Recent content by Bread

  1. Bread

    Snag clothing cult

    Heist are very good. I'll email them and ask if they'll expand their range as I don't want to buy from Snag anymore either. I think there's a gap in the market! I don't regret supporting them during lockdown; they were a great little company but they are slowly destroying themselves with this...
  2. Bread

    Simon Harris #6 Even the Duke of Marlborough only charges £4.99 for a tea towel

    God, I am so in love with this man. (Hislop, not Harris) Oh... Fundraising with the direct link this time? I wonder why ....
  3. Bread

    Real Life Crime and Murder #20

    I'd like to read this when you do post. While my heart feels otherwise, my head knows you are right. This is why our justice system is so important.
  4. Bread

    Real Life Crime and Murder #20

    Her name was Madeleine; they never called her Maddie. --- Poor little mite. The comments on that are very interesting.
  5. Bread

    Jack Monroe #572 She also featured in a Sainsburys television campaign in January 2014

    Amen to this : outofajob: She's absolutely frantic. So she's either high or skint, or both. Desperate for attention regardless. I'm constantly struggling with the ethics versus finance thing. Bulking out meat recipes with lentils, chickpeas, etc helps.
  6. Bread

    Simon Harris #6 Even the Duke of Marlborough only charges £4.99 for a tea towel

    The moustache is crass! He looks like a helium balloon of Hitler.
  7. Bread

    Snag clothing cult

    He'll be quietly in the background with his hand down his grubby Y-fronts. Surprised he hasn't added that he is "cis" to boot.
  8. Bread

    Delphi murders

    I thought this. He'll have said a lot more than "down the hill" to make them video it, although I understand that the poor girls started videoing because he was walking back towards them.
  9. Bread

    Real Life Crime and Murder #20

    FFS if they'd kicked him out after the first assault she would still be alive. Like that vile man who attacked his ex with acid. A registered sex offender who was still allowed to stay in the UK. The minute an immigrant commits a violent crime he should be deported,I don't care if it's back to...
  10. Bread

    Jack Monroe #572 She also featured in a Sainsburys television campaign in January 2014

    Wow. She looks happy ... I guess it's not her slop on the plate.
  11. Bread

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #160

    You really should. It's deliciously dark and wildly funny.
  12. Bread

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #160

    I'm confused, episode 3 is about Barry George, is that a euphemism?
  13. Bread

    Real Life Crime and Murder #20

    Thank you for the warning; I'm not going to watch the video but did nobody try to stop this man given that it was in public? Poor little darling.
  14. Bread

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #160

    I'm in the club too. I've tried a few episodes but it just left me cold. --- Maybe they weren't an inspiration. They were talking quite happily about their inspirations on Imagine. --- My favourites will always be Hinge and Brackett.
  15. Bread

    Secret Celebrity Gossip #160

    Yes! Glad you had that reaction too. Great programme though and they really did come across as brilliant chaps. Always On My Mind is my favourite song, too. Oh Britney, I really hope you've got someone good looking after you. šŸ˜”