Business name ideas

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Would love some help for my friend, she is setting up a cake company and wants a really catchy slightly kitsch name (would fit her business model)
There’s names like sugar tits London (already taken and she would rather it wasn’t rude) but that’s kind of idea.
Any brilliant ideas, we are a sharp tongued bunch so was hoping you’d all be of help. Thank you :)
Buttercream Supreme
Better than Your Mil’s Cakes
Housefrau’s Buns
Class-eee Cakes
Cockfosters‘ Cakes (Especially handy if she’s based there)
Gelatine Dreams
I Dream of Double Cream

Any more and I would need to charge a marketing fee.
The Gilded Frosted Cupcake
Frosted Cake Company
Cake it til you Make it

This is actually quite hard, aha
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