Congratulations @Gertrude Maud for naming the thread, and @Jeeves for nominating it.
Most Liked Posts from the previous thread
Active member
Friday at 8:18 AM
Oh look, MPK who's been at the chateau for 5 minutes has done more useful work than Snorts since his arrival.
VIP Member
Friday at 2:56 AM
So the mirror piece is not original & wormy so burn it to get warm! Annmarie was asked a question & Snorty answered. Shut up wanker you know nothing! You broke the brand new heater by jamming too big wood pieces into it because you are too weak or stupid to use an axe to make them fit. Now Petheric has to fix the stove because you burn it too hot. Do you only google old forks & grinder but not fire & safety of Potty, Baghead & SJ’s chateau. That’s right STILL not your chateau!
Lochness Monster
VIP Member
Friday at 1:18 AM
MP talking about art and history, engaging company.. He fixed a damaged log burner. Meanwhile fairy Snorts has found some old indecipherable wallpaper behind a skirting board and gets praise from Mummy for laying a table. Scintillating...He is so dull and it is highllighted by having MP there.
VIP Member
Thursday at 12:37 PM
LittleMore Cottage
VIP Member
Thursday at 4:18 PM
I know we are all strangers in real life, but I was really anxious that I would loose you all. I live in a very small bubble (of my own choice). Especially in Winter and its nice to come here to visit, talk, discuss and otherwise be social. Looking forward to the VIP this weekend.... I would miss you all, should we suddenly disappear. Who.else can I vent about Fanny and all her sheniganians?
Bogue de Juin
Well-known member
Thursday at 6:07 PM
Well-known member
Thursday at 10:13 AM
Yay, we're back!

Everyone has a nice long patreon video to look forward to as soon as I can get it uploaded
john eccles
Well-known member
Jan 19, 2025
Now, there are days when I know I'm not going to laugh, only to be proven wrong. Said instance happened this morning in the latest episode of Fanny Does Roma. My resistance to a chuckle went out the window when old thunder thighs said, "Philips favorite sculptor". This knob doesn't know his ass from his elbow and to think that he would be capable of holding a conversation on the merits of Italian renaissance sculptors is delusional.
As always thank you all for contributing
Remember we have a wiki
Happy Tattling
Most Liked Posts from the previous thread
Active member
Friday at 8:18 AM
Oh look, MPK who's been at the chateau for 5 minutes has done more useful work than Snorts since his arrival.
VIP Member
Friday at 2:56 AM
So the mirror piece is not original & wormy so burn it to get warm! Annmarie was asked a question & Snorty answered. Shut up wanker you know nothing! You broke the brand new heater by jamming too big wood pieces into it because you are too weak or stupid to use an axe to make them fit. Now Petheric has to fix the stove because you burn it too hot. Do you only google old forks & grinder but not fire & safety of Potty, Baghead & SJ’s chateau. That’s right STILL not your chateau!
Lochness Monster
VIP Member
Friday at 1:18 AM
MP talking about art and history, engaging company.. He fixed a damaged log burner. Meanwhile fairy Snorts has found some old indecipherable wallpaper behind a skirting board and gets praise from Mummy for laying a table. Scintillating...He is so dull and it is highllighted by having MP there.
VIP Member
Thursday at 12:37 PM
LittleMore Cottage
VIP Member
Thursday at 4:18 PM
I know we are all strangers in real life, but I was really anxious that I would loose you all. I live in a very small bubble (of my own choice). Especially in Winter and its nice to come here to visit, talk, discuss and otherwise be social. Looking forward to the VIP this weekend.... I would miss you all, should we suddenly disappear. Who.else can I vent about Fanny and all her sheniganians?
Bogue de Juin
Well-known member
Thursday at 6:07 PM
Many of the Tattlers will be unaware of the heroic acts last night by few of you. We experienced a couple of harrowing hours last night when Tattle was sinking like the Titanic. It's all been deleted unfortunately. A few fast acting and clever Tattlers created safety nets for us, saving the Wiki and finding new meeting places. I went to bed thinking Tattle was gone for good. So pleased to see it lives on to fight another day.M&MsMom said:
You're about 12 hours behind that post I made! Of course I know things have been resolved, but last night, as several of us can attest to, the note that was there this morning explaining that they decided to not shut the site down was not there. THAT is the newest development! Many pages have been deleted from that original post I made until this morning!
Well-known member
Thursday at 10:13 AM
Yay, we're back!

Everyone has a nice long patreon video to look forward to as soon as I can get it uploaded
john eccles
Well-known member
Jan 19, 2025
Now, there are days when I know I'm not going to laugh, only to be proven wrong. Said instance happened this morning in the latest episode of Fanny Does Roma. My resistance to a chuckle went out the window when old thunder thighs said, "Philips favorite sculptor". This knob doesn't know his ass from his elbow and to think that he would be capable of holding a conversation on the merits of Italian renaissance sculptors is delusional.
As always thank you all for contributing
Remember we have a wiki
Happy Tattling