Are women cleaner than men?

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Okay maybe the title is controversial lol. But honestly tho, most of the women i know (including myself) take care of their hygiene, flush, don't pee on the seatšŸ™‚, don't leave litter in the sinkšŸ™‚.

Just curious if it's the case with you and you OHs or roommates, men and women.
No, I think there are tidy men and tidy women and feral ones on both sides.
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Yes! I live with my other half, our 3 kids and my FIL (long story).

They are absolutely blind to what needs doing around the house - toothpaste on the sink, toilet lid up, neither of them have any intention of doing anything until I nag. Iā€™ve actually put up a cleaning rota in the kitchen to highlight what needs doing daily/weekly!

The few times Iā€™ve dared go in FILā€™s room, itā€™s disgusting, the floor is thick with crumbs. Absolutely vile.
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No, I think there are tidy men and tidy women and feral ones on both sides.

One of my exā€™s (a man) has one of the dirtiest houses Iā€™ve seen, he had 2 dogs there was dog hair everywhere, never hoovered, food/drink spilled on floor never tidied, dusty and generally grimy

I only stayed twice and when I left felt like I needed a extra long shower! My point of story is his mum and sister used to visit very often and it surprised me they either never commented on the mess or either thought it was acceptable! I never seen their house to compare ha
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Usually, yes. My husband claims he ā€œdoesnā€™t see the dirtā€ the same way that I do. Iā€™ve told him to get an eye test. Any excuse to not have to clean, particularly the bathroom. I donā€™t think heā€™s ever cleaned it. šŸ™„

My ex was worse tbh.
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Usually, yes. My husband claims he ā€œdoesnā€™t see the dirtā€ the same way that I do. Iā€™ve told him to get an eye test. Any excuse to not have to clean, particularly the bathroom. I donā€™t think heā€™s ever cleaned it. šŸ™„

My ex was worse tbh.
This is our situation too, I've just learnt that he doesn't notice it like I do, if I do point it out he'll happily do the work, so I just let him know what my expectations are regarding what needs to be cleaned that day/weekend/whatever and we get it done, I learnt that silently seething whilst doing it myself just made me cross and got me nowhere.

Same re exes though, I kick myself for essentially becoming their mothers whilst we lived together because they were lazy sods.
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No, I honestly think men are cleaner. Especially single men. Most single male friends of mine keep their places pristine on an OCD level.

I've lived in a womens refuge for nearly a year and I didnt realise just how dirty some women can be until I lived there... (over 40 women came and went during that time)

... I'm talking no shame in leaving dirty undies anywhere, picking their nose and eating it while cooking, filth under fingernails, rarely saw people washing their hands, no shame in doing things such as putting their toddlers with no nappy on to sit right where the food preparation area was, leaving skiddies, leaving communal baths filled with shaved pubes, women wearing the same socks for days on end without washing them (there was free facilities to do so!) so I assumed if the socks don't get changed there is a fat percentage their knickers don't either... I even saw rolled up menstrual pads USED just placed on window ledges and stuffed behind radiators.

... and more often I noticed the ones who on the exterior look pristine (perfectly applied make up, nails always done, etc) had the most vile, unhygienic habits such as bogey eating šŸ¤®.
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This is our situation too, I've just learnt that he doesn't notice it like I do, if I do point it out he'll happily do the work, so I just let him know what my expectations are regarding what needs to be cleaned that day/weekend/whatever and we get it done, I learnt that silently seething whilst doing it myself just made me cross and got me nowhere.

Same re exes though, I kick myself for essentially becoming their mothers whilst we lived together because they were lazy sods.
Yes! If I donā€™t point it out, he wonā€™t do it but would happily oblige if I did. Sometimes itā€™s quicker/easier just to do it yourself but it ends up pissing you off. šŸ˜‚

My ex before my husband was a pig. We managed 1 year living under the same roof out of 7 years together in total, and it was over. I would find empty bottles of booze hidden under the bed, and was coming home from 12 hour shifts working as a carer to mountains of laundry and dishes. When he lived at home his mum did everything for him. You couldnā€™t see the floor for rubbish in his room.

My husband is nowhere near that bad as heā€™s had to live on his own long before we met.
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I'm not the tidiest of people but the conditions my husband and my ex both seemed to have really low cleanliness standards (especially the ex). When my dad lived on his own he did try but there were things he was oblivious to. I do think men are less observant than women .

I have seen women with poor cleanliness too.
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I'm not the tidiest of people but the conditions my husband and my ex both seemed to have really low cleanliness standards (especially the ex). When my dad lived on his own he did try but there were things he was oblivious to. I do think men are less observant than women .

I have seen women with poor cleanliness too.
I'm not the tidiest of people either. I live in an organised mess. However there is a big difference in being untidy and being unclean.
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My home is rarely tidy - I have two boys under 5, never gonna happen. I have a strong cleaning ethic though (my mum is the same) so while things are usually a fair bit disorganised and by no means perfect, I canā€™t stand things being dirty and am usually pottering about with a cloth cleaning something. Iā€™m the same in work.
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I honestly think men who "don't see mess" are full of tit and generally just spoiled and are used to women doing everything for them, mothers then girlfriends, then wives. They don't need to bother because they know you will eventually just do it. Women make excuses for men all the time and treat them like children imo and then complain when they have do most of the housework themselves.
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I honestly think men who "don't see mess" are full of tit and generally just spoiled and are used to women doing everything for them, mothers then girlfriends, then wives. They don't need to bother because they know you will eventually just do it. Women make excuses for men all the time and treat them like children imo and then complain when they have do most of the housework themselves.
Spot on.
I honestly think men who "don't see mess" are full of tit and generally just spoiled and are used to women doing everything for them, mothers then girlfriends, then wives. They don't need to bother because they know you will eventually just do it. Women make excuses for men all the time and treat them like children imo and then complain when they have do most of the housework themselves.
These are the kind of men who are clean when they live alone but when living with a "woman" they expect her to clean after themšŸ˜
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No, I think there are tidy men and tidy women and feral ones on both sides.
I know a couple and they are both as bad as each other. Their house is disgusting and I'm talking dog hair everywhere (which I know can't be helped but other friends have cleaner houses with dogs), there are takeaway cartons all over the table and kitchen surfaces, mess everywhere (I have mess too but my kids mess that is easily tidied up before she goes to bed, theirs is stuff like old post, sun lotion bottles, remotes on the floor, full nappy sacks etc), they have washing up that needs to be done on every surface in the kitchen, clean and dirty washing everywhere šŸ˜· and that's when they have both known that I'm coming round!! And then she has the cheek to moan to me that her MiL has been round and tidied and cleaned up for her when she was in hospital once šŸ™„
Yes, there was a study carried out and it was a huge gap between men and women, while not totally accurate it was something like 30% of men wash their hands after using the loo and 75% of women do.

Although I donā€™t believe all the ā€˜I donā€™t see messā€™ and similar such as men canā€™t buy presents and canā€™t cook or shop properly or do childcare or ā€˜all men are bad at laundryā€™ etc. Do the men who use those excuses think gay men and single men just live in hovels, eat takeaways, let the kids go feral and never buy anyone a gift...
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My husband is tidier and cleaner than me. He showers every evening, me every two days (unless I exercise). I only wash my hair 1 or 2 times a week, him every day. I only brush my teeth once a day (just how we were brought up and I can't seem to make the habit) him twice.
He has a military father and went to boarding school, so is very neat and tidy. I just don't see the mess the way he does.

I also have a problem with my peeing. It comes out super fast and a funny angle. If I don't position myself right, it literally bounces over the top of the seat. Drs told me it's just the way I'm built. Literally piss like a super soaker. So sometimes, usually middle of the night or drunk, i'll be the one leaving pee on the seat.

I'm not dirty or particularly messy. I'm just not as intense with it as my husband.

Should add though, I have a cleaning rota. Quick sweet of the house to pick up crap and clean floors, put on washing. Then later in the day I focus on one room. But I swear, during lockdown it seems like I clean down the kitchen about a millionty times a day. It's constant.
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I forgot to add I used to be a pub cleaner too... and the womens toilets I dreaded doing the most. The most I had to tend to in the mens was an expected pissy urinal and maybe the odd drugs snappie.

The womens was terrible, especially on a sunday morning before opening, menstrual pads stuffed in every orifice because the sanitary bins have been filled with anything but. Tissue everywhere and I mean bleeping everywhere. Sinks filled with discarded eyelashes, bits of ratty hair extentions, odd earrings... make up smeared everywhere. Skid marks and sticky floors... even came across glasses that had been peed in many a time. Just why?!?
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LOL I was having this conversation with my oldest last week.

He's trans, FTM and I SWEAR to god since coming out and socially transitioning he's become a slob. Told him that he doesn't have to adopt every stereotype of male behaviour šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚

My 10 year old son is extremely clean though. His room has to be tidy before he leaves it. He gets anxious if he knows it's untidy so part of his routine is making sure it's tidy but he never makes it untidy anyway so it's immaculate 99% of the time. My husband is average, I guess. He tidies after himself but he won't make an effort in making sure the house is generally clean and tidy.
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