The Ingham Family #18 Views Are Getting Less Despite Christmas Excess And That Cottage Is A Mess

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Can someone explain what the video is on Issy's instagram please?
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It’s a video of her sticking her tongue out in a really inappropriate manner. See above.
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I’m not at all surprised remember the ice lolly photo - taken by either creepy or lazy and posted on her insta ?
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They can’t seem to be able to decide if they want her to be a child or an adult. On one hand they are buying her 1000 lol dolls and the other they’re putting up videos and photos like that. She must be so confused.
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They can’t seem to be able to decide if they want her to be a child or an adult. On one hand they are buying her 1000 lol dolls and the other they’re putting up videos and photos like that. She must be so confused.
I hope she can work this all out in her therapy
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I wonder if this is because Hayley from Bratayley got so much attention because of her risky insta video?
If I seen my 12 yr old daughter post that she’d be quickly told to delete it! Who knows what kind of people have seen that and what they made of it. My word they really are tit parents!! Too busy deleting comments and pretending their life is all sunshine and flowers...??‍♀
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The picture of her and the lolly is pretty shocking tbh and also the instagram story of her today, shocking. Her parents should be keeping an eye on what she is posting.
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Ok I can't hold my tongue but it's a bit vulgar and below the belt. As we know Chris helps with the Instagram it's like he's trying to get a pass in to the dark web!
I haven't liked the idea of him being called a paedophile as we have no proof although children lie about their age and I thought Jess looked younger than her years!

It's ridiculous the cognitive dissonance in this family...Chris covers himself up and the younger girls in swimming pools but their teen daughter whose just maturing can show practically everything!
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The picture of her and the lolly is pretty shocking tbh and also the instagram story of her today, shocking. Her parents should be keeping an eye on what she is posting.
There was another photo with the lolly that went very quickly literally of her tongue out licking lolly seductively. I can't imagine thats Lazy I reckon it's creepy all the way and can you imagine the sounds he makes whilst taking these sort of photos, yeahhhh babe, nice one baby girl, just gross. Lazy and creepy your beyond disgusting .
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There was another photo with the lolly that went very quickly literally of her tongue out licking lolly seductively. I can't imagine thats Lazy I reckon it's creepy all the way and can you imagine the sounds he makes whilst taking these sort of photos, yeahhhh babe, nice one baby girl, just gross. Lazy and creepy your beyond disgusting .
Yuck makes me feel sick just thinking about him, he is so creepy.
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The picture of her and the lolly is pretty shocking tbh and also the instagram story of her today, shocking. Her parents should be keeping an eye on what she is posting.
It’s probably Chris who has posted it considering he seems to control her insta
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No compassion for others!
Wow what a bitchy response...not surprised though! If all these ‘other parents’ who’s children didn’t get as much for Xmas didn’t allow their children to watch the Inghams wouldn’t even have a youtube career, talk about biting the hand that feeds you! ??‍♀
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No compassion for others!
What load of gibberish is that? They can’t even get the analogy they’re trying to portray the right way round.
Stick to what you’re best at Minghams, pimping out your kids and... no sorry, duck all else comes to mind.
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