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I do a lot more. In the office I would log off at a reasonable time to get the train home where as I just seem to carry on working at home and lose track of time. I was getting to a stage of working 12/13 hour days and logging on the weekend too but I'm trying to get out of that. I work for Government and should work flexi time but I never claim any of it back. I also don't take lunch breaks at home where as I always do in the office. I try to get to a better balance but feel guilty and that people will think I'm skiving if I'm not immediately available
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Good poll! I’d say I’m doing the same amount of work but previously at the office I’d spend my “downtime” travelling in and out, getting coffee, chatting to people, popping downstairs for a snack, browsing LinkedIn or other sites. Now I spend that time doing household admin that otherwise would have built up and left to the weekend. I was initially going to say less work than before, but when I think about it, I probably do the same amount and am being as productive - just using my downtime in different ways. This whole thing has shown my company that we can totally flex our hours as long as we achieve results and hit deadlines, doesn’t need to be 9-5 at a desk. I’m in marketing.
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As a workaholic I'm really struggling at the moment. I have spent the entire pandemic working my ass off until recently. To the point that if I start late i.e. don't turn my laptop on on time I get very stressed even though no one knows what time I start or what I'm doing, I also feel guilty if I end up taking some time to do a bit of washing or anything that isn't work and I'm putting in way more hours than I would if I was in the office. I'm stressing myself out so much about it at the moment, it's harder at present as my workload is quite quiet post Christmas (this is normal because of what I do and not pandemic related), so I'm spending all of my time sat at my home desk, not working as I don't have much on, but feeling guilty about it at the same time.

I'm really curious to know what everyone else is doing? I've never done a poll on here before so apologies if the options are a bit rubbish!
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1001 others

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I've been doing some work for a client for the past few weeks using their equipment and software. Weirdly, the guy I'm reporting to remote accesses in several times throughout the day to check what I'm doing (an alert pops up each time) - and this is in addition to a report that he receives at certain times throughout the day showing screenshots of what I've been doing. Whenever I leave my desk for whatever reason (bathroom, lunch, etc.), I have to enter a code in my 'away' status. On day 1 I forgot to remove the code to check back in after going to the bathroom, and he actually messaged me to find out why I took so long! I'm not used to working like this. Most days I start well before my official start time and I'm there far later than I'm being paid for, so this man's behaviour is rather insulting. I did actually make a comment to him about it last week, to which his response was that he doesn't trust anyone to actually do any work from home ... it's a bit sad really.

I only have two weeks to go and then I'll be able to get back to my regular (normal!) clients.
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I'll never forget a delivery driver getting shitty with me after he knocked on the door and asked if I would take a package for next door. I couldn't see any parcel, so assumed it was small and I agreed. He walked back to the van and started to get a 60" TV out!!! I shouted over to him that I wasn't taking that it would fill my hallway! He got proper huffy!!

But who orders a TV and then isn't in when it is delivered??
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My workload increased dramatically for urgent covid-related projects. I definitely do more at home but it balances out cause I can have Netflix on in the background I guess.
I feel very guilty if I log on late or a little early. But then again I'm expected to work stupid amounts of hours to get projects done. I have done crazy amounts of overtime where I've had to work 18 extra hours over the weekend and I've logged on at 1am to get stuff done.
My manager has also forgotten boundaries. Meetings an hour before work without notice. Phone calls during lunch, saturdays, 8pm at night. It can be very difficult to manage.

I am pretty fed up of zoom. I am fed up of having to have my camera on.
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VIP Member
I was thinking about this today - on the days I’m at home I do get easily distracted, I’ll do a bit of cleaning or washing, or have an extended lunch break. I feel so lazy and unproductive but in reality I’m getting the same amount of work done. When I’m in the office a lot of time is spent discussing things with colleagues, general chat, dealing with phone calls and getting called over to help others, so without all that I’m actually probably more productive at home even if I don’t feel like it!
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Chatty Member
I've been working at home since the beginning of March. It took awhile for me to get into the flow of things, because like you, I felt like I needed to be at my computer constantly and felt guilty for stepping away to even go make a cup of tea or go to the loo!!

Now that I am much more settled I am really enjoying it and finding myself to be far more productive than I could even be in the office. No distractions of people constantly coming over to talk to me, the pointless meetings, feeling tired after my commute in etc etc.
Overall, my workload has increased due to the freelancers on my team being let go, but it doesn't really feel like it due to my increased productivity.

Summer is our quietest time and I did find myself feeling a bit lost, but I filled the time by dipping in and out of some online courses that I'd wanted to do for a while. There are some fantastic free ones on LinkedIn and Harvard Online Courses.
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I am another one that it’s hard to tell. I started my job just a few days before lockdown so I don’t really have a gauge as to how it should be. My role was really busy at the very beginning of lockdown and it seems to have steadily decreased since about September/October.
I do feel underworked tbh - I have a fair amount of down time in my day and I feel guilty stepping away from my laptop too.
My boss is quite stand-offish so when I have tried to broach the subject with her she brushes it off that I am doing a great job. I don’t know if she is holding onto all the work herself to do or if there genuinely isn’t anything to do.
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I find myself working more than ever to be honest. You don’t get the usual chats at the tea point or popping out on a lunch break or even just walking to the printer, I work in a large building and we have flexi time so it was quite relaxed to some extent. It seems so full on now, I know everyone’s different but I always feel guilty if my laptop drops to “inactive” even when I’m putting the kettle on, which is silly as work don’t expect you to be constantly available but I think everyone feels the same in our department. We have to take a minimum 20 minute break and that’s all I have had really since last March.

I used to take a full hour + at times. I’m not sure if we’re busier than ever or if I just feel more pressure now I’m on my own, our team meetings on zoom etc have dropped off so we rarely see eachother in our actual team. I think I would prefer to continue to work from home but maybe go into the office once a week just for the social interaction!
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VIP Member
My workload increased dramatically for urgent covid-related projects. I definitely do more at home but it balances out cause I can have Netflix on in the background I guess.
I feel very guilty if I log on late or a little early. But then again I'm expected to work stupid amounts of hours to get projects done. I have done crazy amounts of overtime where I've had to work 18 extra hours over the weekend and I've logged on at 1am to get stuff done.
My manager has also forgotten boundaries. Meetings an hour before work without notice. Phone calls during lunch, saturdays, 8pm at night. It can be very difficult to manage.

I am pretty fed up of zoom. I am fed up of having to have my camera on.
Omg keep camera off. I haven’t had mine on since the novelty wore off in April 😂
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Giggling Squid

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Rekindling this thread as I work in tech so WFH pretty much permanently from now on as the company decided to downsize the pricey city centre offices.

I do a lot of work at home but annoyingly I've found that due to my partner and I always being home (he also works in tech so similar situation) we have become the bloody parcel drop off for the estate!

People I don't even know are putting "if not in leave at No X" on their delivery instructions and it's getting on my nerves!

I have ADHD so it takes forever to get back in the zone once I've had to run to the door 😫
I am EXACTLY the same… our neighbours even started having parcels delivered to our actual address rather than just as an alternative 🤣
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Chatty Member
Working a lot more on a lot less projects. My company has suffered massively due to the restrictions since March so there is so much pressure to keep the wheels turning and keep projects coming in. We also made almost half the company redundant last year so no one can afford to just sit back and relax.
Literally feel like the only thing I have going on right now is work & it is so depressing.
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Chatty Member
Depends on the day: I love working from home but find I get more distracted by doing house stuff. Then I end up aldi etc 😂
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Chatty Member
Sorry I know this thread has been inactive for a while, but today I found out I've got a new job (woop woop)
First couple of months I'll be in the main office doing induction and training, then I'll be working from home.
I've not had to work from home (I'm currently in the NHS so never had so much of a sniff of even a Zoom meeting) so I'm just wondering if anybody has any tips or anything? I'm turning our spare bedroom into a little office so I've got somewhere dedicated to work.
TY in advance!
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VIP Member
A lot less. I have about 60/70 more emails a day. I’d be out visiting clients a lot more before covid which is now telephone based, which I hate.

I don’t mind working from home but my productivity levels seem to dip mid afternoon and I get a bit bored 😂.
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VIP Member
My workload increased dramatically for urgent covid-related projects. I definitely do more at home but it balances out cause I can have Netflix on in the background I guess.
I feel very guilty if I log on late or a little early. But then again I'm expected to work stupid amounts of hours to get projects done. I have done crazy amounts of overtime where I've had to work 18 extra hours over the weekend and I've logged on at 1am to get stuff done.
My manager has also forgotten boundaries. Meetings an hour before work without notice. Phone calls during lunch, saturdays, 8pm at night. It can be very difficult to manage.

I am pretty fed up of zoom. I am fed up of having to have my camera on.
I'm so sick of Zoom too! I've seen quite a few articles about zoom fatigue and how it can be draining/make people anxious because you miss cues that you would usually pick up on in person. I always feel knackered after loads of long zoom calls.

Omg keep camera off. I haven’t had mine on since the novelty wore off in April 😂
Yes this! God my hair most days is not appropriate for a work zoom call 😂
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VIP Member
Occasionally people mention my camera and it’s a flat out NO from me. Just look at my outlook picture if you miss my face that much 🤷🏽‍♀️
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VIP Member
I either have work on in the background or netflix/shouting toddler/study/homeschool/exercise on. Its really intense but definitely not able to do anywhere near what I did. I am back to wanting to drink every night but I never do, I just put bottles of wine in my online shop and run out of the app.
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VIP Member
The first few months of working from home I did much more and felt super productive. Definitely doing less now as lacking motivation and feeling a bit bored, but think that's mostly due to my job getting a bit too easy and needing more of a challenge.
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