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Sums it up really.

Though I'd add that, in addition to seeing themselves as rebels in a science fiction movie, some of them seem to think they're superheroes, too. Obviously not due to physical strength, but the fact they see themselves as 'rescuing' the masses from themselves.

They also have very lofty views of themselves, with comments like "we're the only ones who can see it, we're part of the few". They act like super intelligence is required and that anyone who doesn't buy into CTs is just too thick to get it.

They can also have a bit of a victim complex - eg the recent talk of unvaccinated people being treated like Jews during the Holocaust - which is an attempt to tug at heartstrings. I think that's done because they realise they're failing to convince people with their wild theories, so they think making themselves look like poor downtrodden people will change minds instead.

I know some people say this thread is solely about mocking conspiracy theories and theorists, but it's not just that, it's also about understanding why they think the way they do. How do they get drawn into it all?
Most of them are just uneducated imo. I had a scary argument a few days ago with someone about the covid vaccine, they started sending me data insisting it proved that the vaccine is causing a rise in deaths, but what they actually sent me were stats from the ONS which showed the numbers of those who died with COVID who were vaccinated vs those who were unvaccinated over a certain time period, and shock horror, around 80% of those who died were unvaccinated. Anyway, I literally said to them do you not realise that what you’ve just sent me actually supports the argument that the vaccine is actually effective? At which point they just started jeering at me, personally insulting me and telling me not to ‘live in denial’. I just thought, you don’t have to be an epidemiologist to conclude from this data (which YOU yourself have sent me) that it means the vaccine prevents covid deaths? How the hell are you reading it and coming to the complete *opposite* conclusion?
Idk I know it’s not the PC thing to say, but I just think a lot of them are either uneducated and lacking critical thinking skills or just genuinely thick as fucking pig shite.
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A quote from Professor Dave Farina:

“The simplest of minds refuse to live in a world that doesn't recognize their own brilliance. It is the desire to live in a science fiction movie, where they are part of the few rebels that know the truth. Turning to conspiratorial thinking is the only defense mechanism of the delusional narcissist with no skillset to match.”
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I mean people joke but I suffer badly with my mental health and with increasing regularity, the CTs will get to me 😔 they almost convinced me not to vaccinate when my son was born (even though one of my parents was a GP), and more recently over other issues such as Covid. It’s terrifying. I really appreciate threads like this to come to and have someone to talk to.
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Chatty Member
Yeah because we don't have a thread set up purely to ridicule others posts. Yeah deny all you want it's there for everyone to see, including your post above. I find many threads on here shocking, the missing lady for one is sickening, but I don't set up a thread to ridicule.
I don't expect you to get what I am saying as there is no helping some people.
I thought this thread was created because dissenting or differing opinions weren't welcome in the Conspiracy Theory threads. So to be able to discuss disagreeing with, and yes, also finding some theories incredibly foolish, a separate discussion started. You all are left to yourselves in your threads instead of them being a true place of discussion and differing viewpoints. But you can't control what people are discussing elsewhere. Period. End of.

You should probably take a step back and attempt to gain some perspective here.
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I don't understand people who don't trust the government.
Yes they're a bit corrupt, but it could be a lot worse!
I suppose it depends what you mean
I don’t believe that the government has plans to try and sterilize the population with vaccines, implement the great reset or whatever else these unhinged CTist fuckers claim that they’re trying to do, however I also don’t trust that they have the best interests of the nation at heart.
In fact, the only thing I really ‘trust’ the tory government to do is diminish the quality of living in the UK and line their own pockets.
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Ah poddular, please never stop stalking me round this site putting sick/haha emojis on all of my comments.
The thought of you sat behind your phone screen shaking with rage at the posts of little old anonymous me makes me laugh every time 🤣
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Dr Ranj sums it up!

I see Malhotra deleted that tweet and posted this instead:

I wonder why the sudden change of tune!
This one is really annoying me tbh. Paul had 3 heart attacks (the first in 2002) and was suffering from renal failure at the time of his death. He didn’t die suddenly at all, he had serious health issues for years.
Just because he had the strength to keep on going and looked ok on the telly, doesn’t mean he was actually heathy. People need to understand this.
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I think it's hypocritical how a lot of conspiracy theorists complain about scaremongering, yet they have no problem with scaremongering about vaccine injuries. I was just reading some nutter on Twitter who was saying most of the vaccinated will be dead within 1- 10 years (quite a large range) and most of the reply tweets were along the lines of "so glad I didn't have it". Yet if such deaths were being predicted for any other reason, they'd be saying it was part of a campaign to make us all scared and subservient.

Also, every single death of a celebrity is heavily hinted to be vaccine related, as is any illness. Even though people died of, or experienced, all those things before covid, so even if vaccine injuries were responsible for a handful, they can't be responsible for them all. But that is never acknowledged.

I think some of it is calculated as well. After all, we know cancer and heart disease have long been big killers in the UK, again long before Covid, so they're laying the groundwork about how vaccines cause cancer and heart issues because they know lots of people will sadly die of those things anyway, so then they can say "it was the vaccine, told you so!"

And that's the really odd part, how so many of them seem almost gleeful about deaths because they can use it as vindication of their anti vaccine stance, even without proof the vaccine caused those deaths.
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Makes sense… but another of those things that annoy me - already vulnerable groups receive worse healthcare
Yes and yet you’ve got people in developed countries sat in their basements with their foil hats losing their minds over modern medicine. Meanwhile millions of kids die each year from preventable diseases because their country simply cannot afford to vaccinate them (or are corrupt so don’t bother).
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XXX got killed cause he was carrying around duffel bags full of money and was heavily involved with crime, he accidentally shared his location and someone shot him for a bag of money. He was held up with a gun and was shot because he wouldn’t hand over the money

IDC that he was killed though, he was a hideous man who was a misogynist and routinely beat the women in his life. He even raped his girlfriend with a barbecue fork and routinely beat her. He was really young when he died but he would’ve been an even bigger piece of shit if he didn’t get shot.

There’s no conspiracy, also Satan doesn’t exist, drake didn’t have him killed, the illuminati doesn’t exist and Jews don’t run the world.

I have been pissed off with conspiracy theorists since last night when I read that even though Jews hate Christian’s they still conspire with Catholics to control the world. Anything with any sort of culture and ritual will have conspiracy theorists shaking and accusatory simply because they don’t understand it.

If they just admit that they don’t believe in certain rituals and practices of other religions and that they just want to believe there’s something more to this world rather than falling into nihilism they would be far less anxious and fearful of the future. But they’re too narcissistic and self righteous to admit so.
I met a Christian woman at the train station a few years ago, she saw me struggling to walk (I have stage 4 endo, I'm often in a lot of pain) anyhoo she asked if she could pray for me and I said yeah, you know I'm desperate for some relief from the pain so I'll try anything.

She prayed for me which was nice of her. She then told me that all Catholics are going to hell! My sweet old nana was a staunch Roman Catholic and if there is a hell there's no way she's there. I'm not often lost for words but this chick blew me away with her bluntness.

Sure, Catholics don't have the greatest rep but to say all those people will burn for eternity because of their faith seemed a very un-xtian thing to say.
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What even was the logic behind outrage about enforced seatbelts? Was it literally just ‘how dare the government try to tell me what to do with my body, if I want to get mangled in a car crash they should let me’? 😳
Pretty much that, yeah.


The fact that they have to say this is 🤦‍♂️
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I was reading an article about a German nurse who, instead of giving people the covid vaccine, injected them with a saline solution because she was against the covid vaccine.

Worryingly, most of the comments were in favour of the nurse, and anyone saying what she did was wrong were downvoted like crazy. Yet you can bet those same people would flip their lid if she'd injected them with the covid vaccine against their will. The double standards are nuts.

Admittedly it was the Daily Fail, but I thought even they'd agree that injecting someone with something they didn't consent to is very wrong - regardless of their views on the covid vaccine. Seems not.
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I find it funny when people do that. They usually get bored pretty quickly
You’d think so, they’re currently haha’ing up my posts on the Jack Monroe thread (that they’re not even a poster on) from like a month ago 😂. Honestly, if you’re raging this hard over some random user on an anon gossip site - seek help 😭!
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Sounds like they don’t know you can get myocarditis from viruses… like Covid (speaking from experience!!) (smiles 😌)
Systematic review and meta-analysis (very robust in research) as well as being the largest study of myocarditis after vaccination or infection found:

“…that the risk of myocarditis increased by a factor of 2 and 15 after vaccination and infection, respectively. This translates into more than a 7-fold higher risk in the infection group compared to the vaccination group.”

Of course this never gets mentioned and when complications of Covid-19 infection are spoken about they are scoffed at or ignored. After all, Covid is just a cold.
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