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Chatty Member
Thanks guys! I had sepsis thanks to a kidney infection so feel your pain! I rang my drs bang on 8 and they have prescribed me antibiotics.. went to get them from pharmacy and they don’t have any in stock😭on my way to another pharmacy in town so pray for me! Xz
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Oh my god I could write this. 100% call doctors and ask for a doctor or nurse phone consultation. I am battling a horrendous lower UTI which is queried kidney infection.

Yesterday I suddenly needed to pee about 9 times in 40 mins. I was able to empty bladder, no real pain as such, just constant urge to go. I’ve had cystitis before and this time my urine didn’t have that smell or horrible cloudiness with it, that being said I’m always super hydrated. Drank 2x cystitis sachets and then it just continued. Got the shivers, temperature, felt fucking horrendous. Pain then started and my bladder area and at the end of my pee. Got medication for it, seems to have cleared the pain very very quickly but I have horrendous bloating and pain in my upper right hand side as well as sickness so that’s why I think it’s more - waiting on dr calling me back again.

One thing I will say is I think I did this to myself as I have excessive water consumption. I drink about 3.5/4 litres of water a day and I’ve been told I have to stop. You need to drink loads to flush it out but I would advise against drinking insane quantities quickly. Paracetamol also helps with the pain relief.

I feel your pain soo, sooooooo much x
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Chatty Member
Thanks all! Need to pop back at 12ish to see if they have had the delivery in!
Thank you for the advice xx
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Well-known member
I had these so frequently growing up (almost once a month!) that I went to see a specialist. His advice was “stop having sex!!”. I was about 18 then and took his advice and didn’t have sex for a year? Funnily enough I still got the UTIs!! I was referred for a CT scan which showed I had a horseshoe kidney which basically means my kidneys were fused at the bottom in the shape of the horseshoe making me more prone to utis. The only thing that ever helped mine were unfortunately antibiotics 😩 I could never shift them by myself but I know some people can.
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VIP Member
I second the above dont just ignore it if natural remedies dont work - i ended up hospitalised with a kidney infection due to just hoping for the best:oops:

I get them a lot and nothing I have tried has ever really helped but my GP knows me well now and has said i can go for a referral if needed !
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Chatty Member
Does your doctors have an online service at the moment? If it does try that, they’ll either send you a prescription to the pharmacy or if they want to see you and test your wee they’ll get you an appointment. on mine you can type in words but it also has a questionnaire to fill in where there are specialised questions to help them know what’s going on.

Sorry you have this though, I’m a frequent flyer in the UTI world and it’s bloody horrible. Especially when the doctors keep sending me the NHS link of tips to prevent them, as if I’d never thought of that before 🤔
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Active member
If it's that bad, get to the Dr's. I used to get them frequently and ignore them. Ended up fucking my bloody kidneys up a little bit as it ends up getting worse and working its way up the tubes. Kidney infections fucking hurt.
Hope you feel better soon. Hydrate, avoid caffeine, and go see the bloody gp. Even a phone consultation they'll prescribe if you've symptoms and taken your temp etc 💜
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VIP Member
I'm glad you got sorted, try not to piss yourself on the way to town 😘 😂 xxx
I’m a postie and I have had a UTI whilst working OMG it’s horrendous. I felt like every step I was going to pee. I was dancing on people’s door steps Waiting for them to Answer as being stood still made me feel like I was gonna pee. We women have too much to put up with 😂

hope original poster is ok. I sympathise with you deeply

Thanks all! Need to pop back at 12ish to see if they have had the delivery in!
Thank you for the advice xx
You can get packets from Sainsbury’s called cystacalm. Taste like shite but do the trick
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VIP Member
Get well soon! Was about to comment saying you need antibiotics ASAP. UTIs are the absolute worst, the first time I had one about 4 years ago I didn’t know what it was and ended up being really ill with a kidney infection, was in so much pain and had a really high temp but was in the car with the heating whacked up full, heated seat on in the middle of a heatwave with it being 30 degrees outside and I was shivering 😫

They can get really bad very quickly so glad you got sorted. It’s a pain needing to see a doctor ATM! I had antibiotics for cellulitis thrust at me in a basket attached to a broom through a window at the start of lockdown from my chemist 😂
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VIP Member
Don’t have cranberry juice it’s full of sugar! You need antibiotics!! But until you can get some from your gp keek drinking lots of water! Flush it out, and also they recommend barley water which I swear by. Those little sachets did nothing for me, only antibiotics help. I also have a funny pain in my abdomen when I get it and have to have a hot water bottle.
Utis are horrible and I really feel for you. Hope you get better soon. X
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Chatty Member
Take a big dose of vitamin C supplements, UTIs are often caused by E-coli from faeces getting into the urinary tract. Vitamin C neutralises the toxins produced by E-coli.

(Get sodium or calcium ascorbate though, not ascorbic acid, unless you want gut problems too!)

Also - sorry if you already do this but I’ve heard of people getting UTIs by re-using towels - make sure you use a clean, washed towel every time you have a shower.
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The best thing I used to drink was this concoction: Mix together a spoon of bicarbonate soda, some lemon juice (just a dash) and then water.
It stops the cystitis pain so peeing burns less.
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VIP Member
My symptoms are:

* feverish and I have been nauseous
*pain in my tummy under my belly button that feel like a mixture of you know when you've held a wee in for a long time and you get that tummy pain where you're bursting for a wee? Mixed with PMS like cramps you get before your period but obviously this is not a period cramp. Thing is, I am releasing my bladder often and drinking lots of water to try and flush it out
* urethra is sore and stingy and it is sore and stingy up the urethra also
* I have had back pain but I do suffer with back pain anyway so it's hard to tell
*needing to wee constantly and when I do wee it smells horrendous, like ammonia or something (sorry for the gross info!)
* wee looks cloudy also

99% of tests have come back with infection and blood and pus cells.

I have been doing alot of research lately and have heard that d-mannose is supposed to be really good, I'm looking at bladapure capsules but they are expensive and you have to take four a day, however the reviews for them look so good.

I'm doing everything by the book, I've stopped having intercourse in all of this time too so it doesn't irritate or cause more bacteria to go in my urethra, I'm drinking lots, wipe front to back, don't use soaps or anything like that to wash down there so I really am frustated. I may try mannose but I thought mannose was only a preventative, not a preventative and treatment.
I’m so sorry your going through all that it sounds awful, you poor thing. Defo keep at your gp it’s not acceptable that they aren’t investigating more. I took the d mannose in the summer for a flare up! I checked the wee pouch I had again to be sure and it says about maintenance dose but if you need urgent support can take an increased dose of up to 4 scoops of it. If you have amazon prime you can get it on there with mega quick delivery. I really hope you get some relief soon xx
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Well-known member
Currently been sat on the toilet.. where I have been for the past 2 hours on/off with the constant need to pee. Have had UTI in the past so pretty sure it’s one again but It’s not burning too much just can’t get off the toilet as I feel like il wet myself.. when I go not much comes out. Obviously it’s hard to get a drs app and antibiotics atm so does anyone have any advice other than cranberry juice?
You can get a 3 day course of antibiotics from Superdrug online for UTIs - I did this a few weeks ago, was approx. £30 but I didn't want to go to the GP in the current climate. They came the day after I ordered them and cleared everything up well. After I'd finished the course i also took Superdrug's cystitis prevention tablets for a week to be sure.
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VIP Member
God my husband would lose his shit if I was.. but least I can say “ told you to get the snip” 😂 I feel worried and paranoid now as another child was definitely not on the cards but it does seem strange 😭
Aw no I’m not trying to worry you - I just know a few folk who have fallen pregnant on it so, just do a test and it will put your mind at ease 🙂
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Chatty Member
I used to suffer from constant UTIs until I started taking simple Cranberry tablets from Holland and Barrett - might be worth a try?
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VIP Member
Another d-mannose user, it’s a godsend. Although advise that they publish says stay away from cranberry.

But yes, there’s a sweet spot (the opposite) for swapping to antibiotics.
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Don't drink cranberry juice, sugar will make it worse. Just drink lots and lots of water, glad you're feeling a bit of relief. UTI's are so uncomfortable!
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