I have three. Like you I really wanted a third but wasn’t sure whether to go for it. Ultimately we decided that it would always feel like someone was missing if we didn’t.
Pregnancy with the third was more tiring and uncomfortable. But best birth of the lot.
She was an easy baby so to start with wasn’t that much different from two. I felt much more confident as a mum and just took her everywhere with me. It was lush having a little baby and I soaked it up as knew she’d be the last.
Then as a toddler she’s been a nightmare! She’s almost three. Won’t sleep, had loads tantrums. Difficult to get out the house for school run as she won’t let me dress her etc. So much more work. Taking them all out together is hard as she runs off.
I have less time to give to my other two. Feel like I’m not such a good mum as I was with two! My attention is split and I’m so tired.
I know it’s a phase and she’ll grow out of it but I def have moments when I think it would be so much easier with two.
I would never wish her away because she’s gorgeous and seeing three together is incredible. We have lots of fun. But it’s exhausting.
I know others whose third child is easy so
We also have no help - no family close or anything. If we had help it would make a massive difference
Good luck deciding x