnt and won’t get in the way of his relationship with them.

While I agree that if he was leaving because he wanted to be with BW he could’ve said so, OF COURSE that wouldn’t have gone over as well as AE says it would’ve in the article. She would’ve been just as devastated, and PISSED. I don’t think there’s any way they could’ve come up with an arrangement to make him stay. She shouldn’t even be thinking of scenarios like that. It’s pointless. She needs to focus on the future, not the past.

I don’t know why she seems to get so mixed up about the order things happened in and why she seems to contradict herself all the time. Is it the drinking? Is there a psychological reason? Is she lying? No idea. But the fact that she’s said so much on Twitter that can be fact checked is making her look unreliable, even if she really IS just confused because she’s traumatized or whatever. And that’s one reason people have advised her to stop posting this shit!!

And these Team Alice people (hi, lurkers!🤦🏽‍♀️) arent doing her the good she thinks they are. They’re fueling her anger and sadness, and encouraging her to act in spite. She seems easily swayed by them and it’s sad to see her being influenced by these people who are giving her such bad advice.

Oh and to clear up something ridiculous and hilarious I’ve seen: I was the first to say Biancas name on this message board and it was my post someone sent to AE. I am NOT someone in IG or BWs “camp” LMAO When I saw it had been suggested that IG wanted it “leaked” here or that we orchestrated it i almost fell off my couch laughing! Everything I’ve posted has been my opinion from stuff I’ve seen online. I’ve seen some online articles using comments various social media users have made and acting like what they say is fact, and AE seems to believe what some random strangers are saying without there being any proof to back up their claims too. I don’t know any of them personally. I don’t have any inside scoop. I could be 100% wrong in my opinions. Just wanted to put that out there!!

/The end! 😆
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Chatty Member
I feel like I see it a different way than a few here.
I’ve read all the threads.
I suspect IG’s control of AE Instagram account is because he didn’t want her posting happy pictures of them because he was having an affair.
I think he was telling his affair partner he was going home to see the kids and didn’t want any cosy photos posted that would cause him problems.
I think at this time AE knew something was wrong because of the way he was treating her and her response was desperation. As it is for many who are scared and confused.
I believe IG has gaslit the fuck out of AE.
Also, IG stonewalling AE and not having a conversation with her is classic abusive behaviour. This will send any distressed person totally over the edge.
At first I thought AE’s fuck it - I will not be ignored and go quietly attitude was admiral in a way. IG s behaviour is typical of many abusive men who then step back as the woman is expected to shit up or risk being called hysterical. But AE has lost herself now and needs an intervention.
As far as IG’s kids are concerned he’s a dead beat dad. He’s abandoned those children just like he did his wife because he’s a cowardly excuse for a man.
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