This should be a lesson for every girl/ woman out there. Never be completely dependant on a man. Have your own career, make your own money, build confidence in yourself that you can manage on your own. Aoife got a good college degree (or 3 as she claims which makes this even worse) and enjoyed the attention and the easy money from the small bit of modelling that she did after the Miss Ireland win. She then quickly met a successful older man who paid for a lavish lifestyle. She documented everything and went running to the tabloids boasting of her couture clothing/wedding. Now she's 32 , pregnant and living back with her parents in Clonmel begging for free buggy's and changing bags. Don't be like Aoife!
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If you read back through this thread there is MUCH speculation as to why she appears to have had no other alternative but to move back in with her parents. I mean who wouldn't, for the babysitting alone!! I'm sure the parents love her but at their ages to have a new born and an adult daughter thrust on them has to be both daunting and overwhelming. It's odd - I don't recall her doing any VIP magazine articles with Mammy & Daddy before all of this.

In terms of her life before pregnancy - think 1st class flights, a stunning New York apartment, diamond rings in Paris, faux giggly meets with other Instahuns, weird put on accents, free flowing champagne, eggy brunches, chai lattes, free flowing dresses, cardigans, little Bo peep type bonnets, high end venues and pretty much non stop living the highlife. It's all on her Instagram to see. She also used to regularly post obscure pictures of her partner working late nights while she was plonked on his couch in her PJs.

You rightly mention you wouldn't do it to your parents, however in this instance a devil's advocate might suggest the mindset is one of non stop freebies and a charmed existence. That devils advocate might also suggest that the mindset hadn't moved on with impending motherhood. I'll leave you to make up your own mind hun ;)
Couldn't disagree with you more, she obviously had no choice but to move in with her parents and they more than likely encouraged it to help and support her during probably the hardest time of her life, good on her, I hope she gets every Collab going as a single mother to support her and baby and will hopefully own her own home for them in years to come.
Its not easy starting out again all on your own carrying a baby who is relying on you for every single need they have. During pregnancy and afterwards.
I admire her, she stepped away from a clearly unhealthy unhappy relationship and made the decision to go it alone.
He asked her to marry him so he obviously wanted to have her as his wife so I'm sure she could have shut up and put up and stayed with him for the sake of a charmed life and money and stability - like alot of less brave women do.
But she didn't. She went it alone. With the help of her family.
Freebies or not, she is to be admired. Anyone in her situation that claims they wouldn't take the free stuff are outright liars.
She is dead right. She deserves it more then the women who have a supportive (both financially and emotionally) partner.
I would encourage young girls to look up to Aoife. She has shown dignity and true strength and is a great role model. And this baby will be a blessing to her and I'm sure she will meet the right man eventually.
Any man who can abandon his pregnant partner like that during the most vulnerable time in her life is scum in my eyes.
Whether she brought problems or not, he DID ask her to marry him. He knew who she was then, he was with her a few years.
She is lucky with the disgusting ignorant attitudes still in Ireland in this day that her parents are so wonderful to help and support her in her hour of need.
Her daughter is beautiful.
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Lads, If you've an opinion on women trapping men with pregnancy-start a new thread on it. the rest of us are here to talk about Aoife, her hidious cardigans and what she's now going to do as a career now that G is gone!
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I’ve seen CliTicaOToole comment on a lot of threads and she has said many nasty things that go way past the point of ‘critique’. No angel myself, but this poster goes that step too far a lot of them time with really pointed and personal comments with very hateful tones. Just ignore her 🙄
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Gary was married for 2 days before and then got it annulled. Take from that what you will.

I think they’re as bad as each other. She shouldn’t have trapped him with a baby (we would all
be fools to think that wasn’t what she did) and he shouldn’t have dumped her while she is pregnant even just for the health of his unborn daughter. The stress Aoife is under is very bad for the baby. However, that was her own choice to make.

Unless she takes him to the High Court, she’s looking at surprisingly little maintenance money. I doubt she knew this before she got devised her plan. It’s shocking the way people think the laws in Ireland are like they are in America. While Gary is a prick and seemingly no one seems to be good enough for him, I hope he doesn’t fall into the baby trap.

Hopefully this sorry scenario will deter other women from doing the same.

Maybe Gary should have used protection himself.

This is 2021. Men are just as responsible for pregnancies as women are.

I can't believe people still think like this.
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I have to say my thoughts around Aoife have changed. If your man has turned his back on her when pregnant if anyone needs free shit or collabs it's her.

I didn't follow her until she was about 20 weeks pregnant she came on my radar so I've no idea what she was like before hand with him or her life pre pregnancy! The engagement shoot and bridal content stories she had saved -was complete cringe.

6 months pregnant and i cannot imagine having to move back home and live with my parents! I'd fucking die! I love them them to bits and they are sound and i have a great relationship and all but no way! And i also wouldn't do it to my parents, so i very much imagine it's a last resort.
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O my god he looks like a total creep! He looks like the type of guy you'd meet in cafe en Seine who takes off his wedding ring at the door. I'd never put him and Aoife together.

There's a rule book of certain men you can ride but not date or marry and white chinos and mules with no socks is no.1 on that list!!
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Chatty Member
I never, and I cannot stress this enough, EVER imagined I'd see umbilical cord art. Jesus take the wheel, I'm done ✌
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Couldn't disagree with you more, she obviously had no choice but to move in with her parents and they more than likely encouraged it to help and support her during probably the hardest time of her life, good on her, I hope she gets every Collab going as a single mother to support her and baby and will hopefully own her own home for them in years to come.
Its not easy starting out again all on your own carrying a baby who is relying on you for every single need they have. During pregnancy and afterwards.
I admire her, she stepped away from a clearly unhealthy unhappy relationship and made the decision to go it alone.
He asked her to marry him so he obviously wanted to have her as his wife so I'm sure she could have shut up and put up and stayed with him for the sake of a charmed life and money and stability - like alot of less brave women do.
But she didn't. She went it alone. With the help of her family.
Freebies or not, she is to be admired. Anyone in her situation that claims they wouldn't take the free stuff are outright liars.
She is dead right. She deserves it more then the women who have a supportive (both financially and emotionally) partner.
I would encourage young girls to look up to Aoife. She has shown dignity and true strength and is a great role model. And this baby will be a blessing to her and I'm sure she will meet the right man eventually.
Any man who can abandon his pregnant partner like that during the most vulnerable time in her life is scum in my eyes.
Whether she brought problems or not, he DID ask her to marry him. He knew who she was then, he was with her a few years.
She is lucky with the disgusting ignorant attitudes still in Ireland in this day that her parents are so wonderful to help and support her in her hour of need.
Her daughter is beautiful.
Are you taking the piss?
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I feel very bad for her as There isn’t a hope that she could have held done a full time job as I would imagine she was on call the whole time to travel over when he was free or travel with him as likely some of those holidays were tacked on to his work trips and a lot of mandatory socialising with clients. Knowing the line of work probably the only time she could see him. I’ve done the travelling to see my husband while working in a previous job and while it’s exciting at first it gets tiring and invariably work suffers . They seemed to be together a good time so I do hope for the baby’s sake they work it out if they can .
Let's not run away with ourselves here... Gary is a solicitor. Not a president or an ambassador! Aoife did not need to sacrifice her own career to accompany him like a dutiful girlfriend/first lady. There are millions of solicitors across the globe whose wives have careers! She chose not to have a career. She modeled for the lottery in the local tabloids and did a few campaigns for newbridge and Ryanair. She then became a 'blogger' and 'content creator' and I use the terms lightly as she had a very modest following. There was never any ambition, she met a rich man who paid for her holidays and designer gear and she hedged her bets that it would continue.
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There is always the Rave thread for putting her on a pedestal if you want…….

She’s not that special. Having a baby on your own is not exactly ground breaking. She’s not a kid, she’s in her 30’s and has a decent education behind her that will fit in nicely with raising a child. She’s got two parents who took her in and will obviously dote on their grandchild. She’s got an ex with a few bob who will be obligated to support his daughter. She’s doing ok. She will be ok.

I wonder what kind of privileged bubble some people are living in to think she’s some kind of hero.
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“I would encourage girls to look up to Aoife”

Few pages back it was discussed that is an example of how not to end up.
Have your own career, money in the bank, independence as best you can without relying on a wealthy older man.

Parents are clearly decent, plus close friends, but it’s not to be admired, it’s shitty yes, but resilience and freebies are aiding that no doubt.
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According to Rebecca Vardy's account (i.e. hay 62) , Gary broke up with Aoife and pretty much confirmed the rumour of her outrageous demands with the house he bought... And considering that Hay62 correctly told us about the name months ago, I'm inclined to believe Gary...I mean Hay62
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