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I couldn't find a thread on her but does anyone else find it disgusting how she eats on Instagram stories. It's so vile. Also she is always claiming to be super poor yet often has take outs and buys new clothes.
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Ooooo a thread on her! I don't mind her. I do think she has it a bit rough. And i feel for her with her mum, i know what my mum had to deal with. What erked me though was when she complained about checking her pay once she was furloughed, she didn't want to look as it made her sad. I commented saying count your self lucky! some people will get no help! She didn't reply!
From what I've seen I really like her! My kind of girl. But yes as above poster said claims she's super poor but manages meals out etc. She does shop the yellow stickers religiously though maybe that compensates for the luxuries.
I heard yesterday she has had weight-loss surgery, but is keeping it on the DL, why has she got a problem with telling people?
I heard yesterday she has had weight-loss surgery, but is keeping it on the DL, why has she got a problem with telling people?
Yeah she's just admitted it on stories. It's cause they all preach living in bigger bodies is OK but do this. She did have health problems not long ago so more than likely her decision could be down to that.
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I'm rehashing this thread because I bleeping confused.
She had wls in Nov last year for serious health issues. I can get on board with that, however.....
she regularly posts about drinking alcohol, eating rich fatty foods, eating out all the time, massive amounts of desserts (anyone see the Tim Horton ad).
I mean WTAF??
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I'm rehashing this thread because I bleeping confused.
She had wls in Nov last year for serious health issues. I can get on board with that, however.....
she regularly posts about drinking alcohol, eating rich fatty foods, eating out all the time, massive amounts of desserts (anyone see the Tim Horton ad).
I mean WTAF??
I know what you mean, I’ve seen her post some passive aggressive stories saying she can still eat what she wants etc but surely, eating excessively calorie dense foods, cheeses, alcohol which is so much sugar, will all surely be making her ill?

Also, it looked like to me she went to abroad, possibly Turkey, to have her surgery according to the stories she posted about it?

I think you can tell she’s lost some weight and if that’s what she wanted, that’s her choice and I have no issue with that at all, it’s her life, but the amount of gifted food trips she is still being given, surely is just pure greed, as she surely is not able to eat what she’s been gifted? Such rich and fatty foods, sugary desserts…it just baffles me!
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My argument is that she has had wls due to health issues regarding her weight. Wouldn't that make someone change their lifestyle? I'm not against wls as an aid to manage weight but she's taking the piss by still eating all that trash and ultimately her health will still suffer.
It's frustrating that someone can have such a privilege like that and then piss it all up the wall!!
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Another bodipos account that has had wls but all she ever posts about is food?! I know she also shares that sometimes she only eats a bit but its still all over the shop.

You can tell she prefers her smaller body too the amount of pictures she's recently posting and today's before/after shorts picture
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Needs to change her insta name now!
she’s even more stuck up now she’s slim

Oh god she is so loathsome, now had a tummy tuck in Turkey which then has been leaking whilst she was out in public, amazing how she didn't pay private but expecting the NHS to now sort her infection out 🤮.
Her eating habits are still so bad and it has really rubbed off on her child who is now overweight, dangerous cycle
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