
Well-known member
Funny how Riley’s “biggest advocate” who “constantly fights for her” hasn’t been the parent to take her to hospital either this time or the last… this Mumma needs to be with the “baby” more apparently!
She’s absolutely frothing that after not doing anything proactive for two years, finally it’s reached a crisis point with a <rolls eyes> Friday afternoon ED presentation and the possibility of an NG tube - finally she’s made it to elevated Medical Mumma status!
She’s not been thickening Riley’s fluids, as recommended by the speech pathologist she last saw months ago, (how do I know? because she’s never mentioned it again and lord knows it doesn’t take a lot of time but it’s “different” enough that we’d have never heard the end of it if she actually was doing it!), she’s not bothered trying to get her to drink from anything other than those stupid cups with straws they ALL drink through (drinking thickened fluids through a straw is not easy, actually difficult with thickened fluids, especially if the person has swallowing difficulties) or used reward charts or done anything other than videoing herself literally wrestling with Riley.
Forgive this public health speechie who’s sick to death of people blaming the public health system and those of us who work within it for letting them down while refusing to implement recommendations for whatever reasons they deem more important than the health of their person… laziness, Munchausen’s-by-proxy, prioritizing getting more followers to watch them posing in ugly shackets and awful-bike-pants-that-need-to-be-burned…

And exhale…
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Is she fucking serious? Milestone cards ordered and ready to go for Riley’s “tubie journey”. I feel sick. She is utterly messed up. That poor little girl having to pose for photos with fucking milestone cards about her private medical life for all of Instagram to see. Ugh sickening
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I cannot stand this woman but i feel a bit compelled to help educate.

Ambulant wheelchair users exist, and their use of wheelchairs are valid.
Around age 5+, the ndis does consider the fact that a stroller/pram is not “age appropriate” for children; in our experience our child was called a “baby” by peers at age 3.
The GMFCS scales for CP do articulate that children with a lower level of CP (1-2) do often utilise wheeled mobility for distances.
It also promotes autonomy and independence in the child, as well as being a form of exercise for them (as once they learn to self propel, it is cardiovascular activity). Autonomy factor for them being able to decide when they feel they need it, or when they want to use it. Cerebral palsy is a dynamic disability just like autism where some days they are more fatigued/affected than others.

I have to speak up for Riley here and on behalf of kids like her and my own child who need wheelchairs even though they can ambulate. My child cannot climb, run, and has only just mastered jumping (age 5). Kids in wheelchairs are a positive thing for their own independence, accessibility and safety 🥰

Let’s hope it’s for those reasons, and not for grecian to get her clicks and likes.

Would she have needed a wheelchair if Grecian didn’t ignore her needs for her content baby? Maybe not. But i just don’t want people to think the parents they see on the street haven’t done enough and our children still end up needing assistive technology.
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BUT I could film myself and look directly into the camera whilst sobbing…
This is a new low wtf. How embarrassing to even have the thought of setting this whole situation up, turning on the camera, watching it back, uploading it, adding the captions. What an absolute loser. Go and look after your children, get off Instagram while your child is literally in hospital. God I knew she was nuts, but this is a outrageous
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“Mummy is going to take a photo of you. Pull your top up so everyone can see your feeding tube.”
“I don’t want to pull up my top, I want to go play!”
“No, Mummy said pull up your top so I can post you to all the nice strangers on the internet! Now, sit on your changing mat so that we make sure everyone knows you’re still in nappies. Smile, my little money maker! I mean my ✨ inspiration and strength ✨
“I just want to go and play Mum…”

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I can't imagine how scared Riley's siblings are having her at the hospital and mum rolling around on the floor pretending to cry for Instagram. They were even in the car when she said she was screaming (could see a leg in the car seat next to Riley) so I imagine they're not feeling too good about the situation. Be a mother and look after those kids then go have your cry in the bathroom so you aren't scaring your kids. I'm all for showing healthy emotions Infront of your children but this is a joke.
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Daughter needs grommets asap because she cannot hear. "Just depends on the public system you know"

Imagine profiting off your disabled child's illnesses on Instagram every single day, and not allocating that money to accessing desperately needed care privately.

I guess eyebrows, "healing babies" and photoshoots are more important.
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Jesus Christ on a cracker. That’s disturbing. Something not right with this one. Thrives on the attention. The fake crying. The whole set up. My child has been in hospital multiple times and the last thing that would cross my mind is doing that. Getting Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy vibes.
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