I need to start a thread about how Instagram is ruined because of these stupid ad/gifted/affiliate link crap. I am absolutely fed up of seeing people get things for free just to either write a blog post about it or post something on their grid. Us normal folk work tirelessly and earn money to pay for luxury things, yes PAY for them. It’s making me not want to buy anything from these companies when they’re giving stuff away to ‘influencers’. The thing that boils my blood the most is giving free holidays or stays to families. I’m falling out of love with Instagram, I used to love it as a social media platform to gain interior inspiration or fashion inspo etc. Now it’s just filled with the same shite, people thinking they’re models- staring into space looking ridiculous promoting some brand they’re ‘working with’. I’ve seen people quit their actual careers to be an ‘influencer’- ludicrous. Yes I could just not follow them and yes everyone is entitled to their own life choices etc but it feels like an absolute kick in the teeth that we normal people save up for things with our hard earned money when others are given things because they have lots of followers? Just needed somewhere to rant!