William and Kate #8

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Wasn’t William known as William wales in school? They don’t really use Windsor as a surname, they are ‘the house of Windsor’, or something like that. I’m not familiar with all the niceties.
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Id love it if she was a secret tattler giggling to herself about us discussing her name, knowing that most of the time she just usually gets the typical mum, mummm, mummm MUMMMYYYY yell from her kids these days 🤣
Maybe even Bruh now George is a little older
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Wasn’t William known as William wales in school? They don’t really use Windsor as a surname, they are ‘the house of Windsor’, or something like that. I’m not familiar with all the niceties.
Yeah pretty sure a parent from the old school said they were just referred to as "Mr and Mrs Cambridge" like all the other parents. Must have been weird for the kids tho to have been "George Cambridge" and then all of a sudden one day he was "George Wales"
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Yeah pretty sure a parent from the old school said they were just referred to as "Mr and Mrs Cambridge" like all the other parents. Must have been weird for the kids tho to have been "George Cambridge" and then all of a sudden one day he was "George Wales"
Wasn't there an odd day or so in between as well where he'd have technically been George Cornwall as well 🤣
As William automatically became Duke of Cornwall, but Prince of Wales had to be bestowed upon him by Charles, which was a day or so later if I remember correctly.
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Wasn't there an odd day or so in between as well where he'd have technically been George Cornwall as well 🤣
As William automatically became Duke of Cornwall, but Prince of Wales had to be bestowed upon him by Charles, which was a day or so later if I remember correctly.
Yes I think so. I think they automatically became the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Cornwall which was just a mouthful tbh 😂

The whole surname thing confuses me tbh, because Archie and Lillibet were both Mountbatten-Windsor until they became Prince and Princess "of Sussex" which then entitled them to use the Sussex surname. I'm pretty sure Harry and Meghan said last year it was the first time they all had the surname, although surely all four of them could have been M-W. To be honest I feel like they all just make it up as they go along 😂
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All of the surname switching must be a pain. I'm sure they don't use the surnames apart from in school. How would you keep up with the amount of passports and driving licences you'd need! Lol
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All of the surname switching must be a pain. I'm sure they don't use the surnames apart from in school. How would you keep up with the amount of passports and driving licences you'd need! Lol
Queen Elizabeth never had a passport or drivers license, not sure about other members of the rf
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I’d be so confused if I were them about what name to sign on documents. And it could all change again in the morning with the line of succession. I’d be holding onto my maiden name tbh!
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Wasn't there an odd day or so in between as well where he'd have technically been George Cornwall as well 🤣
As William automatically became Duke of Cornwall, but Prince of Wales had to be bestowed upon him by Charles, which was a day or so later if I remember correctly.
Hopefully George didn't get into trouble in school during those days so no need for his surname! 😉
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I’d be so confused if I were them about what name to sign on documents. And it could all change again in the morning with the line of succession. I’d be holding onto my maiden name tbh!
I think on a legal document in the French courts when they sued about the topless pictures, as France doesn't recognise titles William did sign himself as William Mountbatten-Windsor.
So I'd guess that legal surname if needed is Mountbatten-Windsor, but for day to day like schools etc they go by their title, Wales, Sussex, pretty sure Beatrice and Eugenie also went by the York surname in school too.
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I think passports, driving licences and the like is when the Windsor-Mountbatten option comes in useful.

I wonder if Charles still have his passport or did he chuck it in the bin when he became King?
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I think passports, driving licences and the like is when the Windsor-Mountbatten option comes in useful.

I wonder if Charles still have his passport or did he chuck it in the bin when he became King?
The ceremonial setting fire in the garden!
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I was expecting an MP to visit the cancer ward. Then in walked Kate

“As the princess arrived at my side, I had just had the first of two syringes of ten-minute infusions of chemo. My nurse, Olivia, had just got the first one under way as the princess rounded the corner and made her way towards us. I could only apologise for not being able to rise to my feet but she immediately sat down and asked how treatment was going. “Awful,” I said. Positivity is everything but the journey is long, and some of the lows are very low. It was so reassuring to share our mutual experience and deep understanding of what each was going through. We both found a need for sunshine and fresh air. No matter how bad I’m feeling I always go outside if there is sun and a walk to be enjoyed. While the princess was still with me, Olivia managed to change the syringe for the second dose without any of us noticing. Kate said afterwards that she didn’t want my treatment slowed down as that would have meant wearing the cold cap longer than necessary.”
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With everything happening in the world, it is so lovely to have the Wales family out and about, spreading their particular brand of goodwill and cheer. I can't help it; anytime I see one of them in the papers or online, I smile, and my day immediately gets a little better. I know intellectually what they do or say has almost zero bearing on my actual day-to-day life, but the intangible joy they bring with their class and service to the British people is just so heartwarming for this very sassy Yankee.
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With everything happening in the world, it is so lovely to have the Wales family out and about, spreading their particular brand of goodwill and cheer. I can't help it; anytime I see one of them in the papers or online, I smile, and my day immediately gets a little better. I know intellectually what they do or say has almost zero bearing on my actual day-to-day life, but the intangible joy they bring with their class and service to the British people is just so heartwarming for this very sassy Yankee.
I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or laugh at you.
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With everything happening in the world, it is so lovely to have the Wales family out and about, spreading their particular brand of goodwill and cheer. I can't help it; anytime I see one of them in the papers or online, I smile, and my day immediately gets a little better. I know intellectually what they do or say has almost zero bearing on my actual day-to-day life, but the intangible joy they bring with their class and service to the British people is just so heartwarming for this very sassy Yankee.
I hate to burst your bubble, but they’ve dropped the class and service and fucked off on holiday again. Doesn’t that cheer you up?🙄
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