What are your outgoings?

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I find it really interesting seeing what people earn! Thought it might be equally interesting to see what is paid out.

Between me and hubby we bring home about 4.5k a month. We pay out:


420 mortgage
100 mortgage overpayment
550 childcare
150 council tax
100 internet/tv/Netflix
80 gas and electric
280ish food shopping (roughly 70 a week, family of 4)
16 life insurance
I pay around 100 a month towards a credit card

37 TV licence

Bi annually:
190ish water bill

I haven't included things like petrol etc, tends to vary and we claim mileage through our employers anyway. Similarly with car insurance and car tax.
Rent 850
Elecy 60
Telly 25
Internet 60
Food 400
Savings investments 1000
Social 200
Clothing 200
Pension 400
Health insurance 140
Car 200
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Rent £750
Electricity £60
Gas around £35
Internet & Streaming services £65ish
Childcare is different every month but around £600 last month :cautious:
Food around £250
Kids clothes/other extra bits £100, depending on what they need
Medication £11ish (prepayment certificate)

I don't bring in enough. I need to cut down on spending but I don't know where from. :( Just had to spend £350 on a new phone because I dropped mine. Really struggling right now.
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We earn a decent amount but there still never seems to be enough for holidays etc. Credit card debt is still being paid off too and some months have to add to it.
We don't drink or smoke. We do have a nice car and mortgage but we aren't extravagant.
Every month still seem to go into overdraft.

Cost of living in this country is alot and just seems to get harder to save every year.
But it always seems when you look around everyone booking lovely holidays or designer clothes /bags etc. I wonder how people do it.
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Let's see:
150 council tax
90 gas and electricity
45 water
40 Internet
27 flea treatment
Food is 300 Inc pet food

That's what I share with my OH. he pays mortgage, house and contents insurance.

My outgoings:
250 car
13 phone
Ca 160 Petrol and parking

I pay pension contributions and student loan instalments from my salary.
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single parent household

£550 rent
£107 council tax
£70 gas and leccy
£35 water
£20 pocket money
£80 in mobiles, internet, music
£130 in paying off credit cards etc
£40 in various insurances
£140 to the savings account for holiday 2020
£40 gym membership

then shopping/petrol £70 per week
I have two jobs to be able to keep up with it 😬 any clothing etc has to be bought as/when I can and dont go out much.
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Mortgage (inc overpayment) Council Tax, Car costs, Insurances (inc pet) Utilities, BB/TV/Mobiles and savings come in at £2.3k We then have £1.5k For food and fun. We can definitely save more given the amount left and will do.
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Rent 550
Mobiles 90
Internet 45
Sky TV 36
Car insurance and tax 180
Savings 165
Kids savings 50
School meals/snacks 60

Groceries changes every month. I do a monthly shop and fill the cupboards, freezer etc. Then top up weekly. I don't really keep an eye on how much we spend though. Probably about 250-300 🤷

Fuel changes monthly too, but no less than 200

One income family. Approximately 2000 per month.
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I live alone and take home around £1550 after tax:
Rent £395
Council tax £110
Water £14
Gas and leccy £30
Broadband £40
Mobile phone £31
Food £90
Diesel £120
Car insurance savings fund £35
Christmas fund £20
Rugby season ticket fund £30
$2k mortgage
(not including property taxes)
$700+ health ins. + scripts
$800+ food
$150+ fuel
$60 commuter pass
$110/mo. HOA dues
$150/mo. average gas/electric
$40/mo. sewer
$60+ water
$80/mo. garbage/recycling
$150/mo. life ins.
$150/mo. home/car ins.
$200-300+ varies...cell plans
$150+/- varies...ph/internet/cable
$200/mo. pet supplies + ave. yearly vet costs est. into monthly
$200/mo. orthodontic & dental costs
$25/mo. ave. gift expectations
$12/mo. school tablet ins. average
$50+/- school lunches
$25/mo. optical expenses/ave.
$75+/- clothing
$500+/- home toiletries/cleaning supplies/laundry, etc
$200+ mo. kids extracurricular activities
$300/mo. college savings

i likely missed some...went from memory

$500 drivers ed per student
$800 student trip
$200 new shoes every few mos.
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Gas & Electric: £200
Council Tax: £216
Internet: £53
Television: £80
Food: £500
Phones: £110
Health Insurance: £200
Life Insurance:£200
House Insurance: £100
Car: £200
Children Activities: £250
Children’s Saving Accounts: £1500
I live with my boyfriend so my half of the bills are:

Rent £325
Council tax £50
Broadband £19
Gas + Electric £22
Food £150 inc. a meal out each month
Phone £29
Gym £35
Spotify £9.99

I then budget £100 for misc things like entry fees to places, any clothes that need replacing...

Then the rest is split into various savings - note I already have an emergency fund otherwise this would be different:

50% house deposit
30% stocks and shares
20% holidays/bigger purchases
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We earn a decent amount but there still never seems to be enough for holidays etc. Credit card debt is still being paid off too and some months have to add to it.
We don't drink or smoke. We do have a nice car and mortgage but we aren't extravagant.
Every month still seem to go into overdraft.

Cost of living in this country is alot and just seems to get harder to save every year.
But it always seems when you look around everyone booking lovely holidays or designer clothes /bags etc. I wonder how people do it.
I think a lot of people do it "on tick" to use an old fashioned phrase - I suspect a lot of people who appear to have bags of money don't really and are up to their eyes in debt with credit cards, loans and store cards. I used to have a lot of debt myself, but probably seemed affluent to other people whereas I was earning a very average salary.
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