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Cherry Pie

VIP Member
Exactly. She has a funny way of showing that she loves her kids.
She really does. When they're excited on their birthday she sits there with a face like a bag of spanners and snatches stuff off them

At Easter she didn't even bother watching the kids all excited at seeing their Chocolate Eggs she stood in the kitchen on her phone.

She never even bothered to show any interest or to take part in the Easter Egg hunt. She stood leaning on her dustbin.

Medical and dental appointments feature very low down on her list of priorities. Neglecting ear and mental health issues and chooses to diagnose them herself to the detriment of her children's' well being. She doesn't know better than a paediatrician no matter what she claims.

Her children have never had a holiday because she squanders money on fictitious 'budgets' and crap.

Her daughter takes part in dance competitions, and Zoe says she's heard from others on the trip as to how her daughter's done. I guess her daughter doesn't bother to ring her Mum, as if she really cared she'd be there.

Parents evening and School issues are not bothered with, so she doesn't support the kids learning.

The list goes on...

Why bother having 12 kids if she's not bothered about their well being? She is a terrible Mother, she builds very few actually memories with her kids. Their lives are more than a storage box of crap. A Moonpig card means nothing if it's never given to the child and has sat in a cupboard for 6 months... To then shove it in a plastic box, where's the happy memories connected to that?

It's shameful, it really is ☹
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I was just going through the photos on my phone, to delete them, and came across this one. I remember taking a screenshot of their kitchen, in one of their vlogs, to show my husband because he didn‘t believe how they lived.

This is why their children are constantly unwell. There is absolutely zero cleaning going on in that kitchen because it’s impossible to do any. Every surface has something on it. She’s got a box of hair stuff in there. Why? Hair gets done upstairs not where you’re going to do the cooking and food prep. I dread to think how much cat hair is on those kitchen sides.

There‘s an absolutely filthy cloth draped over the back of BabyFloBlessHer’s highchair. They’ve already got a hundred and one packets of crisps on the go on top of the cupboards but she’s bought a million more. How she can look at any room in her house and think it’s tidy or clean is absolutely beyond me.

Most of her children have allergy related symptoms ie asthma and eczema. It‘s hardly surprising when she’s got mouldy walls, wet washing hanging around and will have surfaces thick with dust because they’re so full of crap that it’s impossible to move everything to clean behind.

I don’t think I’ve come across such an inept woman in a very long time. She is useless at everything. I do wonder why Ben allows her to get away with it. My husband wouldn’t tolerate living in conditions like that.


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Hi Zoe, I fucking hope you’re reading these comments. We’re not trolls, we’re just telling the truth, and I’d bet my house on every single one of us not being afraid to say it to your face. You and that camp husband of yours are complete and utter waste of spaces. You should have tens of thousands of pounds saved up to provide you and the family, that you claim you so desperately wanted, with a home. It’s not the State’s job and neither is it the taxpayers job to bump your lazy arse husbands wages up because he can’t be bothered to get a decent paying job.

I heard you say the other day that you hadn‘t decided to send JoCif to school, yet. Do the lad a favour and get him signed up. He thrives away from you. All your kids do. They can’t spend their lives surrounded by the amount of negativity you thrive on. In fact do your whole family a favour and get yourself some work outside of the home, not just for the money, but for the sake of everyone’s mental health.
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pat said Toby was crying with earache and she thinks his eardrum has popped. The woman is such a neglectful mother I can’t believe she didn’t take him to the doctor. Even diagnosing poor Flo who is poorly again. Poor Flo didn’t even want her she wanted Isabelle says it all really.
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Cherry Pie

VIP Member
Zoe have you heard yourself? Every other word is tired, are you on some kind of mission to say it so many times? Truth is no young healthy kids should be that tired after one day of activity... It's most likely the case you had everyone up at 4.30am to get 'organised' you're ridiculous!

When you had these wonderful ideas of building your better life, and kids futures the time to have done that was when you were in Quarters paying subsidised rent and bills, you have made no provision for your family for 26 plus years. Now you flog your kids lives for pennies on YouTube posting shite to senile old grannies in America. You've been doing it for 5 yrs? Yet you've only got 14k subscribers 🙄
You have had 1.6k views and only had 47 replies and 247 thumbs up. That's the truth... You've not even been able to pay for a holiday for your kids ever, despite being in subsidised Quarters, and you are trying to convince people you're going to buy a house, and live all of these dreams 😂

Your 'community' are likely on loads of families subscriptions, it's how they fill their days. They were probably crap parents too, and their kids have no time for them around their settled families, the fact they praise your parenting speaks volumes of their personas.

You have spent how many years getting benefits and subsidiaries galore? Ben never got far in the RAF, and you've never worked. Your credit history despite you having thousands a month going into your home for years. Ben is 50 and you're not far off. Nobody will give you a mortgage, you're just fantasists. Nobody tunes in to see you, it's your kids that attracts people ( many dodgy ones too)
You sell your kids and their privacy for pennies. You should be ashamed. 🥴
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Cherry Pie

VIP Member
That shopping haul vlog was very telling.

No way would all of that stuff have filled one trolley yet that entire haul was supposed to have been 2 trips and trolleys around Asda, and one around Tesco's... The bulk of that shop was a case of Pepsi Cherry ( which coincidentally is Pat & Pens tipple of choice... No need to top up at the Co-op for more this week then) then there was the 4 2 ltr bottles of Pepsi Cherry a mountain of crisps and processed food and crisps and junk.

The most vile part of that vlog was Pen showing the large bag of Pasta from Asda... He then pointed to two branded smaller bags of pasta and said he and Pat liked that pasta as it made them feel "grown-up" Wtf????

That says it all, any old crap for the kids and they gorge on the good stuff. What decent parent does that? It was made worse when they said Toby likes a Brioche roll for his lunch... Then he showed 2 packs of Brioche Rolls. One their branded one, the other the stores own brand. The kids got the cheaper thinner Chicken Burgers too.

Those kids are the reason they have that channel. Yet it's not for the kids benefit, it's for Pat & Pens greed and ego. They don't give a damn about those kids. They show that more and more as each day passes. Those old grannies in America must be vile people too if they see that rubbish and praise them.

Most parents would go without to give their kids the best. Not Pat & Pen they'd wrestle a chocolate bar from their kids and give them the wrapper. 😡
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It shows that they live in a completely different world to everyone else when a child getting in at 5.15pm throws their routine out. Most people don’t even leave work until 5.30, then they have to pick their kids up from child care, get home then start cooking. If she lived in the real world she wouldn’t cope at all. She‘s totally pathetic.
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None of us here are hating on them for having 12 kids, we're "hating" on them for doing so while they are not in a position to care for them adequately. We're confused why they had 12 kids when Zoe seems to dislike them and Ben only uses them for content. We're sad that the kids are not treated fairly. We're worried that these kids will be homeless because their parents make bad decisions. And we're wondering why they keep exploiting these kids for very little cash and fame if rude comments clearly affect so much. You're not oppressed by society Zoe, you're facing the consequences of your actions. There are people being discriminated against for things they didn't choose to do.

If you wanna focus on people being treated badly, maybe focus on your children, especially the ones who aren't Agnes.
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According to Zoe’s Instagram BabyFloBlessHer is unsettled, upset and clingy again. I swear that child has been unwell more times in her short life than any other I’ve known. Dr Zoe is convinced it’s her teeth though so is thinking of getting her an amber necklace.

She said that being outside in the garden clams BabyFloBlessHer down. It never ceases to amaze me how they all manage to spend so much time in the garden without being shat on, yet as soon as Zoe pegs her washing out the seagulls let rip, allegedly. 🤔🤥
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Those council houses are right smack bang in the middle of a new build estate. There‘s 2 of them, one has a much larger garden than the other. I pray they get the smaller one of the two because I am that petty.

Nothing boils my piss more than people who serve a long time in the armed forces, leave with a huge lump sum then go cap in hand to the council because they have made precisely zero effort to sort housing out for themselves in the past 20+ yrs. Your end date is never news to you. A full career in the RAF is 22 yrs, he obviously extended for either 3 then 2 yrs or 5yrs. You get full resettlement package which he didn’t use. They had absolutely no intention of buying a house on his exit and everyone knows there’s no houses they can rent up there.

They are a pair of grifters. No way was she ever going to pay the market rent for a home when they could begging to the council. Christ she might have had to give up her Heinz baked beans and McVities biscuits. You watch her moan the fuck about the house not coming with carpets, curtains and flooring. No doubt she will be after a grant for them too.
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Why doesn't she make just leek and potato soup and keep the bacon for the weekend and let the kids have a bacon butty ...
Steady on! They’ve already had a bacon sandwich this year. They can’t have another one so soon otherwise who knows where it will lead?
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
They should start printing that she didn't take her daughter to the docs with a dangerous temp.

Why her son who's starting school on August has never stepped foot in a nursery.

How they got a big payout yet are waiting cap in hand for a council house.

Why she is to lazy to feed her kids properly.

Why her kids have NEVER been a family holiday.

Why her youngest sleeps in a damp cluttered room.
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I hate this “you will achieve whatever you put your mind to” bullocks.

One of my kids is a severe asthmatic, due to this he spent a lot of time in hospital. He had to have courses of antibiotics that went on for years because his lungs kept showing pockets of infection that wouldn‘t clear. His school life was turbulent to say the least. We worked really hard with all the schools he went to, because at the end of the day it wasn’t for the teachers to come to us, it was our responsibility to go to them. Then to top it off, 3 months before his GCSEs he had an accident at school, not their fault. which required surgery. 🙄

That kid worked his arse off and put everything into his GCSEs, because he had a plan to get to uni and in his mind that was never not happening. To cut a long story short, he passed them all with amazing grades, as he did his A levels and ended up with a first class degree. It took a damn site more than “putting his mind to it”.

Zoe always has an excuse or a reason as to why her kids may not achieve their full potential and it’s never down to her, or the lack of support at home, the overcrowding in the house or their lives in general. She had another pop at the school there in her post, but as the saying goes “you can lead a horse to water but you can‘t make it drink”. If they valued education more then so would their kids.
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Shopping haul is up. It‘s the same old crap. She’s moaning about the price of everything but doesn’t think to swap to Aldi or own brands. There’s well over £200 worth of junk food stacked on top of her over cluttered cupboards. Big Ben said they’d bought some Milky Bar mousse type things as a treat for Agnes. I think he probably meant to say BabyFloBlessHer, in order to keep up the pretence that Agnes is milk intolerant.

Agnes started swimming lessons on Monday so that made Zoe even busier than usual so the kids had to have Supernoodles for their tea so she could get out to do the shopping. She mentioned that she’d needed to buy vitamins for the children, strange that considering we’d been talking about it recently, but they weren’t shown at any point in the vlog.

Isabelle is a whizz in the kitchen, while shes meant to be on study leave. She’s been making some sort of bagel pizza that she’s seen on TikTok. BigBen is going to her to do a vlog on that. Hold on tight for the excitement. Before he went he had to show us the holy grail of kids shampoo and conditioner that Zoe has found. Christ only knows how the rest of us have managed before now. The bloke is a complete and utter plonker.
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Omg the photo of the kitchen, I didn’t realise how bad it was!!
Would love to get in there and chuck everything and do a deep clean!!
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