I’m a long time tattle lurker, first time poster.
move followed wears my money for a while now. I started following her because we live in the same area and I found her very relatable and authentic compared to other influencers.
I unfollowed her after the liberty gifted advent calendar story yesterday. Yes, I’m jealous but also like it’s not been changed post - if she has bought a calendar every year why not raffle this one off for charity or a giveaway?She can more than afford to buy one herself. I have saved up and bought myself a liberty advent calendar the past two years but I’m not sure I will again, they are so expensive but if you’re one of the popular girls you can get one for free!
I don’t like the tone of her posts so much any more. It feels very braggy and there are too many ad/gift posts.
Sorry for the rant! Also, sorry I know this is a rave about thread - I really did rate her until recently but they all seem to go the same way