Things that you are sick of seeing on social media #8

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People using the C word when it's no where near the seasonal holiday.
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Having gone through the infamous “could OF” period we are now seeing a brand new phenomenon of people suddenly putting “So” at the start of every sentence.Can anyone make it make sense please?
Can someone make sense of POV/Point of View while we're at it? People I used vaguely have the time of day for are at it now!
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Give it another week and it will be C******** ads and C******** songs on the radio
I listen to Talk radio and there is an ad for "Very" which uses Slades I wish it could be Christmas song and it has been playing since September 😭😫
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I listen to Talk radio and there is an ad for "Very" which uses Slades I wish it could be Christmas song and it has been playing since September 😭😫
That has to be the most annoying Christmas song ever. The bit where he screams “it’s Chriiiiiistmaaaaaas” makes me want to tear my hair out.
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My local department store from about early October had Halloween rubbish on one side of the shop and mid October Christmas decorations on the other side. :mad:
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I’m bloody sick of Christmas and it’s only November. I’ll have another stroke by 25th Dec if folk don’t shut up. “Can I put my tree up” “time for my decs”. Get in the bin. Cos these are the same people that then moan their kids are wound up or constantly excited. Here’s a thought….leave your tree in the bleeping attic until December. Just my opinion but I think it makes Christmas less special
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I was in Sainsbury's yesterday, 31st Oct. So Halloween. I heard a Dad asking where is the Halloween stock? It had been hidden at the back and replaced by shelves and shelves of Christmas stuff. Halloween wasn't even over 😩 It's like shops and people prepare for holidays but then are "over it" before the actual day and already prepping for the next. A bit like influencers who started Halloween and Autumn vlogs and posts in early August, and the past two weeks have moved on to flogging Christmas tat. Let's enjoy the actual holiday date, shall we before moving on?!
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I’m bloody sick of Christmas and it’s only November. I’ll have another stroke by 25th Dec if folk don’t shut up. “Can I put my tree up” “time for my decs”. Get in the bin. Cos these are the same people that then moan their kids are wound up or constantly excited. Here’s a thought….leave your tree in the bleeping attic until December. Just my opinion but I think it makes Christmas less special
Same, Xmas things should not start before December imo
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