The Life Of Claire Gossip Forum

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  1. H

    Thelifeofclaire_ #4 Her cup and “capsule” wardrobe overflow while she keeps her trips on the down low

    I hope I’ve done this right… Thanks @squacksquack for the new thread title. Where did we leave off… Oh yes, Claire complaining that meat tastes too “meaty”, telling people to stop sharing their unsolicited parenting advice (even though she asked for advice) and asking people to send...
  2. kearns legal letter

    Thelifeofclaire_ #3 Life with two under two, Claire has no clue!

    Thread #3…let’s go! I grabbed the first one of @hereforthetea03 suggestions. If I missed a different one, my apologies.
  3. GeorgieBox

    Thelifeofclaire_ #2

    Thread #2 for Thelifeofclaire_… as you were peeps! Couldn’t find another suggestion for a thread title.
  4. Michy02


    Thelifeofclaire_ # 1 Motherhoods a blast, don’t talk about the eyelash, back in the gym quick as a flash