Wayne & Coleen

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So he’s been caught red handed yet again with another woman [emoji85] will Coleen leave this time?

Dear lord, how much more humiliation is this woman willing to endure?! [emoji2356] Why does she keep on taking the ring off if only to put it back on straight away?!
Great examples they are giving to their boys, that it's okay to cheat and have no respect for women. I honestly have no respect nor simpathy for her.
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Even after the second time I thought wow she’s strong but good on her (kudos Cos I couldn’t ) forgiving and moving on and seeing the bigger picture ....
but goodness me How long can you respect a woman for sticking by her family when the husband doesn’t seem to remember he has a wife half the time.
He clearly sees her as a doormat.
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Precisely!! Granted they've been together for ages, but surely she can't still love him after all he's put her through?
She probably thinks it's the best for their kids, but I really doubt it. It's obvious Wayne doesn't love her and growing up with this scum as a role model, they'll just end up repeating his disgusting behaviour.
If they get divorced, she'll get at least £70m, she should file for it and try to get a tiny bit of her dignity back.
I'm 100% sure he does this over and over again hoping that's what she'll do, so he can finally sleep around all he wants. I've read he's actually told friends it would be a relief!
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Precisely!! Granted they've been together for ages, but surely she can't still love him after all he's put her through?
She probably thinks it's the best for their kids, but I really doubt it. It's obvious Wayne doesn't love her and growing up with this scum as a role model, they'll just end up repeating his disgusting behaviour.
If they get divorced, she'll get at least £70m, she should file for it and try to get a tiny bit of her dignity back.
I'm 100% sure he does this over and over again hoping that's what she'll do, so he can finally sleep around all he wants. I've read he's actually told friends it would be a relief!
How hurtful would that be to find out as his loyal wife. Disgusting and he’s been punching the whole time.
Poor boys hope they grow up without catching his naughty habits !!
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How hurtful would that be to find out as his loyal wife. Disgusting and he’s been punching the whole time.
Poor boys hope they grow up without catching his naughty habits !!
Yeah she must've been livid the first few times, but I've totally lost count tbh, so surely she's used to it by now. [emoji51]
He's disgusting, but so are 95% football players. He's one of the highest paid in the world, so even when he's old as hell, young women will still throw themselves onto him. I find him beyond repulsive and just thinking of him, completely turns my stomach!! [emoji1785][emoji1785]
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He is vile.

I think Coleen wants to keeps her family together for the kids, and she’s probably terrified of going it alone as they have been together since they were kids themselves.

I hope she gathers the strength to leave this time.
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Too much money and too much time on his hands. I don’t know how she stands the continuous humiliation, except that she’s been with him since they were teens, so they probably have just grown apart. Probably got together far too young instead of living a bit beforehand.
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She’s a mug.
I used to think she stayed with him for the money but after everything he’s done in the past I’m sure she could divorce him and completely rinse him for everything he’s got.
I honestly just think she’s a doormat. He’s publicly humiliated her on numerous occasions, he’s slept with god knows how many other women - some of whom have been prostitutes. He’s got no respect for his wife or for his family. He’s absolutely disgusting.
She continues to put up with it and I just can’t feel sorry for her. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I always really liked her, she deserves so much better and I do hope this time she sees sense and kicks him to the kerb. Not as if she would lose anything in a divorce. Shed gain a lotta money and lose a lot of dead weight. Have never liked him
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She won’t leave him , she’ll never let another woman become Mrs Rooney despite the fact he’ll shag anything that looks his way and he has no respect for her.
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She won’t leave him , she’ll never let another woman become Mrs Rooney despite the fact he’ll shag anything that looks his way and he has no respect for her.
Ugghh, that is so sad, but I completely agree. He's a piece of trash and the fact that she doesn't think she deserves better really baffles me.
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I wonder if they have an open relationship? He can shag what he likes she can spend his money and go on holidays?

They are both thick chavs that just got lucky
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I wonder if they have an open relationship? He can shag what he likes she can spend his money and go on holidays?

They are both thick chavs that just got lucky
I don't think so. Lots of men have affairs and keep them private, which I assume she'd demand if it was an open relationship. But he does the extreme opposite always doing it in places he knows will be photographed constantly publicly humiliating her.
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I wonder if they have an open relationship? He can shag what he likes she can spend his money and go on holidays?

They are both thick chavs that just got lucky
👏 totally agree.
Think Colleen and the likes of Victoria Beckham put up with the cheating because their rich and famous husbands are the passport to celebville and they’d be irrelevant without them. Plus they probably realise there’s no one out there they could hook up with which would want them and be an A lister (...Katie price, Louise redknapp...).
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I wonder if she thinks about how this behaviour will not only affect their children but also the boy’s views of women as they grow older? He clearly doesn’t give a tit
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Agree with above comments, why the hell does she stay with him etc. I mean when it happened once maybe you can see why she forgave him for the sake of kids etc but how many times is he gonna do it?! Essentially, forgiving someone is giving them the green light to do it again!!
Anyway if I was Coleen, i'd be getting myself down the sexual health clinic, mind you she probably has monthly appointments 😷
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She has 'taken off her wedding ring'. Mm that will really show him and make him think. Next will come photos of them as a happy family and another pregnancy. Rinse and repeat.
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I wonder if she thinks about how this behaviour will not only affect their children but also the boy’s views of women as they grow older? He clearly doesn’t give a tit
She’s showing her boys that this is how men treat women and it’s perfectly fine. When of course it isn’t
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Why why why does she let him humiliate her like this over and over again. Even if nothing did happen (as if!) all of these times, there is no smoke without fire and it seems like he will never change, their boys will grow up seeing their Dad do this and will just do the same to their unlucky wives. She has to walk away this time! I just don’t know what he has to do to make her see and finally ditch him.
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