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Well, I can officially start calling baby brew my little girl 💖I can't believe it.
I'm just over the moon to see she was doing okay, has a perfect strong heartbeat but is very camera shy already
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Hey girlies I’m out, scan showed no pregnancy just lots of blood in my uterus. Hope to join you again soon and good luck 💕
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Just got out of my scan and we are having a girl 🩷 I was convinced we was having a boy 😅
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I'm an emotional wreck this morning. My bump is finally looking like a bump, went to give my partner a kiss and hug before I left for work and he put one arm round me and cradled bump with the other while saying "group hug, I love you both". 😭❤
I honesty feel like one of the luckiest people in the world. 🥹
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Hey everyone, just joining in here as I found out I am pregnant this morning after 2 years of trying, I can't believe it!! I'm still in shock.
Im a very anxious person so I'm looking out for every pain/niggle whatever. I don't really have much in the way of symptoms other than a bit of cramping that feels like period pain and I feel really tired. Is this normal? I see people saying they feel all these things but I don't feel any of them?! Maybe it's too early.
Excited to join in this thread 🥰
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Hi everyone! Can’t believe I’m actually writing on here as this is very unexpected 🙈 but I’ve just found out I’m pregnant - currently very early as my period actually wasn’t due for another couple of days but given I can’t tell anyone in my real life I figured I’d be able to tell you lovely lot. Exciting/nervous times! ☺
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Joining you all 🤍
We had a miscarriage, 6 weeks later I fell pregnant with our 🌈

I have been a bit in denial, in fear of something going wrong (we’ve had 4 losses). But hoping some anxiety eases now we are in the second trimester.
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I just have to tell someone because Mr R is looking at me like “and? 🤷🏻‍♀️” but I just managed to get a whole 1ml of colostrum for harvesting. After only getting 0.3-0.5ml a day it feels so satisfying to finally fill a whole syringe 😂
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I woke up so happy about this pregnancy today. 🥰 I read the heart has already started beating now (well, what will become a heart in the future) and it made me so emotional. I was putting of trying for a baby for so long because I was so scared how much my life will change but ever since finding out I feel so much happier and more excited about it than I ever anticipated. I'm so exited for my checkup next week and to finally tell my best friend and our parents. We are currently out of our country and didn't want to share the news over messages so it's been really special that it's our little secret. I'm walking around London on cloud nine. 🥺 It's been 10 days since finding out and I feel like it's only now sinking in.
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Good luck with your scan later @watermelon sugar xx

I finally did it, I've booked a gender reveal scan for this afternoon. My anxiety was through the roof last night so I barely slept, so Mr Brew told me to get one booked to try and settle my anxiety. Excited!
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After 16 months trying and a couple of fertility appointments we finally got a positive this morning. I had been taking Metformin for three months to help with my ovulation and my number were so high this month I just had a feeling this would be it.
I had a few symptoms this week but kept telling myself it was period related apart from nausea. I know its early but I suffer from motion sickness most days so I knew I would probably feel sick. I dont know what I'm rambling on about I'm just so happy its finally worked. Negative thoughts keep trying to kick in but I wont let them.
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Before I conceived my oldest I’d tried for over 4 years with no joy. That relationshipship was breaking up so no babies in sight but my dad bought me a piece of antique baby furniture because ‘well you’ll have them one day’.
Fast forward and he sadly and suddenly passed away just shy of his birthday. We were all devastated. Months later I discovered I was pregnant after just a month or 2 of trying again. My due date was a year and 2 days to the anniversary of his passing, 5 days before his bday. And it turned out I would have conceived the few days around my Mum’s bday.
I just felt he was helping me, giving her a last gift too, even though he couldn’t possibly and I didn’t want to put too much into it and be double mourning should anything happen, I couldn’t shake it. I knew what gender it would be too, he always called me baby girl.
When we drove to the hospital to have them one of his fave songs came in the radio, it’s obscure, not heard it on the radio since. My birthing room number was his bday (common Angel number). And baby came home on the anniversary of his passing.
Honestly it all sounds very morbid but instead of always being extra sad around that time, we’re just happy we had him and happy to celebrate LO. It’s like a reminder that life moves, he couldn’t stay but he sent someone else to be on my team (he and I were a team). Perhaps it’s my way of dealing with it but you take comfort where you can 🩵
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watermelon sugar

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Spent my day at the MAU again 😭 reduced movements again. They want me to have daily CTG’s. Back in tomorrow 😭 If I was just a tiny bit further along, they’d get her out of me. The dr was like ‘let’s get you to 37 weeks.’ One week and 3 days to go 😅
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watermelon sugar

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Hi guys! Had my scan, then had to have monitoring, then had to wait around the hospital for ages felt like I was there forever! But baby is all good and healthy, they just said that she looks like she is getting engaged and I should prepare myself for an earlier labour than I thought. Then they said that they want me in every week for a scan and a monitor until I give birth to monitor her movements and to keep an eye on the fluid around my placenta. Then they said I need to chat to the consultant about getting induced in 3 weeks. Then they changed it to 4 weeks 🥲 it all cabbaged my head a little bit tbh! I’m just thankful baby girl is healthy and I’ve felt her move more! And they said her weight is following the chart as it should, it’s just that she looks like she is gonna come earlier. It was all a bit confusing and too much information 😬 but I’m okay and feeling better and baby is healthy

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@Brewtime87 and @Lexi88 Congratulations 💕💕 Welcome to the girl club 😛

Funny story actually - as i was getting scanned I was laying there with the midwife doing her thing, then she goes ‘his head is all good’ I shot up, super fast, not even realising and was like ‘HE?!!?!’ and she fully looked like she’d shit herself. she was like ‘I just say he and his naturally I’ve not actually looked at the gender - but I will - did you not know what you were having?’ I was like ‘I’ve had 3 scans saying girl so it just shocked me to hear his’ 🤣 So she checked the gender and was like ‘yep yep that is most definitely a girl you are definitely having a girl’ I went ‘thank god for that! well not thank god I’d be happy either way but I’d have to take all the pink clothes I’ve bought back’ 🤣🤣 it was soooo awkward lol she just went back to scanning me all
serious 😅😅
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Hi everyone 👋
I found out last week that I'm pregnant! It was a bit of a shock, but a good one. My first antenatal appointments has just been booked, which is making it start to feel a bit more real. I'm only somewhere between 5-7 weeks and I'm already exhausted! I'm so excited but also trying not to get ahead of myself as I know things are a bit fragile in the early days.
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Well after another 3.5 hours on the CTG they finally let me home! He had lots of not mets on the criteria because his heart rate was going too high when he wasn’t moving, then he was moving too much and his HR was too high but the dips were too low (going from between 185-215bpm down to 110-125bpm!!) but eventually it all seemed to settle and the highs and lows started to sync with movement. I’m glad I stayed firm and refused to leave without seeing a doctor after the first 20 min CTG because the longer one clearly showed I wasn’t being dramatic saying he’s not moving much and there was something going on. The MW said he could have been distressed because of the monitoring and that’s why his heart rate was so scatty?! Is that even a thing?? He doesn’t know he’s being monitored 🤨 Anyway a registrar eventually came to see me and said they could admit me for regular monitoring but the next one would be in 6-8 hours on the ward, or I can come back tomorrow and go back on the CTG for an hour and see what happens, so I’ve gone with that option because I can’t cope with the lack of sleep on the ward. I’m a bit frustrated (and worried, tbh) because when I was on the monitor on Wednesday his HR was also quite high and didn’t really correlate to movement but they just said then that he was “excited”. But now I’m wondering if something is going on with his heart. I have a condition that causes tachycardia, as does my sister (she gets tachycardia and bradycardia though), so I’m wondering if it’s a genetic thing although neither of us developed it or any symptoms until we were in our 20s, or whether he is just getting a bit fed up and distressed in there 🤷🏻‍♀️ but we will be reviewed again tomorrow and go from there. There was mention of bringing my csection forward to this week if my CTG is the same tomorrow. At one point it was going to be today 😱

Mr R, ever the optimist in the car on the way home “fancy a shag when we get in to try and get him out then” 😂 no babe, I’m good 🤣
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Hi girls, I need some reassurance, when I went to the toilet this morning, I wiped and there was a pink tinge on the toilet paper, it's not bright red or anything. And I wouldn't say there's a lot of it, but it's my first pregnancy and I'm really scared. I don't have "cramps" just the feeling you have when your period is about to come. I tested with a first response yesterday and got a dye stealer. I just need some reassurance or advice on what to do. I think I'm around 4w6d or maybe a bit earlier or later, my cycle is all over the place so I can't work it out xx
hi everyone. Just to update... I'm having a suspected miscarriage or ectopic. They scanned me but couldn't see anything because it's too early. They took my bloods and my hcg was around 104 which is low. I get more done on Saturday to see if they rise but im
Not feeling hopeful. I sat in the waiting room bleeding really heavily and had to be scanned in that state too. I am traumatised. We've been trying for 2 years and finally managed to get pregnant and it's been taken away from us so cruelly 🙁 I am devastated. I had a feeling something was wrong when I initially posted a few days ago that my tests were really faint, but the frer I did yesterday gave me some hope. Thank you all for your advice/help. I reallly hope you all have happy and healthy pregnancies xxxx
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watermelon sugar

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Only just back from the hospital for my CTG. Thankfully they were happy with her movements today and told me to just come back on Saturday for a scan and another CTG. So glad I don’t have to go in daily!!
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We have our 20 week scan tomorrow, I'm so excited to see her again and check everything is on track 🥰
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