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I’m coming to this a bit late so I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this but she’s pissed me off again because now she’s brought my lord and savior, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, into this mess. She’s all “what you may not that she actually wasn’t a litigator, she was a law professor until she was 37.” Please tell me more about your education of RBG and how you know more about her than Americans do. Elle, she actually WAS a litigator WHILE she was a professor at Rutgers because she briefed and argued with the ACLU 6 cases before the Supreme Court of the United States, 5 of which she won. So honestly, you can shut the fuck up about legends you don’t know anything about. And for God’s sake, you can keep RBG’s name out of your goddamn mouth. Sorry for the rant, ladies. RBG’s work is too important a legacy to be tainted by this train wreck.

I’ve calmed down a bit. My overall thoughts on the video are disgust at how transparent she’s being. She knows she hasn’t been living up to the image she initially sold her channel on. She knows she’s out of work. She probably has realized she can’t just wake up and be a lawyer in a different country without serious obligations beforehand. She’s trying to set the stage now for her pivot. She’s trying to romanticize this whole thing so it’s not embarrassing when she breaks the news later that she’s giving up her law career or focusing on jewelry full time (good luck) or opening a bakery or whatever the fuck else she can possibly pivot to. It’s gross to me. If she just came out and said “I’ve done this and this and this in life and I’m in a place now where I need or want to pivot,” that’s a DIFFERENT STORY, but she’s trying to romanticize this shit as if she’s still such a girlboss and this is all part of her plan, and it’s just gross to me how transparent she is.
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Elle has a Belgian passport. She could have been living in the EU since she loves being European so much. Yet, she never would because she just wouldn't be "speshul."

Actually, come to think of it--she would be special. Nobody here in Italy wears clothes like her. Young women dress femininely but with an edge (or just outright with an edge, which I love). Lots of heels but also lots of combat boots and the like. Nobody here dresses like a granny with pearls and pageant hair.
I think she fancies herself more of a sensual Nigella Lawson character but instead of living in London, she's living in the south of Italy with her count/viceroy husband, surrounded by herrrrlum trinkets and cooking up a storm (cheesy pasta with cheese) with full makeup on and pageant hair. The villagers look up to her because she's the epitome of fair-skinned luxurious lady who is kind and sweet, and even lets the maid take home some leftovers from the family's yesterday lunch. When Smelle drives to the market in her SeRpEnTiNo car, peasant children run behind it, bewitched by the charm.
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I knew/know someone who passed the bar and worked for a litigation firm. She hated it so she went to work for one of the UCs in California in the employment law part of the HR department. She called that in-house and she said she was a practicing attorney. Maybe there is more to practicing law than being in court.

This is what my friend was hired to do. This was her second job out of school so there wasn't much "subject matter expertise".

" A second way the expertise of private practice attorneys is used by in-house staff is for their subject matter expertise. The in-house legal department is generally expected to handle legal matters themselves and to reach out to private practice firms only when the issue presented is beyond the expertise of the in-house department."
Law is a regulated profession, so anyone calling themselves a lawyer must meet the requirements of the regulator in their area. For Elle, she did meet the requirements to call herself a lawyer. In BC, where Elle lived, you needed to hold a law degree, have completed your training, and have a job that involved "the practice of law", in order to hold a law license. The practice of law is very broad - it includes things such as giving legal advice, or writing documents that may be used in hearings/court/tribunals. Elle's law license was tied to her job as an investigator at the agency that regulated mutual fund dealers. Elle's actual job title was "investigator" and her job consisted of conducting investigations into mutual fund dealers accused of wrongdoing. Because hearings were held for the dealers accused of wrongdoing, Elle probably made the case to the Law Society that some of her documents were used in these hearings, thereby meeting the definition of "practicing law". Regardless of what any of us think, she satisfied the requirements of the Law Society of BC and was a lawyer in their eyes.

The issue many of us had/have is that Elle promoted herself as a lawyer in the conventional sense. As in, going to court, writing legal documents, conducting research, and being very busy and stressed. None of this was true. Her job - investigator - did not involve going to court or representing her employer in a legal capacity. Her coworkers, with the same job title, did not hold law degrees. She was not the in-house counsel for the organization - there was an employee with that actual job title. She was a lawyer in name alone - no rational person would say Elle was working as a lawyer at her organization.

Essentially, she used the hazy definition of lawyer - which she was, in the eyes of the Law Society - to make herself seem very impressive and different from other content creators. She never said, "I am a lawyer by training but now I work in a different field". She played up her career to get views and subscribers. Calling her out on this half-truth is not sexist or ignorant. It is stating facts and pointing out that by not correcting the assumptions of her viewers, she was perpetuating a lie.
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I used to think Elle’s need to embellish everything in her life was hilarious to watch. I also kinda respected the hustle of creating this online personna to sell her stuff.

Over time, I’m starting to think she genuinely has delusions of grandeur, and kinda looks down on others. I always wonder if she genuinely believes she’s in-house counsel, Jewelry designer, European-exotic, size XS Nigella cook, who has classy & luxurious taste 😂

An interesting indicator is how blindsided she always seems about break ups. She really lives her life like the world revolves around her and has little regard for others feelings?

Curious to know what you’ll think!
When I first started watching Elle (circa 2017-ish), I definitely thought she was sort of in on the joke. Like, there is no way an educated, professional twenty-something uses using baby voice, refers to herself as a "girlboss" to others, or actually thinks she is working as a lawyer. Elle reminded me of certain contestants on The Bachelor or The Real Housewives, where they play up parts of their personality for attention and hide their plain, boring, everyday selves.

Certain things, like the looking down on others, definitely grew over time. I remember videos when she would shop at Zara and buy candles at Marshalls. Moving in with Joe really emboldened her to really play up her wealth in somewhat tacky ways. Suddenly she was saying Zara was "too trendy" and that "I only wear cashmere or merino". I attributed that to her having more disposable income and growing up wealthy. She went to a private school and maybe didn't realized that it's quite gauche to flaunt wealth when most of her viewers/peers can't relate to that sort of thing. Her channel went from aspirational to just plain snobby.

I also thought she was just playing up the little things for YouTube, but never mentioned them in real life. Like constantly mentioning how "European" she is despite never travelling to these countries she is supposedly so attached to. Or talking about how her culinary tastes are so refined compared to everyone she knows. I figured she only mentioned that on YouTube out of insecurity, but I never pictured her actually saying this nonsense to a boyfriend or a work colleague.

But when the whole Rick debacle began, I realized there was no persona. She really does live like this. She really believes she is a lawyer, a fashion designer, and the epitome of grace and elegance. She uses baby voice and passive-aggressively gets her mother to buy her designer stuff. She probably bragged to Joe about how European she is and how she has much more refined taste than he did (Joe, ketchup on a burger? I could never! I'm part-French, so dijon for me. I'm also part-Belgian, so I'll need a Flemish red ale to go with that. Merci!")

Now I just view Elle as a sad, insecure, desperate woman barreling towards mediocrity.
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I’m so confused by this latest video. She comes off trying way too hard to be professional YouTube chef vibes but gave hardly any instructions at all. For example the roasted garlic in the pasta did she squeeze it out into the pasta, did cutting it in half cook it enough we never got an answer? What spices did she add? I get she is following a recipe that I assume she linked in the bio (I didn’t check) but wouldn't you want your cooking video to be at least somewhat informative with tips and follow along steps?

She is clearly trying to get more subs with the give away, “viral” title but don’t you need to post regularly for the YouTube algorithm to recommend your channel? Elle can never get the regular posting down pat.

Why does she pronounce Feta “fey-ta” but towards the end she says it’s right? Please stop trying to be pretentious with the pronunciations Elle, its not cute.

Why was there a weird sexy cheese moment with the quesadilla? Was anyone else uncomfortable when she played with the cheese hanging from her mouth making bedroom eyes at the camera?

Why the stew recommendation with literally no explanation of the ingredients or recipe? Is she really trying to get clicks on links to make a name for herself in the food world?

Why did she say “bomb” so many times? The butternut squash is “bomb”, the cheese is “bomb” (at least I think that’s what she was saying, who knows with her pronunciations). Is this her trying to appeal to a younger audience? Is this how her new boyfriend describes things?


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^ To add to that, Elle constantly gets asked to make a video on finance but she never does. It's because like you said she never has to think about it.

What would she even say?
She has plenty of budgeting ideas 😂

1. Buy Jo Malone soap once - use the container forever and just refill it with cheaper soap
2. Buy cheap cuts of meat
3. Save on cat litter by never cleaning the box
4. Save on shampoo and conditioner by going to a dry bar regularly
5. Save on gym membership by joining a social club that has its own gym
6. Save on wedding costs by organizing the event in some random location thousands of kilometers away from where your supposed friends and former coworkers live, it's likely they won't attend
7. Have a parent with a timeshare in a sunny location - guaranteed free holiday spot
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What if she already has managed a ring? Fancy dinner, mini champagne bottles from her Instagram stories, could Elle be celebrating something? Trip to Hawaii not previously mentioned perhaps a last minute thing to celebrate with her only friend/family, her mom. Has she managed another quickie engagement? How crazy would that be!
Crazy AWESOME, thats how!

Ok I need to duck into other things for the day but I gotta just say this before I do. Elle had a broken engagement. It doesn't matter how well she knew her fiance or how long they were together, most people would need professional help after having something like that happen in their life. Especially true for someone with an external locus of self-worth whose engagement implosion was seen by thousands of strangers.

Elle, I hope you have sought out therapy. Even extremely strong people would most likely need therapy after what you have been through in the last 3 years. That said, if your therapist suggested you should put on a camisole and upload a video of yourself licking knives seductively, I hope you are seeking a different therapist.
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I absolutely don’t mean this in a disparaging way, but what do women with no children (like Elle) or children old enough to be in school (pre-pandemic) do all day? I have a full-time job and a kiddo who is in sports and is learning instruments, and while I’m exhausted at the end of the day, I don’t feel like I can’t handle it. My husband and I also have a side-hustle each, and our son is not neglected. Are these women’s husbands just total deadbeats who don’t pull their weight for the household, only good for a paycheck?
The ones who DO have children/volunteering/take care of older family members/etc, like my neighbor who has four kids who she homeschools (even pre-pandemic), I get it. She is busy ALL DAY. But after the kids get dropped off to school in normal times for non-homeschool families, what do these ladies do all day?
I feel like we all grew up being told we’re just as strong and smart as the boys, if not more. I really just want to know when that fork in the road appeared, because I missed it. I believe that it’s empowering for a woman to choose how she spends her life and her time, whether it’s in the house with no kids, or in the C-suite with four. Neither is superior to the other.
All I want to know is... what do they do all day? Honestly, I do applaud them for making their own choices despite society’s expectations. I’m just curious about the DITL (YouTubers are inherently freelancers, so I can’t get much insight from them).
Its not a good answer but I personally can say I love doing nothing all day. I don't have kids and I always get exhausted hearing what the people with kids have been doing all weekend etc. I don't come from a big Family and am not particularly social so I just can't imagine having days full of activities and obligations (but I know people love it). I work only because I am not independently wealthy so I have to, but when I had periods of time out of work, I loved it. I would wake up relatively early actually (which I am not usually inclined to do), work out, clean, cook and surely waste time watching tv. I know these are all typical tasks but I was never so on top of them as when I was out of work. I don't really get bored easily....maybe because I am an only child and have always entertained myself.
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I, for one, look forward to seeing woodsen in her leopard print gown on that blessed day.
As a devoted tattler and thread starter for our Smelley, I look forward to rocking my clawwsic, Eleanor-inspired leopard muumuu at her wedding to some quick clipping gentleman. It's a nod to Elle's best Seattle looks. :cool:


My girlboss inspiration: the balcony prancing nightgown and that hideous oversized leopard coat that I cannot for the life of me find a screenshot of but I'm sure you all know the one.

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Two years of vlogmas should all be here I think, not necessarily in order

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I used to think Elle’s need to embellish everything in her life was hilarious to watch. I also kinda respected the hustle of creating this online personna to sell her stuff.

Over time, I’m starting to think she genuinely has delusions of grandeur, and kinda looks down on others. I always wonder if she genuinely believes she’s in-house counsel, Jewelry designer, European-exotic, size XS Nigella cook, who has classy & luxurious taste 😂

An interesting indicator is how blindsided she always seems about break ups. She really lives her life like the world revolves around her and has little regard for others feelings?

Curious to know what you’ll think!
I think she's delusional 90% of the time (it seems to be a coping mechanism for her) but isn't completely clueless, and it's why she has moments where her facade seems to crack. It's why her eyes get shifty and she's looked like she's on the verge of tears so often since her broken engagement, because she knows her life isn't and doesn't look great.

If Elle was truly 100% delusional and thought she was this fair, beautiful, European princess, she wouldn't be spending so much money on plastic surgery and makeup. She wouldn't be so defensive over her fake job or comments about her spending. She wouldn't be squeezing herself into too small clothes and insisting that she's an extra extra small at any chance she gets. She wouldn't feel the need to drag her granny furniture all over the world and insist they are precious heirlooms. She wouldn't feel the need to put all her Le Creusets and Smeg items all over her kitchen on display to show people she cooks and can afford these items. Good looking, thin, successful people don't need to tell anyone any of these things, because it's as clear as day to everyone else. It's why you don't see Victoria Secret models telling everyone they meet how extra slim and pretty they are, and why Bill Gates and Tim Cook don't need to tell people they're super successful and wealthy.
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Chatty Member
I think I figured out why I dislike her so intensely.

She puts on airs like she is an expert in all things. Everything about her is such... artifice? Instead of saying something like, "I really like this shirt" she'll say "I like this shirt because it's cashmere and (insert random factoid here that is either not true or totally misunderstood by Elle, but which she spouts off like she is an expert)."
No one:
Eleanor: "I couldn't help but treat myself to this dress; the colors are so festive, and the lemons remind me of summers in Sicily... a nod to my Italian ancestry. My Italian relatives saw me in this, and they are quite pleased. Also, I love how the white accents pick up the paleness of my skin. As you know, I'm very pale because I'm very European."
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Oh, I saw a snarky comment from someone on that sad cashmere loungewear video. Elle was trying to take the high road but responded with her word salad. . . I think she should have just ignored it. Saw this and thought how someone else we know who moved from Vancouver to the US really missed out on capitalizing on this great opportunity.
Here is the comment in question:

Comment: No modern working woman or mom would buy or wear a cashmere leisure suit like yours. It's just too high maintenance to wash and maintain. Also, it adds an unflattering shape - or lack thereof - to the body. I don't think your mom would buy a cashmere leisure suit because she seems like an unpretentious person. Looking forward to better content Elle. Shopping and haul videos are boring.

Elle's response: Just a thought that if you paint all working women and moms with the same brush, I don't think my channel and community is the right fit for you, but that's ultimately up for you to decide.

I honestly question Elle's reasoning skills and emotional intelligence with this response. Instead of saying, "I understand your perspective but some of my fans will enjoy this", she turns it into a weird intersectional argument that it's wrong to paint all working women and moms with the same brush. That person didn't do anything of the sort! Why bring that into it?

Reminds me of her truly bizarre rant when she was upset with comments questioning her being a lawyer. Suddenly she says, "I'm really surprised at the ignorance around women working and I'm not making it about women to be sanctimonious... until I saw this article about women leaving law. Like many other women, I left private practice to be in-house counsel." EXCUSE ME? Those comments had nothing to do with her gender and they certainly were not sexist. People were rightfully asking for clarification if she works as a lawyer or if she is doing something different. Is your job title "lawyer"? Oh, it isn't? Then just say that. Stop trying to make yourself the Joan of Arc for Canadian female lawyers when you are not working as one and your job is not nearly as demanding as, say, a public prosecutor. How insulting to working lawyers who have to deal with sexism on a daily basis and cannot find time to even eat lunch. Meanwhile Elle was trying on ugly shoes at lunch and leaving at 4 on the dot.

The victimhood mentality is so strong with Elle, in every facet of life. She is 32 years old and really needs to mature. I know teenagers who are more mature, thoughtful, and reasonable than she is.
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Some more gems for the rest of the bridesmaids here:



Some "lucky" man is gonna wake up to this the next morning ;)

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Yup, but even though they don't seem that close, I feel like one reason she's still trying so hard to stay in touch with them is because she probably needs them to be bridesmaids at her wedding lol.
Whoa there cowboy, let’s not pull an Elle and get ahead of ourselves. I don’t think Mr.Sixhead or any munt to munters are marrying her any time soon. 😜
I think we should be her bridesmaids when she needs some, we pay way more attention to her then anyone else does & we give much better advise too 😂
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The fact that she referred to herself as a law professor in her channel description box, and I think even her LI profile, particularly during her unemployed FL months, shows her level of delusion and shamelessness. Teaching a standalone online course to notaries-in-training does not a law professor make. I think it really shows her social isolation that she would even consider using that title so lightly. Her real life acquaintances must cringe.
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Chatty Member
She needs a tutorial on how to get to the point. She rambled on and on about how the Balenciaga and the Free People dresses were not her usual style. Just say it; no need to use 1,000 words. I can't tell if she's trying to be "Music Festival Bohemian" or "Edgy City Chick." Either way, she fails on both counts since she reverted back to her skin tight jeggings.

I was at the dealer getting my car serviced and I still could not make it past halfway the video. Snoozefest.

Jeans are overwhelming. What a chore to "spend time in them." I'm sure her mom sent her some encouraging words about how she can overcome all these obstacles.
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