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Hello Frauen und Männer!

Without being too Jack-like and expecting the cOmMenTs cLuB to remember every small detail of my life, earlier this year I lost my seven year old boxer dog and was completely heartbroken. As was the pattern with upsetting life events, I spilled my guts on here and received breathtaking love, kindness, and compassion. I still repeat some of the words I received to myself to this day.

Say hello to Tino, a 2yo boxer cross rescued from the pound in Spain. He has been with us for 48 hours and I am in love.



Since we lost our girl, our house hasn’t been a home. The day we put her to sleep was the second worst of my life and when you consider the worst was my dad checking out early from the Life Hotel when I was 14, it was pretty bad.

Now, we have since moved (bought, ninnies!) and Tino now pads around it. He is calm, loving, confident; he army crawls up the bed for snugs; he sits and waits for his bowl of kibble; he does double shifts at the Dorito factory according to his paws; and he is filling our home with claws on wooden floors, little pig oinks, and ear shakes again.

I carry our girl in my heart, and I always will. I like to think she would approve.
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I've had an absolute shitshow of a day lads

I've mentioned here that I've got a few things going on and I'm not sleeping well

well, my colleague who has barely been in the office the last couple of years witnessed me falling asleep at my desk yesterday and instead of talking to me, chose the nuclear option

fair enough, I have been falling asleep at work, in that seconds at a time way that everyone does now and then when we're staring at a computer for long periods doing repetitive tasks and especially when we're not sleeping well

anyway, she went to our manager and the upshot is I was invited for "a chat" (don't those words fill you with dread?) Then I cried (I'm a crier - sad, I cry; angry, I cry; embarrassed, I cry) for half an hour in front of our manager and I've been referred to occupational health

I have never been more mortified. I know there's plenty wrong with me, but why can't people leave you alone to deal with things in your own time?
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I can't contribute much Sideboard Cat to the thread atm, she is still being looked after by my parents while I recover from traumatisation by peas so I'm feeling quite guilty about it. My mum did send me this picture tho.

void in a basket.jpg
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Exasperated sigh - I think I should stop reading anything on the internet as every week there’s always a dig at working mums that seriously fucks me off? 😂 I’m not subtweeting (subtattling?) but fucking hell do ppl think we’re smug bitches cackling at home that we don’t have to see the child(ren) we love that they need to take down a peg or two or what?! Rhetorical question but why always us!

On topic - have a Sainsbury’s shop due and I got some discounted Heroes, the first Christmas choc of the season 👀
I think both sides cop it though. The SAHMs get accusations of being lazy and work shy, and unless they're middle class yummy mummies whizzing around in their range rovers, get put in that burger/tracksuit/Jeremy Kyle category that morons like to imagine.

I think tbh it's just women isn't it? Doesn't matter what we do, which path we choose, someone is there to pass judgement. Whilst men seem to breeze through their working lives with no such critics watching their every move. Quite the opposite in fact in many cases, they're praised for working and doing such heroic things as 'helping with the children' 😂.

Sorry, not meaning to go on an anti man rant but, 'tis fact innit.🤷‍♀️
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I love AAALLLLL the cats!! :love:

Someone (sorry I can't remember who) just mentioned on the Jack Monroe thread that there were cats in the F&D thread... I've never ventured in here before but JM has made me so angry tonight, the prospect of cats as distraction has lured me in.

Here's my black boy Kipper:

kipper 1654.jpeg
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This is derpy boy (tabby) with his sister, who he likes to use as a cushion.


This is their ham loving brother


And this is my old lady cat, guarding a roasting chicken/hoping it might fall out of the oven:
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It’s so odd to hear this ninnies because this week has felt so odd and creepy in a way? I think my sister and I have been slightly ill because we’ve both felt very run down and out of it. I couldn’t stop myself falling asleep today and yesterday several times whilst I was trying to get stuff done 🤷🏻‍♀️
So Cece scared the absolute shit out of me last night 😅 I tried to sleep in the living room where it’s warmer and I knew that my sister would be up early for college.
I got woken up and looked over to see our coats (hanging up high by the door) rustling around and moving, I thought it was my sis in her coat getting ready to leave and called out to her but she didn’t answer. I’m a very anxious sleeper and immediately grabbed my phone, saw it was 3 in the morning and turned the torch on. It was bloody Cece inside a thick winter coat having a blast looking in the pockets 😂 little shit it genuinely freaked me out so much I couldn’t sleep until it was light again. Cats 🐈

The ghost in question
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Horrible weather here today and potentially gusting up to 60mph later, so I thought I'd better bring the horses back into the village from the field they've been in for the last six weeks, which has sea on two sides of it and has no shelter if the weather comes from the east.

Junior Horse is deeply unimpressed with the rain (wide angle shot because he was trying to use me as a wind break, he doesn't really look a peculiar shape)


Now on 3 acres of fresh grass next door to the neighbour who's looking after them for me while we're on holiday next week and feeling much happier about life- lots of thick gorse bushes and an old stone ruin to shelter from the worst of the weather for them.
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Hey fraus! I’m so sorry because this sucks but Jack has got to me so much and I just need to vent. She’s actual poison and so dangerous to anyone seeking help. This is me ranting and I’m sorry and you definitely shouldn’t read it if you don’t want to! I’ve just been full up of people like Jack over the past couple of years and it’s messed up my perception of who is genuinely remorseful and who isn’t.
I’ve just had a rubbish experience. Tonight but also over the past 8 years. Today I’ve spent hours trying to access my local sexual abuse victim support and it’s been so much work! Like the mental health professionals I’ve spoken to today seem completely overwhelmed and overworked, upset that they can’t help more and it’s just awful. Yet Jack claims that she has three therapists on ‘speed dial’ (whatever the f that is) despite being on the bones of her arse?! Bullocks.
I was very brutally sexually assaulted by someone who I thought was my best-friend at the time, it was in my own flat, initially whilst I was asleep. It’s been a weird and complicated road since then but I’ve only told a handful of people about it, including one therapist who made me feel guilty for not telling everyone what had happened at the time? Anyway. I’ve been struggling since then and it’s so shit! Like I would be willing to bet he doesn’t even give a shit and thinks he did nothing wrong (he’s a massive narc) and that makes me feel so much worse.
Anyway, I won’t go into the specifics, but he’s a narc like Jack and he made me feel guilty for being upset. I’ve never even publicly dissed him, if you’re a decent human being then you can listen to someone you apparently care about who is upset with someone you’ve done.
I have some very very important people in my life, if they told me that they were annoyed/hurt by something I had done then I would be mortified and feel awful, I would listen to them. Maybe I would disagree with them, maybe I would admit full guilt. But I would listen to them and hear them out, I would try to resolve it. If they couldn’t accept an apology then that’s fair enough!
Jack is a poisonous narc. She doesn’t care who she’s hurt. She is never going to give an actual genuine apology because she wouldn’t ever mean it! I’m so sick of her, I’m sick of narcs. Maybe I’m just over sensitive because of certain people in my life, but by god I can’t stand her. And I’ve been feeling bad about that? Does anyone else?! Like I feel sorry for her but then I feel stupid for feeling sorry for her. Who bloody knows.

I’m sorry guys, I try to be chipper but Jack is such a cunt and she’s really got to me.
she makes out that mental health professionals should be scooping you off the floor, she has no idea what she’s talking about.
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I almost never post; the conversations move on so fast, and I'm always behind🤷🏻‍♀️ so I feel a wee bit awkward joining in. But here's Catdude, looking majestically relaxed.
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Maisie got spayed the other day and I can’t help but love the lil swimsuit she has to wear at the moment. She’s wearing a jumper over the top because it’s bleddy cold. Bonus picture of Nala in her jumper too. We are hanging out in bed because I have my electric blanket on.
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The surprise cat babies are babying well, they’re weaning and using the loo. Super derpy the tabby ones eyes look both ways and she always sticks her tongue out or looks at you with an open mouth.

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Thanks TS. How are you doing now, if you don’t mind me asking?
Thank you for asking, I am trying to get back to doing normal person things like cooking and moving beyond the sofa but I'm struggling to find enjoyment in anything. I'm still grateful to not be offered microwaved peas and leathery potatoes every day tho, praise beans for small mercies.
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I hope everyone is ok ☹ I'd like you all to meet my new friend Rocky, I met him and his mum outside the food bank today. They are homeless and were looking for crisis accommodation. His mum asked me to watch him while she went in so of course I said yes. I hope their situation improves, they were both awesome beings.
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Smol Pixel

Chatty Member
Well this is a lovely place. Sad I didn’t hop on over sooner (too busy slopalonging). My feline companion is not quite as magnificent as the other animals I have seen in here so far, but he is quite pretty and he does know how to choose a blanket that complements his colouring 😂
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Hello all you lovely mendacious ninnies. I’ve been trying to catch up a bit and not doing all that well at it, but love to you all for health things, work things and latterly ghost and ghoulie things,

I’m so rubbish, I pop back every so often, intent on keeping up and then failing miserably to have anything to contribute.

Sorry, I’ve had a bad MH patch for a while. Lots of boring SH and suicide ideation and trying really hard to tank my amazing relationship with a thoroughly decent man, because why wouldn’t I do something so stupid. Things are still shocking, but with added guilt, and I have no idea how to turn it around. It’s like I learned nothing in therapy, goddamit. I should be good, my job is interesting for the 1st time in years and I am respected and heading places if I want. My partner is a superstar. My daughter is becoming quite the young woman. Instead I am a 44 year old with the emotional responses of angsty child, unhealthy, exhausted all the time, driven all my friends away through an inability to communicate with them and miserable as sin (except when faking it at work. I cannot seem to shape up and I’ve been ill the last few days, so able to catch up on Tattle (good), and contemplate what I am doing to myself (bad) and now I am just mithering here too. Soz, I probs should delete this, this is why I don’t post, because none of you need to hear this either, I just need to sort my shit out like I have before (but it is very tiring).
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Fraus I just got back from the shop and I spotted the weirdest looking dead bird I’ve ever seen! Praise beans!
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Have so been enjoying the Canal Cat Collective! I have a new sofa blanket which Sunday School
Cat is very much enjoying. Behold her, accepting the fleecy snuggliness which is her due.

Sorry that some of our number are struggling. Sending huggos and cattos to all who need them.
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Just incase TraumyS doesn’t believe us wise frauen , I asked a couple of slopbot impersonators to confirm
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