As harsh as it sounds, it’s unacceptable to give such a lack lustre performance, as a professional actor, child or otherwise. If you’re being put forward to audition, the people around you, parents, agents, teachers etc should be preparing you for the pressure of live theatre and most importantly supporting you, while also knowing if it’s the right choice. There are many many talented young actors working on the west in, Matilda, the lion king, frozen, Oliver, are just a few, yet they go on night after night, rehearse, are dedicated and have fantastic singing, dancing and acting skills, as well as stage presence. They’re going a job, and people pay a lot of money to watch a show. I’d be disappointed if I’d bought a tickets to Starlight Express and one of the actors was struggling to keep up, out of time, looked fed up, nervous and bored. (Much like his aunt)
I’m by no means blaming Buzz, he’s clearly not ready, and yet he’s being thrust not just to a stage every night, but people will be recording the curtain call, and those videos are there forever.
I’m by no means blaming Buzz, he’s clearly not ready, and yet he’s being thrust not just to a stage every night, but people will be recording the curtain call, and those videos are there forever.