Tracy DiMarco #137 Professional Free Pizza Eater with the Perfect PH Balance

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she makes every single event and every single occasion about her. stop just stop
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When you have to decorate the hallway, cause you got all three kids shoved in one room, completely filled with crap! How sad that your kids can enjoy an actual room!View attachment 3398929
It’s giving done for the gram not for the kid.
having you at 27 I feel like we grew up together ???? GIRL 😂😂😂😂 you were pushing 30 when u had her u most definitely didn't grow up together, you were already a very much grown woman pls behave going on like u had her at 16 lol
Narcissist Mom gonna Narcissist, even on your birthday.

Her daughter is another awful brat
Sometimes I feel like I’m projecting… but she just looks like she gives mean girl vibes…. Especially because she’s 10 and wants to run around and act like she’s 16…. But her mom encourages it… so I’m shocked that she and Tracy aren’t conjoined at the hip… unless she just doesn’t want to be Tracy and Skylar’s meal ticket.
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1.) idk why these moms insist on shoving the cameras in their children’s faces to put on IG. Take the pix for memories and keep it quick. You clearly know the kid doesn’t like it.
2.) that girl clearly isn’t being told to not be a brat. It would take one time for me to be sassy with my mom at 10 - when she’s paying for me and my friend to eat - before I got tf regulated.
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If you read her caption to Skylar, the first thing she says is beautiful. Nothing wrong with saying that, but it’s always about looks first. Nice shoved hallway pic trying to look like it’s a house instead of section 8.
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Any one of us can do what she is doing…there is a loophole…you can by from these Chinese companies and sell as if it was your own. Its not rocket science especially if she is doing it…

I also wanted to address child services I had a friend years ago that had child services called on her because this person didn’t want her hanging out with a family member. We figured it out eventually bc the calls had stopped when she distanced herself from this person. Child services was on her like white on rice. They went to the school her house for months. My point is if someone were to make an anonymous call that’s what would happen.
I’m pretty sure this happened to her when they lived in the townhouse so you would think she would change her ways.
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Hate to say this but her kids have no manners. And Sky trying to constantly show off her nails, I can’t imagine how she behaves at school around other girls or even around Jayden.
I’m sure she behaves just like her mother does in public
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If you read her caption to Skylar, the first thing she says is beautiful. Nothing wrong with saying that, but it’s always about looks first. Nice shoved hallway pic trying to look like it’s a house instead of section 8.
She’s so vain. She’s also uneducated. It’s not surprising that her kids are nothing special.
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She must have the day off. She has been posting nonstop all day.
She’s also been posting like 100 times basically leaving an Internet trail that sky is her favorite daughter. I hope Jayden sees this when she’s older and cuts that witch off.
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She must have the day off. She has been posting nonstop all day.
The day off from her 16363737 jobs. Where is Anthony for his stepdaughter’s birthday? Yet I bet she won’t agree to let Corey or his family see or talk to the birthday girl
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i hope Jayden grows up to see the difference in her mothers approach to her and her sister. Jayden really got a birthday at a bar lets see what Skylar gets.

I guarantee you the excuse will be like, shes a good kid that follows directions and its what she wanted
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You couldn’t make this up 😂🤣😂
LOLLLLLL LOLLLLL doesn't she pride herself on correct spelling?? WHO THE FK IS FARRAH FAUCET LOL ITS FAWCETT you uneducated moron.
go back to posting about conspiracy theories thats what youre good for
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i hope Jayden grows up to see the difference in her mothers approach to her and her sister. Jayden really got a birthday at a bar lets see what Skylar gets.

I guarantee you the excuse will be like, shes a good kid that follows directions and its what she wanted
She will… they always do.
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When you have to decorate the hallway, cause you got all three kids shoved in one room, completely filled with crap! How sad that your kids can enjoy an actual room!View attachment 3398929
The girls were sharing and Julian jad his own room I thought. Then the third room was the play room/Tracy's bedroom. Or has she changed it around?
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