But have you noticed how similar Ben and Willy look? There was a lot of talk about that as well, I can’t remember the conclusions people came to about why or how they were linked. I’d had my shoulder dislocated by my horse and was stuck at home for weeks absolutely bored stiff and I came across a conspiracy website and it was quite the rabbit hole to go down I can tell you. There no is a royalty forum somewhere that still to this day is convinced that the kids aren’t biologically William and Kate’s and that the eye colour proves it. I could never be bothered to look into the genetics side of it to see if there was any truth to it. I did find the idea of Carole being the surrogate funny though

the problem with so many conspiracies is that you can always see a grain of possibility in them.
ETA, I had quite the crush on Ben Fogle back in the day, remember that series he was on before he was famous? Can’t remember what it was called but a load of people went to live on an island for a year cut off from civilisation.