Going back to free speech and witch hunting and who can say what: if I work in Tesco, I have every right to walk into work and shout about how much I hate Malteasers and how everyone else should too. However, Tesco also have the right to watch the public reaction to me expressing my opinion and decide what my future at the company will look like. If I continually shout about how much I hate Malteasers and the public bite back and accuse me of spreading hate about Malteasers and I begin to do damage to Tesco’s brand, then Tesco are well within their rights to sack me. It’s their company and they have a right to protect it. I have a right to say what I want but my employer has a right to disagree with me and sanction me for it, ESPECIALLY if I’m doing it on company time in my uniform, as a representative of the company.
It’s not much different with ITV. I’m no Meghan fan, in fact I don’t give a toss about any of the family. This thread is about Piers and suddenly it’s become another Meghan bashing thread. Take Meghan out of the situation and it was a matter of time before Piers got sacked or was made quit. He was a representative of ITV, the host of one of their biggest shows. In the public’s eye, he represented what ITV stood for.
The key point in all of this that Piers fans seem to continually forget is YES Piers is entitled to his views and is entitled to say what he wants. But ITV are also entitled to sack him if those views are deemed to be affecting their brand. It’s the same for any company- and would be the same for any of us.
Could you stop making up your own facts, please.
Morgan wasn’t sacked. He resigned. It’s interesting to consider what would have happened had he refused to resign or apologise but since that didn’t happen we shall never know. Had he stood up, unzipped his pants and pissed all over Beresford he would not have been “asked to resign”....he’d have been sacked. So there’s a legal difference & in the context of this discussion it matters. They didn’t have the legal grounds to sack him & he broke no law.
Your Tesco/Malteser analogy is, frankly, absurd. If you behaved like that Tesco would sack you NOT for what you said but the fact that you walked around their supermarket shouting. I am pretty sure your dismissal notice would not have expressed outrage at your opinion of Maltesers but by your poor BEHAVIOUR of shouting at colleagues and customers.
A better analogy would be what would happen if you politely told every customer going through your till that Tesco was the worst supermarket chain ever and they’d be better off going to Sainsbury’s. If they sacked you for that, would they have violated your right to free expression? No - you would have violated the terms of your employment contract in which you have promised not to bring the company into disrepute....and that’s what you would have been sacked for. If you want to pit your right to free expression against their right to hold you to the terms of your employment contact then you would have to take them to a tribunal. That’s what courts and tribunals exist for...to arbitrate when the rights of individuals and/or companies come into conflict.
You misunderstand, quite severely & disastrously, what free speech actually means. The right to free expression of thoughts and ideas ends when it comes into conflict with a competing right that another holds. My right to swing my arm around ends the moment my fist comes into contact with someone’s nose. That persons right not to be physically damaged by my swinging arm is held to be of greater importance, for obvious reasons. In a similar way, my right to shout the word “fire” in a packed cinema - without justification - is in conflict with the rights of others not to be forced into being part of a panicked, possibly violent, stampede as people rush to escape.
In order to limit a freely held right we have to demonstrate real and measurable harm to another. No police officer could arrest me for swinging my arm around - they have to wait until I hurt another before they could do that. And so is the case with free speech - and this is the essence of hate laws. The N word is not illegal - no word is illegal - using it with the intent to cause distress is.
No one has the right not to be offended (where your feelings are hurt) and no one has the automatic right to be believed. No one. If you think they should have that right, are you in favour of dismantling the entire justice system, then? Should we be able to just make a complaint to the police and, without investigation, let alone a trial, the accused should be simply thrown in jail forever? End of story? I doubt you do think like that, so kindly explain why you think any other arena of life should work like that.
Markle did not sit in front of an audience of millions simply relating her experiences of racism and poor mental health. If that’s all she’d done Morgan would still be on GMB and I wouldn’t be writing this post. No. Markle made accusations. ACCUSATIONS. Accusation: a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
She weaponised her supposed experiences of racism and suicidal ideation purely in order to cast aspersions on the characters of others. That is why she told those stories...to accuse, not to inform. And yet, according to you, the other people forming part of her “truth” have absolutely no right to respond at all. No right to expect other people to wait for further evidence before forming their judgements and no right to be defended. No...Markle played the race and mental health cards...and that’s all you need to hear. Never mind that her narrative makes no sense at all & is filled with demonstrable lies - her skin is one shade browner than most people in the UK therefore her word is gospel & anyone not immediately prostrating themselves before her sanctified “truth” is to be cancelled forthwith.
What you personallly think of Morgan is a matter of complete irrelevance..as is what I think of him. He did nothing wrong - not legally, morally, ethically or intellectually. He violated no one’s rights by voicing his opinion - not Markle’s, not yours, not anyone’s. Markle deliberately sought the biggest audience she could in order to provoke a reaction and she has absolutely no right to dictate what that reaction has to be. If people don’t believe her, that’s her tough luck..she simply has no right to expect people to believe her. And you have no right expecting that on her behalf....certainly not to the degree that you think someone should lose their job for voicing their thoughts.
Why do you use this forum exactly? Presumably because you agree with the ethos (as I do) that if someone seeks to monetise their private life or even just violate their own anonimity for IG likes, then to some degree they are fair game (within legal & ethical boundaries). They want to be discussed and so they are. Why, therefore, aren’t you on any of the other threads complaining about Mrs Hinch/Jameela Jamil/Jack Monroe “bashing”? What’s said on those threads is considerably worse than anything Morgan (or I) have said about Markle.
Markle is monetising her life, trading off her association with the BRF and using her entirely unearned platform to cause actual hurt to those she dislikes. If she was an influencer you’d be ripping her guts out, not demanding people be sacked for doubting her veracity.
So what’s the difference? There is none. So to use this forum, more than almost any other, to demand unearned respect for a “celeb” & violate the rights of others to voice an opinion is the absolute height of hypocrisy. It really, truly is. No one says you have to like, support or agree with Piers Morgan but the very fact that you think he should never be able to voice an opinion that you personally don’t share is considerably more arrogant than anything he has ever done.