Vicky Pattison #21 Vicky’s been wed, still on her grubby bed and Ercan is selling suits from a shed

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Why is acting surprized at the end of fake tv show that some guy is tossing off to her in bikini photos... come on now she is nearly 40 yrs of age it must go through her head when she post these photos that maybe some little weirdo may do this.... internet is full of strange cats she fully knows this she probably knows more than most with her public platform probably had all sorts in her dms over the years. ill bet she will still post them no stopping sticky . Stop acting soft sticky..
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Why is acting surprized at the end of fake tv show that some guy is tossing off to her in bikini photos... come on now she is nearly 40 yrs of age it must go through her head when she post these photos that maybe some little weirdo may do this.... internet is full of strange cats she fully knows this she probably knows more than most with her public platform probably had all sorts in her dms over the years. ill bet she will still post them no stopping sticky . Stop acting soft sticky..
What I found strange was the fact she blamed it on herself for posting pictures of herself in a bikini on instagram etc. When in reality, how many lads mags did she do back in the day?

I’m not shaming her by any sense of the word because that was her decision. But surely she knew that posing in your knickers and bra, acting all sexy and talking smutty, wasn’t going to end up in innocent minds. There was a reason why those magazines were made. And they weren’t for reading. So blaming it on her thirst trap pics doesn’t wash with me.
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She a blat
What I found strange was the fact she blamed it on herself for posting pictures of herself in a bikini on instagram etc. When in reality, how many lads mags did she do back in the day?

I’m not shaming her by any sense of the word because that was her decision. But surely she knew that posing in your knickers and bra, acting all sexy and talking smutty, wasn’t going to end up in innocent minds. There was a reason why those magazines were made. And they weren’t for reading. So blaming it on her thirst trap pics doesn’t wash with me.
She is a blatant contradiction ... she near 40 yrs old she acts like she little miss naive & innocent when we all know she is far from that...had sex on tv how many times ? Well into the old snow .. carried on shocking on gs done for assault.. list goes on can you imagine how bad she was behind the schenes.
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I feel bad fo
Slating Ercan again on her stories🙄🙄🙄
Its sly on him seems like a nice fella .. he is ruled by her imagine hubby or fellla letting you do a fake porno vid the fella had no say its embarrassing any need to show him in it with a womans body ercan mum and family must be mortified by it.... but i blame him for that he stock around for the luxury she provide house car hoils and so in.
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Wor Vick has serious anger issues. I don’t think much of Ercan but I suspect he’s completely controlled by her. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t work. On the other hand he could be a lazy hole. Surely TV will do us a favour and Chuck Wor Vicky in the bin where she belongs.
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Wor Vick has serious anger issues. I don’t think much of Ercan but I suspect he’s completely controlled by her. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t work. On the other hand he could be a lazy hole. Surely TV will do us a favour and Chuck Wor Vicky in the bin where she belongs.
Do you reckon he has Stockholm syndrome? Seriously. She is horrifically vile towards him on social media and on her shows, if she does that for the world to see and hear, wtf is she like behind closed doors?
So he must be used to the level of abuse he gets from her but is either too afraid to leave (“what are you going to do Ercan, I make all the money and you’re nothing!” I can see her saying this) or he’s in with his captor and doesn’t understand any different now.
shes literally beaten his confidence down and no doubt if his clothing line fails, he’ll be getting it even more. I do feel for him.
Tell us what’s happening Ercan, you can get help and away from her! You’re worth more than being her doormat and butt of jokes.
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I watched the documentary and felt the focus was on Vicky too much.
Charities weren’t happy with what she did, other people told her not to do it but she ploughed on anyway.
The way she speaks to Ercan is shocking! In no way did it seem like a loving, newly wedded couple.
Absolutely no need for the potty mouth from her.
The difference in her normal accent and then her voiceover accent was hilarious! 😂
And at the end, she got her deepfake videos removed off the Internet but no help for the innocent victims.
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I bet she’s gutted she can’t turn the likes off of the Lorraine post she’s been tagged in 😂This proves how bored people are with her and how fake her follower count is. This post has been tagged over 3 accounts with over 6.5 million followers between them and in 17 hours has only got 25 comments and not even got 2,000 likes on it 🤭


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I bet she’s gutted she can’t turn the likes off of the Lorraine post she’s been tagged in 😂This proves how bored people are with her and how fake her follower count is. This post has been tagged over 3 accounts with over 6.5 million followers between them and in 17 hours has only got 25 comments and not even got 2,000 likes on it 🤭
She’s a total fraud! 🙄
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I can definitely see Ercs eventually leaving her because she’s emotionally so toxic and immature and the way she speaks to him will wear very thin over time. He probably is somewhat taken in by her bankrolling his life and whilst she’s no way nearly as successful as she thinks she is, there’s still privilege and financial benefits in being with her.

He’s still fairly young too, I can totally see him maturing in a few years and leaving her for someone else. He’ll be painted as the hole of course but if her outward behaviour is in any way representative of how she treats him in private then it’ll come as zero surprise.
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And I must say he looks really good with the short hair and he’s clearly an attractive man. She however is looking rougher and rougher with very tweakment
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